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JSON encoding and decoding

Thomas Pollet edited this page Apr 24, 2020 · 5 revisions


The "attributes" JSON dictionary produced by the API is created by the to_dict method of SAFRSBase. This method can be overridden to produce a customized response. An example of this is implemented in the :

    def to_dict(self):
        result = SAFRSBase.to_dict(self)
        result["custom_field"] = "some customization"
        return result

This method will add a custom field to the JSON result:

  "data": {
    "attributes": {
      "custom_field": "some customization", 
      "name": "name0"
    "id": 1, 
    "links": {
      "self": ""
    "type": "Publisher"

JSON Encoding

Object attributes are encoded from their database type to json by safrs.SAFRSJSONEncoder, default JSON encoder. This class can be extended to implement custom encoding. the example implements custom json encoding:

class GeoJSONEncoder(SAFRSJSONEncoder):
        json encode geometry shapes
    def default(self, obj, **kwargs):
        if isinstance(obj, _SpatialElement):
            result = geometry.mapping(to_shape(obj))
            return result

        return super().default(obj, **kwargs)

This encoder can be passed as an argument to SAFRSAPI, where it will be used to encode database data produced by the API:

SAFRSAPI(app, json_encoder=GeoJSONEncoder)

JSON decoding