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Releases: timble/openpolice-platform
Releases · timble/openpolice-platform
Site Enhancements
- Added privacy-enhanced mode for Youtube embeds - #163
- Added structured data markup for breadcrumbs - #187
- Added margin below Youtube embed - #188
- Added purple styling for all visited links - #189
- Added new statistics - #170
- Added statistics for the provinces and regions - #151
- Changed 'In violation' to 'Not in violation' - #160
- Changed dates format to the NBN Z01-002 standard - #103
- Fixed issue with solved status of wanted persons - #150
- Fixed broken 404 page - #162
- Fixed unsanitized Javascript in path - #211
- Fixed XSS vulnerability in statistics - #175
- Fixed multiple French translations - #157
- Renamed 'Des numéros d'urgence' to 'Numéros d'urgence' - #186
- Replaced image on the 404 page - #181
- Removed eCops link - #177
- Removed news fetching in the background - #172
- Removed district officer avatar placeholder - #131
- District officer search form on the website of Grensleie is hidden - #220
Administrator Enhancements
- Added limitation of login attempts - #149
- Added province filter to zones - #230
- Added district filter to zones - #229
- Added customised model for streets #190
- Added ability to add non-numeric references to found items - #158
- Added 'NL, FR & DE' option to listbox in the zone form - #153
- Added requestor field for wanted persons - #144
- Fixed selection of all district officers when creating a new district - #191
- Fixed accessible activities view - #178
- Fixed inability to add zero violations - #176
- Fixed undefined method when editing a checked out district - #36
- District ID is now optional for relations import - #194
- Make all streets available in specific sites - #180 & #135
- Fixed capistrano issue with zone numbers - #179
Release of:
- Police Arlon - Attert - Habay - Martelange - #212
- Police Botte de Hainaut - #227
- Police de Val de L'Escaut - #203
- Police Des 3 Vallées - #164
- Police Des Fagnes - #166
- Police de Tournaisis - #142
- Police Hermeton-et-Heure - #156
- Police Meuse-Hesbaye - #217
- Police Namur - #169
- Police La Louvière - #197
- Police Lesse et Lhomme - #228
- Politie BRT - #174
- Politie Denderleeuw/Haaltert - #185
- Politie Dijleland - #195
- Politie Grensleie - #222
- Politie Limburg Regio Hoofdstad - #225 & #193
- Politie Maldegem - #210
- Politie Pajottenland - #168
- Politie Spoorkin - #155
- Politie TARL - #159
- Politie Zennevallei - #226 & #196
Site Enhancements
- Added new portal page for the integrated police
- Added meta description to homepage
- Added hreflang to the language links
- Added correct language values (nl-BE, fr-BE & de-BE)
- Added optional link to a contact on the questions pages
- Added fallback to domain name language instead of browser language
- Renamed 'Nouvelles' to 'Actualités'
- Improved streets autocomplete when returning to previous page
- Single column in 'Your district' on non-full width screens
- Truncate zone names on small screens
- Merged 'District officer' and 'BIN' pages
- Break out of an iFrame
- Updated logos - #133
Administrator Enhancements
- Added Youtube embed in news and about articles
- Added publish on field to press articles
- Found on date is now required and 'today' as default
- Fixed scrolling issue
- Improved analytics screen
Bug Fixes
- Fixed issue when referrer Cookie is empty by adding a fallback
- Fixed news links in multilingual sites
- Fixed sluggable behavior in multilingual setup
- Fixed layout issue when searching questions
- Fixed multiple minor multilingual improvements
- Fixed thumbnails on IE8
- Fixed parsing issue of the route when it contained the sitename
- Fixed sorting of press articles by published on date
- Fixed navigation items that got wrapped to a new line on IE8 and lower
- Fixed missing city names in French
- Fixed missing streets in traffic results
- Streets database refactor, from multiple tables to one
- Added BrowserSync to Grunt
- Refactored to Libsass for faster compilation
Release of:
- Federale Politie
- Police Hesbaye-Ouest
- Police Famenne-Ardenne
- Police Des Trieux
- Politie Ukkel/WB/Oudergem
- Politie Balen-Dessel-Mol
- Politie Neteland
- Politie West-Limburg
- Politie Noordoost-Limburg
- Politie HerKo
- Politie Aalter-Knesselare
- Politie Sint-Niklaas
- Politie Blankenberge/Zuienkerke
- Politie MIRA
- Politie Waasland-Noord
Site Enhancements
- Added ability to browse the Office Hours for the upcoming 14 days
- Added city in Traffic for multi-city zones
- Combined Districts & Neighbourhood Information Network
- Redesigned Attachments listing
- Decreased last breakpoint
Administrator Enhancements
- Added one-off Office Hours
- Added Traffic results
- Added Districts list when browsing Streets
- Added Attachments support to Traffic
- Added simple Analytics dashboard
- Allow empty end-date in Traffic
Bug Fixes
- Questions search included unpublished articles
- RSS feed is now valid
- Unset URL parameters on the homepage
- Fixed flexbox scroll issue on Firefox in the administrator
- Limit Districts & Contacts to one thumbnail
- Improved Districts database schema
- Simplified domains for staging & development
- Refactored structured data in Contacts to JSON-LD
Release of:
Site Enhancements
- Added personalised Privacy and Disclaimer page
- Added RSS link in the footer
- Added placeholder message when a Traffic category is empty
- Breadcrumbs 'Home' element is now translated for all French sites
- Improved Open Graph implementation
- Improved the Questions landing page, removed duplicate categories listing
- Only show streets in the autocomplete that have a district officer
Administrator Enhancements
- Added city to streets listbox in Districts and BINs
- Allow to backdate News articles
- Schedule News articles
- Added email address to District
- Manage zones and streets from within the manager application
- Added missing translations
- Improved article ordering and introduced 'drafts' in News
- Only empty categories in About and Questions can be removed
- Added autocomplete listbox to attach a police station to a District
- Added autocomplete listbox to attach a Street to a Contact
- Inserting a file link now automatically adds the file size and extension
Bug Fixes
- Too small article image on About pages
- Double quotes issue in titles
- Pagination broke filters in some views
- Download of attachments in support tickets
- The banner is now optional
- Theme dependencies are now managed by Composer
- Implemented auto-increment primary keys for Districts, Officers and BINs
Release of:
Site Enhancements
- Now the domain name matches the site's language
- Improved structured data (
- Streets are now ordered by title instead of city
- Re-use the category image on the article page when the category contains only one article and the article doesn't have an image attached
Administrator Enhancements
- Finalised multi-lingual support
- Automated CRAB synchronisation (weekly)
- Better handling of large images
- You can now filter streets for missing CRAB IDs
- Added width/height properties to inline images so PageSpeed can handle resizing
- Keep page published state in sync with the category
Bug Fixes
- Fixed editor plugins
- Avoid rendering of office hours when no contact is found
- Limit street search to one zone during import of local streets
- Proper naming convention for Sass variables
Release of:
Site Enhancements
- Added width & height property to featured image in the RSS feed
- The banner is now declared in CSS to avoid unnecessary load on small screen
- Featured image in News doesn't link to the cropped version anymore
- Added support for 3 quicklinks on the homepage
- Now the zone name is used as author metadata of News articles
Administrator Enhancements
- Added 'name' and 'URL' field in Contacts
- Added 'note' field to office hours in Contacts
- Added 'appointment only' option to office hours in Contacts
- Added component to manage BIN/RIQ
- Date-time picker in News & Traffic now starts with Monday and is translated
- Allow user-select for comments in Support
- All support tickets are now centralised for support agents
Bug Fixes
- Hide unpublished categories in Traffic
- Hide unpublished pages in footer menu
- Fixed sidebar in Districts
- Fixed pagination in Districts
- Fixed streets listbox in Districts when street name contains special characters
- Fixed missing attachments in Questions
- Fixed ability to download non-image attachments
- A huge list of streets in Traffic no longer breaks the UI
- Major refactor of the site's main menu (ARIA support & duplicate HTML)
- Vagrant box is now hosted on
- Added a product blog
- Updated some libraries: Nooku (v0.9.1), Apollo (v1.7.0), Select2 (v3.4.8), jQuery (v2.1.1), Susy (v2.1.2)
- Documentation is now available online
- Added Grunt to compile Sass
- Added Bower to install dependencies
- Release of Police Mouscron
Site Enhancements
- Proper message when no results are found in Questions
- Hide the read more link in Traffic when there is nothing more to read
- Show the category image in About
- No bold introtext when there is no fulltext
- Implement mobile number fallback in Contacts
Administrator Enhancements
- Added Press component
- Automatically star the first attached image
- Improve menubar translations
- Make comment area resizable in Support
- Enable editor anchor plugin
Bug Fixes
- CKEditor breaks DateTimePicker
- Unable to remove rows in Firefox
- Fixed missing French translations
- Avoid duplicate IDs in Districts
- Third image in the gallery floats to the right
- Copyright was running one year behind
- Hide disabled Quicklinks
- Update to GA Universal Tracking
- Create new empty sites using Capistrano
- Import component can handle officers and press articles
- Update to CKEditor v4.3.4
- Slack integration to Support
- Release of Politie MidLim
Site Enhancements
- Add Open Graph, Twitter Cards & microdata support to News
- Add jQuery lightbox gallery to News
- Add office hours to Contacts
- Improve article image on mobile
- Improve attachments workflow
- Improve navbar on small screens
- Improve district officer search
- Prevent district officer avatar indexing
- Group latest news on homepage (sticky and more articles)
Administrator Enhancements
- Add Support component to replace Zendesk
- Make categories in Traffic editable
- Add Firefox v26+ support
- Add template overrides for Contacts & Categories
- Add office hours to Contacts
- Translate administrator interface to dutch & french
- Remove editor and attachments from category form in Questions
- Improve News import
Bug Fixes
- Files not sort by name
- Missing breadcrumbs in com:traffic
- Select2 not working on Firefox
- Categories are not ordered based on the ordering value in About
- Navbar is shown momentarily on small screen
- Prevent saving tickets, news, questions, ... without text
- Pixels to ems
- Setup phpmig with support for multiple databases
- HipChat integration to Support
- Release of Politie Damme/Knokke-Heist
- Add uploads component for migration data from the v1 platform
- Add metadata to com:attachments using a template override
- Implement fallback when no article is stickified
- Improve color contrast to conform to WCAG 2.0 level AAA
- Add event tracking to pathway and attachments
- Highlight visited questions
- Specify image dimensions in markup
- Improve link accessibility
- Add city name behind street name in com:districts
Bug Fixes
- Hide Twitter/Facebook links when not set
- Stickable behavior creates empty article
- Tables issue on small screens
- Override
user agent style - Fix translation issues
- Search button is not working on older browsers
- Avoid CSS
- Refactor Bootstrap grid to Susy
- Upgrade Zendesk API usage