Get acquainted with the UI. There are two ways to get started with FindFirst:
- Visit the live site: FindFirst
docker-compose up
on this directory and sign in with the test userjsmith:test
- Docker
- Docker Compose
- Java 17
- Node 20
- OpenSSL
There are handful of ways to develop this application and the configuration has been maintained in a way where most of the stack can be run on local host and docker without any problems.
and all the containers are rebuilt.docker compose down --remove-orphans
docker compose up
- Open browser navigate to localhost:3000
- Create a user or use the test account:
- Username: jsmith
- password: test
- Create a user or use the test account:
docker compose up db mail
cd frontend; pnpm run dev
- All changes to the frontend code are hot reloaded.
- Now user your favorite IDE!
- Open a new terminal tab/window.
cd server
- Requires OpenSSL installed on machine.
./gradlew build bootRun
- Use any IDE that you like, VSCode
- Neovim
- etc.
- The project does hot reload well, if the IDE your using supports it with the JDTLS.
- Create another terminal tab
cd screenshot
./gradlew bootRun
- Open browser navigate to localhost:3000
- Create a user or use the test account:
- Username: jsmith
- password: test
- Create a user or use the test account:
- The application supports running the app in a mixed environment. For example running everything but the backend in docker compose:
docker compose db frontend mail screenshot
Then executing: cd server && ./gradlew bootRun
One exception is from the backend in docker compose communicating with the screenshot service running on host.
docker compose up mail server db frontend
This will allow the backend to reach localhost where the screenshot service is running.