A ragged dictionary is a data structure that manages a subset of the universe {0,...,n-1}. The dictionary contains at most n/log(n) key-value tuples.
- member(k): Checks if k is a member of the dictionary.
- someId(): Returns an arbitrary key managed by the dictionary, or INVALID if the dictionary is empty.
- allIds(): Returns a ChoiceDictionaryIterator over all keys in the dictionary.
- get(k): Returns the value stored for key k.
- insert(k,v): Inserts or updates the key k with the value v.
- remove(k): Removes the tuple with key k from the dictionary.
- Time: O(1) (member, someId, allIds) ~ O(log(log(n))) (get, insert, remove)
- Space: O(n) bits
#include "sealib/dictionary/raggeddictionary.h"
int main() {
Sealib::RaggedDictionary d(1000);
// ...
Sealib::ChoiceDictionaryIterator ci = d.allIds();
while(ci.more()) {
// do something