- Helpful to determine where the task of type EC2 will be placed, the CPU, memory and available port.
- When a service scales in, ECS need to determine which task to terminate.
- Task placement strategies are best effort
- Process:
- Identify the instances that satisfy the CPU, memor and port req.
- Identify the instances that satisfy the task placement constraints
- Identify the isntances that satisfy the task placement strategies
- Select the instances for task placement
U can mix this strategies on the same placementStrategy
- Binpack
- Place tasks based on the least available amount of CPU or memory
- Minimizes the number of instances in use (cost saving)
- Random
- Place the task randomly
- Spread
- Task will be spread based on the specified value
- Examples: InstanceID, attribute:ecs:availability-zone ...
- distinctInstance
- Place each task on a different container instance
- memberOf
- Place task on instances that satisfy an expresion
- Use the Cluster Query Language
CPU and RAM is tracked in CloudWatch at the ECS service level
- Target Tracking
- target a specific average CloudWatch metric.
- Step Scaling
- scale based on CloudWatch alarms
- Scheduled Scaling
- based on predictable changes
ECS Service Scaling (task level) != EC2 Auto Scaling (Instance level)
Fargate Auto Scaling is much easier to setup (Serverless)
Used in association with a cluster to determine the incrastructure that a task runs on
- For ECS and Fargate users, the FARGATE and FARGATE_SPOT capcity providers are added automatically
- For Amazon ECS on EC2, you need to associate the capacity provider with a auto-scaling group
When you run a task or a service, you define a capacity provider strategy, to prioritize in which provider to run. This allows the capacity provider to automatically provision infrastructure for you
ECS is used to run Docker containers and has 3 flavors:
- ECS "Classic"
- Provision EC2 instances to run containers onto
- EC2 instances must be created
- We must configure the file /etc/ecs/ecs.config with the cluster name
- EC2 instance must run an ECS agent to connect to cluster
- EC2 instances can run multiple containers on the same type
- You must not specify a host port
- You should use an Application Load Balancer with the dynamic port mapping
- The EC2 instance security group must allow traffic from the ALB on all port
- ECS tasks can have IAM Roles to execute action against AWS
- Security groups operate at the instance level, not task level
- Fargate
- ECS Serverless, no more EC2 to provision
- AWS provisions containers for us and assigns them ENI
- Fargate containers are provisioned by the container spec (CPU/RAM)
- Fargate tasks can have IAM Roles to execute actions agains AWS
- Managed Kubernetes by AWS
ECR is used to store Docker Images
- ECR is tightly integrated with IAM
- AWS CLI V1 login command
- $(aws ecr get-login --no-include-email --region eu-west-1)
- "aws ecr get-login" generates a "docker login" command
- AWS CLI v2 Login command (newer, may also be asked at the exam -pipe)
- aws ecr get-login.password --region eu-west-1 | docker login --username AWS password-stdin 1234567890.dkr.ecr.eu-west-1.amazonaws.com
- Docker Push & Pull:
- docker push 1234567890.dkr.ecr.eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/demo:latest
- docker pull 1234567890.dkr.ecr.eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/demo:latest
- ECS does integrate with cloudWatch Logs:
- You need to setup loggin at the task definition levle
- Each container will have a different log stream
- The EC2 Instance Profile need to have the correct IAM permissions
- Use IAM Task Roles for your tasks
- Task Placement Strategies: binpack, random, spread
- Service Auto Scaling with target tracking, step scaling or scheduled
- Cluster Auto Scaling through Capacity Providers
- Elastic Beanstalk is a developer centric view of deploying an application on AWS
- Uses all the component's we've seen before: EC2,ASG,ELB,RDS, etc...
- Still have full control over the configuration
- Beanstalk is free but you pay for the underlying instances
- Managed service
- Instance configuration / OS is handled by Beanstalk
- Deployment strategy is configurable but performed by Elastic Beanstalk
- The application code is the responsibility of the developer
- Three architecture models:
- Single Instance deployment -> good for dev
- LB + ASG -> great for production or pre-production web applications
- ASG only -> non-web apps (Workers or queue)
- Elastic Beanstalk has three components
- Application
- Application version: each deployment gets assigned a version
- Environment name (dev,test,prod...)
- You deploy application versions to environments and can promote application versions to the next environment
- Rollback feature to previous application version
- Full control over lifecycle of environments
All at once (deploy all in one go) - fastest, but instances aren't available to serve traffic for a bit (downtime)
- shutdown all instance and rise the news
- Fastest deployment
- Application has downtime
- Great for quick iterations in development environment
- No additional cost
Rolling: update a few isntances at a time (bucket), and then move onto the next bucket one the fist bucket is healthy
- Application is running below capacity
- Can set the bucket size.
- Shut down half of ur system cause u are releasing the new verison and want to keep working your system with the rest of the old instances
Rolling with addition batches like rolling, but spins up new instances to move the batch (So that the old application is still available)
- Application is running at capacity
- Can set the bucket size
- Application is running both versions simultaneously
- Small additional cost
- Addiotional batch is removed at the end of the deployment
- Longer deployment
- Great for prod
Immutable: spins up new isntances in a new ASG, deploys versions to these instances and then swaps all the isntances when everything is healthy
- Zero downtime
- New Code is deployed to new isntances on a temporary ASG
- High cost, double capacity
- longest deployment
- Quick rollback in case of failures
- Great for prod
Blue / Green
- Not a "direct feature" of Elastic Beanstalk
- Zero downtime and release facility
- Create a new "stage" environment and deploy v2 there
- The new environment (green) can be validated independently and roll back if issues
- Route 53 can be setup using weighted policies to redirect a little bit of traffic to the stage environment
- Using Beanstalk, "swap URLs" when done with the environment test Faltaria ficar les fotos
- Elastic Beanstalk can store at most 1000 aplications versions.
- Have to remove old versions to deploy more.
- To phase out old applications versions use lifecycle policy
- Based on time
- Based on space
- Versions that are currently used won't be deleted
- Option not to delete the source bundle in S3 to prevent data loss
- A zip file containing our code must be deployed to Elastic Beanstalk
- All the parameters set in the UI can be configured with code using files
- Requirements
- In the .ebextensions/ directory in the root of source code
- YAML / JSON format
- .config extensions (example: loggin.config)
- Able to modify some default settings using: option_settings
- Ability to add resources such as RDS, ElastiCache, Dynamo DB, etc...
- Resources managed by .ebextensions get deleted if the environment goes away
Under the hood, Elastic Beanstalk relies on CloudFormation CloudFormation is used to provision other AWS services You can define CloudFormation resources in your .ebextensions to provision ElastiCache, S3 bucket...
Clone an environment with the exact same configuration Useful for deploying a "test" version of your applicaiton
- All resources and configuration are preserved:
- Load Balancer type and configuration
- RDS database type (but the data is not preserved)
- Environment variables
After creating an Elastic Beanstalk environment, you cannot change the Elastic Load Balancer Type You have to migrate: * Create a new environment with the same configuration except the Load Balancer * Deploy your applicaiton onto the new environment * Perform a CNAME swap or Route 53 Update
Run your application as a single docker container Ether provide:
- Dockerfile: Elastic Beanstalk will build and run the Docker container
- Dockerrun.awsjson (v1): Describe where already built Docker image is:
- image
- ports
- volumes
- Loggin
- Beanstalk in Single Docker Container does not use ECS
- Multi Docker helps run multiple containers per EC2 instance in EB
- Components:
- ECS Cluster
- EC2 instances, configured to use the ECS Cluster
- Load Balancer (in high availability mode)
- Task definitions and executions
- Requires a config Dockerrun.aws.json (v2) at the root of source code
- Dockerrun.aws.json is used to generate the ECS task definition
- Your Docker image must be pre-build and stored in ECR x exemple.
- Beanstalk with HTTPS
- Load the SSL Certificate onto the LoadBalancer
- Can be done from the Console (EB console, load balancer configuration)
- Can be done from the code: .ebextensions/securelistener-alb.config
- SSL Certificate can be provisioned using ACM (AWS Certificate Manager) or CLI
- Must Configure a security group rule to allow incoming port 443 (HTTPS port)
- Load the SSL Certificate onto the LoadBalancer
- Beanstalk redirect HTTP to HTTPS
- Configure your instances to redirect HTTP to HTTPS:
- Or configure the application Load Balancer (ALB only) With rule
- Make sure health checks are not redirected (so they keep giving 200 ok)
- Custom Platforms are very advanced, they allow to define from scratch:
- The Operating System (OS)
- Additional Software
- Scripts that Beanstalk runs on these platforms
- Use case: app language is incompatible with Beanstalk & doesn't sue DOcker
- To create your own platform:
- Define an AMI using Platform.yaml file
- Build that platform using the Pacjer Software (open source tool to create AMIs)
- Custom Platform vs Custom Image (AMI):
- Custom Image is to tweak an existing Beanstalk platform (Python, Node.js, Java)
- Custom Platform is to create an entirely new Beanstalk Platform