diff --git a/modules/reference/appvms/business.nix b/modules/reference/appvms/business.nix
index e4b6344ae..14f6064d9 100644
--- a/modules/reference/appvms/business.nix
+++ b/modules/reference/appvms/business.nix
@@ -11,12 +11,14 @@ let
inherit (lib) mkIf optionalString;
#TODO: Move this to a common place
name = "business";
+ proxyUserName = "proxy-user";
+ proxyGroupName = "proxy-admin";
tiiVpnAddr = "";
- vpnOnlyAddr = "${tiiVpnAddr},jira.tii.ae,access.tii.ae,confluence.tii.ae,i-service.tii.ae,catalyst.atrc.ae";
+ pacFileName = "ghaf.pac";
+ pacServerAddr = "";
+ pacFileUrl = "http://${pacServerAddr}/${pacFileName}";
netvmEntry = builtins.filter (x: x.name == "net-vm") config.ghaf.networking.hosts.entries;
netvmAddress = lib.head (builtins.map (x: x.ip) netvmEntry);
- adminvmEntry = builtins.filter (x: x.name == "admin-vm") config.ghaf.networking.hosts.entries;
- adminvmAddress = lib.head (builtins.map (x: x.ip) adminvmEntry);
# Remove rounded corners from the text editor window
gnomeTextEditor = pkgs.gnome-text-editor.overrideAttrs (oldAttrs: {
postPatch =
@@ -25,6 +27,75 @@ let
echo -e '\nwindow { border-radius: 0px; }' >> src/style.css
+ _ghafPacFileFetcher =
+ let
+ pacFileDownloadUrl = "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/tiiuae/ghaf-rt-config/refs/heads/main/network/proxy/ghaf.pac";
+ proxyServerUrl = "http://${netvmAddress}:${toString config.ghaf.reference.services.proxy-server.bindPort}";
+ logTag = "ghaf-pac-fetcher";
+ in
+ pkgs.writeShellApplication {
+ name = "ghafPacFileFetcher";
+ runtimeInputs = [
+ pkgs.coreutils # Provides 'mv', 'rm', etc.
+ pkgs.curl # For downloading PAC files
+ pkgs.inetutils # Provides 'logger'
+ ];
+ text = ''
+ # Variables
+ TEMP_PAC_PATH=$(mktemp)
+ LOCAL_PAC_PATH="/etc/proxy/${pacFileName}"
+ # Logging function with timestamp
+ log() {
+ logger -t "${logTag}" "$1"
+ }
+ log "Starting the pac file fetch process..."
+ # Fetch the pac file using curl with a proxy
+ log "Fetching pac file from ${pacFileDownloadUrl} using proxy ${proxyServerUrl}..."
+ http_status=$(curl --proxy "${proxyServerUrl}" -s -o "$TEMP_PAC_PATH" -w "%{http_code}" "${pacFileDownloadUrl}")
+ log "HTTP status code: $http_status"
+ # Check if the fetch was successful
+ if [[ "$http_status" -ne 200 ]]; then
+ log "Error: Failed to download pac file from ${pacFileDownloadUrl}. HTTP status code: $http_status"
+ rm -f "$TEMP_PAC_PATH" # Clean up temporary file
+ exit 2
+ fi
+ # Verify the downloaded file is not empty
+ if [[ ! -s "$TEMP_PAC_PATH" ]]; then
+ log "Error: The downloaded pac file is empty."
+ rm -f "$TEMP_PAC_PATH" # Clean up temporary file
+ exit 3
+ fi
+ # Log the download success
+ log "Pac file downloaded successfully. Proceeding with update..."
+ # Copy the content from the temporary pac file to the target file
+ log "Copying the content from temporary file to the target pac file at $LOCAL_PAC_PATH..."
+ # Check if the copy was successful
+ if cat "$TEMP_PAC_PATH" > "$LOCAL_PAC_PATH"; then
+ log "Pac file successfully updated at $LOCAL_PAC_PATH."
+ else
+ log "Error: Failed to update the pac file at $LOCAL_PAC_PATH."
+ rm -f "$TEMP_PAC_PATH" # Clean up temporary file
+ exit 4
+ fi
+ # Clean up temporary file
+ rm -f "$TEMP_PAC_PATH"
+ log "Pac file fetch and update process completed successfully."
+ exit 0
+ '';
+ };
name = "${name}";
@@ -36,7 +107,7 @@ in
+ pkgs.busybox
++ lib.optionals config.ghaf.profiles.debug.enable [ pkgs.tcpdump ]
++ lib.optionals config.ghaf.givc.enable [ pkgs.open-normal-extension ];
@@ -71,20 +142,20 @@ in
applications = [
name = "google-chrome";
- command = "${config.ghaf.givc.appPrefix}/run-waypipe ${config.ghaf.givc.appPrefix}/google-chrome-stable --enable-features=UseOzonePlatform --ozone-platform=wayland ${config.ghaf.givc.idsExtraArgs} --load-extension=${pkgs.open-normal-extension}";
+ command = "${config.ghaf.givc.appPrefix}/run-waypipe ${config.ghaf.givc.appPrefix}/google-chrome-stable --proxy-pac-url=${pacFileUrl} --enable-features=UseOzonePlatform --ozone-platform=wayland ${config.ghaf.givc.idsExtraArgs} --load-extension=${pkgs.open-normal-extension}";
args = [ "url" ];
name = "outlook";
- command = "${config.ghaf.givc.appPrefix}/run-waypipe ${config.ghaf.givc.appPrefix}/google-chrome-stable --enable-features=UseOzonePlatform --ozone-platform=wayland --app=https://outlook.office.com/mail/ ${config.ghaf.givc.idsExtraArgs} --load-extension=${pkgs.open-normal-extension}";
+ command = "${config.ghaf.givc.appPrefix}/run-waypipe ${config.ghaf.givc.appPrefix}/google-chrome-stable --proxy-pac-url=${pacFileUrl} --enable-features=UseOzonePlatform --ozone-platform=wayland --app=https://outlook.office.com/mail/ ${config.ghaf.givc.idsExtraArgs} --load-extension=${pkgs.open-normal-extension}";
name = "office";
- command = "${config.ghaf.givc.appPrefix}/run-waypipe ${config.ghaf.givc.appPrefix}/google-chrome-stable --enable-features=UseOzonePlatform --ozone-platform=wayland --app=https://microsoft365.com ${config.ghaf.givc.idsExtraArgs} --load-extension=${pkgs.open-normal-extension}";
+ command = "${config.ghaf.givc.appPrefix}/run-waypipe ${config.ghaf.givc.appPrefix}/google-chrome-stable --proxy-pac-url=${pacFileUrl} --enable-features=UseOzonePlatform --ozone-platform=wayland --app=https://microsoft365.com ${config.ghaf.givc.idsExtraArgs} --load-extension=${pkgs.open-normal-extension}";
name = "teams";
- command = "${config.ghaf.givc.appPrefix}/run-waypipe ${config.ghaf.givc.appPrefix}/google-chrome-stable --enable-features=UseOzonePlatform --ozone-platform=wayland --app=https://teams.microsoft.com ${config.ghaf.givc.idsExtraArgs} --load-extension=${pkgs.open-normal-extension}";
+ command = "${config.ghaf.givc.appPrefix}/run-waypipe ${config.ghaf.givc.appPrefix}/google-chrome-stable --proxy-pac-url=${pacFileUrl} --enable-features=UseOzonePlatform --ozone-platform=wayland --app=https://teams.microsoft.com ${config.ghaf.givc.idsExtraArgs} --load-extension=${pkgs.open-normal-extension}";
name = "gpclient";
@@ -107,7 +178,6 @@ in
reference = {
programs.google-chrome.enable = true;
services.globalprotect = {
enable = true;
csdWrapper = "${pkgs.openconnect}/libexec/openconnect/hipreport.sh";
@@ -149,13 +219,66 @@ in
# Enable dconf and icon pack for gnome text editor
programs.dconf.enable = true;
environment.systemPackages = [ pkgs.adwaita-icon-theme ];
+ # Define a new group for proxy management
+ users.groups.${proxyGroupName} = { }; # Create a group named proxy-admin
+ # Define a new user with a specific username
+ users.users.${proxyUserName} = {
+ isSystemUser = true;
+ description = "Proxy User for managing allowlist and services";
+ # extraGroups = [ "${proxyGroupName}" ]; # Adding to 'proxy-admin' for specific access
+ group = "${proxyGroupName}";
+ };
+ environment.etc."proxy/${pacFileName}" = {
+ text = '''';
+ user = "${proxyUserName}"; # Owner is proxy-user
+ group = "${proxyGroupName}"; # Group is proxy-admin
+ mode = "0664"; # Permissions: read/write for owner/group, no permissions for others
+ };
+ systemd.services.pacServer = {
+ description = "Http server to make PAC file accessible for web browsers";
+ wantedBy = [ "multi-user.target" ];
+ after = [ "network.target" ];
+ serviceConfig = {
+ ExecStart = "${pkgs.busybox}/bin/busybox httpd -f -p ${pacServerAddr} -h /etc/proxy";
+ # Ensure ghafFetchUrl starts after the network is up
+ Type = "simple";
+ # Restart policy on failure
+ Restart = "always"; # Restart the service if it fails
+ RestartSec = "15s"; # Wait 15 seconds before restarting
+ User = "${proxyUserName}";
+ };
+ };
+ systemd.services.ghafPacFileFetcher = {
+ description = "Fetch ghaf pac file periodically with retries if internet is available";
+ serviceConfig = {
+ ExecStart = "${_ghafPacFileFetcher}/bin/ghafPacFileFetcher";
+ # Ensure ghafFetchUrl starts after the network is up
+ Type = "simple";
+ # Restart policy on failure
+ Restart = "on-failure"; # Restart the service if it fails
+ RestartSec = "15s"; # Wait 15 seconds before restarting
+ User = "${proxyUserName}";
+ };
+ };
+ systemd.timers.ghafPacFileFetcher = {
+ description = "Run ghafPacFileFetcher periodically";
+ wantedBy = [ "timers.target" ];
+ timerConfig = {
+ User = "${proxyUserName}";
+ Persistent = true; # Ensures the timer runs after a system reboot
+ OnCalendar = "daily"; # Set to your desired schedule
+ OnBootSec = "90s";
+ };
+ };
#Firewall Settings
networking = {
- proxy = {
- default = "http://${netvmAddress}:${toString config.ghaf.reference.services.proxy-server.bindPort}";
- noProxy = ",${adminvmAddress},,localhost,${vpnOnlyAddr}";
- };
firewall = {
enable = true;
extraCommands = ''
@@ -170,6 +293,9 @@ in
# Default policy
iptables -P INPUT DROP
+ iptables -A INPUT -i lo -j ACCEPT
+ iptables -A OUTPUT -o lo -j ACCEPT
# Block any other unwanted traffic (optional)
iptables -N logreject
iptables -A logreject -j LOG
diff --git a/modules/reference/programs/google-chrome.nix b/modules/reference/programs/google-chrome.nix
index 9ef6ded39..c54a36d4b 100644
--- a/modules/reference/programs/google-chrome.nix
+++ b/modules/reference/programs/google-chrome.nix
@@ -20,8 +20,6 @@ in
PromptForDownloadLocation = true;
AlwaysOpenPdfExternally = true;
DefaultBrowserSettingEnabled = true;
- StartupBrowserWindowLaunchSuppressed = true;
- DeviceMetricsReportingEnabled = false;
MetricsReportingEnabled = false;
example = lib.literalExpression ''
@@ -30,6 +28,7 @@ in
extraOpts = lib.mkOption {
type = lib.types.attrs;
description = ''
@@ -38,9 +37,9 @@ in
Make sure the selected policy is supported on Linux and your browser version.
- default = {
- };
+ default =
+ {
+ };
example = lib.literalExpression ''
"BrowserSignin" = 0;
@@ -54,15 +53,33 @@ in
+ policyOwner = lib.mkOption {
+ type = lib.types.str;
+ default = "root";
+ description = "Policy files owner";
+ };
+ policyOwnerGroup = lib.mkOption {
+ type = lib.types.str;
+ default = "root";
+ description = "Policy files group";
+ };
config = lib.mkIf cfg.enable {
environment.etc = {
"opt/chrome/policies/managed/default.json" = lib.mkIf (cfg.defaultPolicy != { }) {
text = builtins.toJSON cfg.defaultPolicy;
+ user = "${cfg.policyOwner}"; # Owner is proxy-user
+ group = "${cfg.policyOwnerGroup}"; # Group is proxy-admin
+ mode = "0664"; # Permissions: read/write for owner/group, no permissions for others
- "opt/chrome/policies/managed/extra.json" = lib.mkIf (cfg.extraOpts != { }) {
+ "opt/chrome/policies/managed/extra.json" = {
text = builtins.toJSON cfg.extraOpts;
+ user = "${cfg.policyOwner}"; # Owner is proxy-user
+ group = "${cfg.policyOwnerGroup}"; # Group is proxy-admin
+ mode = "0664"; # Permissions: read/write for owner/group, no permissions for others
diff --git a/modules/reference/services/proxy-server/3proxy-config.nix b/modules/reference/services/proxy-server/3proxy-config.nix
index 5bae71611..502a9a6ba 100644
--- a/modules/reference/services/proxy-server/3proxy-config.nix
+++ b/modules/reference/services/proxy-server/3proxy-config.nix
@@ -9,14 +9,20 @@
cfg = config.ghaf.reference.services.proxy-server;
inherit (lib) mkEnableOption mkIf;
proxyUserName = "proxy-user";
proxyGroupName = "proxy-admin";
- proxyAllowListName = "allowlist.txt";
- proxyWritableAllowListPath = "/etc/${proxyAllowListName}";
- ms-url-fetcher = pkgs.callPackage ./ms_url_fetcher.nix {
- allowListPath = proxyWritableAllowListPath;
- };
+ url-fetcher = pkgs.callPackage ./url_fetcher.nix { };
+ msUrls = "https://endpoints.office.com/endpoints/worldwide?clientrequestid=b10c5ed1-bad1-445f-b386-b919946339a7";
+ ghafUrls = "https://api.github.com/repos/tiiuae/ghaf-rt-config/contents/network/proxy/urls?ref=main";
+ msAllowFilePath = "3proxy/ms_whitelist.txt";
+ ghafAllowFilePath = "3proxy/ghaf_whitelist.txt";
+ allowListPaths = [
+ msAllowFilePath
+ ghafAllowFilePath
+ ];
_3proxy-restart = pkgs.writeShellApplication {
name = "3proxy-restart";
@@ -40,90 +46,6 @@ let
echo "3proxy service successfully started"
- tiiUrls = [
- #for jira avatars
- "*.gravatar.com"
- # for confluence icons
- "*.atlassian.com"
- "*tii.ae"
- "*tii.org"
- "tiiuae.sharepoint.com"
- "tiiuae-my.sharepoint.com"
- "hcm22.sapsf.com"
- "aderp.addigital.gov.ae"
- "s1.mn1.ariba.com"
- "tii.sourcing.mn1.ariba.com"
- "a1c7ohabl.accounts.ondemand.com"
- "flpnwc-ojffapwnic.dispatcher.ae1.hana.ondemand.com"
- "*.docusign.com"
- "access.clarivate.com"
- ];
- ssrcUrls = [
- "*.cachix.org"
- "vedenemo.dev"
- "loki.ghaflogs.vedenemo.dev"
- "ghaflogs.vedenemo.dev"
- "himalia.vedenemo.dev"
- ];
- extraMsUrls = [
- #ms366
- "graph.microsoft.com"
- "ocws.officeapps.live.com"
- "microsoft365.com"
- "*.azureedge.net" # microsoft365 icons
- "consentreceiverfd-prod.azurefd.net" # ms365 cookies
- "c.s-microsoft.com"
- "js.monitor.azure.com"
- "ocws.officeapps.live.com"
- "northcentralus0-mediap.svc.ms"
- "*.bing.com"
- "cdnjs.cloudfare.com"
- "store-images.s-microsoft.com"
- "www.office.com"
- "res-1.cdn.office.net"
- "secure.skypeassets.com"
- "js.live.net"
- "skyapi.onedrive.live.com"
- "am3pap006files.storage.live.com"
- "c7rr5q.am.files.1drv.com"
- #teams
- "teams.live.com"
- "*.teams.live.com"
- "fpt.live.com" # teams related
- "statics.teams.cdn.live.net"
- "ipv6.login.live.com"
- #outlook
- "outlook.live.com" # outlook login
- "csp.microsoft.com"
- "arc.msn.com"
- "www.msn.com"
- "outlook.com"
- #https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoft-365/enterprise/managing-office-365-endpoints?view=o365-worldwide#why-do-i-see-names-such-as-nsatcnet-or-akadnsnet-in-the-microsoft-domain-names
- "*.akadns.net"
- "*.akam.net"
- "*.akamai.com"
- "*.akamai.net"
- "*.akamaiedge.net"
- "*.akamaihd.net"
- "*.akamaized.net"
- "*.edgekey.net"
- "*.edgesuite.net"
- "*.nsatc.net"
- "*.exacttarget.com"
- #onedrive
- "1drv.ms"
- "onedrive.live.com"
- "p.sfx.ms"
- "my.microsoftpersonalcontent.com"
- "*.onedrive.com"
- "cdn.onenote.net"
- "wvcyna.db.files.1drv.com"
- "*.storage.live.com"
- ];
- # Concatenate the lists and join with commas
- concatenatedUrls = builtins.concatStringsSep "," (tiiUrls ++ ssrcUrls ++ extraMsUrls);
config_file_content = ''
# log to stdout
@@ -136,9 +58,9 @@ let
#private addresses
deny * *,,,,,,::,::1,fc00::/7
- allow * * ${concatenatedUrls} *
#include dynamic whitelist ips
- include "${proxyWritableAllowListPath}"
+ include "/etc/${msAllowFilePath}"
+ include "/etc/${ghafAllowFilePath}"
deny * * * *
maxconn 200
@@ -177,14 +99,23 @@ in
group = "${proxyGroupName}";
- # Set up the permissions for allowlist.txt
- environment.etc."${proxyAllowListName}" = {
- text = '''';
- user = "${proxyUserName}"; # Owner is proxy-user
- group = "${proxyGroupName}"; # Group is proxy-admin
- mode = "0660"; # Permissions: read/write for owner/group, no permissions for others
- };
+ # Apply the allowListConfig generated from the list
+ # Create environment.etc configuration for each allow list path
+ # Loop over the allowListPaths and apply the configuration directly
+ environment.etc = builtins.foldl' (
+ acc: path:
+ acc
+ // {
+ "${path}" = {
+ text = '''';
+ user = "${proxyUserName}"; # Owner is proxy-user
+ group = "${proxyGroupName}"; # Group is proxy-admin
+ mode = "0660"; # Permissions: read/write for owner/group, no permissions for others
+ };
+ }
+ ) { } allowListPaths;
+ # Apply the configurations for each allow list path
# Allow proxy-admin group to manage specific systemd services without a password
security = {
polkit = {
@@ -207,7 +138,7 @@ in
- environment.systemPackages = [ ms-url-fetcher ];
+ environment.systemPackages = [ url-fetcher ];
#Firewall Settings
networking = {
firewall.enable = true;
@@ -218,12 +149,12 @@ in
# systemd service for fetching the file
- systemd.services.fetchFile = {
- description = "Fetch a file periodically with retries if internet is available";
+ systemd.services.msFetchUrl = {
+ description = "Fetch microsoft URLs periodically with retries if internet is available";
serviceConfig = {
- ExecStart = "${ms-url-fetcher}/bin/ms-url-fetch";
- # Ensure fetchFile starts after the network is up
+ ExecStart = "${url-fetcher}/bin/url-fetcher -u ${msUrls} -p /etc/${msAllowFilePath}";
+ # Ensure msFetchUrl starts after the network is up
Type = "simple";
# Retry until systemctl restart 3proxy succeeds
ExecStartPost = "${_3proxy-restart}/bin/3proxy-restart";
@@ -235,8 +166,8 @@ in
# systemd timer to trigger the service every 10 minutes
- systemd.timers.fetchFile = {
- description = "Run fetch-file periodically";
+ systemd.timers.msFetchUrl = {
+ description = "Run msFetchUrl periodically";
wantedBy = [ "timers.target" ];
timerConfig = {
User = "${proxyUserName}";
@@ -246,6 +177,35 @@ in
+ # systemd service for fetching the file
+ systemd.services.ghafFetchUrl = {
+ description = "Fetch ghaf related URLs periodically with retries if internet is available";
+ serviceConfig = {
+ ExecStart = "${url-fetcher}/bin/url-fetcher -f ${ghafUrls} -p /etc/${ghafAllowFilePath}";
+ # Ensure ghafFetchUrl starts after the network is up
+ Type = "simple";
+ # Retry until systemctl restart 3proxy succeeds
+ ExecStartPost = "${_3proxy-restart}/bin/3proxy-restart";
+ # Restart policy on failure
+ Restart = "on-failure"; # Restart the service if it fails
+ RestartSec = "15s"; # Wait 15 seconds before restarting
+ User = "${proxyUserName}";
+ };
+ };
+ # systemd timer to trigger the service every 10 minutes
+ systemd.timers.ghafFetchUrl = {
+ description = "Run ghafFetchUrl periodically";
+ wantedBy = [ "timers.target" ];
+ timerConfig = {
+ User = "${proxyUserName}";
+ Persistent = true; # Ensures the timer runs after a system reboot
+ OnCalendar = "hourly"; # Set to your desired schedule
+ OnBootSec = "90s";
+ };
+ };
systemd.services."3proxy".serviceConfig = {
RestartSec = "5s";
User = "${proxyUserName}";
@@ -258,37 +218,6 @@ in
confFile = pkgs.writeText "3proxy.conf" ''
- /*
- NOTE allow and deny configurations should must be placed before the other configs
- it is not possible to do with extraConfig. Because it appends the file
- */
- /*
- services = [
- {
- type = "proxy";
- bindAddress = "${netvmAddr}";
- inherit (cfg) bindPort;
- maxConnections = 200;
- auth = [ "iponly" ];
- acl = [
- {
- rule = "allow";
- targets = tiiUrls;
- }
- {
- rule = "allow";
- targets = ssrcUrls;
- }
- {
- rule = "allow";
- targets = extraMsUrls;
- }
- { rule = "deny"; }
- ];
- }
- ];
- */
diff --git a/modules/reference/services/proxy-server/ms_url_fetcher.nix b/modules/reference/services/proxy-server/ms_url_fetcher.nix
deleted file mode 100644
index 57ea3721f..000000000
--- a/modules/reference/services/proxy-server/ms_url_fetcher.nix
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,76 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2024 TII (SSRC) and the Ghaf contributors
-# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
- writeShellApplication,
- lib,
- pkgs,
- allowListPath,
- ...
- url = "https://endpoints.office.com/endpoints/worldwide?clientrequestid=b10c5ed1-bad1-445f-b386-b919946339a7";
- logTag = "ms-url-fetcher";
-writeShellApplication {
- name = "ms-url-fetch";
- runtimeInputs = [
- pkgs.inetutils
- pkgs.curl
- pkgs.jq
- ];
- text = ''
- # Function to write to the allow list
- write_to_allow_list() {
- local processedUrls="$1"
- local allowListPath="$2"
- {
- printf "allow * * " || { logger -t ms-url-fetcher "Failed to print prefix"; return 1; }
- echo "$processedUrls" || { logger -t ms-url-fetcher "Failed to echo processed URLs"; return 1; }
- } > "$allowListPath" || { logger -t ms-url-fetcher "Failed to write to $allowListPath"; return 2; }
- return 0 # Indicate success
- }
- # Check if the device is connected to the internet.
- if ping -c 1 &> /dev/null; then
- logger -t ${logTag} "Fetching the Microsoft URLs from ${url}"
- # Fetch the JSON file using curl with retry logic
- if curl_output=$(curl -s --retry 5 --retry-delay 10 --retry-connrefused "${url}"); then
- msurl_output=$(echo "$curl_output" | jq -r '.[]? | select(.category == "Optimize" or .category == "Allow" or .category == "Default") | .urls[]?' | sort | uniq)
- # Check if msurl_output is empty
- if [ -z "$msurl_output" ]; then
- logger -t ${logTag} "No valid URLs found in the fetched data."
- exit 4 # No URLs found error
- fi
- # Convert the list of URLs into a comma-separated format and save to allowListPath
- processedUrls=$(echo "$msurl_output" | tr '\n' ',' | sed 's/,$//');
- # Add the prefix once and save to allowListPath
- if write_to_allow_list "$processedUrls" "${allowListPath}"; then
- logger -t ${logTag} "Microsoft URLs fetched and saved to ${allowListPath} successfully"
- exit 0 # Success exit code
- else
- logger -t ${logTag} "Failed to process Microsoft URLs with jq"
- exit 2 # JQ processing error
- fi
- else
- logger -t ${logTag} "Failed to fetch Microsoft URLs after multiple attempts"
- exit 1 # Curl fetching error
- fi
- else
- logger -t ${logTag} "No internet connection. Microsoft URLs not fetched."
- exit 3 # No internet connection error
- fi
- '';
- meta = with lib; {
- description = "
- The application is a shell script designed to fetch a list of Microsoft URLs
- from a specified endpoint and save them to an allow list file. The script includes error
- handling and retry logic to ensure robustness in various network conditions.
- ";
- };
diff --git a/modules/reference/services/proxy-server/url_fetcher.nix b/modules/reference/services/proxy-server/url_fetcher.nix
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..888915a8b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/reference/services/proxy-server/url_fetcher.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,144 @@
+# Copyright 2024 TII (SSRC) and the Ghaf contributors
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+ writeShellApplication,
+ lib,
+ pkgs,
+ ...
+ logTag = "url-fetcher";
+writeShellApplication {
+ name = "url-fetcher";
+ runtimeInputs = [
+ pkgs.inetutils
+ pkgs.curl
+ pkgs.jq
+ pkgs.gawk
+ ];
+ text = ''
+ # Default values for variables
+ url=""
+ url_folder=""
+ allowListPath=""
+ # Function to write to the allow list
+ write_to_allow_list() {
+ local processedUrls="$1"
+ local allowListPath="$2"
+ {
+ # Ensure the "allow" prefix is written
+ printf "allow * * " || { logger -t ${logTag} "Failed to print prefix"; return 1; }
+ echo "$processedUrls" || { logger -t ${logTag} "Failed to echo processed URLs"; return 1; }
+ } > "$allowListPath" || { logger -t ${logTag} "Failed to write to $allowListPath"; return 2; }
+ return 0 # Indicate success
+ }
+ # Function to fetch and process URLs from a JSON file
+ fetch_and_process_url() {
+ local file_url="$1"
+ # Fetch and parse the JSON
+ if json_content=$(curl -s --retry 5 --retry-delay 10 --retry-connrefused "$file_url"); then
+ echo "$json_content" | jq -r '.[]? | select(.category == "Optimize" or .category == "Allow" or .category == "Default") | .urls[]?' | sort | uniq
+ else
+ logger -t ${logTag} "Failed to fetch or parse JSON from $file_url"
+ return 1
+ fi
+ }
+ # Parse command line arguments
+ while getopts "u:f:p:" opt; do
+ case $opt in
+ u) url="$OPTARG" ;; # Single JSON file URL to fetch
+ f) url_folder="$OPTARG" ;; # Folder API URL containing JSON files
+ p) allowListPath="$OPTARG" ;; # Path to the allow list file
+ \?) echo "Usage: $0 -u | -f -p "
+ exit 1 ;;
+ esac
+ done
+ # Validate input parameters
+ if [[ -z "$allowListPath" ]]; then
+ echo "Error: Allow List Path (-p) must be provided."
+ echo "Usage: $0 -u | -f -p "
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ if [[ -n "$url" && -n "$url_folder" ]]; then
+ echo "Error: Only one of -u or -f should be provided, not both."
+ exit 1
+ elif [[ -z "$url" && -z "$url_folder" ]]; then
+ echo "Error: One of -u or -f must be provided."
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ # Check if the device is connected to the internet
+ if ! ping -c 1 &> /dev/null; then
+ logger -t ${logTag} "No internet connection. URLs not fetched."
+ exit 3
+ fi
+ # Process a single URL (-u option)
+ all_urls=""
+ if [[ -n "$url" ]]; then
+ logger -t ${logTag} "Fetching URLs from $url"
+ # Fetch and process the single JSON file
+ fetched_urls=$(fetch_and_process_url "$url")
+ if [[ -z "$fetched_urls" ]]; then
+ logger -t ${logTag} "No valid URLs found in the file $url"
+ exit 4
+ fi
+ all_urls="$fetched_urls"
+ fi
+ # Process a folder of JSON files (-f option)
+ if [[ -n "$url_folder" ]]; then
+ logger -t ${logTag} "Fetching JSON files from folder $url_folder"
+ # Use the folder URL directly as the API endpoint
+ folder_api_url="$url_folder"
+ # Fetch the folder contents from the API
+ folder_response=$(curl -s -H "Accept: application/vnd.github.v3+json" "$folder_api_url")
+ # Extract JSON file URLs
+ file_urls=$(echo "$folder_response" | jq -r '.[] | select(.name | endswith(".json")) | .download_url')
+ if [[ -z "$file_urls" ]]; then
+ logger -t ${logTag} "No JSON files found in folder $folder_api_url"
+ exit 4
+ fi
+ # Process each JSON file URL
+ for file_url in $file_urls; do
+ fetched_urls=$(fetch_and_process_url "$file_url")
+ all_urls+="$fetched_urls"$'\n'
+ done
+ fi
+ # Deduplicate and format URLs
+ all_urls=$(echo "$all_urls" | sort | uniq | tr '\n' ',') # Sort, deduplicate, join with commas
+ all_urls=$(echo "$all_urls" | awk '{sub(/^,/, ""); print}')
+ all_urls=$(echo "$all_urls" | awk '{gsub(/^,|,$/, ""); print}')
+ # Write to the allow list
+ if write_to_allow_list "$all_urls" "$allowListPath"; then
+ logger -t ${logTag} "URLs fetched and saved to $allowListPath successfully"
+ exit 0 # Success
+ else
+ logger -t ${logTag} "Failed to save URLs to allow list"
+ exit 2
+ fi
+ '';
+ meta = with lib; {
+ description = "
+ The application is a shell script designed to fetch a list of URLs
+ from a specified endpoint and save them to an allow list file. The script includes error
+ handling and retry logic to ensure robustness in various network conditions.
+ ";
+ };