Python Bootcamp at William & Mary's MSBA Program
We will reference these freely available textbooks
Think Python 3rd edition by Allen Downey
Python for Everybody
For additional practices please visit:
Python Training by JP Morgan Chase
Code Academy
DataCamp Python course
DeepLearning.AI's AI Python for Beginners
Best resources for learning to code compiled by Neil Hoyne, Chef Strategiest at Google
➡️ Ilya Reshetnikov wanted to teach his 7-year old how to code and put together an absolutely massive portfolio of sites.
➡️ MIT Scratch - The world's largest free coding community for kids.
➡️ Google CS First - A curriculum to make coding easy to teach and fun to learn.
➡️ CS Unplugged - Learn or teach computer science without a computer.
➡️ Harvard University CS50 - An 11-week introduction to computer science and the art of programming. Courses are self-paced and free to audit.
➡️ Minecraft - Coding puzzles in the world of Minecraft.
➡️ TED - Let's Teach Kids to Code - In a demo-filled talk MIT's Mitch Resnick outlines the benefits of teaching kids to code, so they can do more than just "read" new technologies - but also create them.
➡️ TuringLab - A collection of interactive exercises, particularly helpful if you're interested in getting started with Python.