diff --git a/planning/behavior_velocity_out_of_lane_module/config/out_of_lane.param.yaml b/planning/behavior_velocity_out_of_lane_module/config/out_of_lane.param.yaml
index 092f1d32b27b3..1b483b95510ed 100644
--- a/planning/behavior_velocity_out_of_lane_module/config/out_of_lane.param.yaml
+++ b/planning/behavior_velocity_out_of_lane_module/config/out_of_lane.param.yaml
@@ -18,6 +18,7 @@
# if false, assume the object moves at constant velocity along *all* lanelets it currently is located in.
predicted_path_min_confidence : 0.1 # when using predicted paths, ignore the ones whose confidence is lower than this value.
distance_buffer: 1.0 # [m] distance buffer used to determine if a collision will occur in the other lane
+ cut_predicted_paths_beyond_red_lights: true # if true, predicted paths are cut beyond the stop line of red traffic lights
minimum_distance: 0.0 # [m] minimum distance inside a lanelet for an overlap to be considered
diff --git a/planning/behavior_velocity_out_of_lane_module/package.xml b/planning/behavior_velocity_out_of_lane_module/package.xml
index 43dea2f2153ff..b61441132969c 100644
--- a/planning/behavior_velocity_out_of_lane_module/package.xml
+++ b/planning/behavior_velocity_out_of_lane_module/package.xml
@@ -27,6 +27,7 @@
+ traffic_light_utils
diff --git a/planning/behavior_velocity_out_of_lane_module/src/decisions.cpp b/planning/behavior_velocity_out_of_lane_module/src/decisions.cpp
index be72109db4548..e948bd74eba45 100644
--- a/planning/behavior_velocity_out_of_lane_module/src/decisions.cpp
+++ b/planning/behavior_velocity_out_of_lane_module/src/decisions.cpp
@@ -73,11 +73,13 @@ std::optional> object_time_to_range(
if (!object_is_incoming(object_point, route_handler, range.lane)) return {};
const auto max_deviation = object.shape.dimensions.y + range.inside_distance + dist_buffer;
+ const auto max_lon_deviation = object.shape.dimensions.x / 2.0;
auto worst_enter_time = std::optional();
auto worst_exit_time = std::optional();
for (const auto & predicted_path : object.kinematics.predicted_paths) {
const auto unique_path_points = motion_utils::removeOverlapPoints(predicted_path.path);
+ if (unique_path_points.size() < 2) continue;
const auto time_step = rclcpp::Duration(predicted_path.time_step).seconds();
const auto enter_point =
@@ -121,7 +123,17 @@ std::optional> object_time_to_range(
- // else we rely on the interpolation to estimate beyond the end of the predicted path
+ const auto is_last_predicted_path_point =
+ (exit_segment_idx + 2 == unique_path_points.size() ||
+ enter_segment_idx + 2 == unique_path_points.size());
+ const auto does_not_reach_overlap =
+ is_last_predicted_path_point && (std::min(exit_offset, enter_offset) > max_lon_deviation);
+ if (does_not_reach_overlap) {
+ logger, " * does not reach the overlap = %2.2fm | max_dev = %2.2fm\n",
+ std::min(exit_offset, enter_offset), max_lon_deviation);
+ continue;
+ }
const auto same_driving_direction_as_ego = enter_time < exit_time;
if (same_driving_direction_as_ego) {
diff --git a/planning/behavior_velocity_out_of_lane_module/src/filter_predicted_objects.cpp b/planning/behavior_velocity_out_of_lane_module/src/filter_predicted_objects.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000..de12334b91a19
--- /dev/null
+++ b/planning/behavior_velocity_out_of_lane_module/src/filter_predicted_objects.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,146 @@
+// Copyright 2023-2024 TIER IV, Inc.
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+// You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+// limitations under the License.
+#include "filter_predicted_objects.hpp"
+namespace behavior_velocity_planner::out_of_lane
+void cut_predicted_path_beyond_line(
+ autoware_auto_perception_msgs::msg::PredictedPath & predicted_path,
+ const lanelet::BasicLineString2d & stop_line, const double object_front_overhang)
+ auto stop_line_idx = 0UL;
+ bool found = false;
+ lanelet::BasicSegment2d path_segment;
+ path_segment.first.x() = predicted_path.path.front().position.x;
+ path_segment.first.y() = predicted_path.path.front().position.y;
+ for (stop_line_idx = 1; stop_line_idx < predicted_path.path.size(); ++stop_line_idx) {
+ path_segment.second.x() = predicted_path.path[stop_line_idx].position.x;
+ path_segment.second.y() = predicted_path.path[stop_line_idx].position.y;
+ if (boost::geometry::intersects(stop_line, path_segment)) {
+ found = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ path_segment.first = path_segment.second;
+ }
+ if (found) {
+ auto cut_idx = stop_line_idx;
+ double arc_length = 0;
+ while (cut_idx > 0 && arc_length < object_front_overhang) {
+ arc_length += tier4_autoware_utils::calcDistance2d(
+ predicted_path.path[cut_idx], predicted_path.path[cut_idx - 1]);
+ --cut_idx;
+ }
+ predicted_path.path.resize(cut_idx);
+ }
+std::optional find_next_stop_line(
+ const autoware_auto_perception_msgs::msg::PredictedPath & path, const PlannerData & planner_data)
+ lanelet::ConstLanelets lanelets;
+ lanelet::BasicLineString2d query_line;
+ for (const auto & p : path.path) query_line.emplace_back(p.position.x, p.position.y);
+ const auto query_results = lanelet::geometry::findWithin2d(
+ planner_data.route_handler_->getLaneletMapPtr()->laneletLayer, query_line);
+ for (const auto & r : query_results) lanelets.push_back(r.second);
+ for (const auto & ll : lanelets) {
+ for (const auto & element : ll.regulatoryElementsAs()) {
+ const auto traffic_signal_stamped = planner_data.getTrafficSignal(element->id());
+ if (
+ traffic_signal_stamped.has_value() && element->stopLine().has_value() &&
+ traffic_light_utils::isTrafficSignalStop(ll, traffic_signal_stamped.value().signal)) {
+ lanelet::BasicLineString2d stop_line;
+ for (const auto & p : *(element->stopLine())) stop_line.emplace_back(p.x(), p.y());
+ return stop_line;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return std::nullopt;
+void cut_predicted_path_beyond_red_lights(
+ autoware_auto_perception_msgs::msg::PredictedPath & predicted_path,
+ const PlannerData & planner_data, const double object_front_overhang)
+ const auto stop_line = find_next_stop_line(predicted_path, planner_data);
+ if (stop_line) {
+ // we use a longer stop line to also cut predicted paths that slightly go around the stop line
+ auto longer_stop_line = *stop_line;
+ const auto diff = stop_line->back() - stop_line->front();
+ longer_stop_line.front() -= diff * 0.5;
+ longer_stop_line.back() += diff * 0.5;
+ cut_predicted_path_beyond_line(predicted_path, longer_stop_line, object_front_overhang);
+ }
+autoware_auto_perception_msgs::msg::PredictedObjects filter_predicted_objects(
+ const PlannerData & planner_data, const EgoData & ego_data, const PlannerParam & params)
+ autoware_auto_perception_msgs::msg::PredictedObjects filtered_objects;
+ filtered_objects.header = planner_data.predicted_objects->header;
+ for (const auto & object : planner_data.predicted_objects->objects) {
+ const auto is_pedestrian =
+ std::find_if(object.classification.begin(), object.classification.end(), [](const auto & c) {
+ return c.label == autoware_auto_perception_msgs::msg::ObjectClassification::PEDESTRIAN;
+ }) != object.classification.end();
+ if (is_pedestrian) continue;
+ auto filtered_object = object;
+ const auto is_invalid_predicted_path = [&](const auto & predicted_path) {
+ const auto is_low_confidence = predicted_path.confidence < params.objects_min_confidence;
+ const auto no_overlap_path = motion_utils::removeOverlapPoints(predicted_path.path);
+ if (no_overlap_path.size() <= 1) return true;
+ const auto lat_offset_to_current_ego =
+ std::abs(motion_utils::calcLateralOffset(no_overlap_path, ego_data.pose.position));
+ const auto is_crossing_ego =
+ lat_offset_to_current_ego <=
+ object.shape.dimensions.y / 2.0 + std::max(
+ params.left_offset + params.extra_left_offset,
+ params.right_offset + params.extra_right_offset);
+ return is_low_confidence || is_crossing_ego;
+ };
+ if (params.objects_use_predicted_paths) {
+ auto & predicted_paths = filtered_object.kinematics.predicted_paths;
+ const auto new_end =
+ std::remove_if(predicted_paths.begin(), predicted_paths.end(), is_invalid_predicted_path);
+ predicted_paths.erase(new_end, predicted_paths.end());
+ if (params.objects_cut_predicted_paths_beyond_red_lights)
+ for (auto & predicted_path : predicted_paths)
+ cut_predicted_path_beyond_red_lights(
+ predicted_path, planner_data, filtered_object.shape.dimensions.x);
+ predicted_paths.erase(
+ std::remove_if(
+ predicted_paths.begin(), predicted_paths.end(),
+ [](const auto & p) { return p.path.empty(); }),
+ predicted_paths.end());
+ }
+ if (!params.objects_use_predicted_paths || !filtered_object.kinematics.predicted_paths.empty())
+ filtered_objects.objects.push_back(filtered_object);
+ }
+ return filtered_objects;
+} // namespace behavior_velocity_planner::out_of_lane
diff --git a/planning/behavior_velocity_out_of_lane_module/src/filter_predicted_objects.hpp b/planning/behavior_velocity_out_of_lane_module/src/filter_predicted_objects.hpp
index 7bad4974ea9af..bb6b5f4d00005 100644
--- a/planning/behavior_velocity_out_of_lane_module/src/filter_predicted_objects.hpp
+++ b/planning/behavior_velocity_out_of_lane_module/src/filter_predicted_objects.hpp
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-// Copyright 2023 TIER IV, Inc.
+// Copyright 2023-2024 TIER IV, Inc.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
@@ -17,56 +17,41 @@
#include "types.hpp"
namespace behavior_velocity_planner::out_of_lane
+/// @brief cut a predicted path beyond the given stop line
+/// @param [inout] predicted_path predicted path to cut
+/// @param [in] stop_line stop line used for cutting
+/// @param [in] object_front_overhang extra distance to cut ahead of the stop line
+void cut_predicted_path_beyond_line(
+ autoware_auto_perception_msgs::msg::PredictedPath & predicted_path,
+ const lanelet::BasicLineString2d & stop_line, const double object_front_overhang);
+/// @brief find the next red light stop line along the given path
+/// @param [in] path predicted path to check for a stop line
+/// @param [in] planner_data planner data with stop line information
+/// @return the first red light stop line found along the path (if any)
+std::optional find_next_stop_line(
+ const autoware_auto_perception_msgs::msg::PredictedPath & path, const PlannerData & planner_data);
+/// @brief cut predicted path beyond stop lines of red lights
+/// @param [inout] predicted_path predicted path to cut
+/// @param [in] planner_data planner data to get the map and traffic light information
+void cut_predicted_path_beyond_red_lights(
+ autoware_auto_perception_msgs::msg::PredictedPath & predicted_path,
+ const PlannerData & planner_data, const double object_front_overhang);
/// @brief filter predicted objects and their predicted paths
-/// @param [in] objects predicted objects to filter
+/// @param [in] planner_data planner data
/// @param [in] ego_data ego data
/// @param [in] params parameters
/// @return filtered predicted objects
autoware_auto_perception_msgs::msg::PredictedObjects filter_predicted_objects(
- const autoware_auto_perception_msgs::msg::PredictedObjects & objects, const EgoData & ego_data,
- const PlannerParam & params)
- autoware_auto_perception_msgs::msg::PredictedObjects filtered_objects;
- filtered_objects.header = objects.header;
- for (const auto & object : objects.objects) {
- const auto is_pedestrian =
- std::find_if(object.classification.begin(), object.classification.end(), [](const auto & c) {
- return c.label == autoware_auto_perception_msgs::msg::ObjectClassification::PEDESTRIAN;
- }) != object.classification.end();
- if (is_pedestrian) continue;
- auto filtered_object = object;
- const auto is_invalid_predicted_path = [&](const auto & predicted_path) {
- const auto is_low_confidence = predicted_path.confidence < params.objects_min_confidence;
- const auto no_overlap_path = motion_utils::removeOverlapPoints(predicted_path.path);
- if (no_overlap_path.size() <= 1) return true;
- const auto lat_offset_to_current_ego =
- std::abs(motion_utils::calcLateralOffset(no_overlap_path, ego_data.pose.position));
- const auto is_crossing_ego =
- lat_offset_to_current_ego <=
- object.shape.dimensions.y / 2.0 + std::max(
- params.left_offset + params.extra_left_offset,
- params.right_offset + params.extra_right_offset);
- return is_low_confidence || is_crossing_ego;
- };
- if (params.objects_use_predicted_paths) {
- auto & predicted_paths = filtered_object.kinematics.predicted_paths;
- const auto new_end =
- std::remove_if(predicted_paths.begin(), predicted_paths.end(), is_invalid_predicted_path);
- predicted_paths.erase(new_end, predicted_paths.end());
- }
- if (!params.objects_use_predicted_paths || !filtered_object.kinematics.predicted_paths.empty())
- filtered_objects.objects.push_back(filtered_object);
- }
- return filtered_objects;
+ const PlannerData & planner_data, const EgoData & ego_data, const PlannerParam & params);
} // namespace behavior_velocity_planner::out_of_lane
diff --git a/planning/behavior_velocity_out_of_lane_module/src/lanelets_selection.cpp b/planning/behavior_velocity_out_of_lane_module/src/lanelets_selection.cpp
index 3c90a8cbf0dce..738ea22106b29 100644
--- a/planning/behavior_velocity_out_of_lane_module/src/lanelets_selection.cpp
+++ b/planning/behavior_velocity_out_of_lane_module/src/lanelets_selection.cpp
@@ -24,12 +24,47 @@
namespace behavior_velocity_planner::out_of_lane
+lanelet::ConstLanelets consecutive_lanelets(
+ const route_handler::RouteHandler & route_handler, const lanelet::ConstLanelet & lanelet)
+ lanelet::ConstLanelets consecutives = route_handler.getRoutingGraphPtr()->following(lanelet);
+ const auto previous = route_handler.getRoutingGraphPtr()->previous(lanelet);
+ consecutives.insert(consecutives.end(), previous.begin(), previous.end());
+ return consecutives;
+lanelet::ConstLanelets get_missing_lane_change_lanelets(
+ lanelet::ConstLanelets & path_lanelets, const route_handler::RouteHandler & route_handler)
+ lanelet::ConstLanelets missing_lane_change_lanelets;
+ const auto & routing_graph = *route_handler.getRoutingGraphPtr();
+ lanelet::ConstLanelets adjacents;
+ lanelet::ConstLanelets consecutives;
+ for (const auto & ll : path_lanelets) {
+ const auto consecutives_of_ll = consecutive_lanelets(route_handler, ll);
+ std::copy_if(
+ consecutives_of_ll.begin(), consecutives_of_ll.end(), std::back_inserter(consecutives),
+ [&](const auto & l) { return !contains_lanelet(consecutives, l.id()); });
+ const auto adjacents_of_ll = routing_graph.besides(ll);
+ std::copy_if(
+ adjacents_of_ll.begin(), adjacents_of_ll.end(), std::back_inserter(adjacents),
+ [&](const auto & l) { return !contains_lanelet(adjacents, l.id()); });
+ }
+ std::copy_if(
+ adjacents.begin(), adjacents.end(), std::back_inserter(missing_lane_change_lanelets),
+ [&](const auto & l) {
+ return !contains_lanelet(missing_lane_change_lanelets, l.id()) &&
+ !contains_lanelet(path_lanelets, l.id()) && contains_lanelet(consecutives, l.id());
+ });
+ return missing_lane_change_lanelets;
lanelet::ConstLanelets calculate_path_lanelets(
const EgoData & ego_data, const route_handler::RouteHandler & route_handler)
const auto lanelet_map_ptr = route_handler.getLaneletMapPtr();
- lanelet::ConstLanelets path_lanelets =
- planning_utils::getLaneletsOnPath(ego_data.path, lanelet_map_ptr, ego_data.pose);
+ lanelet::ConstLanelets path_lanelets;
lanelet::BasicLineString2d path_ls;
for (const auto & p : ego_data.path.points)
path_ls.emplace_back(p.point.pose.position.x, p.point.pose.position.y);
@@ -38,6 +73,8 @@ lanelet::ConstLanelets calculate_path_lanelets(
if (!contains_lanelet(path_lanelets, dist_lanelet.second.id()))
+ const auto missing_lanelets = get_missing_lane_change_lanelets(path_lanelets, route_handler);
+ path_lanelets.insert(path_lanelets.end(), missing_lanelets.begin(), missing_lanelets.end());
return path_lanelets;
diff --git a/planning/behavior_velocity_out_of_lane_module/src/lanelets_selection.hpp b/planning/behavior_velocity_out_of_lane_module/src/lanelets_selection.hpp
index 9c3aee46c8be5..87757a0cb2230 100644
--- a/planning/behavior_velocity_out_of_lane_module/src/lanelets_selection.hpp
+++ b/planning/behavior_velocity_out_of_lane_module/src/lanelets_selection.hpp
@@ -41,6 +41,13 @@ inline bool contains_lanelet(const lanelet::ConstLanelets & lanelets, const lane
/// @return lanelets crossed by the ego vehicle
lanelet::ConstLanelets calculate_path_lanelets(
const EgoData & ego_data, const route_handler::RouteHandler & route_handler);
+/// @brief calculate lanelets that may not be crossed by the path but may be overlapped during a
+/// lane change
+/// @param [in] path_lanelets lanelets driven by the ego vehicle
+/// @param [in] route_handler route handler
+/// @return lanelets that may be overlapped by a lane change (and are not already in path_lanelets)
+lanelet::ConstLanelets get_missing_lane_change_lanelets(
+ lanelet::ConstLanelets & path_lanelets, const route_handler::RouteHandler & route_handler);
/// @brief calculate lanelets that should be ignored
/// @param [in] ego_data data about the ego vehicle
/// @param [in] path_lanelets lanelets driven by the ego vehicle
diff --git a/planning/behavior_velocity_out_of_lane_module/src/manager.cpp b/planning/behavior_velocity_out_of_lane_module/src/manager.cpp
index 23de809e429ec..8055f5c9106ef 100644
--- a/planning/behavior_velocity_out_of_lane_module/src/manager.cpp
+++ b/planning/behavior_velocity_out_of_lane_module/src/manager.cpp
@@ -51,6 +51,8 @@ OutOfLaneModuleManager::OutOfLaneModuleManager(rclcpp::Node & node)
pp.objects_min_confidence =
getOrDeclareParameter(node, ns + ".objects.predicted_path_min_confidence");
pp.objects_dist_buffer = getOrDeclareParameter(node, ns + ".objects.distance_buffer");
+ pp.objects_cut_predicted_paths_beyond_red_lights =
+ getOrDeclareParameter(node, ns + ".objects.cut_predicted_paths_beyond_red_lights");
pp.overlap_min_dist = getOrDeclareParameter(node, ns + ".overlap.minimum_distance");
pp.overlap_extra_length = getOrDeclareParameter(node, ns + ".overlap.extra_length");
diff --git a/planning/behavior_velocity_out_of_lane_module/src/scene_out_of_lane.cpp b/planning/behavior_velocity_out_of_lane_module/src/scene_out_of_lane.cpp
index ef4434e235244..47020fb1cb623 100644
--- a/planning/behavior_velocity_out_of_lane_module/src/scene_out_of_lane.cpp
+++ b/planning/behavior_velocity_out_of_lane_module/src/scene_out_of_lane.cpp
@@ -109,13 +109,15 @@ bool OutOfLaneModule::modifyPathVelocity(PathWithLaneId * path, StopReason * sto
calculate_overlapping_ranges(path_footprints, path_lanelets, other_lanelets, params_);
const auto calculate_overlapping_ranges_us = stopwatch.toc("calculate_overlapping_ranges");
// Calculate stop and slowdown points
- stopwatch.tic("calculate_decisions");
DecisionInputs inputs;
inputs.ranges = ranges;
inputs.ego_data = ego_data;
- inputs.objects = filter_predicted_objects(*planner_data_->predicted_objects, ego_data, params_);
+ stopwatch.tic("filter_predicted_objects");
+ inputs.objects = filter_predicted_objects(*planner_data_, ego_data, params_);
+ const auto filter_predicted_objects_ms = stopwatch.toc("filter_predicted_objects");
inputs.route_handler = planner_data_->route_handler_;
inputs.lanelets = other_lanelets;
+ stopwatch.tic("calculate_decisions");
const auto decisions = calculate_decisions(inputs, params_, logger_);
const auto calculate_decisions_us = stopwatch.toc("calculate_decisions");
@@ -157,7 +159,7 @@ bool OutOfLaneModule::modifyPathVelocity(PathWithLaneId * path, StopReason * sto
if (point_to_insert) {
prev_inserted_point_ = point_to_insert;
- RCLCPP_INFO(logger_, "Avoiding lane %lu", point_to_insert->slowdown.lane_to_avoid.id());
+ RCLCPP_DEBUG(logger_, "Avoiding lane %lu", point_to_insert->slowdown.lane_to_avoid.id());
debug_data_.slowdowns = {*point_to_insert};
auto path_idx = motion_utils::findNearestSegmentIndex(
path->points, point_to_insert->point.point.pose.position) +
@@ -187,12 +189,13 @@ bool OutOfLaneModule::modifyPathVelocity(PathWithLaneId * path, StopReason * sto
"\tcalculate_lanelets = %2.0fus\n"
"\tcalculate_path_footprints = %2.0fus\n"
"\tcalculate_overlapping_ranges = %2.0fus\n"
+ "\tfilter_pred_objects = %2.0fus\n"
"\tcalculate_decisions = %2.0fus\n"
"\tcalc_slowdown_points = %2.0fus\n"
"\tinsert_slowdown_points = %2.0fus\n",
total_time_us, calculate_lanelets_us, calculate_path_footprints_us,
- calculate_overlapping_ranges_us, calculate_decisions_us, calc_slowdown_points_us,
- insert_slowdown_points_us);
+ calculate_overlapping_ranges_us, filter_predicted_objects_ms, calculate_decisions_us,
+ calc_slowdown_points_us, insert_slowdown_points_us);
return true;
diff --git a/planning/behavior_velocity_out_of_lane_module/src/types.hpp b/planning/behavior_velocity_out_of_lane_module/src/types.hpp
index 34bd52634ce7b..d482870e5ce18 100644
--- a/planning/behavior_velocity_out_of_lane_module/src/types.hpp
+++ b/planning/behavior_velocity_out_of_lane_module/src/types.hpp
@@ -47,8 +47,10 @@ struct PlannerParam
double ego_min_velocity; // [m/s] minimum velocity of ego used to calculate its ttc or time range
bool objects_use_predicted_paths; // whether to use the objects' predicted paths
- double objects_min_vel; // [m/s] objects lower than this velocity will be ignored
- double objects_min_confidence; // minimum confidence to consider a predicted path
+ bool objects_cut_predicted_paths_beyond_red_lights; // whether to cut predicted paths beyond red
+ // lights' stop lines
+ double objects_min_vel; // [m/s] objects lower than this velocity will be ignored
+ double objects_min_confidence; // minimum confidence to consider a predicted path
double objects_dist_buffer; // [m] distance buffer used to determine if a collision will occur in
// the other lane