This project is part of the software technology module at the "THM-Mittelhessen". Only the current members of the group "Flutter-App" are allowed to contribute to this project. The group leaders are Dario Pläschke and Franz Johann Leonhardt who will manage the jira platform, distribute the tasks among the members etc.
All group members are allowed to create issues on the jira-platform under relating epic issues. Each issue begins with an idea that outlines a certain topic. This topic can be an occuring bug, security leaks, requested feature, etc. When creating an issue a very detailed explaination is necessary. Be sure that this includes a describing title combined with an detailed description. This description depends on the certain topic and should consists of all necessary informations. A bug report for example should consists of:
- steps to recreate the bug
- log from flutter dev tools
- all further informations
Labels are essential for further filtering and sorting. Thats why every issue should have at least one label showing the content. If there is no matching one you should create one in consultation with the group leaders.
Another part are components which must be selected appropriately.
Issues are assigned by the group leaders or in consultation with them. When editing an issue make sure that it has been moved to the in progress column at the kanban board. After that you create the branch starting with the number of the issue (SWTP21T3-XXXXX - xx is the number). Make sure you are in the right branch from which you want to branch from and your local is up-to-date. This branch is mainly develop and sometimes the epic branch of an epic issue.
git checkout develop
git pull origin develop
git checkout -b <branch_name>
Within a branch there are rules for each commit:
- each commit have only one specific goal
- each goal should not split up into multiple commits
In addition to that the commit message should follow a specific pattern:
- the header (first row) should clearly state which change has been approached
- the header must not be longer than 50 characters
- the header starts with a capital letter
- the header is written in presence imperative (Add ..., Change ...)
- the header is followed by an empty row
- all remaining rows are used to further describe the commit and are not subject to any rules
git add <file>
git commit
git push origin <branch_name>
A branch of an issue leads to a merge-request to the develop or epic-issue branch. In order to accept the merge request the following rules must be observed:
- the branch is rebased
git checkout <branch_name>
git rebase -no-ff <develop or epic issue>
[fix merge conflicts]
git push -f origin <branch_name>
- the review process is carried out by at least one other group member
- make sure to enter the required time for this issue
- the merge should not be handeled by the requesting person.