When Superbird detects "Hey Spotify", it starts streaming microphone audio to the phone in ogg format in .5 second chunks. Currently, connector just writes the audio to a .ogg file.
Need to implement transcript response from the Spotify app. Looks like this:
In this example, I said "testing".
This is sent as an EVENT to com.spotify.superbird.voice.session_updates
is the .ogg filename in microphone data packets
can be a partial or final transcript
When speech-to-text is done, isFinal
and isEndOfSpeech
get set to True and Superbird displays the transcript.
I'm currently not 100% how search results are added to the home screen, but it's likely with the message below.
When Spotify starts speaking, it sends {'state': 'STARTED'}
as an EVENT to com.spotify.superbird.tts.state
When results are ready, Spotify sends following message as an EVENT to com.spotify.superbird.voice.session_updates
'title':'52 Hearts',
'subtitle':'Bao The Whale'
'title':'rare animal',
'subtitle':'glass beach'
'title':'Silhouette (feat. Milk Talk)',
'subtitle':'Moe Shop, Milk Talk'
'title':'classic j dies and goes to hell part 1',
'subtitle':'glass beach'
'subtitle':'Moe Shop, MONICO'
'title':'Citrus Love',
'subtitle':'Bao The Whale, Overspace'
'title':'You Can Give Spaghetti to a Rat',
'subtitle':'Classic J'
'subtitle':"Snail's House"
'ttsPrompt':'<speak xml:lang="en-US">Sure, 52 Hearts <break time="100ms"/> plus other search results.</speak>',
'ttsUrl': 'Omitted just in case. Spotify does TTS on their servers using ReadSpeaker and this url points to the TTS mp3',
After it's done speaking, it sends {'state': 'FINISHED'}
as an event to com.spotify.superbird.voice.session_updates
Sometimes the app will send other EVENTs like this: (In this example, I said 'save this song')
'ttsPrompt':'<speak xml:lang="en-US">Saved</speak>',
'ttsUrl':'Omitted just in case. Spotify does TTS on their servers using ReadSpeaker and this url points to the TTS mp3',
'query':'save this song',
Intent and action handler code can be found here: https://github.com/Merlin04/superbird-webapp/tree/modded/component/VoiceConfirmation
- Phone calls - On iOS, phone calls are handled through iAP (Apple accessory protocol) but there might be a way to trigger the call screen from Connector https://github.com/Merlin04/superbird-webapp/blob/5781976ec7fb56aceeedc7c4bcb7c83b70067636/store/AndroidPhoneCallStore.ts#L41