An online role playing game set in alternative contemporary history scenario
- The game is played on a server. You can try to host on your own hackup jitsi whatever 2d-mutliplayer-rpg with distance-activated Web RTC if you know how to.
- To set up the game, you need to use the map editor. Upload all files from assets/maps/ as rooms. Use the editor to create spawning points on the main island, make walls impassable, connect the rooms with portals, and place objects according to the assets/maps/overview
- It helps to have at least 2-3 facilitators in the game who just run around and help people figure out what to do next.
- Players have their own private backstory. But here on the internet, nobody knows you are a dog, so that is your private little secret. You can't show it to anyone.
- Each player has a unique set of "ports", "assets" and "abilities.
- Assets (4000 USD on a Creditcard) can be transfered through ports (Paypal Account).
- Abilities transform assets.
- When a transformation in performed, receive a new character sheet with new assets, ports and/or abilities. e.g. Activity: "Buy & install solar panels" "requires: 4'000'000 Ugandan Shilling Provides new asset: Video of the Installation. Players have the shared objective to reduce CO2 emissions. At least most of them do.
Players have to register ahead of the game. Distribute Character sheets from assets/characters/ to players by email (include intro video)
Depending on engagement, you can add "pre-plot" elements to encourage specific interactions.
Players arrive on individualized ship, where they get last pre-plost instructions from assets/characters/.
Player arrive at the island. Facilitators greet and spread the word that there will be a presentation in the main castle room.
Facilitators share assets/video/02-Shared-Background.mp4
Players are left on their own to find the "Marketplace" in the courtyard of the castle.
After 15 Minutes of free play, interupt. Karl-Heinz Häsliprinz, the King of this Castle, appears on the balcony. Stern warning: I tried to keep this link a secret among the climate community. But it was leaked - and hell, how badly it was leaked - found it on a darkmarket right between fake passports and 3D Printed Guns. Expect fraudsters, climate deniers and who knows, maybe even CIA to be present. You can find security advise in assets/maps/armory. Good Luck and Have Fun.
Armory: Advise on security of different channels and verifications. Cyber-Cyber Map. Brief three minutes artsy installation type experience. The only proper security advise: Act under zero trust conditions. Trust must be build slowly, one step at a time, via reputation. Let's give each other ratings. We will convey in 10 minutes in the courtyard.
LINK: Rating-Platform 0-5 stars (via google forms or similar) Results public.
When done with rating, back to the Market-Interaction. You got 15 more minutes, then meet back in the castle tavern.
Closing Remarks.
Groups that want to tell us how their story of climate action can get up on stage. We will include some presentations of real-world online climate action during the presentations.