A choice dictionary is a bitset containing n elements that supports reading and setting a bit in constant time and additionally a so-called choice operation that returns the position of an arbitrary bit that is set to 1 in constant time.
- get(i): Returns the bit at index i.
- insert(i): Set the bit at index i to 1.
- remove(i): Set the bit at index i to 0.
- choice: Returns an arbitrary bit position that is set to 1.
- Time: O(1) (all operations)
- Space: n+o(n)
#include "sealib/dictionary/choicedictionary.h"
int main() {
ChoiceDictionary cd(12);
cd.insert(0); // Indexing begins with 0
cd.get(0); // Returns 1
cd.get(2); // Returns 0
cd.choice(); // May return 0, 4, 7 or 11.
A ChoiceDictionaryIterator is used to iterate through all bits set to 1 in a choice dictionary. It supports the so-called more operation that returns true if the choice dictionary contains more bits set to 1, aswell as the next operation that returns the index of the next arbitrary bit.
- init: Initializes the ChoiceDictionaryIterator.
- more: Returns true if there are more bits set to 1.
- next: Returns the next arbitrary bit position that is set to 1.
- Time: O(1) (all operations)
#include "sealib/iterator/choicedictionaryiterator.h"
int main() {
Sealib::ChoiceDictionary cd(12);
Sealib::ChoiceDictionaryIterator it(&cd);
cd.insert(0); // Indexing begins with 0
while (it.more()) { // Returns true if more bits are set to 1
it.next(); // May return the next arbitrary bit 0, 4, 7 or 11.