- IO redirection: > and <
- Different types of quotes: ' vs "
- ~/.bashrc vs ~/.profile: Environment-based vs Local-user based
- source vs ./ vs running script using name:
The terminal you are in is a process. That process also uses your configuration files as they were when you logged in / opened the terminal. When you run the script using ./ Or via the command name, it runs as its own process (think virtual window). You could toss in a sleep command and see it sitting there with ps. Because the script is it's own process, .bashrc is getting reloaded, but not for your shell - for the virtual shell.
./ for script is a direct path to a file name
script name uses implied $PATH env var if file found
Source Keyword uses current working shell/terminal - any command ran in script, activates on screen
- Variables and accessing variable values: varName vs
$varName ($ is for usage) - Use arguments: using scriptname $1 vs $1 inside bash script inside function
- In a script
- In a script function
- Conditionals (using the
command): [ vs [[ - Single for Keywords, Double for Keywords + arithmetic compares, use with && echo true/false - if statements: if [ conditional ]; then statement; fi
- functions