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Initial draft of Booking API 1.0, moving to formal publication |
We've just published an initial editors draft of the Open Booking API 1.0. The updated document can be found here:
Changes include:
Orders now contain arrays of orderedItems and acceptedOffers
A richer set of error conditions
Revised modelling on Order, Payment, Error and around where properties
such as privacyPolicy, termsAndConditions and potentialAction sit
Improved modelling and documentation relating to cancellation of events
Introduction of webhook subscription for brokers to be notified of
events cancelled by booking systems
Moved to use validFrom/validThrough for Offer as it expresses the
intent more clearly than availabilityStarts/availabilityEnds
Improved modelling of free offers which brings it into line with
Modelling Specification 2.0
Finalised new Booking models for Error and Payment
We are publishing this draft so that we can collect comments and feedback from the community as early as possible.
Please review the latest document and file your feedback on github:
We'd like to get this published as a formal community group deliverable in the next 2-3 weeks.
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