- All lines which start with hash sign (#) are treated as comments and ignored by the program.
- The configuration doesn't need to be in exact order, but some entries are required by the program to run.
- All names of settings are case-insensitive, thus, it can be verbosity or output and Verbosity or OUTPUT.
- The list of available program's rules is available in the project's documentation.
The minimal level of messages which will be shown in the program output. It is an optional parameter. If not set, the program will be show only the standard messages. The message about starting the program, will always be shown as it is set before setting the level of verbosity. The setting below sets the verbosity level to show all, even debug messages. For names of levels, the program uses the Level enumeration values from the standard Nim logging module.
verbosity lvlAll
The maximum amount of the program's reports after which the program will stop working.
The reports means found violations of check, fix types of rules and any
findings for search rules. The summary of count rules doesn't count to the
limit. For example, setting this value to 20 will stop the program after it find
20 places in the code where a rule type check is violated. NOTICE: if
you reset the configuration with the reset
setting, maxReports
setting will
be reset too. The default value for the setting is max value for Nim integer,
around 4 billions.
maxreports 20
The path to the file in which the output of the program will be saved. It is an optional parameter. If not set, the program's output will be only on the console. The path must be in Unix form. It will be converted to the proper path by the program. Also, the path can be absolute or relative. In the second form, the path must be relative to the place from which nimalyzer is executed (working directory). The moment from which the output will be saved to the file depends on the position of this setting in the configuration file. If you don't want to save any configuration related output, you can put it at the end of the file. If there is the word new before the path to the file, the content of the file will be removed before start logging. Otherwise, the logging messages will be added at the end of the file.
output new nimalyzer.log
The command which will be executed when the fix type of the program's rule encounter a problem and the rule doesn't contain a code to automatically fix it. It is an optional parameter. If not set, the program will try to open the selected file in editor. Available parameters for the command are: {fileName} which during execution will be replaced by the relative path to the currently checked file, and {line} which will be replaced by the line in the code which causes the problem. The rest of the setting will be used by the executed program as an argument(s). The setting below will open the file in NeoVim.
fixcommand nvim +{line} {fileName}
If the setting is set to true or 1, any subsequent program's rule will execute the command sets with fixcommand setting or the default one instead of its fix code. If the setting is set to false or 0, following program's rules will use their auto fix code or the command sets with the fixcommand setting if they don't contain a code to automatically fix the checked code. The setting below will force all the program's rules defined below to execute fixcommand instead of their code.
forcefixcommand true
If the setting is set to true or 1 the program will show the short summary information about resources usage during analyzing the code. If the setting is set to false or 0 or doesn't exist in the configuration file, the summary will not be presented. It is an optional parameter. The position of the setting in the configuration file doesn't matter as the statistics are always started to count from the start of the program. The setting below enables the program's summary. :: showSummary true
The path to the file which will be analyzed. The path must be in Unix form. It will be converted to the proper path by the program. A configuration file must have at least one source file defined. You can add more than one source setting per file. Also, the path can be absolute or relative. In the second form, the path must be relative to the place from which nimalyzer is executed (working directory).
source src/config.nim source src/nimalyzer.nim source src/main.nim source src/rules.nim source src/utils.nim source tools/gendoc.nim source tools/genrule.nim source tests/utils/helpers.nim
By default, the program adds to check only files with extensions .nim or .nims. If your source code files have different extensions, you can add their list with 'extensions' setting. All extensions must be separated by comma and space. It is recommended to set this setting before any 'directory' settings. The setting below will add extensions .inc and .cfg to the list of files' extensions for 'directory' setting. :: extensions .inc, .cfg
The directory which content will be analyzed. The path must be in Unix form. It will be converted to the proper path by the program. A configuration file must have at least one source file defined, by 'source', 'files' or 'directory' settings. You can add more than one directory setting per file. The program looks in the directory only for files with extensions .nim or .nims. Also, the path can be absolute or relative. In the second form, the path must be relative to the place from which nimalyzer is executed (working directory). The setting below will check all files in directory "src" and its subdirectories.
directory src
The pattern of path for the list of files which will be analyzed. The path must be in Unix form. It will be converted to the proper path by the program. A configuration file must have at least one source file defined, by 'source', 'files' or 'directory' settings. You can add more than one files setting per file. Also, the path can be absolute or relative. In the second form, the path must be relative to the place from which nimalyzer is executed (working directory). The pattern below check all files with 'nim' extension in "tests" directory.
files tests/*.nim
The ignore directive allows to remove the selected file from the list of files to analyze. The path to the file should be exactly the same as set by 'source', 'files' or 'directory' settings. The syntax is: ignore [file path]. If the previous setting for the file was an absolute path, the ignore setting must be an absolute path too. The setting below will remove file "src/rules.nim" from the list of files to check.
ignore src/rules.nim
The ignoredir directive allows to remove all files from the selected directory from the list of files to analyze. The path to the directory should be exactly the same as set by 'source', 'files' or 'directory' settings. The syntax is:
ignoredir [directory path]. If the previous setting for the directory was an
absolute path, the ignoredir setting must be an absolute path too. The setting below will remove all files in the directory "src/rules" from the list of files to check.
ignoredir src/rules
The message directive allows to add a message to the program's output during its execution. The syntax is: message [text of the message]. The text doesn't need to be enclosed with quotes. The first message added before adding any of the program's rules is always threatened specially. It is added only once, before the program starts checking the rules. Any message added after any rule, will be repeated for each checked file. The setting below will show the message in the program's output (console and the log file) only once.
message Checking the program, tools and the program's unit tests
Check rules are rules, which when violated by the source code, will produce the program error by nimalyzer. The syntax is: check ?not? [nameOfTheRule] [parameters], where nameOfTheRule is mandatory and requirement for parameters depends on the rule. Name of the rule to check must be one of defined in the program, but it is case-insensitive in a configuration file. HasPragma is equal to haspragma or hasPRAGMA. If the optional word "not" is present, the program will check the rule in opposite direction. For example, rule hasPragma will check if procedures doesn't have the selected pragmas. The message's level for info about the line of code which violates the rule is lvlError. The settings below checks for:
- If all procedures in the source code have pragma "contractual", "raises" and "tags". The last two can be empty or have listed values.
- If all parameters of all procedures are used in the code.
- If all parameters of all macros used in the code.
- If all parameters of all procedures don't use
for their parameters. - If all parameters of all macros don't use
for their parameters. - If all calls in the code uses named parameters.
- If all public declarations and module have documentation, but without checking fields of objects' declarations.
- If all variables' declarations have declared type and value for them.
- If any local variable declaration can be updated to let or const.
- If any local variable declaration hides previously declared variable.
- If any
statement can be upgraded. - If any
statement uses iteratorspairs
. - If there are no empty
statements. - If all source code files have the legal header.
- If any assignment can be updated to shorthand assignment.
- If any
statement can be replaced withif
statement due to small amount of branches. - If any
statement can be replaced withcase
statement due to large amount of branches. - If any code block doesn't exceed limit of cyclomatic complexity.
- If any
statement doesn't have emptyexcept
branch - If all object's type's declarations contains only private fields and don't use
for their fields' types. - If all objects have declared constructors.
- If all variables' declarations don't use
types. - If all ranges declarations don't have spaces before and after
- ::
- check hasPragma procedures contractual "raises: [" "tags: ["
Explanation allows setting a message which will be shown to the user when the program meets the code which violates the previously declared rule's settings. It works only for check and fix types of rules. In that situation, the message is included into the error information. The explanation setting should be always declared after the program's rule declaration. Several consecutive explanation settings will override the previous one, only the last is always taken. The setting shouldn't contain a new line characters.
explanation Contracts helps in testing the program and all declared procedures should have declared contracts for them. The procedures should avoid raising exceptions and handle each possible exception by themselves for greater stability of the program. The information about the effects system by tags pragma can also help in understanding what exactly the procedure doing. check params used procedures explanation Unused parameters only clutter the source code and can cause confusion. check params used macros explanation Unused parameters only clutter the source code and can cause confusion. check not params standardtypes procedures explanation Using standard types like string or int can lead to hard to find bugs when wrong parameters are interacting with self. Also, using a separated types give more information about the parameter. check not params standardtypes macros explanation Using standard types like string or int can lead to hard to find bugs when wrong parameters are interacting with self. Also, using a separated types give more information about the parameter. check namedParams explanation Named parameters allow avoiding assigning invalid values to the calls but also allow to assing the calls' parameters in arbitrary order. check hasDoc all explanation The documentation is a love's letter to your future self. :) Documentation make our lives easier, especially if we have return to the code after a longer period of time. check varDeclared full explanation The full declaration of variables gives information about their types and sets the initial values for them which can prevent sometimes in hard to detect errors, when the default values change. check varUplevel explanation The proper usage of var, let and const types of declaration make the code more readable and prevent from invalid assigning to a variable which shouldn't be assigned. check localHides explanation If a local variable has the same name as a global one declared in the same scope, it can lead to hard to read code or even invalid assign to the variable. check ifStatements all explanation All the rules enabled make the code more readable. Empty statements are just a dead code. If the statement contains a finishing statment, like return or raise, then it is better to move its following brach outside the statement for better readability. Also using positive conditions in the starting expression helps in preventing in some logical errors. check not forStatements iterators explanation There is no need to write information about usage of pairs or items iterators, it can be read directly from the code from the first part of the for statement declaration. check forStatements empty explanation Empty statements are just a dead code which made the code harder to read. check comments legal explanation Each source code file should have the legal information, required by BSD-3 license. check assignments shorthand explanation Shorthand assignments are shorter to write and can be more readable, especially with long names of variables. check caseStatements min 3 explanation Short case statements can be replaced by if statements for better readablity. check ifStatements max 3 explanation Long if statements can be replaced by case statements for better readability. check complexity all 40 explanation A code with high cyclomatic complexity is hard to understand and maintain. Please reduce the amount of the code branches (like, loops, if or case statements). check not trystatements empty explanation Except branches with names of exceptions made code more readable. It also prevents problems when the checked code will start propagating new exceptions. check not objects fields explanation Each object's declaration should define also getters and setters for its fields. It made maintaining the code easier, when the type will be upgraded or required to use in multithread environment. check objects constructors explanation Each object should have constructors and use them for creating new instances of the object. It made maintaining the code easier, when the type will be upgraded or required to use in multithread environment. check not vardeclared standardtypes explanation Using standard types like string or int can lead to hard to find bugs when wrong variables are interacting with self. Also, using a separated types give more information about the variable. check not ranges spaces explanation It just enforce Nim coding style. Don't add spaces before and after sign ..
Search rules are similar to the check rules. The main difference is that they usually return information about the line in source code which meet the rule requirements. Another difference is, that they return the program's error if nothing is found. The syntax is search ?not? [nameOfTheRule] [parameters]. All requirements for setting a search rule are the same as for check rules, written above. The message's level for info about the line of code which meet the rule's requirements is lvlNotice. The setting below will look for procedures with names "message" in the source code and return information about the file and line in which they are found.
search hasEntity nkProcDef message
Count rules are similar to the search rules. The main difference is that they always return success, no matter how many results are found. Another difference is, that they return only the amount of results which meet the rule requirements. The syntax is count ?not? [nameOfTheRule] [parameters]. All requirements for setting a count rule are the same as for check rules, written above. The message's level for info about amount of the results which meet the rule's requirements is lvlNotice. The setting below will look for procedures with not declared pragma "contractual" and returns the amount of results found.
count not hasPragma contractual
Fix rules are similar to the check rules. The main difference is if they find a problem, they will try to fix it. How exactly fixing works, depends on the rule. You can find detailed information how that kind of the rule affects the checked code in its documentation. There are two ways: either the rule will try to change the code to fix the problem, or the command configured above with option fixcommand will be executed. For more general information about the fix type of rules, its limits and how it affects the code, please refer to the main program's documentation. Another difference with check type of rules is that the fix type returns false only when the checked code was automatically changed by the rule. The syntax is fix ?not? [nameOfTheRule] [parameters]. All requirements for setting a fix rule are the same as for check rules, written above. The message's level for info about the line of code which violates the rule's requirements is lvlError. The setting below will look for procedures without pragma sideEffect in the source code and add the pragma to any procedure which doesn't have it.
fix hasPragma procedures sideEffect
The reset setting is a special setting. It causes the program to resets its
whole configuration, so the new set of files with rules can be set in the
file. When the program encounters the reset setting during parsing, it stops
parsing and execute the selected settings. After finishing, the program will
return to parsing the configuration file and start parsing it right from the
last encountered reset option. For example, the setting below stops parsing
the configuration file, checks the code of the program and later sets the
settings for check the program's rules. The setting will also reset the
setting maxReports
to its default value.
Here is the list of check rules to check by the program in the second section of the configuration. They are almost the same as for the previous list of the check rules, with some minor differences in rules settings. We also set again the list of files to check and the message to show it only once as there is no rules configured for the program.
files src/rules/*.nim message Checking the program's rules check hasPragma all contractual "raises: [*" explanation Contracts helps in testing the program and all declared procedures should have declared contracts for them. The procedures should avoid raising exceptions and handle each possible exception by themselves for greater stability of the program. check params used procedures explanation Unused parameters only clutter the source code and can cause confusion. check params used macros explanation Unused parameters only clutter the source code and can cause confusion. check not params standardtypes all explanation Using standard types like string or int can lead to hard to find bugs when wrong parameters are interacting with self. Also, using a separated types give more information about the parameter. check namedParams explanation Named parameters allow avoiding assigning invalid values to the calls but also allow to assing the calls' parameters in arbitrary order. check hasDoc all explanation The documentation is a love's letter to your future self. :) Documentation make our lives easier, especially if we have return to the code after a longer period of time. check varDeclared full explanation The full declaration of variables gives information about their types and sets the initial values for them which can prevent sometimes in hard to detect errors, when the default values change. check varUplevel explanation The proper usage of var, let and const types of declaration make the code more readable and prevent from invalid assigning to a variable which shouldn't be assigned. check localHides explanation If a local variable has the same name as a global one declared in the same scope, it can lead to hard to read code or even invalid assign to the variable. check ifStatements all explanation All the rules enabled make the code more readable. Empty statements are just a dead code. If the statement contains a finishing statment, like return or raise, then it is better to move its following brach outside the statement for better readability. Also using positive conditions in the starting expression helps in preventing in some logical errors. check not forStatements iterators explanation There is no need to write information about usage of pairs or items iterators, it can be read directly from the code from the first part of the for statement declaration. check forStatements empty explanation Empty statements are just a dead code which made the code harder to read. check comments legal explanation Each source code file should have the legal information, required by BSD-3 license. check assignments shorthand explanation Shorthand assignments are shorter to write and can be more readable, especially with long names of variables. check caseStatements min 3 explanation Short case statements can be replaced by if statements for better readablity. check ifStatements max 3 explanation Long if statements can be replaced by case statements for better readability. check complexity all 40 explanation A code with high cyclomatic complexity is hard to understand and maintain. Please reduce the amount of the code branches (like, loops, if or case statements). check not trystatements empty explanation Except branches with names of exceptions made code more readable. It also prevents problems when the checked code will start propagating new exceptions. check not objects fields explanation Each object's declaration should define also getters and setters for its fields. It made maintaining the code easier, when the type will be upgraded or required to use in multithread environment. check objects constructors explanation Each object should have constructors and use them for creating new instances of the object. It made maintaining the code easier, when the type will be upgraded or required to use in multithread environment. check not vardeclared standardtypes explanation Using standard types like string or int can lead to hard to find bugs when wrong variables are interacting with self. Also, using a separated types give more information about the variable. check not ranges spaces explanation It just enforce Nim coding style. Don't add spaces before and after sign ..