For all ‘S: ’ headings, restart the service after changing config
- ETA CyberPatriot Wiki
- Canonical Ubuntu 18.04 LTS Security Technical Implementation Guide
- openstack/ansible-hardening
- SCAP Workbench
- OpenVAS
- SELinux/Setup - Debian Wiki
- firefox config
- check /root
- potential packages to remove:
- exim4
- check quarantined files in
- check crontabs
- /var/spool/cron/crontabs
- /etc/anacrontab
- /var/spool/anacrontab
- check /etc/cron.*
ls -R /etc/cron.*
- change password (check if chpasswd in the script worked)
- when installing updates: update, restart, update, restart
- software-properties-gtk
- check
ps axjf
- check /etc/passwd with
- check /etc/group with
; sensitive groups: sudo, adm, admin, wheel - check which DM is used
grep '/usr/s\?bin' /etc/systemd/system/display-manager.service | cut -d= -f2 | cut -d/ -f4
- LightDM: etc/lightdm and /usr/share/lightdm/lightdm.conf.d GDM: /etc/gdm/*, disable-user-list=true in greeter conf
- lock root account,
passwd -l root
orusermod -L root
- chsh root,
chsh -s /usr/sbin/nologin root
- check
- password text files
find /home -iname "*pass*" find /home -iname "*pw*" grep -r $PW /home /var /etc
- audit filesystem
- remove non-base packages
Manually installed:
comm -23 <(apt-mark showmanual | sort -u) <(gzip -dc /var/log/installer/initial-status.gz | sed -n 's/^Package: //p' | sort -u) | tee "$BASE/manually-installed"
apt list --installed | grep -vxf "$BASE/rc/pkgorig.txt"
- Add a
- Add a SSH warning banner
- check services
service --status-all | sort
[+] = running [-] = stopped [?] = an upstart service or status unsupported
- if Ubuntu: check Ubuntu Software center for installed packages that dpkg misses
- check config overrides
- audit PATH variable, or better, audit
- set web root owner & permission (www-data or check image readme)
- inspect files in web root; look for sensitive data / webshells webshell in round 4 (3 for this year?) is usually hidden in wordpress files, so don’t look manually. use grep -rni ‘php system’ or grep -rni system(‘; see google classroom for list of keywords to search for
- check files in
not owned by root - find world writable files (
find / -perm -002
) - find backdoors
- netstat -plunte
- netstat -tupwn
- lsof -i -n -P
- pgrep -a nc
- fuser $PORT/tcp
- ps aux | grep $PORT
- check start up scripts /etc/rc.local /etc/init.d
- check /etc/fstab
- check
apt-cache policy
- edit/add
inet_interfaces = loopback-only
then run
systemctl restart postfix
- check for files with special attrs
getfacl -Rs /home /etc /var | less lsattr -R /etc 2>/dev/null | grep -v -e '--e--' | grep -v -e '/.*:$' | grep -v '^$' lsattr -R /home 2>/dev/null | grep -v -e '--e--' | grep -v -e '/.*:$' | grep -v '^$' lsattr -R /root 2>/dev/null | grep -v -e '--e--' | grep -v -e '/.*:$' | grep -v '^$' lsattr -R /var 2>/dev/null | grep -v -e '--e--' | grep -v -e '/.*:$' | grep -v '^$' find / -type f -perm -4000
- check user .bashrc
- check host files
/etc/hosts /etc/hosts.allow
- /etc/hosts.deny check cron (just to make sure)
- check
apt-key list
- check
systemctl list-units
- check
- remove
files from user home
- check
files or dirs not owned by root (find /etc ! -user root
) - check for
files in /etc or other dirs - check apt sources.d
- check file permissions :/
- check /etc/skel
- look for disallowed media files in other directories
- check for additional configs & overrides in
- figure out whether wordpress was installed by downloading from internet or installing the wordpress package, if package, check
- go to admin portal, secure everything :)
- try finding weird plugins (in admin portal)
- check
- http://localhost/wp-admin/install.php
- resources
- config dir
- service name
- named
- package name
- bind9 (do NOT remove bind9-host)
- resources
- config dir
- /etc/nginx
- reload config
- nginx -s reload
- restart
- systemctl restart smbd.service nmbd.service
- config file
- /etc/samba/smb.conf
- in
section:restrict anonymous = 2
- replace ipc$ share with:
[ipc$] hosts allow = hosts deny = guest ok = no browseable = no
- check admin users of samba shares
- restart
- systemctl restart proftpd
- restart
- systemctl restart mysql
- run mysql_secure_installation
- remove skip-grant-tables (to find:
grep -rn "skip-grant-tables" /etc/mysql
- reload
- systemctl reload apache2
- config dir
- /etc/apache2
- main config
- /etc/apache2/apache2.conf
- use tls
- SSL/TLS Strong Encryption: How-To - Apache HTTP Server Version 2.4
- Apache Web Server Hardening and Security Guide
- add to main config: Header edit Set-Cookie ^(.*)$ $1;HttpOnly;Secure
- check if there’s anything that needs to be migrated from the old config into the new
vim -O /etc/apache2/apache2.conf{,.bak}
- check config overrides
- inspect .htaccess (check under web root)
- check sites-available and sites-enabled
- check conf-available and conf-enabled
- service
- postgresql