The Clean Transportation Data Hub provides an evidence base for the Clean Transportation Branch through data storage, analysis and visualization, that improves decision making to increase energy efficiency and de-carbonise the transportation system. It aims to be the most comprehensive, reliable and accessible data management system for clean transportation in the world.
- Make sure Docker is installed and running
- In your terminal, go to your project folder and execute the following:
docker-compose up
- You'll have to make an edit to your host file
- Mac Users
- Edit
- Add this line: keycloak
- Edit
- Windows Users
- Edit
- Add this line: keycloak
- Edit
- Mac Users
- Navigate to
- Login with:
- username:
- password:
- username:
To access keycloak:
- Navigate to
- username:
- password:
- username:
- Navigate to
To access postgres:
- Go to your project folder in your terminal
- Execute the following:
docker-compose exec db psql -U postgres
- Some notes about the structure of the command
- docker-compose exec - this is your standard command to execute something within the context of the docker-compose yml file
- db - this is the service you want to execute your command in
- psql -U postgres - execute psql with a the default user of postgres
To access the backend: (to do migrations and other stuff with the backend)
- Go to your project folder in your terminal
- Execute the following:
docker-compose exec api bash
- Here you can do your standard django stuff like:
python makemigrations
python migrate
To access the frontend: (to install/update a package, etc)
- Go to your project folder in your terminal
- Execute the following:
docker-compose exec web bash
- This is where you can make changes to your package.json
- You can technically make changes to your packages without going into your container, but you'll need npm installed into your system
The code is a fork from Richard's personal project. Please do not clone, copy or replicate this project unless you're authorized to do so.
This is a list that was created on 2023-02-01 with all Zelda Devs to provide alternative work instead of bringing in a new ticket.
*Team Rule Do not bring in ticket After Friday
Help another Dev - see if other Devs need help to finish their ticket
PR Reviews – linked to the task above
Writing additional tests – for both tront and back end
Take a look at Tech Debt tickets - If we bring in tickets let's bring in Tech Debt first
Learning time:
Take the opportunity to familiarize yourself with business logic, tech (anything around work we do)
New learning and applying it to our work
Innovation work