Also known as libtpclient-py, this python library builds on the existing protocol library to add new features such as caching and threading.
A cache can be created by passing in the full url, including the protocol.
c = Cache("tp://username@server:6923/game")
If a cache already exists for a given full URL, it will load it from a file. The "new" keyword argument prevents this from happening and forces a new version of the cache to be created.
c = Cache("tp://username@server:6923/game", new=True)
To refresh the cache, a network connection instance is needed.
c.update(connection_instance, callback_function)
The callback function will be called with the following parameters:
callback(group=<mode>, state=<state>, message=<message>)
The callback function is useful for clients who wish show progress to the user as the cache is updating.
- The message string is a human readable message about what is happening.
- Group is the current group of things which have been updated.
- The possible choices are:
- objects
- orders
- orders_probe
- boards
- messages
- categories
- designs
- components
- properties
- players
- resources
- State is one of the following
- start - no more arguments
- todownload - total, the total number of things to be downloaded
- progress - some sort of undetermined progress occurred
- failure - some sort of failure when downloading occurred
- downloaded - amount, the number of things which have been downloaded
- finished - no more arguments
start -> todownload --> downloaded --> finished \-> failure -/
You can get a progress callback at anytime. It only has meaning to humans and not the program. There should be one failure or downloaded message per object specified in the todownload message.
The cache can be read from directly.
node = cache.orders[<object_id>].first # get the first node of orders queue for object 0
Gives you a ChangeNode. To get the actual order from the ChangeNode you will need to do the following:
node.CurrentOrder - the most "up to date" version of the order. node.PendingOrder - the first pending change to the server (could be none). node.ServerOrder - the latest order to be issued to the server (but may not yet be committed).
However, writing to the cache is a two-stage process
- 1. Use the cache apply method to make an event object
evt = c.apply("orders", "create after", self.oid, node, order) evt = c.apply("orders", "create before", self.oid, node, order) evt = c.apply("orders", "change", self.oid, node, order) evt = c.apply("orders", "remove", self.oid, nodes=nodes)
- 2. Send the newly created event to the network OnCacheDirty(evt) method
network.Call(network.OnCacheDirty, evt)
- Please keep in mind that step 2 will change in the future.
- The event created by cache.apply is a CacheDirtyEvent type
- The call to NetworkThread.OnCacheDirty will call all the necessary methods for you, such as cache.commit(evt)
- name - name of thing to apply a change to (e.g. "orders", "objects", etc)
- action - type of action to perform.
- oid - object id to create the new order on
- node - position in order queue to create the order
- order - order instance
actions = ("create", "remove", "change")
The valid actions for "compound" types are,
actions_compound = ("create before", "create after", "remove", "change")
1. Getting the different types of order classes
from tp.netlib.objects import OrderDescs OrderDescs() # returns a list of all possible order classes
2. Setting default arguments
descclass = OrderDescs()[1] orderargs = [0, oid, slot, descclass.subtype, 0, []]
3. Creating the instance
order = descclass(*orderargs) # note that every order type will have special arguments as well
OrderDescs() can change as more order descriptions are downloaded. Make sure the cache has been fully populated before using this method.
TP orders use a queue system, and the ChangeList object allows one to have multiple pending orders. A new change node starts in the 'Adding' state. Possible states are
states = ["creating", "idle", "updating", "removing", "removed"]
creating - the order has yet to be created on the server idle - there are no pending changed updating - the order is waiting to be updated on the server removing - the order is waiting to be removed removed - the order has been removed, when all references have been forgotten - the node will be garbage collected.
Always import threads class before Cache class
import tp.client.threads from tp.client.cache import Cache