To run the full `./gradlew` build locally, []( expects two oracle databases to be running locally. You can start a pair of default databases with the following commands. ``` docker run -d -p 8081:8080 -p 1522:1521 sath89/oracle-12c docker run -d -p 8082:8080 -p 1523:1521 sath89/oracle-12c ``` Or you can run the following Docker command: `docker-compose up -d` referencing [docker-compose.yml]( Patterdale requires a the Oracle jdbc driver to be passed in as a volume mount. It can be downloaded here: [Oracle JDBC Downloads page]( I would recommend placing it in a `repo` directory within the project. The jar is ignored in `.gitignore`. This will start up two Oracle database instances, Prometheus and Patterdale. Prometheus will be available at _http://localhost:9090_. Try searching for the `database_up` metric. `./gradlew` will require the `ojdbc8.jar` driver. By adding the properties `mavenOracleUsername` and `mavenOraclePassword` to your `` file, which correspond to a valid Oracle single-sign on account, you'll be able to download the driver. If this file doesn't exist, simply create this file in your `.gradle` directory (located in your $HOME dir). ### Building snapshot docker images ``` ./gradlew shadowJar docker ``` The following command will generate a fat jar in the `build/libs` directory and then build a docker image based on the `Dockerfile` provided. The image built will be named: `tjheslin1/patterdale:DEV-SNAPSHOT`. ### Getting a when running locally? `patterdale.yml` from _src/test/resources_ may need to have the `jdbcUrl`s updating, if this occurs replace _localhost_ in the `jdbcUrl`s with your local IP address. Once the app has started up and created connection pools, the URL to the /metrics page will be logged. Note: the _sath89/oracle-12c_ containers may take a few minutes to start up.