All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- Switch between daily, weekly and yearly views
now supports multiple domains (#79 #82, thanks @jaryl)
- JS error handling with React error boundary
- Loading indicator when the sizes-view is loading
- Catch errors when the sizes-view throws an error
- Ackee can track detailed data (optional) and now shows more of them in the "Detailed"-menu
- Simply deploy to Heroku by clicking one button (#72, thanks @aleccool213)
option for Heroku or other Platforms-As-A-Service (#73, thanks @aleccool213)
- Allow the use of
instead ofACKEE_PORT
(#70) - Improved parts of the documentation
- Related modules in README
- Click a Twitter link to see who tweeted the link
- "New referrers"
- Custom tracker URL (#53)
- Incorrect content type for JS files (#54)
- Average and detailed durations
- Links now open in a new tab with
- Remove username and password before logging MongoDB connection URI (#50)
- Horizontal scroll on pages with vertical scroll (#52)
- Large numbers in chart view overlapping bars
- "Last 7 days" now shows last 7 days instead of 8
- Title for "Unique site views"
- CORS headers in documentation
- Data fetched twice when navigating in UI
- Abort old fetch calls when they're triggered again
- Top and recent languages
- Comparison bars for "Views per page"
- Top and recent pages in a dedicated view
- Hover recent referrers to see the date
- Improved URL normalization for cleaner URLs in "Views per page" and "Referrers"
- Improved logging of errors in the server log
- Improved menu on small screens
- Reset state after pressing "Reload Ackee" in the error overlay to recover from bugs caused by a faulty state
⚠️ All options / environment variables have been renamed. They're now starting withACKEE_
to avoid collisions with other tools. Please update your options accordingly.
- "Views per page" shows you the top 25 pages of a domain with the most views
- More documentation and FAQ
- Comparison bar behind items in the referrer list
- Normalize
before storing it in the database
- "Total views" => "Total page views"
- "Unique views" => "Unique site views"
response contains a new type
- Login not working because environment variables already in use (#45)
- Everything