(int a) -> a * 2; // Calculate the double of a
a -> a * 2; // or simply without type
(a, b) -> a + b; // Sum of 2 parameters
If the lambda is more than one expression we can use { }
and return
(x, y) -> {
int sum = x + y;
int avg = sum / 2;
return avg;
A lambda expression cannot stand alone in Java, it need to be associated to a functional interface.
interface MyMath {
int getDoubleOf(int a);
MyMath d = a -> a * 2; // associated to the interface
d.getDoubleOf(4); // is 8
All examples with "list" use :
List<String> list = [Bohr, Darwin, Galilei, Tesla, Einstein, Newton]
sort sort(list, comparator)
list.sort((a, b) -> a.length() - b.length())
list.sort(Comparator.comparing(n -> n.length())); // same
list.sort(Comparator.comparing(String::length)); // same
//> [Bohr, Tesla, Darwin, Newton, Galilei, Einstein]
list.removeIf(w -> w.length() < 6);
//> [Darwin, Galilei, Einstein, Newton]
merge(key, value, remappingFunction)
Map<String, String> names = new HashMap<>();
names.put("Albert", "Ein?");
names.put("Marie", "Curie");
names.put("Max", "Plank");
// Value "Albert" exists
// {Marie=Curie, Max=Plank, Albert=Einstein}
names.merge("Albert", "stein", (old, val) -> old.substring(0, 3) + val);
// Value "Newname" don't exists
// {Marie=Curie, Newname=stein, Max=Plank, Albert=Einstein}
names.merge("Newname", "stein", (old, val) -> old.substring(0, 3) + val);
Allows to reference methods (and constructors) without executing them
// Lambda Form:
getPrimes(numbers, a -> StaticMethod.isPrime(a));
// Method Reference:
getPrimes(numbers, StaticMethod::isPrime);
Method Reference | Lambda Form |
StaticMethod::isPrime |
n -> StaticMethod.isPrime(n) |
String::toUpperCase |
(String w) -> w.toUpperCase() |
String::compareTo |
(String s, String t) -> s.compareTo(t) |
System.out::println |
x -> System.out.println(x) |
Double::new |
n -> new Double(n) |
String[]::new |
(int n) -> new String[n] |
Similar to collections, but
- They don't store their own data
- The data comes from elsewhere (collection, file, db, web, ...)
- immutable (produce new streams)
- lazy (only computes what is necessary !)
// Will compute just 3 "filter"
Stream<String> longNames = list
.filter(n -> n.length() > 8)
Create a new stream
Stream<Integer> stream = Stream.of(1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 11);
Stream<String> stream = Stream.of("Jazz", "Blues", "Rock");
Stream<String> stream = Stream.of(myArray); // or from an array
list.stream(); // or from a list
// Infinit stream [0; inf[
Stream<Integer> integers = Stream.iterate(0, n -> n + 1);
Collecting results
// Collect into an array (::new is the constructor reference)
String[] myArray = stream.toArray(String[]::new);
// Collect into a List or Set
List<String> myList = stream.collect(Collectors.toList());
Set<String> mySet = stream.collect(Collectors.toSet());
// Collect into a String
String str = list.collect(Collectors.joining(", "));
map map(mapper)
Applying a function to each element
// Apply "toLowerCase" for each element
res = stream.map(w -> w.toLowerCase());
res = stream.map(String::toLowerCase);
//> bohr darwin galilei tesla einstein newton
res = Stream.of(1,2,3,4,5).map(x -> x + 1);
//> 2 3 4 5 6
filter filter(predicate)
Retains elements that match the predicate
// Filter elements that begin with "E"
res = stream.filter(n -> n.substring(0, 1).equals("E"));
//> Einstein
res = Stream.of(1,2,3,4,5).filter(x -> x < 3);
//> 1 2
Reduce the elements to a single value
String reduced = stream
.reduce("", (acc, el) -> acc + "|" + el);
//> |Bohr|Darwin|Galilei|Tesla|Einstein|Newton
limit limit(maxSize)
The n first elements
res = stream.limit(3);
//> Bohr Darwin Galilei
skip Discarding the first n elements
res = strem.skip(2); // skip Bohr and Darwin
//> Galilei Tesla Einstein Newton
distinct Remove duplicated elemetns
res = Stream.of(1,0,0,1,0,1).distinct();
//> 1 0
sorted Sort elements (must be Comparable)
res = stream.sorted();
//> Bohr Darwin Einstein Galilei Newton Tesla
// Check if there is a "e" in each elements
boolean res = words.allMatch(n -> n.contains("e"));
anyMatch: Check if there is a "e" in an element
noneMatch: Check if there is no "e" in elements
parallel Returns an equivalent stream that is parallel
findAny faster than findFirst on parallel streams
Wrappers (like Stream) are inefficients. It requires a lot of unboxing and boxing for each element. Better to use IntStream
, DoubleStream
, etc.
IntStream stream = IntStream.of(1, 2, 3, 5, 7);
stream = IntStream.of(myArray); // from an array
stream = IntStream.range(5, 80); // range from 5 to 80
Random gen = new Random();
IntStream rand = gen(1, 9); // stream of randoms
Use mapToX (mapToObj, mapToDouble, etc.) if the function yields Object, double, etc. values.
// Groupe by length
Map<Integer, List<String>> groups = stream
.collect(Collectors.groupingBy(w -> w.length()));
//> 4=[Bohr], 5=[Tesla], 6=[Darwin, Newton], ...
// Same as before but with Set
... Collectors.groupingBy(
w -> w.substring(0, 1), Collectors.toSet()) ...
Collectors.counting Count the number of values in a group
, summingLong
, summingDouble
to sum group values
, averagingLong
, ...
// Average length of each element of a group
PS: Don't forget Optional (like Map<T, Optional<T>>
) with some Collection methods (like Collectors.maxBy
Stream<String> parStream = list.parallelStream();
Stream<String> parStream = Stream.of(myArray).parallel();
Can speed up the limit
or distinct
PS: Work with the streams library. Eg. use filter(x -> x.length() < 9)
instead of a forEach
with an if
In Java, it is common to use null to denote absence of result.
Problems when no checks: NullPointerException
// Optional<String> contains a string or nothing
Optional<String> res = stream
.filter(w -> w.length() > 10)
// length of the value or "" if nothing
int length = res.orElse("").length();
// run the lambda if there is a value
res.ifPresent(v -> results.add(v));
Return an Optional
Optional<Double> squareRoot(double x) {
if (x >= 0) { return Optional.of(Math.sqrt(x)); }
else { return Optional.empty(); }
Note on inferance limitations
interface Pair<A, B> {
A first();
B second();
A steam of type Stream<Pair<String, Long>>
stream.sorted(Comparator.comparing(Pair::first)) // ok
stream.sorted(Comparator.comparing(Pair::first).thenComparing(Pair::second)) // dont work
Java cannot infer type for the .comparing(Pair::first)
part and fallback to Object, on which Pair::first
cannot be applied.
The required type for the whole expression cannot be propagated through the method call (.thenComparing
) and used to infer type of the first part.
Type must be given explicitly.
Comparator.<Pair<String, Long>, String>comparing(Pair::first)
) // ok
// Garde les mots plus grand que 20, grâce à la commande removeIf()
public class Exercise
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException
List<String> words = Files.readAllLines(Paths.get("pays.txt"));
words.removeIf(obj -> obj.length() < 20);
List<String> words = Files.readAllLines(Paths.get("pays.txt")); // lit notre fichier
words.removeIf(w ->
int taille = w.length();
String first = w.substring(0,1);
String last = w.substring(taille-1, taille);
return !first.equalsIgnoreCase(last);
public class Index
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException
Scanner in = new Scanner(System.in);
Map<String, String> index = new TreeMap<>();
int line = 0;
while (in.hasNextLine())
for (String word : in.nextLine().split("[^'\\pL]+"))
//we merge word into a map with the line in first and then
//we take the old value and we add to it the new val value
//like this we can keep a trace of old value and add new ones
index.merge(word, Integer.toString(line), (old, val)-> old + ", " + val);
Map<String, Set<Integer>> index = new TreeMap<>();
//nous devons donc faire en sorte que Index soit une Map de String, Set<Integer>
new TreeSet<>(Arrays.asList(line)),
(old, next) -> {
return old;
class Words
{ //static method to access it from the class name
public static int vowels(String w)
return w.length() - w.toLowerCase().replaceAll("[aâàäæeéêèëiîïoôœöuûùüyÿ]", "").length();
public class Exercise
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException
List<String> words = Files.readAllLines(Paths.get("pays.txt"));
Collections.sort(words, Comparator.comparing(Words::vowels).thenComparing(String::compareTo));
class Collections
public static <T> T[] toArray(Collection<T> coll,
Function<Integer, T[]> constructor)
T[] result = constructor.apply(coll.size());
Iterator<T> iter = coll.iterator();
for (int i = 0; i < result.length; i++)
result[i] = iter.next();
return result;
public class Exercise
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException
List<String> words = Files.readAllLines(Paths.get("pays.txt"));
String[] wordArray = Collections.toArray(words, String[]::new); //create new array of strings
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
// Note: If wordArray was an Object[], you couldn't call
// wordArray[i].toUpperCase().
// TODO: Make this method receive and return an array.
// Accept a constructor expression for constructing the
// returned array.
// Function<T, R> { R apply(T args); }
public class Util
//First parameter of Function<What apply will take, What apply will return>
//La Function prend un int en paramètre et retournera un nouveau tableau de T[]
//Here we want apply to take the size of the String[] and to return a new T [] array
public static <T> T[] filter(T[] values, Predicate<T> p, Function<Integer, T[]> f)
List<T> result = new ArrayList<>();
for (T value : values)
//predicate test value and add it if it's true
if (p.test(value)) { result.add(value); }
//on retourne un array de string et on lui passe la taille
return result.toArray(f.apply(result.size()));
//Call of the method
String[] wordsWithA = Util.filter(words, w -> w.contains("a"), String[]::new);
//Way to display an array
public class Words
public static long distinctVowels(String str)
return Stream.of(str.split("")) //on découpe chaque lettres
//on prend un lettre et on lui enlève ses accents
//normalize retourne un tableau pour à [a,`]
.map(c -> Normalizer.normalize(c,Normalizer.Form.NFD)
//on filtre notre lettre pour savoir si elle fait partie des
.filter(s -> "aeiou".contains(s))
.distinct() //on prend chaque valeur 1 fois si identique
.count(); //on compte
public class Streams
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException
Scanner in = new Scanner(System.in);
String filename = in.next();
try (Stream<String> lineStream = Files.lines(Paths.get(filename))){
//Ici on retourne le nombre de mot avec 5 voyelles
long count = lineStream
.filter(s -> Words.distinctVowels(s) == 5)
System.out.println(count + " words with 5 distinct vowels");
try (Stream<String> lineStream = Files.lines(Paths.get(filename))){
//On souhaite récupérer une liste de string depuis le Stream lineStream
//on filtre les mots ayant 5 voyelles distinctes
List<String> result
= lineStream.filter(s -> Words.distinctVowels(s) == 5)
//on trie grace a sorted(Comparator.comparing( Fonction de tri ))
//Ici par la longueur (String::length)
//on limite au 20 premier résultat
//on collect (Collectors) En toList toArray .. etc
public class Streams
List<Pair<String, Long>> wordsWithManyVowels(Stream<String> words, int n)
return words
.map(w -> Pair.of(w,
(Words.vowels(w) - (w.length() - Words.vowels(w)))))
Comparator.comparingLong((Pair<String,Long> p) -> -p.second())
.thenComparing((Pair<String,Long> p) -> p.first()))
//Exemples avec des collections
//opening est une List<String>
Collections.max(opening, (s,t) -> s.length() - t.length());
//list = (0, 44 , 33) retourne e0,e44,o33
public String getString(List<Integer> list) {
return list.stream()
.map(n -> n % 2 == 0 ? "e" + n : "o" + n)
//joining retourne une string séparé par ici une virgule
//opening est une liste de string
Collections.max(opening, (s,t) -> s.length() - t.length());
//Compartor Stream
.findFirst().get(); //get retourne un string
.filter(Predicates.greater(String::length,5)) //we pass string.length to func
//L'interface Predicates
interface Predicates{ //func will take a T and an Integer
//here T is a String and Integer = to the String.length()
public static <T> Predicate<T> greater(Function<T,Integer> func, int n){
//so func.apply(p) will return the length of p (a string)
//A predicate is a lamba that return true or false
return p -> func.apply(p) > n;
//----Same without predicates interface
array = opening.stream().filter(s -> s.length() > 5).distinct().toArray(String[]::new);
List<Pair<Integer, Integer>> triangles = Streams.triangular(7) //limite a 7
//we need a method that construct the triangular stream
interface Streams{
public static Stream<Pair<Integer, Integer>> triangular(int max){
return Stream.iterate(Pair.of(1,1), //Iterate prend une valeur de départ
//en second parametre prend les itérations à faire
(Pair<Integer, Integer> p) -> Pair.of(p.first() + 1,
(p.second() -1 ) + p.fist()))
.filter((Pair<String, Integer> p) -> p.second() % 2 == 0)
System.out.println("-- 5. Sorted even values names");
.filter((Pair<String, Integer> p) -> p.second() % 2 == 0)
.sorted(Comparator.comparing((Pair<String, Integer> p) -> p.second()))
.map((Pair<String,Integer> p) -> p.first())
public class Filterable{
public static <T> List<T> filter(List<T> mylist, Predicate<T> predicate){
List<T> list = new ArrayList<>();
for(T val: mylist){
if(predicate.test(val)){ list.add(val);}
return list;
List<Dragon> oldest
= Filterable.filter(dragons, d -> d.color() == Dragon.Color.Red
&& d.age() >= 4000);
.mapToInt(i -> i) //lambda basique
.mapToInt(t -> t.age) //toujours fournir une lambda
.summaryStatistics() //.getCount() .getMax() .getSum()
//ne marche pas sur Array.asList
//faire List<String> str2 = new ArrayList<String>(str1);
//removeIf mettre l'inverse de ce que l'on souhaite
interface Predicates{
public static <T> Predicate<T> greater(Function<T, Integer> f, int n) {
return p -> f.apply(p) > n;
//Interface Streams mais la méthode retourne un stream
interface Streams{
public static Stream<Pair<Integer,Integer>> triangular(int max){
return Stream.iterate(
//Graine (valeur de départ)
//Calcul des valeurs suivantes
(Pair<Integer,Integer> p) -> Pair.of(p.first() + 1, (p.second()-1) + p.first())).limit(max);
//Accumulator sum, lambda
Accumulator.accumulate(list, 0, (r, n) -> r + n.second()));
//on definit un interface et une méthode static accumulate qui prendr une liste de Pair<T, Integer>
//un int de départ
//une FunctionAcc ou T = Pair<T, Integer> en entree et R (retour) retournera un Integer en sortie
interface Accumulator{
public static <T> int accumulate(List<T> list, int init, FunctionAcc<T, Integer> f ){
int sum = init;
for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++){
sum = f.apply(sum, list.get(i));
return sum;
interface FunctionAcc<T,R>{
//doit être redéfinie
R apply(int init, T arg);
// # 1 il faut redéfinir la fonction apply de notre FunctionAcc anonyme
int sum = Accumulator.accumulate(list, 0, new FunctionAccumulateur<Pair<String, Integer>, Integer>()
public Integer apply(int init, Pair<String, Integer> arg) {
return init + arg.second();
//# 2 ou ecrire notre Function en dehors et la passe a l'accumulator
FunctionAccumulateur<Pair<String, Integer>, Integer> f
= new FunctionAccumulateur<Pair<String, Integer>, Integer>()
public Integer apply(int init, Pair<String, Integer> pair) {
return init + pair.second();
//Ici on passe notre fonction à l'Accumulator
Accumulator.accumulate(list,0 , f)
//Sans Compartor, Streams ou Collections retourne les plus vieux Dragons
public class Filterable
public static <T> List<T> filter(List<T> list, Predicate<T>p)
// version one-liner, qui ne respecte pas la consigne (pas de Stream ni Collectors)
// return list.stream().filter(p).collect(Collectors.toList());
// version nettement plus moche, qui respecte la consigne.
List<T> copy = new LinkedList<T>();
copy.removeIf(p.negate()); //on enlève si ca ne respecte pas le predicate
return copy;
This cheat sheet was based on the lecture of Cay Horstmann http://horstmann.com/heig-vd/spring2015/poo/