Parse notes and interval names. Calculate distances and transpositions
is the core module of the tonal
music theory library.
Normally you don't use this module directly.
Get note and interval properties:
import { note, interval } from "@tonaljs/core";
note("c4"); // => { name: 'C4', oct: 4, ...}
interval("p5"); // => { name: '5P', semitones: 7, ...}
Transpose notes and calculate intervals:
import { transpose, distance } from "@tonaljs/core";
transpose("C4", "5P"); // => "G4"
distance("C4", "G4"); // => "5P"
Given a note name, it returns an object with the following properties:
- name: the note name
- pc: the pitch class name
- letter: the note letter
- step: the letter number (0..6)
- acc: the note accidentals
- alt: the accidental number (..., -1 = 'b', 0 = '', 1 = '#', ...)
- oct: the octave (or null if not present)
- chroma: the note chroma (0..11)
- midi: the note midi or null if octave is not present
- freq: the note frequency in Hertzes, or null if the octave is note present
// =>
// {
// name: "Ab4",
// pc: "Ab",
// letter: "A",
// acc: "b",
// step: 5,
// alt: -1,
// oct: 4,
// chroma: 8,
// midi: 68,
// freq: 415.3046975799451,
// }
This function always returns an object:
note("hello"); // => { empty: true, name: "" }
Given an interval name, ite returns an object with the following properties:
- name: the interval name
- type: perfectable | majorable
- dir: direction: 1 | -1
- num: the interval number
- q: quality (...| 'dd' | 'd' | 'm' | 'M' | 'A' | ...)
- alt: the quality number as a number
- oct: the number of octaves it spans
- semitones: the number of semitones it spans
- simple: the simplified number
// =>
// {
// name: "4d",
// type: "perfectable",
// dir: 1,
// num: 4,
// q: "d",
// alt: -1,
// chroma: 4,
// oct: 0,
// semitones: 4,
// simple: 4,
// }
This function always returns an object:
interval("hello"); // => { empty: true, name: "" }
Transpose a note by an interval. It returns the note name or "" if not valid parameters.
transpose("d3", "3M"); // => "F#3"
transpose("D", "3M"); // => "F#"
["C", "D", "E", "F", "G"].map(pc => transpose(pc, "M3"));
// => ["E", "F#", "G#", "A", "B"]
This function always returns a string:
transpose("one", "two"); // => ""
Find the distance between two notes. It returns the interval name, or "" if not valid parameters.
distance("C3", "E4"); // => "10M"
If one of the note is a pitch class, the interval will be simple:
distance("C", "E"); // => "3M"
distance("C", "E4"); // => "3M"
distance("C4", "E"); // => "3M"
This function always returns a string:
distance("today", "tomorrow"); // => ""
Take a look to @tonaljs/note or @tonaljs/interval modules.
note("C4").octave; // => 4
note("C4").midi; // => 60
note("C4").empty; // => false
note("x").empty; // => true
note("x").name; // => ""
note("x").octave; // => undefined
// remove all invalid note names
[...].map(note).filter(n => !n.empty).map(n =>
You can test the midi numbers:
note("Cb4").midi === note("B3").midi;
Or better yet, use the height
property that is also present on pitch classes (in notes without octaves midi property is null
note("Cb").height === note("B").height;
note("Cb4").pc + 5; // => "Cb5"