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JAVA 8 - Cheat Sheet

Lambda Expression

(int a) -> a * 2; // Calculate the double of a
a -> a * 2; // or simply without type
(a, b) -> a + b; // Sum of 2 parameters

If the lambda is more than one expression we can use { } and return

(x, y) -> {
	int sum = x + y;
	int avg = sum / 2;
	return avg;

A lambda expression cannot stand alone in Java, it need to be associated to a functional interface.

interface MyMath {
    int getDoubleOf(int a);
MyMath d = a -> a * 2; // associated to the interface
d.getDoubleOf(4); // is 8

All examples with "list" use :

List<String> list = [Bohr, Darwin, Galilei, Tesla, Einstein, Newton]


sort sort(list, comparator)

list.sort((a, b) -> a.length() - b.length())
list.sort(Comparator.comparing(n -> n.length())); // same
list.sort(Comparator.comparing(String::length)); // same
//> [Bohr, Tesla, Darwin, Newton, Galilei, Einstein]


list.removeIf(w -> w.length() < 6);
//> [Darwin, Galilei, Einstein, Newton]

merge merge(key, value, remappingFunction)

Map<String, String> names = new HashMap<>();
names.put("Albert", "Ein?");
names.put("Marie", "Curie");
names.put("Max", "Plank");

// Value "Albert" exists
// {Marie=Curie, Max=Plank, Albert=Einstein}
names.merge("Albert", "stein", (old, val) -> old.substring(0, 3) + val);

// Value "Newname" don't exists
// {Marie=Curie, Newname=stein, Max=Plank, Albert=Einstein}
names.merge("Newname", "stein", (old, val) -> old.substring(0, 3) + val);

Method Expressions Class::staticMethod

Allows to reference methods (and constructors) without executing them

// Lambda Form:
getPrimes(numbers, a -> StaticMethod.isPrime(a));

// Method Reference:
getPrimes(numbers, StaticMethod::isPrime);
Method Reference Lambda Form
StaticMethod::isPrime n -> StaticMethod.isPrime(n)
String::toUpperCase (String w) -> w.toUpperCase()
String::compareTo (String s, String t) -> s.compareTo(t)
System.out::println x -> System.out.println(x)
Double::new n -> new Double(n)
String[]::new (int n) -> new String[n]


Similar to collections, but

  • They don't store their own data
  • The data comes from elsewhere (collection, file, db, web, ...)
  • immutable (produce new streams)
  • lazy (only computes what is necessary !)
// Will compute just 3 "filter"
Stream<String> longNames = list
   .filter(n -> n.length() > 8)

Create a new stream

Stream<Integer> stream = Stream.of(1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 11);
Stream<String> stream = Stream.of("Jazz", "Blues", "Rock");
Stream<String> stream = Stream.of(myArray); // or from an array; // or from a list

// Infinit stream [0; inf[
Stream<Integer> integers = Stream.iterate(0, n -> n + 1);

Collecting results

// Collect into an array (::new is the constructor reference)
String[] myArray = stream.toArray(String[]::new);

// Collect into a List or Set
List<String> myList = stream.collect(Collectors.toList());
Set<String> mySet = stream.collect(Collectors.toSet());

// Collect into a String
String str = list.collect(Collectors.joining(", "));

map map(mapper)
Applying a function to each element

// Apply "toLowerCase" for each element
res = -> w.toLowerCase());
res =;
//> bohr darwin galilei tesla einstein newton

res = Stream.of(1,2,3,4,5).map(x -> x + 1);
//> 2 3 4 5 6

filter filter(predicate)
Retains elements that match the predicate

// Filter elements that begin with "E"
res = stream.filter(n -> n.substring(0, 1).equals("E"));
//> Einstein

res = Stream.of(1,2,3,4,5).filter(x -> x < 3);
//> 1 2

Reduce the elements to a single value

String reduced = stream
	.reduce("", (acc, el) -> acc + "|" + el);
//> |Bohr|Darwin|Galilei|Tesla|Einstein|Newton

limit limit(maxSize) The n first elements

res = stream.limit(3);
//> Bohr Darwin Galilei

skip Discarding the first n elements

res = strem.skip(2); // skip Bohr and Darwin
//> Galilei Tesla Einstein Newton

distinct Remove duplicated elemetns

res = Stream.of(1,0,0,1,0,1).distinct();
//> 1 0

sorted Sort elements (must be Comparable)

res = stream.sorted();
//> Bohr Darwin Einstein Galilei Newton Tesla 


// Check if there is a "e" in each elements
boolean res = words.allMatch(n -> n.contains("e"));

anyMatch: Check if there is a "e" in an element
noneMatch: Check if there is no "e" in elements

parallel Returns an equivalent stream that is parallel

findAny faster than findFirst on parallel streams

Primitive-Type Streams

Wrappers (like Stream) are inefficients. It requires a lot of unboxing and boxing for each element. Better to use IntStream, DoubleStream, etc.


IntStream stream = IntStream.of(1, 2, 3, 5, 7);
stream = IntStream.of(myArray); // from an array
stream = IntStream.range(5, 80); // range from 5 to 80

Random gen = new Random();
IntStream rand = gen(1, 9); // stream of randoms

Use mapToX (mapToObj, mapToDouble, etc.) if the function yields Object, double, etc. values.

Grouping Results


// Groupe by length
Map<Integer, List<String>> groups = stream
	.collect(Collectors.groupingBy(w -> w.length()));
//> 4=[Bohr], 5=[Tesla], 6=[Darwin, Newton], ...


// Same as before but with Set
... Collectors.groupingBy(
	w -> w.substring(0, 1), Collectors.toSet()) ...

Collectors.counting Count the number of values in a group

Collectors.summing__ summingInt, summingLong, summingDouble to sum group values

Collectors.averaging__ averagingInt, averagingLong, ...

// Average length of each element of a group

PS: Don't forget Optional (like Map<T, Optional<T>>) with some Collection methods (like Collectors.maxBy).

Parallel Streams


Stream<String> parStream = list.parallelStream();
Stream<String> parStream = Stream.of(myArray).parallel();

unordered Can speed up the limit or distinct


PS: Work with the streams library. Eg. use filter(x -> x.length() < 9) instead of a forEach with an if.


In Java, it is common to use null to denote absence of result. Problems when no checks: NullPointerException.

// Optional<String> contains a string or nothing
Optional<String> res = stream
   .filter(w -> w.length() > 10)

// length of the value or "" if nothing
int length = res.orElse("").length();

// run the lambda if there is a value
res.ifPresent(v -> results.add(v));

Return an Optional

Optional<Double> squareRoot(double x) {
   if (x >= 0) { return Optional.of(Math.sqrt(x)); }
   else { return Optional.empty(); }

Note on inferance limitations

interface Pair<A, B> {
    A first();
    B second();

A steam of type Stream<Pair<String, Long>> :

  • stream.sorted(Comparator.comparing(Pair::first)) // ok
  • stream.sorted(Comparator.comparing(Pair::first).thenComparing(Pair::second)) // dont work

Java cannot infer type for the .comparing(Pair::first) part and fallback to Object, on which Pair::first cannot be applied.

The required type for the whole expression cannot be propagated through the method call (.thenComparing) and used to infer type of the first part.

Type must be given explicitly.

    Comparator.<Pair<String, Long>, String>comparing(Pair::first)
) // ok

Exercices et exemples:

// Exercice 1 - Unité 1 //

// Garde les mots plus grand que 20, grâce à la commande removeIf()

public class Exercise
   public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException
      List<String> words = Files.readAllLines(Paths.get("pays.txt"));
      words.removeIf(obj -> obj.length() < 20);

// Exercice 2 - Unité 1 //

List<String> words = Files.readAllLines(Paths.get("pays.txt")); // lit notre fichier
words.removeIf(w -> 
	    int taille = w.length();
	    String first = w.substring(0,1);
	    String last = w.substring(taille-1, taille);
	    return !first.equalsIgnoreCase(last);

// Exercice 3 - Unité 1 //

public class Index
   public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException
      Scanner in = new Scanner(;
      Map<String, String> index = new TreeMap<>();
      int line = 0;
      while (in.hasNextLine())
         for (String word : in.nextLine().split("[^'\\pL]+"))
     		//we merge word into a map with the line in first and then
     		//we take the old value and we add to it the new val value
     		//like this we can keep a trace of old value and add new ones
            index.merge(word, Integer.toString(line), (old, val)-> old + ", " + val);

// Exercice 4 - Unité 1 //

Map<String, Set<Integer>> index = new TreeMap<>();
//nous devons donc faire en sorte que Index soit une Map de String, Set<Integer>
             new TreeSet<>(Arrays.asList(line)), 
             (old, next) -> { 
                return old;

// Exercice 1 - Unité 2 //

class Words
{	//static method to access it from the class name
   public static int vowels(String w)
      return w.length() - w.toLowerCase().replaceAll("[aâàäæeéêèëiîïoôœöuûùüyÿ]", "").length();

public class Exercise
   public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException
      List<String> words = Files.readAllLines(Paths.get("pays.txt"));
      Collections.sort(words, Comparator.comparing(Words::vowels).thenComparing(String::compareTo));

// Exercice 2 - Unité 2 //

class Collections 
   public static <T> T[] toArray(Collection<T> coll, 
      Function<Integer, T[]> constructor)
      T[] result = constructor.apply(coll.size());
      Iterator<T> iter = coll.iterator();
      for (int i = 0; i < result.length; i++)
         result[i] =;
      return result;

public class Exercise
   public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException
      List<String> words = Files.readAllLines(Paths.get("pays.txt"));

      String[] wordArray = Collections.toArray(words, String[]::new); //create new array of strings
      for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)

      // Note: If wordArray was an Object[], you couldn't call 
      // wordArray[i].toUpperCase().

// Exercice 3 - Unité 2 //

// TODO: Make this method receive and return an array.
// Accept a constructor expression for constructing the 
// returned array.
// Function<T, R> { R apply(T args); }
public class Util
	//First parameter of Function<What apply will take, What apply will return>
	//La Function prend un int en paramètre et retournera un nouveau tableau de T[]
	//Here we want apply to take the size of the String[] and to return a new T [] array
   public static <T> T[] filter(T[] values, Predicate<T> p, Function<Integer, T[]> f)
      List<T> result = new ArrayList<>();
      for (T value : values)
      	//predicate test value and add it if it's true
         if (p.test(value)) { result.add(value); }
     //on retourne un array de string et on lui passe la taille
     return result.toArray(f.apply(result.size()));

//Call of the method
String[] wordsWithA = Util.filter(words, w -> w.contains("a"), String[]::new);

//Way to display an array

// Exercice 1 - Unité 3 //

public class Words
   public static long distinctVowels(String str)
        return Stream.of(str.split("")) //on découpe chaque lettres
        		//on prend un lettre et on lui enlève ses accents 
        		//normalize retourne un tableau pour à [a,`]
                .map(c -> Normalizer.normalize(c,Normalizer.Form.NFD)
                //on filtre notre lettre pour savoir si elle fait partie des
                .filter(s -> "aeiou".contains(s))
                .distinct()	//on prend chaque valeur 1 fois si identique
                .count();	//on compte

// Exercice 2 - Unité 3 //

public class Streams
   public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException
		Scanner in = new Scanner(;
		String filename =;
		try (Stream<String> lineStream =  Files.lines(Paths.get(filename))){
			//Ici on retourne le nombre de mot avec 5 voyelles
			long count = lineStream
				.filter(s -> Words.distinctVowels(s) == 5)
			System.out.println(count + " words with 5 distinct vowels");         

		try (Stream<String> lineStream = Files.lines(Paths.get(filename))){
	  		//On souhaite récupérer une liste de string depuis le Stream lineStream
	  		//on filtre les mots ayant 5 voyelles distinctes
	        List<String> result 
	        = lineStream.filter(s -> Words.distinctVowels(s) == 5)
				        //on trie grace a sorted(Comparator.comparing( Fonction de tri )) 
				        //Ici par la longueur (String::length)
				        //on limite au 20 premier résultat
				        //on collect (Collectors) En toList toArray .. etc

// Exercice 3 - Unité 3 //

public class Streams
   List<Pair<String, Long>> wordsWithManyVowels(Stream<String> words, int n)
      return words
         .map(w -> Pair.of(w, 
            (Words.vowels(w) - (w.length() - Words.vowels(w)))))
            Comparator.comparingLong((Pair<String,Long> p) -> -p.second())
                     .thenComparing((Pair<String,Long> p) -> p.first()))

// Collections //

//Exemples avec des collections
//opening est une List<String>
Collections.max(opening, (s,t) -> s.length() - t.length());

// Exemples de Labdas //

//list = (0, 44 , 33) retourne e0,e44,o33
public String getString(List<Integer> list) {
                .map(n -> n % 2 == 0 ? "e" + n : "o" + n)
                //joining retourne une string séparé par ici une virgule

// Longest word //

//opening est une liste de string
Collections.max(opening, (s,t) -> s.length() - t.length());
//Compartor Stream
       .findFirst().get();	//get retourne un string

// Filter using predicate greater < 5 //
	   .filter(Predicates.greater(String::length,5)) //we pass string.length to func

//L'interface Predicates
interface Predicates{ //func will take a T and an Integer
					  //here T is a String and Integer = to the String.length()
	public static <T> Predicate<T> greater(Function<T,Integer> func, int n){
		//so func.apply(p) will return the length of p (a string)
		//A predicate is a lamba that return true or false
		return p -> func.apply(p) > n; 


//----Same without predicates interface
array = -> s.length() > 5).distinct().toArray(String[]::new);

// Triangular method - Iterate with interface //

List<Pair<Integer, Integer>> triangles = Streams.triangular(7) //limite a 7

//we need a method that construct the triangular stream
interface Streams{

	public static Stream<Pair<Integer, Integer>> triangular(int max){
		return Stream.iterate(Pair.of(1,1), //Iterate prend une valeur de départ
							//en second parametre prend les itérations à faire
							 (Pair<Integer, Integer> p) -> Pair.of(p.first() + 1, 
							 									  (p.second() -1 ) + p.fist()))

// Trier les valeurs pair par nom //

                    .filter((Pair<String, Integer> p) -> p.second() % 2 == 0)

System.out.println("-- 5. Sorted even values names");
        .filter((Pair<String, Integer> p) -> p.second() % 2 == 0)
        .sorted(Comparator.comparing((Pair<String, Integer> p) -> p.second()))
        .map((Pair<String,Integer> p) -> p.first())

// Trier les valeurs grâce à une interface //

public class Filterable{

    public static <T> List<T> filter(List<T> mylist, Predicate<T> predicate){

        List<T> list = new ArrayList<>();
        for(T val: mylist){
            if(predicate.test(val)){ list.add(val);}
        return list;


List<Dragon> oldest 
		= Filterable.filter(dragons, d -> d.color() == Dragon.Color.Red 
									&& d.age() >= 4000);

// Summary et Moyennes //
  .mapToInt(i -> i) //lambda basique
                .mapToInt(t -> t.age) //toujours fournir une lambda 
                .summaryStatistics() //.getCount() .getMax() .getSum()

// List vs Maps //

	//ne marche pas sur Array.asList
	//faire List<String> str2 = new ArrayList<String>(str1);
	//removeIf mettre l'inverse de ce que l'on souhaite


Predicate & Streams

interface Predicates{
     public static <T> Predicate<T> greater(Function<T, Integer> f, int n) {
        return p -> f.apply(p) > n;

//Interface Streams mais la méthode retourne un stream
interface Streams{
    public static Stream<Pair<Integer,Integer>> triangular(int max){
        return Stream.iterate(
	        //Graine (valeur de départ)
	        //Calcul des valeurs suivantes
	        (Pair<Integer,Integer> p) -> Pair.of(p.first() + 1, (p.second()-1) + p.first())).limit(max);

// Accumulator //

//Accumulator sum, lambda
Accumulator.accumulate(list, 0, (r, n) -> r + n.second()));

//on definit un interface et une méthode static accumulate qui prendr une liste de Pair<T, Integer> 
//un int de départ
//une FunctionAcc ou T = Pair<T, Integer> en entree et R (retour) retournera un Integer en sortie
interface Accumulator{
    public static <T> int accumulate(List<T> list, int init, FunctionAcc<T, Integer> f ){
        int sum = init;
        for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++){
            sum = f.apply(sum, list.get(i));
        return sum;

interface FunctionAcc<T,R>{
    //doit être redéfinie
    R apply(int init, T arg);

// # 1 il faut redéfinir la fonction apply de notre FunctionAcc anonyme
int sum = Accumulator.accumulate(list, 0, new FunctionAccumulateur<Pair<String, Integer>, Integer>() 
	    public Integer apply(int init, Pair<String, Integer> arg) {
	        return init + arg.second();

//# 2 ou ecrire notre Function en dehors et la passe a l'accumulator
FunctionAccumulateur<Pair<String, Integer>, Integer> f 
				= new FunctionAccumulateur<Pair<String, Integer>, Integer>() 
		    public Integer apply(int init, Pair<String, Integer> pair) {
		        return init + pair.second();

//Ici on passe notre fonction à l'Accumulator
        Accumulator.accumulate(list,0 , f)

Interface Filterable

//Sans Compartor, Streams ou Collections retourne les plus vieux Dragons
public class Filterable
   public static <T> List<T> filter(List<T> list, Predicate<T>p)
     // version one-liner, qui ne respecte pas la consigne (pas de Stream ni Collectors)
     // return;
     // version nettement plus moche, qui respecte la consigne.
     List<T> copy = new LinkedList<T>();
     copy.removeIf(p.negate()); //on enlève si ca ne respecte pas le predicate
     return copy;

This cheat sheet was based on the lecture of Cay Horstmann