This is for my dot files.
zsh python ruby iterm2 (Mac only) git (obviously) oh-my-zsh - again use my clone of it. ctags - brew install ctags on osx jedi - Python library for autocomplete
To setup, run the following from a terminal:
mkdir ~/.dotfiles git clone git:// .dotfiles git submodule init git submodule update cd .dotfiles/files/ ruby install.rb git submodule foreach git pull
This should symlink the files into your home directory and then you can use them.
There is also a requirements.pip for installing requirements. Pip is added so we can easily do an upgrade.:
sudo pip install -r requirements.pip
To setup iterm2, open the preferences, check "Load preferences from a user-defined folder or URL" and put in:
NeoVim is the new hotness. I am going to replace certain aspects of my vim setup, such as using Vundle.
Install neovim with brew..
I have removed Janus because now that I am using VIM much more it just gets in the way. A standard VIM installation with some carefully picked plugins is what I am going to go for. My VIMRC will be mainly configured for Python support.
- Pathogen for plugin support
- Fugitive for git support
- Ex. ctags for taglist support.
To install VIM plugins, do it like this in the files bundle area:
git submodule add git:// files/vim/bundle/fugitive.vim
This will mean that once in a while we can manually pull in the updates from the various git repos for the plugins that we use.