From 4bc9b2c93b46e10be864e827afe7e58302cc9486 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Tomas Jira Date: Sat, 1 Mar 2025 08:41:17 +0100 Subject: [PATCH] small changes to educational scripts --- docs/pages/ | 1182 ++++++++++++++++++------------------ education/python/ | 339 ++++++----- education/python/ | 638 ++++++++++--------- education/python/ | 205 +++---- script/ | 5 +- 5 files changed, 1176 insertions(+), 1193 deletions(-) diff --git a/docs/pages/ b/docs/pages/ index ae8c1e3..0a8d5bb 100644 --- a/docs/pages/ +++ b/docs/pages/ @@ -21,388 +21,374 @@ import argparse as ap, itertools as it, numpy as np np.set_printoptions(edgeitems=30, linewidth=100000, formatter=dict(float=lambda x: "%20.14f" % x)) ATOM = { - "H" : 1, "He": 2, - "Li": 3, "Be": 4, "B" : 5, "C" : 6, "N" : 7, "O" : 8, "F" : 9, "Ne": 10, - "Na": 11, "Mg": 12, "Al": 13, "Si": 14, "P" : 15, "S" : 16, "Cl": 17, "Ar": 18, - "K" : 19, "Ca": 20, "Sc": 21, "Ti": 22, "V" : 23, "Cr": 24, "Mn": 25, "Fe": 26, "Co": 27, "Ni": 28, "Cu": 29, "Zn": 30, "Ga": 31, "Ge": 32, "As": 33, "Se": 34, "Br": 35, "Kr": 36, - "Rb": 37, "Sr": 38, "Y" : 39, "Zr": 40, "Nb": 41, "Mo": 42, "Tc": 43, "Ru": 44, "Rh": 45, "Pd": 46, "Ag": 47, "Cd": 48, "In": 49, "Sn": 50, "Sb": 51, "Te": 52, "I" : 53, "Xe": 54, - "Cs": 55, "Ba": 56, "La": 57, "Hf": 72, "Ta": 73, "W" : 74, "Re": 75, "Os": 76, "Ir": 77, "Pt": 78, "Au": 79, "Hg": 80, "Tl": 81, "Pb": 82, "Bi": 83, "Po": 84, "At": 85, "Rn": 86, - "Fr": 87, "Ra": 88, "Ac": 89, "Rf":104, "Db":105, "Sg":106, "Bh":107, "Hs":108, "Mt":109, "Ds":110, "Rg":111, "Cn":112, "Nh":113, "Fl":114, "Mc":115, "Lv":116, "Ts":117, "Og":118, - - "Ce": 58, "Pr": 59, "Nd": 60, "Pm": 61, "Sm": 62, "Eu": 63, "Gd": 64, "Tb": 65, "Dy": 66, "Ho": 67, "Er": 68, "Tm": 69, "Yb": 70, "Lu": 71, - "Th": 90, "Pa": 91, "U" : 92, "Np": 93, "Pu": 94, "Am": 95, "Cm": 96, "Bk": 97, "Cf": 98, "Es": 99, "Fm":100, "Md":101, "No":102, "Lr":103, + "H" : 1, "He": 2, + "Li": 3, "Be": 4, "B" : 5, "C" : 6, "N" : 7, "O" : 8, "F" : 9, "Ne": 10, + "Na": 11, "Mg": 12, "Al": 13, "Si": 14, "P" : 15, "S" : 16, "Cl": 17, "Ar": 18, + "K" : 19, "Ca": 20, "Ga": 31, "Ge": 32, "As": 33, "Se": 34, "Br": 35, "Kr": 36, + "Rb": 37, "Sr": 38, "In": 49, "Sn": 50, "Sb": 51, "Te": 52, "I" : 53, "Xe": 54, } -if __name__ == "__main__": - # SECTION FOR PARSING COMMAND LINE ARGUMENTS ========================================= +# SECTION FOR PARSING COMMAND LINE ARGUMENTS ===================================================================================== - # create the parser - parser = ap.ArgumentParser( - prog="", description="Restricted Electronic Structure Methods Educational Toolkit", - formatter_class=lambda prog: ap.HelpFormatter(prog, max_help_position=128), - add_help=False, allow_abbrev=False - ) +# create the parser +parser = ap.ArgumentParser( + prog="", description="Restricted Electronic Structure Methods Educational Toolkit", + formatter_class=lambda prog: ap.HelpFormatter(prog, max_help_position=128), + add_help=False, allow_abbrev=False +) - # add the arguments - parser.add_argument("-m", "--molecule", help="Molecule file in the .xyz format. (default: %(default)s)", type=str, default="") - parser.add_argument("-t", "--threshold", help="Convergence threshold for SCF loop. (default: %(default)s)", type=float, default=1e-12) - parser.add_argument("-h", "--help", help="Print this help message.", action=ap.BooleanOptionalAction) +# add the arguments +parser.add_argument("-m", "--molecule", help="Molecule file in the .xyz format. (default: %(default)s)", default="") +parser.add_argument("-t", "--threshold", help="Convergence threshold. (default: %(default)s)", type=float, default=1e-12) +parser.add_argument("-h", "--help", help="This help message.", action=ap.BooleanOptionalAction) - # add integral options - parser.add_argument("--int", help="Filenames of the integral files. (default: %(default)s)", nargs=4, type=str, default=["T_AO.mat", "V_AO.mat", "S_AO.mat", "J_AO.mat"]) +# add integral options +parser.add_argument("--int", help="Integral files. (default: %(default)s)", default=["T_AO.mat", "V_AO.mat", "S_AO.mat", "J_AO.mat"]) - # optional flags - parser.add_argument("--diis", help="Enable the DIIS convergence accelerator.", action=ap.BooleanOptionalAction) +# optional flags +parser.add_argument("--diis", help="Flag ofor the DIIS convergence accelerator.", action=ap.BooleanOptionalAction) - # method switches - parser.add_argument("--fci", help="Perform the full configuration interaction calculation.", action=ap.BooleanOptionalAction) - parser.add_argument("--ccd", help="Perform the doubles coupled clusters calculation.", action=ap.BooleanOptionalAction) - parser.add_argument("--ccsd", help="Perform the singles/doubles coupled clusters calculation.", action=ap.BooleanOptionalAction) - parser.add_argument("--mp2", help="Perform the second order Moller-Plesset calculation.", action=ap.BooleanOptionalAction) - parser.add_argument("--mp3", help="Perform the third order Moller-Plesset calculation.", action=ap.BooleanOptionalAction) +# method switches +parser.add_argument("--fci", help="Perform the full configuration interaction calculation.", action=ap.BooleanOptionalAction) +parser.add_argument("--ccd", help="Perform the doubles coupled clusters calculation.", action=ap.BooleanOptionalAction) +parser.add_argument("--ccsd", help="Perform the singles/doubles coupled clusters calculation.", action=ap.BooleanOptionalAction) +parser.add_argument("--mp2", help="Perform the second order Moller-Plesset calculation.", action=ap.BooleanOptionalAction) +parser.add_argument("--mp3", help="Perform the third order Moller-Plesset calculation.", action=ap.BooleanOptionalAction) - # parse the arguments - args = parser.parse_args() +# parse the arguments +args = parser.parse_args() - # print the help message if the flag is set - if parser.print_help(); exit() +# print the help message if the flag is set +if parser.print_help(); exit() - # forward declaration of integrals and energies in MS basis (just to avoid NameError in linting) - Hms, Fms, Jms, Jmsa, Emss, Emsd = np.zeros(2 * [0]), np.zeros(2 * [0]), np.zeros(4 * [0]), np.zeros(4 * [0]), np.array([[]]), np.array([[[[]]]]) +# forward declaration of integrals and energies in MS basis (just to avoid NameError in linting) +Hms, Fms, Jms, Jmsa, Emss, Emsd = np.zeros([0]), np.zeros([0]), np.zeros([0]), np.zeros([0]), np.zeros([0]), np.zeros([0]) - # OBTAIN THE MOLECULE AND ATOMIC INTEGRALS =========================================== +# OBTAIN THE MOLECULE AND ATOMIC INTEGRALS ======================================================================================= - # get the atomic numbers and coordinates of all atoms - atoms = np.array([ATOM[line.split()[0]] for line in open(args.molecule).readlines()[2:]], dtype=int ) - coords = np.array([line.split()[1:] for line in open(args.molecule).readlines()[2:]], dtype=float) +# get the atomic numbers and coordinates of all atoms +atoms = np.array([ATOM[line.split()[0]] for line in open(args.molecule).readlines()[2:]], dtype=int ) +coords = np.array([line.split()[1:] for line in open(args.molecule).readlines()[2:]], dtype=float) - # convert coordinates to bohrs and forward declare orbital slices and atom count - coords *= 1.8897261254578281; o, v = slice(0, 0), slice(0, 0); natoms = len(atoms) +# convert coordinates to bohrs and forward declare orbital slices and atom count +coords *= 1.8897261254578281; o, v = slice(0, 0), slice(0, 0); natoms = len(atoms) - # load the integrals from the files - H, S = np.loadtxt([0], skiprows=1) + np.loadtxt([1], skiprows=1), np.loadtxt([2], skiprows=1); J = np.loadtxt([3], skiprows=1).reshape(4 * [S.shape[1]]) +# load the one-electron integrals from the files +H, S = np.loadtxt([0], skiprows=1) + np.loadtxt([1], skiprows=1), np.loadtxt([2], skiprows=1); - # HARTREE-FOCK METHOD ================================================================ +# load the two-electron integrals from files +J = np.loadtxt([3], skiprows=1).reshape(4 * [S.shape[1]]) - # energies, iteration counter, number of basis functions and number of occupied/virtual orbitals - E_HF, E_HF_P, VNN, iter, nbf, nocc = 0, 1, 0, 0, S.shape[0], sum(atoms) // 2; nvirt = nbf - nocc +# HARTREE-FOCK METHOD ============================================================================================================ - # exchange integrals and the guess density matrix - K, D = J.transpose(0, 3, 2, 1), np.zeros((nbf, nbf)) +# energies, iteration counter, number of basis functions and number of occupied/virtual orbitals +E_HF, E_HF_P, VNN, iter, nbf, nocc = 0, 1, 0, 0, S.shape[0], sum(atoms) // 2; nvirt = nbf - nocc - # Fock matrix, coefficient matrix and orbital energies initialized to zero - F, C, eps = np.zeros((nbf, nbf)), np.zeros((nbf, nbf)), np.zeros((nbf)) +# exchange integrals and the guess density matrix +K, D = J.transpose(0, 3, 2, 1), np.zeros((nbf, nbf)) - # DIIS containers - DIIS_F, DIIS_E = [], [] +# Fock matrix, coefficient matrix and orbital energies initialized to zero +F, C, eps = np.zeros((nbf, nbf)), np.zeros((nbf, nbf)), np.zeros((nbf)) - # the X matrix which is the inverse of the square root of the overlap matrix - SEP = np.linalg.eigh(S); X = SEP[1] @ np.diag(1 / np.sqrt(SEP[0])) @ SEP[1].T +# DIIS containers +DIIS_F, DIIS_E = [], [] - # the scf loop - while abs(E_HF - E_HF_P) > args.threshold: +# the X matrix which is the inverse of the square root of the overlap matrix +SEP = np.linalg.eigh(S); X = SEP[1] @ np.diag(1 / np.sqrt(SEP[0])) @ SEP[1].T - # build the Fock matrix and increment the iteration counter - F = H + np.einsum("ijkl,ij->kl", J - 0.5 * K, D, optimize=True); iter += 1 +# the scf loop +while abs(E_HF - E_HF_P) > args.threshold: - # DIIS extrapolation - if args.diis and iter > 1: + # build the Fock matrix and increment the iteration counter + F = H + np.einsum("ijkl,ij->kl", J - 0.5 * K, D, optimize=True); iter += 1 - # append the DIIS matrices - DIIS_F.append(F); DIIS_E.append(S @ D @ F - F @ D @ S); + # DIIS extrapolation + if args.diis and iter > 1: - # truncate the DIIS subspace - if len(DIIS_F) > 5: DIIS_F.pop(0), DIIS_E.pop(0) + # append the DIIS matrices + DIIS_F.append(F); DIIS_E.append(S @ D @ F - F @ D @ S); - # build the DIIS system - A = np.ones ((len(DIIS_F) + 1, len(DIIS_F) + 1)); A[-1, -1] = 0 - b = np.zeros((len(DIIS_F) + 1 )); b[-1] = 1 + # truncate the DIIS subspace + if len(DIIS_F) > 5: DIIS_F.pop(0), DIIS_E.pop(0) - # fill the DIIS matrix - for i, j in it.product(range(len(DIIS_F)), range(len(DIIS_F))): - A[i, j] = A[j, i] = np.einsum("ij,ij", DIIS_E[i], DIIS_E[j]) + # build the DIIS system + A = np.ones ((len(DIIS_F) + 1, len(DIIS_F) + 1)); A[-1, -1] = 0 + b = np.zeros((len(DIIS_F) + 1 )); b[-1] = 1 - # solve the DIIS equations and extrapolate the Fock matrix - c = np.linalg.solve(A, b); F = np.einsum("i,ijk->jk", c[:-1], DIIS_F) + # fill the DIIS matrix + for i, j in it.product(range(len(DIIS_F)), range(len(DIIS_F))): + A[i, j] = A[j, i] = np.einsum("ij,ij", DIIS_E[i], DIIS_E[j]) - # solve the Fock equations - eps, C = np.linalg.eigh(X @ F @ X); C = X @ C + # solve the DIIS equations and extrapolate the Fock matrix + c = np.linalg.solve(A, b); F = np.einsum("i,ijk->jk", c[:-1], DIIS_F) - # build the density from coefficients - D = 2 * np.einsum("ij,kj->ik", C[:, :nocc], C[:, :nocc]) + # solve the Fock equations + eps, C = np.linalg.eigh(X @ F @ X); C = X @ C - # save the previous energy and calculate the current electron energy - E_HF_P, E_HF = E_HF, 0.5 * np.einsum("ij,ij", D, H + F, optimize=True) + # build the density from coefficients + D = 2 * np.einsum("ij,kj->ik", C[:, :nocc], C[:, :nocc]) - # calculate nuclear-nuclear repulsion - for i, j in ((i, j) for i, j in it.product(range(natoms), range(natoms)) if i != j): - VNN += 0.5 * atoms[i] * atoms[j] / np.linalg.norm(coords[i, :] - coords[j, :]) + # save the previous energy and calculate the current electron energy + E_HF_P, E_HF = E_HF, 0.5 * np.einsum("ij,ij", D, H + F, optimize=True) - # print the results - print(" RHF ENERGY: {:.8f} ({} ITERATIONS)".format(E_HF + VNN, iter)) +# calculate nuclear-nuclear repulsion +for i, j in ((i, j) for i, j in it.product(range(natoms), range(natoms)) if i != j): + VNN += 0.5 * atoms[i] * atoms[j] / np.linalg.norm(coords[i, :] - coords[j, :]) + +# print the results +print(" RHF ENERGY: {:.8f} ({} ITERATIONS)".format(E_HF + VNN, iter)) + +# INTEGRAL TRANSFORMS FOR POST-HARTREE-FOCK METHODS ============================================================================== +if args.mp2 or args.mp3 or args.ccd or args.ccsd or args.fci: - # INTEGRAL TRANSFORMS FOR POST-HARTREE-FOCK METHODS ================================== - if args.mp2 or args.mp3 or args.ccd or args.ccsd or args.fci: + # define the occ and virt spinorbital slices shorthand + o, v = slice(0, 2 * nocc), slice(2 * nocc, 2 * nbf) - # define the occ and virt spinorbital slices shorthand - o, v = slice(0, 2 * nocc), slice(2 * nocc, 2 * nbf) + # define the tiling matrix for the Jmsa coefficients and energy placeholders + P = np.array([np.eye(nbf)[:, i // 2] for i in range(2 * nbf)]).T - # define the tiling matrix for the Jmsa coefficients and energy placeholders - P = np.array([np.eye(nbf)[:, i // 2] for i in range(2 * nbf)]).T + # define the spin masks + M = np.repeat([1 - np.arange(2 * nbf, dtype=int) % 2], nbf, axis=0) + N = np.repeat([ np.arange(2 * nbf, dtype=int) % 2], nbf, axis=0) - # define the spin masks - M = np.repeat([1 - np.arange(2 * nbf, dtype=int) % 2], nbf, axis=0) - N = np.repeat([ np.arange(2 * nbf, dtype=int) % 2], nbf, axis=0) + # tile the coefficient matrix, apply the spin mask and tile the orbital energies + Cms, epsms = np.block([[C @ P], [C @ P]]) * np.block([[M], [N]]), np.repeat(eps, 2) - # tile the coefficient matrix, apply the spin mask and tile the orbital energies - Cms, epsms = np.block([[C @ P], [C @ P]]) * np.block([[M], [N]]), np.repeat(eps, 2) + # transform the core Hamiltonian and Fock matrix to the molecular spinorbital basis + Hms = np.einsum("ip,ij,jq->pq", Cms, np.kron(np.eye(2), H), Cms, optimize=True) + Fms = np.einsum("ip,ij,jq->pq", Cms, np.kron(np.eye(2), F), Cms, optimize=True) - # transform the core Hamiltonian and Fock matrix to the molecular spinorbital basis - Hms = np.einsum("ip,ij,jq->pq", Cms, np.kron(np.eye(2), H), Cms, optimize=True) - Fms = np.einsum("ip,ij,jq->pq", Cms, np.kron(np.eye(2), F), Cms, optimize=True) + # transform the coulomb integrals to the MS basis in chemists' notation + Jms = np.einsum("ip,jq,ijkl,kr,ls->pqrs", + Cms, Cms, np.kron(np.eye(2), np.kron(np.eye(2), J).T), Cms, Cms, optimize=True + ); - # transform the coulomb integrals to the MS basis in chemists' notation - Jms = np.einsum("ip,jq,ijkl,kr,ls->pqrs", - Cms, Cms, np.kron(np.eye(2), np.kron(np.eye(2), J).T), Cms, Cms, optimize=True - ); + # antisymmetrized two-electron integrals in physicists' notation + Jmsa = (Jms - Jms.swapaxes(1, 3)).transpose(0, 2, 1, 3) - # antisymmetrized two-electron integrals in physicists' notation - Jmsa = (Jms - Jms.swapaxes(1, 3)).transpose(0, 2, 1, 3) + # tensor epsilon_i^a + Emss = epsms[o] - epsms[v, None] - # tensor epsilon_i^a - Emss = epsms[o] - epsms[v, None] + # tensor epsilon_ij^ab + Emsd = epsms[o] + epsms[o, None] - epsms[v, None, None] - epsms[v, None, None, None] - # tensor epsilon_ij^ab - Emsd = epsms[o] + epsms[o, None] - epsms[v, None, None] - epsms[v, None, None, None] +# MOLLER-PLESSET PERTURBATION THEORY ============================================================================================= +if args.mp2 or args.mp3: - # MOLLER-PLESSET PERTURBATION THEORY ================================================= + # energy containers + E_MP2, E_MP3 = 0, 0 + + # calculate the MP2 correlation energy if args.mp2 or args.mp3: + E_MP2 += 0.25 * np.einsum("abij,ijab,abij", + Jmsa[v, v, o, o], Jmsa[o, o, v, v], Emsd**-1, optimize=True + ) + print(" MP2 ENERGY: {:.8f}".format(E_HF + E_MP2 + VNN)) - # energy containers - E_MP2, E_MP3 = 0, 0 - - # calculate the MP2 correlation energy - if args.mp2 or args.mp3: - E_MP2 += 0.25 * np.einsum("abij,ijab,abij", - Jmsa[v, v, o, o], Jmsa[o, o, v, v], Emsd**-1, optimize=True - ) - print(" MP2 ENERGY: {:.8f}".format(E_HF + E_MP2 + VNN)) - - # calculate the MP3 correlation energy - if args.mp3: - E_MP3 += 0.125 * np.einsum("abij,cdab,ijcd,abij,cdij", - Jmsa[v, v, o, o], Jmsa[v, v, v, v], Jmsa[o, o, v, v], Emsd**-1, Emsd**-1, - optimize=True - ) - E_MP3 += 0.125 * np.einsum("abij,ijkl,klab,abij,abkl", - Jmsa[v, v, o, o], Jmsa[o, o, o, o], Jmsa[o, o, v, v], Emsd**-1, Emsd**-1, - optimize=True - ) - E_MP3 += 1.000 * np.einsum("abij,cjkb,ikac,abij,acik", - Jmsa[v, v, o, o], Jmsa[v, o, o, v], Jmsa[o, o, v, v], Emsd**-1, Emsd**-1, - optimize=True - ) - print(" MP3 ENERGY: {:.8f}".format(E_HF + E_MP2 + E_MP3 + VNN)) - - # COUPLED CLUSTER METHOD ============================================================= - if args.ccd or args.ccsd: - - # energy containers for all the CC methods - E_CCD, E_CCD_P, E_CCSD, E_CCSD_P = 0, 1, 0, 1 - - # initialize the first guess for the t-amplitudes as zeros - t1, t2 = np.zeros((2 * nvirt, 2 * nocc)), np.zeros(2 * [2 * nvirt] + 2 * [2 * nocc]) - - # CCD loop - if args.ccd: - while abs(E_CCD - E_CCD_P) > args.threshold: - - # collect all the distinct LCCD terms - lccd1 = 0.5 * np.einsum("abcd,cdij->abij", Jmsa[v, v, v, v], t2, optimize=True) - lccd2 = 0.5 * np.einsum("klij,abkl->abij", Jmsa[o, o, o, o], t2, optimize=True) - lccd3 = 1.0 * np.einsum("akic,bcjk->abij", Jmsa[v, o, o, v], t2, optimize=True) - - # apply the permuation operator and add it to the corresponding LCCD terms - lccd3 += lccd3.transpose(1, 0, 3, 2) - lccd3.swapaxes(0, 1) - lccd3.swapaxes(2, 3) - - # collect all the remaining CCD terms - ccd1 = -0.50 * np.einsum("klcd,acij,bdkl->abij", - Jmsa[o, o, v, v], t2, t2, optimize=True - ) - ccd2 = -0.50 * np.einsum("klcd,abik,cdjl->abij", - Jmsa[o, o, v, v], t2, t2, optimize=True - ) - ccd3 = +0.25 * np.einsum("klcd,cdij,abkl->abij", - Jmsa[o, o, v, v], t2, t2, optimize=True - ) - ccd4 = +1.00 * np.einsum("klcd,acik,bdjl->abij", - Jmsa[o, o, v, v], t2, t2, optimize=True - ) - - # permutation operators - ccd1 -= ccd1.swapaxes(0, 1); - ccd2 -= ccd2.swapaxes(2, 3); - ccd4 -= ccd4.swapaxes(2, 3) - - # update the t-amplitudes - t2 = (Jmsa[v, v, o, o] + lccd1 + lccd2 + lccd3 + ccd1 + ccd2 + ccd3 + ccd4) / Emsd - - # evaluate the energy - E_CCD_P, E_CCD = E_CCD, 0.25 * np.einsum("ijab,abij", Jmsa[o, o, v, v], t2) - - # print the CCD energy - print(" CCD ENERGY: {:.8f}".format(E_HF + E_CCD + VNN)) - - # CCSD loop - if args.ccsd: - while abs(E_CCSD - E_CCSD_P) > args.threshold: - - # define taus - tau, ttau = t2.copy(), t2.copy() - - # add contributions to the tilde tau - ttau += 0.5 * np.einsum("ai,bj->abij", t1, t1, optimize=True).swapaxes(0, 0) - ttau -= 0.5 * np.einsum("ai,bj->abij", t1, t1, optimize=True).swapaxes(2, 3) - - # add the contributions to tau - tau += np.einsum("ai,bj->abij", t1, t1, optimize=True).swapaxes(0, 0) - tau -= np.einsum("ai,bj->abij", t1, t1, optimize=True).swapaxes(2, 3) - - # define the deltas for Fae and Fmi - dae, dmi = np.eye(2 * nvirt), np.eye(2 * nocc) - - # define Fae, Fmi and Fme - Fae, Fmi, Fme = (1 - dae) * Fms[v, v], (1 - dmi) * Fms[o, o], Fms[o, v].copy() - - # add the contributions to Fae - Fae -= 0.5 * np.einsum("me,am->ae", Fms[o, v], t1, optimize=True) - Fae += 1.0 * np.einsum("mafe,fm->ae", Jmsa[o, v, v, v], t1, optimize=True) - Fae -= 0.5 * np.einsum("mnef,afmn->ae", Jmsa[o, o, v, v], ttau, optimize=True) - - # add the contributions to Fmi - Fmi += 0.5 * np.einsum("me,ei->mi", Fms[o, v], t1, optimize=True) - Fmi += 1.0 * np.einsum("mnie,en->mi", Jmsa[o, o, o, v], t1, optimize=True) - Fmi += 0.5 * np.einsum("mnef,efin->mi", Jmsa[o, o, v, v], ttau, optimize=True) - - # add the contributions to Fme - Fme += np.einsum("mnef,fn->me", Jmsa[o, o, v, v], t1, optimize=True) - - # define Wmnij, Wabef and Wmbej - Wmnij = Jmsa[o, o, o, o].copy() - Wabef = Jmsa[v, v, v, v].copy() - Wmbej = Jmsa[o, v, v, o].copy() - - # define some complementary variables used in the Wmbej intermediate - t12 = 0.5 * t2 + np.einsum("fj,bn->fbjn", t1, t1, optimize=True) - - # add contributions to Wmnij - Wmnij += 0.25 * np.einsum("efij,mnef->mnij", tau, Jmsa[o, o, v, v], optimize=True) - Wabef += 0.25 * np.einsum("abmn,mnef->abef", tau, Jmsa[o, o, v, v], optimize=True) - Wmbej += 1.00 * np.einsum("fj,mbef->mbej", t1, Jmsa[o, v, v, v], optimize=True) - Wmbej -= 1.00 * np.einsum("bn,mnej->mbej", t1, Jmsa[o, o, v, o], optimize=True) - Wmbej -= 1.00 * np.einsum("fbjn,mnef->mbej", t12, Jmsa[o, o, v, v], optimize=True) - - # define the permutation arguments for Wmnij and Wabef and add them - PWmnij = np.einsum("ej,mnie->mnij", t1, Jmsa[o, o, o, v], optimize=True) - PWabef = np.einsum("bm,amef->abef", t1, Jmsa[v, o, v, v], optimize=True) - - # add the permutations to Wmnij and Wabef - Wmnij += PWmnij - PWmnij.swapaxes(2, 3) - Wabef += PWabef.swapaxes(0, 1) - PWabef - - # define the right hand side of the T1 and T2 amplitude equations - rhs_T1, rhs_T2 = Fms[v, o].copy(), Jmsa[v, v, o, o].copy() - - # calculate the right hand side of the CCSD equation for T1 - rhs_T1 += 1.0 * np.einsum("ei,ae->ai", t1, Fae, optimize=True) - rhs_T1 -= 1.0 * np.einsum("am,mi->ai", t1, Fmi, optimize=True) - rhs_T1 += 1.0 * np.einsum("aeim,me->ai", t2, Fme, optimize=True) - rhs_T1 -= 1.0 * np.einsum("fn,naif->ai", t1, Jmsa[o, v, o, v], optimize=True) - rhs_T1 -= 0.5 * np.einsum("efim,maef->ai", t2, Jmsa[o, v, v, v], optimize=True) - rhs_T1 -= 0.5 * np.einsum("aemn,nmei->ai", t2, Jmsa[o, o, v, o], optimize=True) - - # contracted F matrices that used in the T2 equations - Faet = np.einsum("bm,me->be", t1, Fme, optimize=True) - Fmet = np.einsum("ej,me->mj", t1, Fme, optimize=True) - - # define the permutation arguments for all terms in the equation for T2 - P1 = np.einsum("aeij,be->abij", t2, Fae - 0.5 * Faet, optimize=True) - P2 = np.einsum("abim,mj->abij", t2, Fmi + 0.5 * Fmet, optimize=True) - P3 = np.einsum("aeim,mbej->abij", t2, Wmbej, optimize=True) - P3 -= np.einsum("ei,am,mbej->abij", t1, t1, Jmsa[o, v, v, o], optimize=True) - P4 = np.einsum("ei,abej->abij", t1, Jmsa[v, v, v, o], optimize=True) - P5 = np.einsum("am,mbij->abij", t1, Jmsa[o, v, o, o], optimize=True) - - # calculate the right hand side of the CCSD equation for T2 - rhs_T2 += 0.5 * np.einsum("abmn,mnij->abij", tau, Wmnij, optimize=True) - rhs_T2 += 0.5 * np.einsum("efij,abef->abij", tau, Wabef, optimize=True) - rhs_T2 += P1.transpose(0, 1, 2, 3) - P1.transpose(1, 0, 2, 3) - rhs_T2 -= P2.transpose(0, 1, 2, 3) - P2.transpose(0, 1, 3, 2) - rhs_T2 += P3.transpose(0, 1, 2, 3) - P3.transpose(0, 1, 3, 2) - rhs_T2 -= P3.transpose(1, 0, 2, 3) - P3.transpose(1, 0, 3, 2) - rhs_T2 += P4.transpose(0, 1, 2, 3) - P4.transpose(0, 1, 3, 2) - rhs_T2 -= P5.transpose(0, 1, 2, 3) - P5.transpose(1, 0, 2, 3) - - # Update T1 and T2 amplitudes and save the previous iteration - t1, t2 = rhs_T1 / Emss, rhs_T2 / Emsd; E_CCSD_P = E_CCSD - - # evaluate the energy - E_CCSD = 1.00 * np.einsum("ia,ai", Fms[o, v], t1 ) - E_CCSD += 0.25 * np.einsum("ijab,abij", Jmsa[o, o, v, v], t2 ) - E_CCSD += 0.50 * np.einsum("ijab,ai,bj", Jmsa[o, o, v, v], t1, t1) - - # print the CCSD energy - print(" CCSD ENERGY: {:.8f}".format(E_HF + E_CCSD + VNN)) - - # CONFIGURATION INTERACTION ========================================================== - if args.fci: - - # generate the determiants - dets = [np.array(det) for det in it.combinations(range(2 * nbf), 2 * nocc)] - - # define the CI Hamiltonian - Hci = np.zeros([len(dets), len(dets)]) - - # define the Slater-Condon rules, "so" is an array of unique and common spinorbitals - slater0 = lambda so: ( - sum(np.diag(Hms)[so]) + sum([0.5 * Jmsa[m, n, m, n] for m, n in it.product(so, so)]) + # calculate the MP3 correlation energy + if args.mp3: + E_MP3 += 0.125 * np.einsum("abij,cdab,ijcd,abij,cdij", + Jmsa[v, v, o, o], Jmsa[v, v, v, v], Jmsa[o, o, v, v], Emsd**-1, Emsd**-1, optimize=True ) - slater1 = lambda so: ( - Hms[so[0], so[1]] + sum([Jmsa[so[0], m, so[1], m] for m in so[2:]]) + E_MP3 += 0.125 * np.einsum("abij,ijkl,klab,abij,abkl", + Jmsa[v, v, o, o], Jmsa[o, o, o, o], Jmsa[o, o, v, v], Emsd**-1, Emsd**-1, optimize=True ) - slater2 = lambda so: ( - Jmsa[so[0], so[1], so[2], so[3]] + E_MP3 += 1.000 * np.einsum("abij,cjkb,ikac,abij,acik", + Jmsa[v, v, o, o], Jmsa[v, o, o, v], Jmsa[o, o, v, v], Emsd**-1, Emsd**-1, optimize=True ) + print(" MP3 ENERGY: {:.8f}".format(E_HF + E_MP2 + E_MP3 + VNN)) + +# COUPLED CLUSTER METHOD ========================================================================================================= +if args.ccd or args.ccsd: - # filling of the CI Hamiltonian - for i in range(0, Hci.shape[0]): - for j in range(i, Hci.shape[1]): + # energy containers for all the CC methods + E_CCD, E_CCD_P, E_CCSD, E_CCSD_P = 0, 1, 0, 1 + + # initialize the first guess for the t-amplitudes as zeros + t1, t2 = np.zeros((2 * nvirt, 2 * nocc)), np.zeros(2 * [2 * nvirt] + 2 * [2 * nocc]) + + # CCD loop + if args.ccd: + while abs(E_CCD - E_CCD_P) > args.threshold: + + # collect all the distinct LCCD terms + lccd1 = 0.5 * np.einsum("abcd,cdij->abij", Jmsa[v, v, v, v], t2, optimize=True) + lccd2 = 0.5 * np.einsum("klij,abkl->abij", Jmsa[o, o, o, o], t2, optimize=True) + lccd3 = 1.0 * np.einsum("akic,bcjk->abij", Jmsa[v, o, o, v], t2, optimize=True) + + # apply the permuation operator and add it to the corresponding LCCD terms + lccd3 += lccd3.transpose(1, 0, 3, 2) - lccd3.swapaxes(0, 1) - lccd3.swapaxes(2, 3) + + # collect all the remaining CCD terms + ccd1 = -0.50 * np.einsum("klcd,acij,bdkl->abij", Jmsa[o, o, v, v], t2, t2, optimize=True) + ccd2 = -0.50 * np.einsum("klcd,abik,cdjl->abij", Jmsa[o, o, v, v], t2, t2, optimize=True) + ccd3 = +0.25 * np.einsum("klcd,cdij,abkl->abij", Jmsa[o, o, v, v], t2, t2, optimize=True) + ccd4 = +1.00 * np.einsum("klcd,acik,bdjl->abij", Jmsa[o, o, v, v], t2, t2, optimize=True) + + # permutation operators + ccd1 -= ccd1.swapaxes(0, 1) + ccd2 -= ccd2.swapaxes(2, 3) + ccd4 -= ccd4.swapaxes(2, 3) + + # update the t-amplitudes + t2 = (Jmsa[v, v, o, o] + lccd1 + lccd2 + lccd3 + ccd1 + ccd2 + ccd3 + ccd4) / Emsd + + # evaluate the energy + E_CCD_P, E_CCD = E_CCD, 0.25 * np.einsum("ijab,abij", Jmsa[o, o, v, v], t2) + + # print the CCD energy + print(" CCD ENERGY: {:.8f}".format(E_HF + E_CCD + VNN)) + + # CCSD loop + if args.ccsd: + while abs(E_CCSD - E_CCSD_P) > args.threshold: + + # define taus + tau, ttau = t2.copy(), t2.copy() + + # add contributions to the tilde tau + ttau += 0.5 * np.einsum("ai,bj->abij", t1, t1, optimize=True).swapaxes(0, 0) + ttau -= 0.5 * np.einsum("ai,bj->abij", t1, t1, optimize=True).swapaxes(2, 3) + + # add the contributions to tau + tau += np.einsum("ai,bj->abij", t1, t1, optimize=True).swapaxes(0, 0) + tau -= np.einsum("ai,bj->abij", t1, t1, optimize=True).swapaxes(2, 3) + + # define the deltas for Fae and Fmi + dae, dmi = np.eye(2 * nvirt), np.eye(2 * nocc) + + # define Fae, Fmi and Fme + Fae, Fmi, Fme = (1 - dae) * Fms[v, v], (1 - dmi) * Fms[o, o], Fms[o, v].copy() + + # add the contributions to Fae + Fae -= 0.5 * np.einsum("me,am->ae", Fms[o, v], t1, optimize=True) + Fae += 1.0 * np.einsum("mafe,fm->ae", Jmsa[o, v, v, v], t1, optimize=True) + Fae -= 0.5 * np.einsum("mnef,afmn->ae", Jmsa[o, o, v, v], ttau, optimize=True) + + # add the contributions to Fmi + Fmi += 0.5 * np.einsum("me,ei->mi", Fms[o, v], t1, optimize=True) + Fmi += 1.0 * np.einsum("mnie,en->mi", Jmsa[o, o, o, v], t1, optimize=True) + Fmi += 0.5 * np.einsum("mnef,efin->mi", Jmsa[o, o, v, v], ttau, optimize=True) + + # add the contributions to Fme + Fme += np.einsum("mnef,fn->me", Jmsa[o, o, v, v], t1, optimize=True) + + # define Wmnij, Wabef and Wmbej + Wmnij = Jmsa[o, o, o, o].copy() + Wabef = Jmsa[v, v, v, v].copy() + Wmbej = Jmsa[o, v, v, o].copy() + + # define some complementary variables used in the Wmbej intermediate + t12 = 0.5 * t2 + np.einsum("fj,bn->fbjn", t1, t1, optimize=True) + + # add contributions to Wmnij + Wmnij += 0.25 * np.einsum("efij,mnef->mnij", tau, Jmsa[o, o, v, v], optimize=True) + Wabef += 0.25 * np.einsum("abmn,mnef->abef", tau, Jmsa[o, o, v, v], optimize=True) + Wmbej += 1.00 * np.einsum("fj,mbef->mbej", t1, Jmsa[o, v, v, v], optimize=True) + Wmbej -= 1.00 * np.einsum("bn,mnej->mbej", t1, Jmsa[o, o, v, o], optimize=True) + Wmbej -= 1.00 * np.einsum("fbjn,mnef->mbej", t12, Jmsa[o, o, v, v], optimize=True) + + # define the permutation arguments for Wmnij and Wabef and add them + PWmnij = np.einsum("ej,mnie->mnij", t1, Jmsa[o, o, o, v], optimize=True) + PWabef = np.einsum("bm,amef->abef", t1, Jmsa[v, o, v, v], optimize=True) + + # add the permutations to Wmnij and Wabef + Wmnij += PWmnij - PWmnij.swapaxes(2, 3) + Wabef += PWabef.swapaxes(0, 1) - PWabef + + # define the right hand side of the T1 and T2 amplitude equations + rhs_T1, rhs_T2 = Fms[v, o].copy(), Jmsa[v, v, o, o].copy() + + # calculate the right hand side of the CCSD equation for T1 + rhs_T1 += 1.0 * np.einsum("ei,ae->ai", t1, Fae, optimize=True) + rhs_T1 -= 1.0 * np.einsum("am,mi->ai", t1, Fmi, optimize=True) + rhs_T1 += 1.0 * np.einsum("aeim,me->ai", t2, Fme, optimize=True) + rhs_T1 -= 1.0 * np.einsum("fn,naif->ai", t1, Jmsa[o, v, o, v], optimize=True) + rhs_T1 -= 0.5 * np.einsum("efim,maef->ai", t2, Jmsa[o, v, v, v], optimize=True) + rhs_T1 -= 0.5 * np.einsum("aemn,nmei->ai", t2, Jmsa[o, o, v, o], optimize=True) + + # contracted F matrices that used in the T2 equations + Faet = np.einsum("bm,me->be", t1, Fme, optimize=True) + Fmet = np.einsum("ej,me->mj", t1, Fme, optimize=True) + + # define the permutation arguments for all terms in the equation for T2 + P1 = np.einsum("aeij,be->abij", t2, Fae - 0.5 * Faet, optimize=True) + P2 = np.einsum("abim,mj->abij", t2, Fmi + 0.5 * Fmet, optimize=True) + P3 = np.einsum("aeim,mbej->abij", t2, Wmbej, optimize=True) + P3 -= np.einsum("ei,am,mbej->abij", t1, t1, Jmsa[o, v, v, o], optimize=True) + P4 = np.einsum("ei,abej->abij", t1, Jmsa[v, v, v, o], optimize=True) + P5 = np.einsum("am,mbij->abij", t1, Jmsa[o, v, o, o], optimize=True) + + # calculate the right hand side of the CCSD equation for T2 + rhs_T2 += 0.5 * np.einsum("abmn,mnij->abij", tau, Wmnij, optimize=True) + rhs_T2 += 0.5 * np.einsum("efij,abef->abij", tau, Wabef, optimize=True) + rhs_T2 += P1.transpose(0, 1, 2, 3) - P1.transpose(1, 0, 2, 3) + rhs_T2 -= P2.transpose(0, 1, 2, 3) - P2.transpose(0, 1, 3, 2) + rhs_T2 += P3.transpose(0, 1, 2, 3) - P3.transpose(0, 1, 3, 2) + rhs_T2 -= P3.transpose(1, 0, 2, 3) - P3.transpose(1, 0, 3, 2) + rhs_T2 += P4.transpose(0, 1, 2, 3) - P4.transpose(0, 1, 3, 2) + rhs_T2 -= P5.transpose(0, 1, 2, 3) - P5.transpose(1, 0, 2, 3) + + # Update T1 and T2 amplitudes and save the previous iteration + t1, t2 = rhs_T1 / Emss, rhs_T2 / Emsd; E_CCSD_P = E_CCSD + + # evaluate the energy + E_CCSD = 1.00 * np.einsum("ia,ai", Fms[o, v], t1 ) + E_CCSD += 0.25 * np.einsum("ijab,abij", Jmsa[o, o, v, v], t2 ) + E_CCSD += 0.50 * np.einsum("ijab,ai,bj", Jmsa[o, o, v, v], t1, t1) + + # print the CCSD energy + print(" CCSD ENERGY: {:.8f}".format(E_HF + E_CCSD + VNN)) + +# CONFIGURATION INTERACTION ====================================================================================================== +if args.fci: + + # generate the determiants + dets = [np.array(det) for det in it.combinations(range(2 * nbf), 2 * nocc)] + + # define the CI Hamiltonian + Hci = np.zeros([len(dets), len(dets)]) + + # define the Slater-Condon rules, "so" is an array of unique and common spinorbitals + slater0 = lambda so: ( + sum(np.diag(Hms)[so]) + sum([0.5 * Jmsa[m, n, m, n] for m, n in it.product(so, so)]) + ) + slater1 = lambda so: ( + Hms[so[0], so[1]] + sum([Jmsa[so[0], m, so[1], m] for m in so[2:]]) + ) + slater2 = lambda so: ( + Jmsa[so[0], so[1], so[2], so[3]] + ) - # aligned determinant and the sign - aligned, sign = dets[j].copy(), 1 + # filling of the CI Hamiltonian + for i in range(0, Hci.shape[0]): + for j in range(i, Hci.shape[1]): - # align the determinant "j" to "i" and calculate the sign - for k in (k for k in range(len(aligned)) if aligned[k] != dets[i][k]): - while len(l := np.where(dets[i] == aligned[k])[0]) and l[0] != k: - aligned[[k, l[0]]] = aligned[[l[0], k]]; sign *= -1 + # aligned determinant and the sign + aligned, sign = dets[j].copy(), 1 - # find the unique and common spinorbitals - so = np.block(list(map(lambda l: np.array(l), [ - [aligned[k] for k in range(len(aligned)) if aligned[k] not in dets[i]], - [dets[i][k] for k in range(len(dets[j])) if dets[i][k] not in aligned], - [aligned[k] for k in range(len(aligned)) if aligned[k] in dets[i]] - ]))).astype(int) + # align the determinant "j" to "i" and calculate the sign + for k in (k for k in range(len(aligned)) if aligned[k] != dets[i][k]): + while len(l := np.where(dets[i] == aligned[k])[0]) and l[0] != k: + aligned[[k, l[0]]] = aligned[[l[0], k]]; sign *= -1 - # apply the Slater-Condon rules and multiply by the sign - if ((aligned - dets[i]) != 0).sum() == 0: Hci[i, j] = Hci[j, i] = slater0(so) * sign - if ((aligned - dets[i]) != 0).sum() == 1: Hci[i, j] = Hci[j, i] = slater1(so) * sign - if ((aligned - dets[i]) != 0).sum() == 2: Hci[i, j] = Hci[j, i] = slater2(so) * sign + # find the unique and common spinorbitals + so = np.block(list(map(lambda l: np.array(l), [ + [aligned[k] for k in range(len(aligned)) if aligned[k] not in dets[i]], + [dets[i][k] for k in range(len(dets[j])) if dets[i][k] not in aligned], + [aligned[k] for k in range(len(aligned)) if aligned[k] in dets[i]] + ]))).astype(int) - # solve the eigensystem and assign energy - eci, Cci = np.linalg.eigh(Hci); E_FCI = eci[0] - E_HF + # apply the Slater-Condon rules and multiply by the sign + if ((aligned - dets[i]) != 0).sum() == 0: Hci[i, j] = Hci[j, i] = slater0(so) * sign + if ((aligned - dets[i]) != 0).sum() == 1: Hci[i, j] = Hci[j, i] = slater1(so) * sign + if ((aligned - dets[i]) != 0).sum() == 2: Hci[i, j] = Hci[j, i] = slater2(so) * sign - # print the results - print(" FCI ENERGY: {:.8f}".format(E_HF + E_FCI + VNN)) + # solve the eigensystem and assign energy + eci, Cci = np.linalg.eigh(Hci); E_FCI = eci[0] - E_HF + + # print the results + print(" FCI ENERGY: {:.8f}".format(E_HF + E_FCI + VNN)) ``` ## Nonadiabatic Exact Quantum Dynamics @@ -411,244 +397,250 @@ if __name__ == "__main__": ```python #!/usr/bin/env python -import argparse as ap, itertools as it, matplotlib.animation as anm, matplotlib.pyplot as plt, numpy as np, scipy as sp, scipy.linalg; np.random.seed(0) +import argparse as ap, itertools as it, matplotlib.animation as anm, matplotlib.pyplot as plt, numpy as np, scipy as sp, scipy.linalg + +np.set_printoptions(edgeitems=30, linewidth=100000, formatter=dict(float=lambda x: "%20.14f" % x)); np.random.seed(0) # EXAMPLES # ./ -g "[np.exp(-(r1-1)**2-(r2-1)**2)]" -v "[[0.5*(r1**2+r2**2)]]" # ./ -d 0 -f 0.01 -p 8192 -l 32 -m 2000 -t 10 -v "[[0.01*np.tanh(0.6*r1),0.001*np.exp(-r1**2)],[0.001*np.exp(-r1**2),-0.01*np.tanh(0.6*r1)]]" -g "[0,np.exp(-(r1+10)**2+10j*r1)]" --align --adiabatic -if __name__ == "__main__": - # SECTION FOR PARSING COMMAND LINE ARGUMENTS ========================================= +# SECTION FOR PARSING COMMAND LINE ARGUMENTS ===================================================================================== - # create the parser - parser = ap.ArgumentParser( - prog="", description="Numerically Exact Quantum Dynamics Educational Toolkit", - formatter_class=lambda prog: ap.HelpFormatter(prog, max_help_position=128), - add_help=False, allow_abbrev=False - ) +# create the parser +parser = ap.ArgumentParser( + prog="", description="Numerically Exact Quantum Dynamics Educational Toolkit", + formatter_class=lambda prog: ap.HelpFormatter(prog, max_help_position=128), + add_help=False, allow_abbrev=False +) - # add the arguments - parser.add_argument("-a", "--align", help="Align the wavefunction plot to the potential.", action=ap.BooleanOptionalAction) - parser.add_argument("-c", "--imaginary", help="Perform imaginary-time propagation and find specified number of orthogonal states.", type=int, default=0) - parser.add_argument("-d", "--damp", help="Gaussian damping parameter for autocorrelation function. (default: %(default)s)", type=float, default=0.003) - parser.add_argument("-f", "--factor", help="Factor to scale the wavefunction before plotting. (default: %(default)s)", type=float, default=10) - parser.add_argument("-g", "--guess", help="Initial guess for the wavefunction. (default: %(default)s)", type=str, default="[np.exp(-(r1-1)**2)]") - parser.add_argument("-h", "--help", help="Print this help message.", action=ap.BooleanOptionalAction) - parser.add_argument("-i", "--iterations", help="Number of iterations. (default: %(default)s)", type=int, default=500) - parser.add_argument("-l", "--limit", help="Distance limit of the wavefunction grid. (default: %(default)s)", type=float, default=8) - parser.add_argument("-m", "--mass", help="Mass of the particle. (default: %(default)s)", type=float, default=1) - parser.add_argument("-n", "--ntraj", help="Number of Bohmian trajectories. (default: %(default)s)", type=int, default=100) - parser.add_argument("-p", "--points", help="Number of points in the wavefunction grid. (default: %(default)s)", type=int, default=128) - parser.add_argument("-t", "--timestep", help="Time step of the simulation. (default: %(default)s)", type=float, default=0.1) - parser.add_argument("-u", "--adiabatic", help="Transform the results to the adiabatic basis. (default: %(default)s)", action=ap.BooleanOptionalAction) - parser.add_argument("-v", "--potential", help="Potential matrix. (default: %(default)s)", type=str, default="[[0.5*r1**2]]") +# add the arguments +parser.add_argument("-a", "--align", help="Align the wavefunction plot to the potential.", action=ap.BooleanOptionalAction) +parser.add_argument("-c", "--imaginary", help="Perform imaginary-time propagation for n states.", type=int, default=0) +parser.add_argument("-d", "--damp", help="Gaussian damping parameter. (default: %(default)s)", type=float, default=0.003) +parser.add_argument("-f", "--factor", help="Factor to scale the wavefunction. (default: %(default)s)", type=float, default=10) +parser.add_argument("-g", "--guess", help="Initial guess. (default: %(default)s)", type=str, default="[np.exp(-(r1-1)**2)]") +parser.add_argument("-h", "--help", help="Print this help message.", action=ap.BooleanOptionalAction) +parser.add_argument("-i", "--iterations", help="Number of iterations. (default: %(default)s)", type=int, default=500) +parser.add_argument("-l", "--limit", help="Grid limits. (default: %(default)s)", type=float, default=8) +parser.add_argument("-m", "--mass", help="Mass of the particle. (default: %(default)s)", type=float, default=1) +parser.add_argument("-n", "--ntraj", help="Number of Bohmian trajectories. (default: %(default)s)", type=int, default=100) +parser.add_argument("-p", "--points", help="Number of grid points. (default: %(default)s)", type=int, default=128) +parser.add_argument("-t", "--timestep", help="Time step of the simulation. (default: %(default)s)", type=float, default=0.1) +parser.add_argument("-u", "--adiabatic", help="Adiabatic transform. (default: %(default)s)", action=ap.BooleanOptionalAction) +parser.add_argument("-v", "--potential", help="Potential matrix. (default: %(default)s)", type=str, default="[[0.5*r1**2]]") - # parse the arguments - args = parser.parse_args() +# parse the arguments +args = parser.parse_args() - # replace the variables in the string expressions - for i in range(1, 10): args.guess = args.guess.replace(f"r{i}", f"r[:, {i - 1}]") - for i in range(1, 10): args.potential = args.potential.replace(f"r{i}", f"r[:, {i - 1}]") +# replace the variables in the string expressions +for i in range(1, 10): args.guess = args.guess.replace(f"r{i}", f"r[:, {i - 1}]") +for i in range(1, 10): args.potential = args.potential.replace(f"r{i}", f"r[:, {i - 1}]") - # print the help message if the flag is set - if parser.print_help(); exit() +# print the help message if the flag is set +if parser.print_help(); exit() - # PREPARE VARIABLES FOR THE DYNAMICS ================================================= +# PREPARE VARIABLES FOR THE DYNAMICS ============================================================================================= - # extract the number of dimensions without using regex - ndim = max([int(e[0]) for e in args.potential.split("r[:, ")[1:]]) + 1 +# extract the number of dimensions without using regex +ndim = max([int(e[0]) for e in args.potential.split("r[:, ")[1:]]) + 1 - # define the function to evaluate potential - potf = lambda: np.array(eval(args.potential)).transpose(2, 0, 1); +# define the function to evaluate potential +potf = lambda: np.array(eval(args.potential)).transpose(2, 0, 1); - # define the function to evaluate the guess wavefunction on a specified grid - psif = lambda: np.array(list(map(lambda x: x * np.ones(args.points**ndim), eval(args.guess))), dtype=complex).T +# define the function to evaluate the guess wavefunction on a specified grid +psif = lambda: np.array(list(map(lambda x: x * np.ones(args.points**ndim), eval(args.guess))), dtype=complex).T - # REAL AND IMAGINARY QUANTUM DYNAMICS ================================================ +# REAL AND IMAGINARY QUANTUM DYNAMICS ============================================================================================ - # calculate the space step - dr = 2 * args.limit / (args.points - 1) +# calculate the space step +dr = 2 * args.limit / (args.points - 1) - # create the grid in real and fourier space - r = np.stack(np.meshgrid(*[np.linspace(-args.limit, args.limit, args.points)] * ndim, indexing="ij"), axis=-1).reshape(-1, ndim) - k = np.stack(np.meshgrid(*[2 * np.pi * np.fft.fftfreq(args.points, dr) ] * ndim, indexing="ij"), axis=-1).reshape(-1, ndim) +# create the grid in real and fourier space +r = np.stack(np.meshgrid(*[np.linspace(-args.limit, args.limit, args.points)] * ndim, indexing="ij"), axis=-1).reshape(-1, ndim) +k = np.stack(np.meshgrid(*[2 * np.pi * np.fft.fftfreq(args.points, dr) ] * ndim, indexing="ij"), axis=-1).reshape(-1, ndim) - # create the potential, wavefunction and extract wavefunction dimensions - V, psi = potf(), psif(); shape = ndim * [args.points] + [psi.shape[1]] +# create the potential, wavefunction and extract wavefunction dimensions +V, psi = potf(), psif(); shape = ndim * [args.points] + [psi.shape[1]] - # normalize the guess wavefunction - psi /= np.sqrt(dr * np.einsum("ij,ij->", psi.conj(), psi)) +# normalize the guess wavefunction +psi /= np.sqrt(dr * np.einsum("ij,ij->", psi.conj(), psi)) - # create the containers for the observables and wavefunctions - position, momentum, ekin, epot = [], [], [], []; wfnopt, wfn = [], [psi] +# create the containers for the observables and wavefunctions +position, momentum, ekin, epot = [], [], [], []; wfnopt, wfn = [], [psi] - # iterate over the propagations - for i in range(args.imaginary if args.imaginary else 1): +# iterate over the propagations +for i in range(args.imaginary if args.imaginary else 1): - # print the propagation header - print() if i else None; print("PROPAGATION OF STATE %d " % (i)) + # print the propagation header + print() if i else None; print("PROPAGATION OF STATE %d " % (i)) - # create the initial points for Bohmian trajectories - trajs = np.concatenate((r[np.random.choice(psi.shape[0], size=args.ntraj, p=(np.abs(psi)**2 * dr).sum(axis=1))][:, None, :], np.zeros((args.ntraj, args.iterations, ndim))), axis=1) + # get the random coordinate indices + rind = np.random.choice(psi.shape[0], size=args.ntraj, p=(np.abs(psi)**2 * dr).sum(axis=1)) - # initialize the initial wavefunction from the wfn container and clear all containers - psi = wfn[0]; wfn.clear(), position.clear(), momentum.clear(), ekin.clear(), epot.clear() + # create the initial points for Bohmian trajectories + trajs = np.concatenate((r[rind ][:, None, :], np.zeros((args.ntraj, args.iterations, ndim))), axis=1) - # calculate the propagators for each point in the grid - K = np.array([sp.linalg.expm(-0.5 * (1 if args.imaginary else 1j) * args.timestep * np.sum(k[i, :] ** 2) / args.mass * np.eye(psi.shape[1])) for i in range(r.shape[0])]) - R = np.array([sp.linalg.expm(-0.5 * (1 if args.imaginary else 1j) * args.timestep * V[i] ) for i in range(r.shape[0])]) + # initialize the initial wavefunction from the wfn container and clear all containers + psi = wfn[0]; wfn.clear(), position.clear(), momentum.clear(), ekin.clear(), epot.clear() - # print the propagation header - print("%6s %12s %12s %12s" % ("ITER", "EKIN", "EPOT", "ETOT", )) + # get the propagator exponent unit + unit = -0.5 * (1 if args.imaginary else 1j) * args.timestep - # propagate the wavefunction - for j in range(args.iterations + 1): + # calculate the propagators for each point in the grid + K = np.array([sp.linalg.expm(unit * np.sum(k[i, :]**2) / args.mass * np.eye(psi.shape[1])) for i in range(r.shape[0])]) + R = np.array([sp.linalg.expm(unit * * V[i] ) for i in range(r.shape[0])]) - # propagate in real space - if (j): psi = np.einsum("ijk,ik->ij", R, psi) + # print the propagation header + print("%6s %12s %12s %12s" % ("ITER", "EKIN", "EPOT", "ETOT", )) + + # propagate the wavefunction + for j in range(args.iterations + 1): + + # propagate in real space + if (j): psi = np.einsum("ijk,ik->ij", R, psi) - # fourier transform the wavefunction - if (j): psi = np.fft.fftn(psi.reshape(shape), axes=range(ndim)).reshape(psi.shape) + # fourier transform the wavefunction + if (j): psi = np.fft.fftn(psi.reshape(shape), axes=range(ndim)).reshape(psi.shape) - # propagate in momentum space - if (j): psi = np.einsum("ijk,ik->ij", K, psi) + # propagate in momentum space + if (j): psi = np.einsum("ijk,ik->ij", K, psi) - # inverse fourier transform the wavefunction - if (j): psi = np.fft.ifftn(psi.reshape(shape), axes=range(ndim)).reshape(psi.shape) + # inverse fourier transform the wavefunction + if (j): psi = np.fft.ifftn(psi.reshape(shape), axes=range(ndim)).reshape(psi.shape) - # propagate in real space - if (j): psi = np.einsum("ijk,ik->ij", R, psi) + # propagate in real space + if (j): psi = np.einsum("ijk,ik->ij", R, psi) - # orthogonalize the wavefunction - for i in range(len(wfnopt)): psi -= np.sum(wfnopt[i].conj() * psi) * wfnopt[i] * dr + # orthogonalize the wavefunction + for i in range(len(wfnopt)): psi -= np.sum(wfnopt[i].conj() * psi) * wfnopt[i] * dr - # normalize the wavefunction - if args.imaginary: psi /= np.sqrt(dr * np.einsum("ij,ij->", psi.conj(), psi)) + # normalize the wavefunction + if args.imaginary: psi /= np.sqrt(dr * np.einsum("ij,ij->", psi.conj(), psi)) - # append the potential energy and the wavefunction - epot.append(np.einsum("ij,ijk,ik->", psi.conj(), V, psi).real * dr); wfn.append(psi.copy()) + # append the potential energy and the wavefunction + epot.append(np.einsum("ij,ijk,ik->", psi.conj(), V, psi).real * dr); wfn.append(psi.copy()) - # create a n dimensional copy of the wavefunction, its fourier transform and a container for Bohmian trajectory velocity - psid, psik, v = psi.reshape(shape), np.fft.fftn(psi.reshape(shape), axes=range(ndim)).reshape(psi.shape), np.zeros(shape[:-1] + [ndim]) + # create a n dimensional copy of the wavefunction, its fourier transform and a container for Bohmian trajectory velocity + psid, psik, v = psi.reshape(shape), np.fft.fftn(psi.reshape(shape), axes=range(ndim)).reshape(psi.shape), np.zeros(shape[:-1] + [ndim]) - # append the kinetic energy - ekin.append((psi.conj() * np.fft.ifftn((psik * (0.5 * np.sum(k**2, axis=1) / args.mass)[:, None]).reshape(shape), axes=range(ndim)).reshape(psi.shape)).real.sum() * dr) + # append the kinetic energy + ekin.append((psi.conj() * np.fft.ifftn((psik * (0.5 * np.sum(k**2, axis=1) / args.mass)[:, None]).reshape(shape), axes=range(ndim)).reshape(psi.shape)).real.sum() * dr) - # append the position - position.append(np.sum(r * np.sum(np.abs(psi)**2, axis=1, keepdims=True), axis=0) * dr) + # append the position + position.append(np.sum(r * np.sum(np.abs(psi)**2, axis=1, keepdims=True), axis=0) * dr) - # append the momentum - momentum.append(np.array([np.sum(psi.conj() * np.fft.ifftn((1j * (k[:, dim:dim + 1]) * psik).reshape(shape), axes=range(ndim)).reshape(psi.shape)).imag * dr for dim in range(ndim)])) + # append the momentum + momentum.append(np.array([np.sum(psi.conj() * np.fft.ifftn((1j * (k[:, dim:dim + 1]) * psik).reshape(shape), axes=range(ndim)).reshape(psi.shape)).imag * dr for dim in range(ndim)])) - # calculate the velocity of the Bohmian trajectories - if (j): v[..., :] = np.array([(np.conjugate(psid) * np.gradient(psid, dr, axis=dim)).sum(axis=-1).imag / ((np.abs(psid)**2).sum(axis=-1) + 1e-14) / args.mass for dim in range(ndim)]).T + # calculate the velocity of the Bohmian trajectories + if (j): v[..., :] = np.array([(np.conjugate(psid) * np.gradient(psid, dr, axis=dim)).sum(axis=-1).imag / ((np.abs(psid)**2).sum(axis=-1) + 1e-14) / args.mass for dim in range(ndim)]).T - # propagate the Bohmian trajectories - if (j): trajs[:, j, :] = trajs[:, j - 1, :] + sp.interpolate.interpn(points=ndim * [np.unique(r[:, 0])], values=v, xi=trajs[:, j - 1, :]) * args.timestep + # propagate the Bohmian trajectories + if (j): trajs[:, j, :] = trajs[:, j - 1, :] + sp.interpolate.interpn(points=ndim * [np.unique(r[:, 0])], values=v, xi=trajs[:, j - 1, :]) * args.timestep - # print the iteration info - if j % 100 == 0: print("%6d %12.6f %12.6f %12.6f" % (j, ekin[-1], epot[-1], ekin[-1] + epot[-1])) + # print the iteration info + if j % 100 == 0: print("%6d %12.6f %12.6f %12.6f" % (j, ekin[-1], epot[-1], ekin[-1] + epot[-1])) - # append the optimized wavefunction to the container - if args.imaginary: wfnopt.append(psi.copy()) + # append the optimized wavefunction to the container + if args.imaginary: wfnopt.append(psi.copy()) - # ADIABATIC TRANSFORM AND SPECTRUM =================================================== +# ADIABATIC TRANSFORM AND SPECTRUM =============================================================================================== - # calculate the adiabatic eigenstates - U = [np.linalg.eigh(V[i])[1] for i in range(V.shape[0])] +# calculate the adiabatic eigenstates +U = [np.linalg.eigh(V[i])[1] for i in range(V.shape[0])] - # adiabatize the potential and wavefunctions - V = np.einsum("ijk,ikl,ilm->ijm", U, V, U) if args.adiabatic else np.array(V ) - wfn = np.einsum("ikl,jik->jil", U, wfn ) if args.adiabatic else np.array(wfn) +# adiabatize the potential and wavefunctions +V = np.einsum("ijk,ikl,ilm->ijm", U, V, U) if args.adiabatic else np.array(V ) +wfn = np.einsum("ikl,jik->jil", U, wfn ) if args.adiabatic else np.array(wfn) - # calculate the density matrices and acf - density = np.einsum("jia,jib->jab", wfn, wfn.conj()).real * dr - acf = np.einsum("ij,tij->t", wfn[0].conj(), wfn ) * dr +# calculate the density matrices and acf +density = np.einsum("jia,jib->jab", wfn, wfn.conj()).real * dr +acf = np.einsum("ij,tij->t", wfn[0].conj(), wfn ) * dr - # symmetrize the acf and apply the damping function - acf = np.concatenate((np.flip(acf)[:-1], np.array(acf).conj())) * np.exp(-args.damp * (np.arange(-args.iterations, args.iterations + 1) * args.timestep)**2) +# symmetrize the acf and apply the damping function +acf = np.concatenate((np.flip(acf)[:-1], np.array(acf).conj())) * np.exp(-args.damp * (np.arange(-args.iterations, args.iterations + 1) * args.timestep)**2) - # calculate the spectrum of the zero-padded acf and the corresponding energies - spectrum = np.abs(np.fft.fft(np.pad(acf, 2 * [10 * len(acf)], mode="constant")))**2; omega = 2 * np.pi * np.fft.fftfreq(len(spectrum), args.timestep) +# calculate the spectrum of the zero-padded acf and the corresponding energies +spectrum = np.abs(np.fft.fft(np.pad(acf, 2 * [10 * len(acf)], mode="constant")))**2; omega = 2 * np.pi * np.fft.fftfreq(len(spectrum), args.timestep) - # PRINT AND PLOT THE RESULTS ========================================================= +# PRINT AND PLOT THE RESULTS ===================================================================================================== - # print the final population - print(" -FINAL POPULATION: %s" % np.diag(density[-1])) +# print the final population +print(); print("FINAL POPULATION: %s" % np.diag(density[-1])) - # scale the wavefunction and add the potential to the wavefunction - wfn = args.factor * np.array(wfn); wfn += (1 + 1j) * np.einsum("ijj,k->kij", V, np.ones(args.iterations + 1)) if args.align else 0 +# scale the wavefunction and add the potential to the wavefunction +wfn = args.factor * np.array(wfn); wfn += (1 + 1j) * np.einsum("ijj,k->kij", V, np.ones(args.iterations + 1)) if args.align else 0 - # create the stationary subplots and scale the wavefunction - fig, axs = plt.subplots(2, 3, figsize=(12, 6)) +# create the stationary subplots and scale the wavefunction +fig, axs = plt.subplots(2, 3, figsize=(12, 6)) - # plot the energies - axs[0, 0].plot(np.arange(args.iterations + 1) * args.timestep, ekin, label="Kinetic Energy" ) - axs[0, 0].plot(np.arange(args.iterations + 1) * args.timestep, epot, label="Potential Energy") +# plot the energies +axs[0, 0].plot(np.arange(args.iterations + 1) * args.timestep, ekin, label="Kinetic Energy" ) +axs[0, 0].plot(np.arange(args.iterations + 1) * args.timestep, epot, label="Potential Energy") - # plot the population - axs[0, 1].plot(np.arange(args.iterations + 1) * args.timestep, [np.diag(rho) for rho in density], label=[f"S$_{i}$" for i in range(density.shape[1])]) +# plot the population +axs[0, 1].plot(np.arange(args.iterations + 1) * args.timestep, [np.diag(rho) for rho in density], label=[f"S$_{i}$" for i in range(density.shape[1])]) - # print the acf - axs[1, 0].plot(np.arange(-args.iterations, args.iterations + 1) * args.timestep, np.array(acf).real, label="Re(ACF)") - axs[1, 0].plot(np.arange(-args.iterations, args.iterations + 1) * args.timestep, np.array(acf).imag, label="Im(ACF)") +# print the acf +axs[1, 0].plot(np.arange(-args.iterations, args.iterations + 1) * args.timestep, np.array(acf).real, label="Re(ACF)") +axs[1, 0].plot(np.arange(-args.iterations, args.iterations + 1) * args.timestep, np.array(acf).imag, label="Im(ACF)") - # plot the spectrum - axs[1, 1].plot(omega[np.argsort(omega)], spectrum[np.argsort(omega)] / np.max(spectrum)) +# plot the spectrum +axs[1, 1].plot(omega[np.argsort(omega)], spectrum[np.argsort(omega)] / np.max(spectrum)) - # plot the position and momentum of the Bohmian trajectories - [axs[0, 2].plot(np.arange(args.iterations + 1) * args.timestep, trajs[i, :, 0], alpha=0.05, color="tab:blue") for i in range(args.ntraj)] - [axs[1, 2].plot(np.arange(args.iterations + 1) * args.timestep, np.gradient(trajs[i, :, 0], args.timestep, axis=0) * args.mass, alpha=0.05, color="tab:blue") for i in range(args.ntraj)] +# plot the position and momentum of the Bohmian trajectories +[axs[0, 2].plot(np.arange(args.iterations + 1) * args.timestep, trajs[i, :, 0], alpha=0.05, color="tab:blue") for i in range(args.ntraj)] +[axs[1, 2].plot(np.arange(args.iterations + 1) * args.timestep, np.gradient(trajs[i, :, 0], args.timestep, axis=0) * args.mass, alpha=0.05, color="tab:blue") for i in range(args.ntraj)] - # plot the numerically exact expectation values of position and momentum - axs[0, 2].plot(np.arange(args.iterations + 1) * args.timestep, np.array(position)[:, 0], color="tab:orange", label="$<\Psi|\hat{r_x}|\Psi>$") - axs[1, 2].plot(np.arange(args.iterations + 1) * args.timestep, np.array(momentum)[:, 0], color="tab:orange", label="$<\Psi|\hat{p_x}|\Psi>$") +# plot the numerically exact expectation values of position and momentum +axs[0, 2].plot(np.arange(args.iterations + 1) * args.timestep, np.array(position)[:, 0], color="tab:orange", label="$<\Psi|\hat{r_x}|\Psi>$") +axs[1, 2].plot(np.arange(args.iterations + 1) * args.timestep, np.array(momentum)[:, 0], color="tab:orange", label="$<\Psi|\hat{p_x}|\Psi>$") - # plot the mean of the Bohmian trajectories - axs[0, 2].plot(np.arange(args.iterations + 1) * args.timestep, np.mean(trajs[:, :, 0], axis=0), "--", color="black", label="$$") - axs[1, 2].plot(np.arange(args.iterations + 1) * args.timestep, np.mean(np.gradient(trajs[:, :, 0], args.timestep, axis=1), axis=0) * args.mass, "--", color="black", label="$$") +# plot the mean of the Bohmian trajectories +axs[0, 2].plot(np.arange(args.iterations + 1) * args.timestep, np.mean(trajs[:, :, 0], axis=0), "--", color="black", label="$$") +axs[1, 2].plot(np.arange(args.iterations + 1) * args.timestep, np.mean(np.gradient(trajs[:, :, 0], args.timestep, axis=1), axis=0) * args.mass, "--", color="black", label="$$") - # set the labels for the stationary plot - axs[0, 0].set_xlabel("Time (a.u.)" ); axs[0, 0].set_ylabel("Energy (a.u.)" ) - axs[0, 1].set_xlabel("Time (a.u.)" ); axs[0, 1].set_ylabel("Population" ) - axs[0, 2].set_xlabel("Time (a.u.)" ); axs[0, 2].set_ylabel("Position (a.u.)" ) - axs[1, 0].set_xlabel("Time (a.u.)" ); axs[1, 0].set_ylabel("Autocorrelation Function") - axs[1, 1].set_xlabel("Energy (a.u.)" ); axs[1, 1].set_ylabel("Normalized Intensity" ) - axs[1, 2].set_xlabel("Time (a.u.)" ); axs[1, 2].set_ylabel("Momentum (a.u.)" ) +# set the labels for the stationary plot +axs[0, 0].set_xlabel("Time (a.u.)" ); axs[0, 0].set_ylabel("Energy (a.u.)" ) +axs[0, 1].set_xlabel("Time (a.u.)" ); axs[0, 1].set_ylabel("Population" ) +axs[0, 2].set_xlabel("Time (a.u.)" ); axs[0, 2].set_ylabel("Position (a.u.)" ) +axs[1, 0].set_xlabel("Time (a.u.)" ); axs[1, 0].set_ylabel("Autocorrelation Function") +axs[1, 1].set_xlabel("Energy (a.u.)" ); axs[1, 1].set_ylabel("Normalized Intensity" ) +axs[1, 2].set_xlabel("Time (a.u.)" ); axs[1, 2].set_ylabel("Momentum (a.u.)" ) - # set the domain for the spectrum plot, the end will be as last element from the end less than some value - axs[1, 1].set_xlim(0, omega[np.argsort(omega)][np.where(spectrum[np.argsort(omega)] / np.max(spectrum) > 1e-6)][-1]) +# set the domain for the spectrum plot, the end will be as last element from the end less than some value +axs[1, 1].set_xlim(0, omega[np.argsort(omega)][np.where(spectrum[np.argsort(omega)] / np.max(spectrum) > 1e-6)][-1]) - # enable legends - axs[0, 0].legend(); axs[0, 1].legend(); axs[1, 0].legend(); axs[0, 2].legend(); axs[1, 2].legend() +# enable legends +axs[0, 0].legend(); axs[0, 1].legend(); axs[1, 0].legend(); axs[0, 2].legend(); axs[1, 2].legend() - # only for 1D - if ndim == 1: - - # creace the wavefunction plot - wfig, wax = plt.subplots(1, 1) +# only for 1D +if ndim == 1: + + # creace the wavefunction plot + wfig, wax = plt.subplots(1, 1) - # plot the wavefunction - wfnplot = np.array([[wax.plot(r, wfn[0][:, i].real, label="Re($\Psi$)")[0], wax.plot(r, wfn[0][:, i].imag, label="Im($\Psi$)")[0]] for i in range(psi.shape[1])]).flatten() + # plot the wavefunction + wfnplot = np.array([[wax.plot(r, wfn[0][:, i].real, label="Re($\Psi$)")[0], wax.plot(r, wfn[0][:, i].imag, label="Im($\Psi$)")[0]] for i in range(psi.shape[1])]).flatten() - # set the labels for the wavefunction plot and enable legend - wax.set_xlabel("Position (a.u.)"); wax.set_ylabel("Wavefunction"); wax.legend() + # set the labels for the wavefunction plot and enable legend + wax.set_xlabel("Position (a.u.)"); wax.set_ylabel("Wavefunction"); wax.legend() - # extract the wfn min and max - minwfn, maxwfn = min(np.array(wfn).real.min(), np.array(wfn).imag.min()), max(np.array(wfn).real.max(), np.array(wfn).imag.max()) + # extract the wfn min and max + minwfn, maxwfn = min(np.array(wfn).real.min(), np.array(wfn).imag.min()), max(np.array(wfn).real.max(), np.array(wfn).imag.max()) - # set the limits for the wavefunction animation - wax.set_ylim(minwfn - 0.1 * (maxwfn - minwfn), maxwfn + 0.1 * (maxwfn - minwfn)) + # set the limits for the wavefunction animation + wax.set_ylim(minwfn - 0.1 * (maxwfn - minwfn), maxwfn + 0.1 * (maxwfn - minwfn)) - # define the update function for the wavefunction animation - update = lambda i: [wfnplot[j].set_ydata(wfn[i][:, j // 2].real if j % 2 == 0 else wfn[i][:, j // 2].imag) for j in range(2 * psi.shape[1])] + # define the update function for the wavefunction animation + update = lambda i: [wfnplot[j].set_ydata(wfn[i][:, j // 2].real if j % 2 == 0 else wfn[i][:, j // 2].imag) for j in range(2 * psi.shape[1])] - # make the wavefunction plot animation and set the layout - ani = anm.FuncAnimation(wfig, update, frames=range(len(wfn)), repeat=True, interval=30); wfig.tight_layout() + # make the wavefunction plot animation and set the layout + ani = anm.FuncAnimation(wfig, update, frames=range(len(wfn)), repeat=True, interval=30); wfig.tight_layout() - # show the plot - fig.tight_layout(); +# show the plot +fig.tight_layout(); ``` ## Surface Hopping Classical Dynamics @@ -662,151 +654,149 @@ import argparse as ap, itertools as it, matplotlib.animation as anm, matplotlib. # EXAMPLES # ./ -p 10 1 -r -10 0.5 -s 1 -m 2000 -t 1 -i 5000 -v "[[0.01*np.tanh(0.6*r1),0.001*np.exp(-r1**2)],[0.001*np.exp(-r1**2),-0.01*np.tanh(0.6*r1)]]" --adiabatic -n 1000 --lzsh -if __name__ == "__main__": - # SECTION FOR PARSING COMMAND LINE ARGUMENTS ========================================= +# SECTION FOR PARSING COMMAND LINE ARGUMENTS =========================================================================== - # create the parser - parser = ap.ArgumentParser( - prog="", description="Surface Hopping Classical Dynamics Educational Toolkit", - formatter_class=lambda prog: ap.HelpFormatter(prog, max_help_position=128), - add_help=False, allow_abbrev=False - ) +# create the parser +parser = ap.ArgumentParser( + prog="", description="Surface Hopping Classical Dynamics Educational Toolkit", + formatter_class=lambda prog: ap.HelpFormatter(prog, max_help_position=128), + add_help=False, allow_abbrev=False +) - # add the arguments - parser.add_argument("-h", "--help", help="Print this help message.", action=ap.BooleanOptionalAction) - parser.add_argument("-i", "--iterations", help="Number of iterations. (default: %(default)s)", type=int, default=5000) - parser.add_argument("-m", "--mass", help="Mass of the particle. (default: %(default)s)", type=float, default=1) - parser.add_argument("-n", "--trajectories", help="Number of classical trajectories in the simulation. (default: %(default)s)", type=int, default=1000) - parser.add_argument("-s", "--state", help="Initial state of the trajectories. (default: %(default)s)", type=int, default=0) - parser.add_argument("-t", "--timestep", help="Time step of the simulation. (default: %(default)s)", type=float, default=0.1) - parser.add_argument("-p", "--momentum", help="Mean and standard deviation of momentum for each dimension. (default: %(default)s)", type=float, nargs= "+", default=[0, 1]) - parser.add_argument("-r", "--position", help="Mean and standard deviation of position for each dimension. (default: %(default)s)", type=float, nargs= "+", default=[1, 0.5]) - parser.add_argument("-u", "--adiabatic", help="Transform the results to the adiabatic basis. (default: %(default)s)", action=ap.BooleanOptionalAction) - parser.add_argument("-v", "--potential", help="Potential matrix. (default: %(default)s)", type=str, default="[[0.5*r1**2]]") +# add the arguments +parser.add_argument("-h", "--help", help="Print this help message.", action=ap.BooleanOptionalAction) +parser.add_argument("-i", "--iterations", help="Number of iterations. (default: %(default)s)", type=int, default=5000) +parser.add_argument("-m", "--mass", help="Mass of the particle. (default: %(default)s)", type=float, default=1) +parser.add_argument("-n", "--trajectories", help="Number of classical trajectories. (default: %(default)s)", type=int, default=1000) +parser.add_argument("-s", "--state", help="Initial state of the trajectories. (default: %(default)s)", type=int, default=0) +parser.add_argument("-t", "--timestep", help="Time step of the simulation. (default: %(default)s)", type=float, default=0.1) +parser.add_argument("-p", "--momentum", help="Momentum distribution. (default: %(default)s)", type=float, nargs= "+", default=[0, 1]) +parser.add_argument("-r", "--position", help="Coord distribution. (default: %(default)s)", type=float, nargs= "+", default=[1, 0.5]) +parser.add_argument("-u", "--adiabatic", help="Adiabatic transform. (default: %(default)s)", action=ap.BooleanOptionalAction) +parser.add_argument("-v", "--potential", help="Potential matrix. (default: %(default)s)", type=str, default="[[0.5*r1**2]]") - # surface hopping arguments - parser.add_argument("--lzsh", help="Enable LZSH algorithm. (default: %(default)s)", action=ap.BooleanOptionalAction) +# surface hopping arguments +parser.add_argument("--lzsh", help="Enable LZSH algorithm. (default: %(default)s)", action=ap.BooleanOptionalAction) - # parse the arguments - args = parser.parse_args() +# parse the arguments +args = parser.parse_args() - # replace the variables in the string expressions - for i in range(1, 10): args.potential = args.potential.replace(f"r{i}", f"r[:, {i - 1}]") +# replace the variables in the string expressions +for i in range(1, 10): args.potential = args.potential.replace(f"r{i}", f"r[:, {i - 1}]") - # print the help message if the flag is set - if parser.print_help(); exit() +# print the help message if the flag is set +if parser.print_help(); exit() - # SURFACE HOPPING ALGORITHMS ========================================================= +# SURFACE HOPPING ALGORITHMS ===================================================================================================== - # define the state vector and containers for the potential and transformation matrices - s = np.zeros((args.trajectories, args.iterations + 1), dtype=int) + args.state; Vs, Us = [], [] +# define the state vector and containers for the potential and transformation matrices +s = np.zeros((args.trajectories, args.iterations + 1), dtype=int) + args.state; Vs, Us = [], [] - # define the Landau-Zener Surface Hopping algorithm - def lzsh(i, rn): +# define the Landau-Zener Surface Hopping algorithm +def lzsh(i, rn): - # loop over the trajectories and states - for (j, k) in it.product(range(args.trajectories), range(V.shape[1])): + # loop over the trajectories and states + for (j, k) in it.product(range(args.trajectories), range(V.shape[1])): - # calculate the first derivatives of the new state - dk0 = (Vs[-1][j, k, k] - Vs[-2][j, k, k]) / args.timestep - dk1 = (Vs[-2][j, k, k] - Vs[-3][j, k, k]) / args.timestep + # calculate the first derivatives of the new state + dk0 = (Vs[-1][j, k, k] - Vs[-2][j, k, k]) / args.timestep + dk1 = (Vs[-2][j, k, k] - Vs[-3][j, k, k]) / args.timestep - # calculate the first derivatives of the current state - ds0 = (Vs[-1][j, s[j, i], s[j, i]] - Vs[-2][j, s[j, i], s[j, i]]) / args.timestep - ds1 = (Vs[-2][j, s[j, i], s[j, i]] - Vs[-3][j, s[j, i], s[j, i]]) / args.timestep + # calculate the first derivatives of the current state + ds0 = (Vs[-1][j, s[j, i], s[j, i]] - Vs[-2][j, s[j, i], s[j, i]]) / args.timestep + ds1 = (Vs[-2][j, s[j, i], s[j, i]] - Vs[-3][j, s[j, i], s[j, i]]) / args.timestep - # calculate the second derivatives of the new and current states - ddk = (dk0 - dk1) / args.timestep; dds = (ds0 - ds1) / args.timestep + # calculate the second derivatives of the new and current states + ddk = (dk0 - dk1) / args.timestep; dds = (ds0 - ds1) / args.timestep - # check if the trajectory is in the place for a hop - if (k == s[j, i - 1] or (dk0 - ds0) * (dk1 - ds1) > 0 or ddk * dds > 0 or ddk - dds == 0): continue + # check if the trajectory is in the place for a hop + if (k == s[j, i - 1] or (dk0 - ds0) * (dk1 - ds1) > 0 or ddk * dds > 0 or ddk - dds == 0): continue - # calculate the hopping probability - p = np.exp(-0.5 * np.pi * np.sqrt(sqrtarg)) if ((sqrtarg := (V[j, k, k] - V[j, s[j, i], s[j, i]])**3 / (ddk - dds)) > 0) else 0 + # calculate the hopping probability + p = np.exp(-0.5 * np.pi * np.sqrt(sqrtarg)) if ((sqrtarg := (V[j, k, k] - V[j, s[j, i], s[j, i]])**3 / (ddk - dds)) > 0) else 0 - # hop to another state if accepted - if (not np.isnan(p) and rn < p): s[j, i:] = k + # hop to another state if accepted + if (not np.isnan(p) and rn < p): s[j, i:] = k - # PERFORM THE CLASSICAL DYNAMICS ===================================================== +# PERFORM THE CLASSICAL DYNAMICS ================================================================================================= - # create the initial conditions for the trajectories - r = np.column_stack([np.random.normal(loc=mu, scale=sigma, size=args.trajectories) for mu, sigma in zip(args.position[0::2], args.position[1::2])]) - v = np.column_stack([np.random.normal(loc=mu, scale=sigma, size=args.trajectories) for mu, sigma in zip(args.momentum[0::2], args.momentum[1::2])]) +# create the initial conditions for the trajectories +r = np.column_stack([np.random.normal(loc=mu, scale=sigma, size=args.trajectories) for mu, sigma in zip(args.position[0::2], args.position[1::2])]) +v = np.column_stack([np.random.normal(loc=mu, scale=sigma, size=args.trajectories) for mu, sigma in zip(args.momentum[0::2], args.momentum[1::2])]) - # divide momentum by mass and define acceleration - v /= args.mass; a = np.zeros_like(r); diff = 0.0001; +# divide momentum by mass and define acceleration +v /= args.mass; a = np.zeros_like(r); diff = 0.0001; - # print the propagation header - print("%6s %12s %12s %12s" % ("ITER", "EKIN", "EPOT", "ETOT", )) +# print the propagation header +print("%6s %12s %12s %12s" % ("ITER", "EKIN", "EPOT", "ETOT", )) - # loop over the iterations - for i in range(args.iterations + 1): +# loop over the iterations +for i in range(args.iterations + 1): - # save the previous values - rp = r.copy(); vp = v.copy(); ap = a.copy() + # save the previous values + rp = r.copy(); vp = v.copy(); ap = a.copy() - # loop over the dimensions and propagate - for j in (j for j in range(r.shape[1]) if i): + # loop over the dimensions and propagate + for j in (j for j in range(r.shape[1]) if i): - # calculate offsets - rplus = r.copy(); rplus[:, j] += diff - rmins = r.copy(); rmins[:, j] -= diff + # calculate offsets + rplus = r.copy(); rplus[:, j] += diff + rmins = r.copy(); rmins[:, j] -= diff - # calculate the potential energy at the offsetted positions - Vplus = np.array(eval(args.potential.replace("r", "rplus"))).transpose(2, 0, 1) - Vmins = np.array(eval(args.potential.replace("r", "rmins"))).transpose(2, 0, 1) + # calculate the potential energy at the offsetted positions + Vplus = np.array(eval(args.potential.replace("r", "rplus"))).transpose(2, 0, 1) + Vmins = np.array(eval(args.potential.replace("r", "rmins"))).transpose(2, 0, 1) - # transform the potential energy to the adiabatic basis - if args.adiabatic: Vplus = np.einsum("ij,jk->ijk", np.linalg.eigvalsh(Vplus), np.eye(V.shape[1])) - if args.adiabatic: Vmins = np.einsum("ij,jk->ijk", np.linalg.eigvalsh(Vmins), np.eye(V.shape[1])) + # transform the potential energy to the adiabatic basis + if args.adiabatic: Vplus = np.einsum("ij,jk->ijk", np.linalg.eigvalsh(Vplus), np.eye(V.shape[1])) + if args.adiabatic: Vmins = np.einsum("ij,jk->ijk", np.linalg.eigvalsh(Vmins), np.eye(V.shape[1])) - # calculate the acceleration - a[:, j] = 0.5 * (np.einsum("ijj->ij", Vmins)[np.arange(args.trajectories), s[:, i]] - np.einsum("ijj->ij", Vplus)[np.arange(args.trajectories), s[:, i]]) / (diff * args.mass) + # calculate the acceleration + a[:, j] = 0.5 * (np.einsum("ijj->ij", Vmins)[np.arange(args.trajectories), s[:, i]] - np.einsum("ijj->ij", Vplus)[np.arange(args.trajectories), s[:, i]]) / (diff * args.mass) - # update the positions and velocities - v[:, j] += 0.5 * (a[:, j] + ap[:, j]) * args.timestep; r[:, j] += (v[:, j] + 0.5 * a[:, j] * args.timestep) * args.timestep + # update the positions and velocities + v[:, j] += 0.5 * (a[:, j] + ap[:, j]) * args.timestep; r[:, j] += (v[:, j] + 0.5 * a[:, j] * args.timestep) * args.timestep - # calculate the diabatic potential - V = np.array(eval(args.potential)).transpose(2, 0, 1) + # calculate the diabatic potential + V = np.array(eval(args.potential)).transpose(2, 0, 1) - # adiabatize the potential - E, U = np.linalg.eigh(V); V = np.einsum("ij,jk->ijk", E, np.eye(V.shape[1])); Vs.append(V); Us.append(U) + # adiabatize the potential + E, U = np.linalg.eigh(V); V = np.einsum("ij,jk->ijk", E, np.eye(V.shape[1])); Vs.append(V); Us.append(U) - # surface hopping algorithm - if (args.lzsh and i > 1): lzsh(i, np.random.rand()) + # surface hopping algorithm + if (args.lzsh and i > 1): lzsh(i, np.random.rand()) - # calculate the potential and kinetic energy for each trajectory - Epot = V[np.arange(args.trajectories), s[:, i], s[:, i]]; Ekin = 0.5 * args.mass * np.sum(v**2, axis=1) + # calculate the potential and kinetic energy for each trajectory + Epot = V[np.arange(args.trajectories), s[:, i], s[:, i]]; Ekin = 0.5 * args.mass * np.sum(v**2, axis=1) - # get the mask for trajectories that hopped to another state - mask = (s[:, i] != s[:, i - bool(i)]) & (Ekin > (Epot - V[np.arange(args.trajectories), s[:, i - bool(i)], s[:, i - bool(i)]])) + # get the mask for trajectories that hopped to another state + mask = (s[:, i] != s[:, i - bool(i)]) & (Ekin > (Epot - V[np.arange(args.trajectories), s[:, i - bool(i)], s[:, i - bool(i)]])) - # rescale the velocities of the trajectories that hopped to another state - if mask.any(): v[mask] *= np.sqrt((Ekin - Epot + V[np.arange(args.trajectories), s[:, i - 1], s[:, i - 1]]) / Ekin)[mask, None] + # rescale the velocities of the trajectories that hopped to another state + if mask.any(): v[mask] *= np.sqrt((Ekin - Epot + V[np.arange(args.trajectories), s[:, i - 1], s[:, i - 1]]) / Ekin)[mask, None] - # recalculate the kinetic energy if the velocities were rescaled - if mask.any(): Ekin = 0.5 * args.mass * np.sum(v**2, axis=1) + # recalculate the kinetic energy if the velocities were rescaled + if mask.any(): Ekin = 0.5 * args.mass * np.sum(v**2, axis=1) - # print the iteration - if i % 1000 == 0: print("%6d %12.6f %12.6f %12.6f" % (i, np.mean(Ekin), np.mean(Epot), np.mean(Ekin + Epot))) + # print the iteration + if i % 1000 == 0: print("%6d %12.6f %12.6f %12.6f" % (i, np.mean(Ekin), np.mean(Epot), np.mean(Ekin + Epot))) - # PRINT AND PLOT THE RESULTS ========================================================= +# PRINT AND PLOT THE RESULTS ===================================================================================================== - # print the final populations - print(" -FINAL POPULATION: %s" % (np.bincount(s[:, -1]) / s.shape[0])) +# print the final populations +print(); print("FINAL POPULATION: %s" % (np.bincount(s[:, -1]) / s.shape[0])) - # create the subplots - fig, axs = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(8, 6)); +# create the subplots +fig, axs = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(8, 6)); - # plot the population - axs.plot(np.arange(args.iterations + 1) * args.timestep, [np.bincount(s[:, i]) / s.shape[0] for i in range(s.shape[1])]) +# plot the population +axs.plot(np.arange(args.iterations + 1) * args.timestep, [np.bincount(s[:, i]) / s.shape[0] for i in range(s.shape[1])]) - # set the labels - axs.set_xlabel("Time (a.u.)"); axs.set_ylabel("Population") +# set the labels +axs.set_xlabel("Time (a.u.)"); axs.set_ylabel("Population") - # show the plot - plt.tight_layout(); +# show the plot +plt.tight_layout(); ``` {:.cite} diff --git a/education/python/ b/education/python/ index bca92a8..31a3bfc 100755 --- a/education/python/ +++ b/education/python/ @@ -1,239 +1,246 @@ #!/usr/bin/env python -import argparse as ap, itertools as it, matplotlib.animation as anm, matplotlib.pyplot as plt, numpy as np, scipy as sp, scipy.linalg; np.random.seed(0) +import argparse as ap, itertools as it, matplotlib.animation as anm, matplotlib.pyplot as plt, numpy as np, scipy as sp, scipy.linalg + +np.set_printoptions(edgeitems=30, linewidth=100000, formatter=dict(float=lambda x: "%20.14f" % x)); np.random.seed(0) # EXAMPLES # ./ -g "[np.exp(-(r1-1)**2-(r2-1)**2)]" -v "[[0.5*(r1**2+r2**2)]]" # ./ -d 0 -f 0.01 -p 8192 -l 32 -m 2000 -t 10 -v "[[0.01*np.tanh(0.6*r1),0.001*np.exp(-r1**2)],[0.001*np.exp(-r1**2),-0.01*np.tanh(0.6*r1)]]" -g "[0,np.exp(-(r1+10)**2+10j*r1)]" --align --adiabatic -if __name__ == "__main__": - # SECTION FOR PARSING COMMAND LINE ARGUMENTS ========================================= +# SECTION FOR PARSING COMMAND LINE ARGUMENTS ===================================================================================== + +# create the parser +parser = ap.ArgumentParser( + prog="", description="Numerically Exact Quantum Dynamics Educational Toolkit", + formatter_class=lambda prog: ap.HelpFormatter(prog, max_help_position=128), + add_help=False, allow_abbrev=False +) + +# add the arguments +parser.add_argument("-a", "--align", help="Align the wavefunction plot to the potential.", action=ap.BooleanOptionalAction) +parser.add_argument("-c", "--imaginary", help="Perform imaginary-time propagation for n states.", type=int, default=0) +parser.add_argument("-d", "--damp", help="Gaussian damping parameter. (default: %(default)s)", type=float, default=0.003) +parser.add_argument("-f", "--factor", help="Factor to scale the wavefunction. (default: %(default)s)", type=float, default=10) +parser.add_argument("-g", "--guess", help="Initial guess. (default: %(default)s)", type=str, default="[np.exp(-(r1-1)**2)]") +parser.add_argument("-h", "--help", help="Print this help message.", action=ap.BooleanOptionalAction) +parser.add_argument("-i", "--iterations", help="Number of iterations. (default: %(default)s)", type=int, default=500) +parser.add_argument("-l", "--limit", help="Grid limits. (default: %(default)s)", type=float, default=8) +parser.add_argument("-m", "--mass", help="Mass of the particle. (default: %(default)s)", type=float, default=1) +parser.add_argument("-n", "--ntraj", help="Number of Bohmian trajectories. (default: %(default)s)", type=int, default=100) +parser.add_argument("-p", "--points", help="Number of grid points. (default: %(default)s)", type=int, default=128) +parser.add_argument("-t", "--timestep", help="Time step of the simulation. (default: %(default)s)", type=float, default=0.1) +parser.add_argument("-u", "--adiabatic", help="Adiabatic transform. (default: %(default)s)", action=ap.BooleanOptionalAction) +parser.add_argument("-v", "--potential", help="Potential matrix. (default: %(default)s)", type=str, default="[[0.5*r1**2]]") - # create the parser - parser = ap.ArgumentParser( - prog="", description="Numerically Exact Quantum Dynamics Educational Toolkit", - formatter_class=lambda prog: ap.HelpFormatter(prog, max_help_position=128), - add_help=False, allow_abbrev=False - ) +# parse the arguments +args = parser.parse_args() - # add the arguments - parser.add_argument("-a", "--align", help="Align the wavefunction plot to the potential.", action=ap.BooleanOptionalAction) - parser.add_argument("-c", "--imaginary", help="Perform imaginary-time propagation and find specified number of orthogonal states.", type=int, default=0) - parser.add_argument("-d", "--damp", help="Gaussian damping parameter for autocorrelation function. (default: %(default)s)", type=float, default=0.003) - parser.add_argument("-f", "--factor", help="Factor to scale the wavefunction before plotting. (default: %(default)s)", type=float, default=10) - parser.add_argument("-g", "--guess", help="Initial guess for the wavefunction. (default: %(default)s)", type=str, default="[np.exp(-(r1-1)**2)]") - parser.add_argument("-h", "--help", help="Print this help message.", action=ap.BooleanOptionalAction) - parser.add_argument("-i", "--iterations", help="Number of iterations. (default: %(default)s)", type=int, default=500) - parser.add_argument("-l", "--limit", help="Distance limit of the wavefunction grid. (default: %(default)s)", type=float, default=8) - parser.add_argument("-m", "--mass", help="Mass of the particle. (default: %(default)s)", type=float, default=1) - parser.add_argument("-n", "--ntraj", help="Number of Bohmian trajectories. (default: %(default)s)", type=int, default=100) - parser.add_argument("-p", "--points", help="Number of points in the wavefunction grid. (default: %(default)s)", type=int, default=128) - parser.add_argument("-t", "--timestep", help="Time step of the simulation. (default: %(default)s)", type=float, default=0.1) - parser.add_argument("-u", "--adiabatic", help="Transform the results to the adiabatic basis. (default: %(default)s)", action=ap.BooleanOptionalAction) - parser.add_argument("-v", "--potential", help="Potential matrix. (default: %(default)s)", type=str, default="[[0.5*r1**2]]") +# replace the variables in the string expressions +for i in range(1, 10): args.guess = args.guess.replace(f"r{i}", f"r[:, {i - 1}]") +for i in range(1, 10): args.potential = args.potential.replace(f"r{i}", f"r[:, {i - 1}]") - # parse the arguments - args = parser.parse_args() +# print the help message if the flag is set +if parser.print_help(); exit() - # replace the variables in the string expressions - for i in range(1, 10): args.guess = args.guess.replace(f"r{i}", f"r[:, {i - 1}]") - for i in range(1, 10): args.potential = args.potential.replace(f"r{i}", f"r[:, {i - 1}]") +# PREPARE VARIABLES FOR THE DYNAMICS ============================================================================================= - # print the help message if the flag is set - if parser.print_help(); exit() +# extract the number of dimensions without using regex +ndim = max([int(e[0]) for e in args.potential.split("r[:, ")[1:]]) + 1 - # PREPARE VARIABLES FOR THE DYNAMICS ================================================= +# define the function to evaluate potential +potf = lambda: np.array(eval(args.potential)).transpose(2, 0, 1); - # extract the number of dimensions without using regex - ndim = max([int(e[0]) for e in args.potential.split("r[:, ")[1:]]) + 1 +# define the function to evaluate the guess wavefunction on a specified grid +psif = lambda: np.array(list(map(lambda x: x * np.ones(args.points**ndim), eval(args.guess))), dtype=complex).T - # define the function to evaluate potential - potf = lambda: np.array(eval(args.potential)).transpose(2, 0, 1); +# REAL AND IMAGINARY QUANTUM DYNAMICS ============================================================================================ - # define the function to evaluate the guess wavefunction on a specified grid - psif = lambda: np.array(list(map(lambda x: x * np.ones(args.points**ndim), eval(args.guess))), dtype=complex).T +# calculate the space step +dr = 2 * args.limit / (args.points - 1) - # REAL AND IMAGINARY QUANTUM DYNAMICS ================================================ +# create the grid in real and fourier space +r = np.stack(np.meshgrid(*[np.linspace(-args.limit, args.limit, args.points)] * ndim, indexing="ij"), axis=-1).reshape(-1, ndim) +k = np.stack(np.meshgrid(*[2 * np.pi * np.fft.fftfreq(args.points, dr) ] * ndim, indexing="ij"), axis=-1).reshape(-1, ndim) - # calculate the space step - dr = 2 * args.limit / (args.points - 1) +# create the potential, wavefunction and extract wavefunction dimensions +V, psi = potf(), psif(); shape = ndim * [args.points] + [psi.shape[1]] - # create the grid in real and fourier space - r = np.stack(np.meshgrid(*[np.linspace(-args.limit, args.limit, args.points)] * ndim, indexing="ij"), axis=-1).reshape(-1, ndim) - k = np.stack(np.meshgrid(*[2 * np.pi * np.fft.fftfreq(args.points, dr) ] * ndim, indexing="ij"), axis=-1).reshape(-1, ndim) +# normalize the guess wavefunction +psi /= np.sqrt(dr * np.einsum("ij,ij->", psi.conj(), psi)) - # create the potential, wavefunction and extract wavefunction dimensions - V, psi = potf(), psif(); shape = ndim * [args.points] + [psi.shape[1]] +# create the containers for the observables and wavefunctions +position, momentum, ekin, epot = [], [], [], []; wfnopt, wfn = [], [psi] - # normalize the guess wavefunction - psi /= np.sqrt(dr * np.einsum("ij,ij->", psi.conj(), psi)) +# iterate over the propagations +for i in range(args.imaginary if args.imaginary else 1): - # create the containers for the observables and wavefunctions - position, momentum, ekin, epot = [], [], [], []; wfnopt, wfn = [], [psi] + # print the propagation header + print() if i else None; print("PROPAGATION OF STATE %d " % (i)) - # iterate over the propagations - for i in range(args.imaginary if args.imaginary else 1): + # get the random coordinate indices + rind = np.random.choice(psi.shape[0], size=args.ntraj, p=(np.abs(psi)**2 * dr).sum(axis=1)) - # print the propagation header - print() if i else None; print("PROPAGATION OF STATE %d " % (i)) + # create the initial points for Bohmian trajectories + trajs = np.concatenate((r[rind ][:, None, :], np.zeros((args.ntraj, args.iterations, ndim))), axis=1) - # create the initial points for Bohmian trajectories - trajs = np.concatenate((r[np.random.choice(psi.shape[0], size=args.ntraj, p=(np.abs(psi)**2 * dr).sum(axis=1))][:, None, :], np.zeros((args.ntraj, args.iterations, ndim))), axis=1) + # initialize the initial wavefunction from the wfn container and clear all containers + psi = wfn[0]; wfn.clear(), position.clear(), momentum.clear(), ekin.clear(), epot.clear() - # initialize the initial wavefunction from the wfn container and clear all containers - psi = wfn[0]; wfn.clear(), position.clear(), momentum.clear(), ekin.clear(), epot.clear() + # get the propagator exponent unit + unit = -0.5 * (1 if args.imaginary else 1j) * args.timestep - # calculate the propagators for each point in the grid - K = np.array([sp.linalg.expm(-0.5 * (1 if args.imaginary else 1j) * args.timestep * np.sum(k[i, :] ** 2) / args.mass * np.eye(psi.shape[1])) for i in range(r.shape[0])]) - R = np.array([sp.linalg.expm(-0.5 * (1 if args.imaginary else 1j) * args.timestep * V[i] ) for i in range(r.shape[0])]) + # calculate the propagators for each point in the grid + K = np.array([sp.linalg.expm(unit * np.sum(k[i, :]**2) / args.mass * np.eye(psi.shape[1])) for i in range(r.shape[0])]) + R = np.array([sp.linalg.expm(unit * * V[i] ) for i in range(r.shape[0])]) - # print the propagation header - print("%6s %12s %12s %12s" % ("ITER", "EKIN", "EPOT", "ETOT", )) + # print the propagation header + print("%6s %12s %12s %12s" % ("ITER", "EKIN", "EPOT", "ETOT", )) - # propagate the wavefunction - for j in range(args.iterations + 1): + # propagate the wavefunction + for j in range(args.iterations + 1): - # propagate in real space - if (j): psi = np.einsum("ijk,ik->ij", R, psi) + # propagate in real space + if (j): psi = np.einsum("ijk,ik->ij", R, psi) - # fourier transform the wavefunction - if (j): psi = np.fft.fftn(psi.reshape(shape), axes=range(ndim)).reshape(psi.shape) + # fourier transform the wavefunction + if (j): psi = np.fft.fftn(psi.reshape(shape), axes=range(ndim)).reshape(psi.shape) - # propagate in momentum space - if (j): psi = np.einsum("ijk,ik->ij", K, psi) + # propagate in momentum space + if (j): psi = np.einsum("ijk,ik->ij", K, psi) - # inverse fourier transform the wavefunction - if (j): psi = np.fft.ifftn(psi.reshape(shape), axes=range(ndim)).reshape(psi.shape) + # inverse fourier transform the wavefunction + if (j): psi = np.fft.ifftn(psi.reshape(shape), axes=range(ndim)).reshape(psi.shape) - # propagate in real space - if (j): psi = np.einsum("ijk,ik->ij", R, psi) + # propagate in real space + if (j): psi = np.einsum("ijk,ik->ij", R, psi) - # orthogonalize the wavefunction - for i in range(len(wfnopt)): psi -= np.sum(wfnopt[i].conj() * psi) * wfnopt[i] * dr + # orthogonalize the wavefunction + for i in range(len(wfnopt)): psi -= np.sum(wfnopt[i].conj() * psi) * wfnopt[i] * dr - # normalize the wavefunction - if args.imaginary: psi /= np.sqrt(dr * np.einsum("ij,ij->", psi.conj(), psi)) + # normalize the wavefunction + if args.imaginary: psi /= np.sqrt(dr * np.einsum("ij,ij->", psi.conj(), psi)) - # append the potential energy and the wavefunction - epot.append(np.einsum("ij,ijk,ik->", psi.conj(), V, psi).real * dr); wfn.append(psi.copy()) + # append the potential energy and the wavefunction + epot.append(np.einsum("ij,ijk,ik->", psi.conj(), V, psi).real * dr); wfn.append(psi.copy()) - # create a n dimensional copy of the wavefunction, its fourier transform and a container for Bohmian trajectory velocity - psid, psik, v = psi.reshape(shape), np.fft.fftn(psi.reshape(shape), axes=range(ndim)).reshape(psi.shape), np.zeros(shape[:-1] + [ndim]) + # create a n dimensional copy of the wavefunction, its fourier transform and a container for Bohmian trajectory velocity + psid, psik, v = psi.reshape(shape), np.fft.fftn(psi.reshape(shape), axes=range(ndim)).reshape(psi.shape), np.zeros(shape[:-1] + [ndim]) - # append the kinetic energy - ekin.append((psi.conj() * np.fft.ifftn((psik * (0.5 * np.sum(k**2, axis=1) / args.mass)[:, None]).reshape(shape), axes=range(ndim)).reshape(psi.shape)).real.sum() * dr) + # append the kinetic energy + ekin.append((psi.conj() * np.fft.ifftn((psik * (0.5 * np.sum(k**2, axis=1) / args.mass)[:, None]).reshape(shape), axes=range(ndim)).reshape(psi.shape)).real.sum() * dr) - # append the position - position.append(np.sum(r * np.sum(np.abs(psi)**2, axis=1, keepdims=True), axis=0) * dr) + # append the position + position.append(np.sum(r * np.sum(np.abs(psi)**2, axis=1, keepdims=True), axis=0) * dr) - # append the momentum - momentum.append(np.array([np.sum(psi.conj() * np.fft.ifftn((1j * (k[:, dim:dim + 1]) * psik).reshape(shape), axes=range(ndim)).reshape(psi.shape)).imag * dr for dim in range(ndim)])) + # append the momentum + momentum.append(np.array([np.sum(psi.conj() * np.fft.ifftn((1j * (k[:, dim:dim + 1]) * psik).reshape(shape), axes=range(ndim)).reshape(psi.shape)).imag * dr for dim in range(ndim)])) - # calculate the velocity of the Bohmian trajectories - if (j): v[..., :] = np.array([(np.conjugate(psid) * np.gradient(psid, dr, axis=dim)).sum(axis=-1).imag / ((np.abs(psid)**2).sum(axis=-1) + 1e-14) / args.mass for dim in range(ndim)]).T + # calculate the velocity of the Bohmian trajectories + if (j): v[..., :] = np.array([(np.conjugate(psid) * np.gradient(psid, dr, axis=dim)).sum(axis=-1).imag / ((np.abs(psid)**2).sum(axis=-1) + 1e-14) / args.mass for dim in range(ndim)]).T - # propagate the Bohmian trajectories - if (j): trajs[:, j, :] = trajs[:, j - 1, :] + sp.interpolate.interpn(points=ndim * [np.unique(r[:, 0])], values=v, xi=trajs[:, j - 1, :]) * args.timestep + # propagate the Bohmian trajectories + if (j): trajs[:, j, :] = trajs[:, j - 1, :] + sp.interpolate.interpn(points=ndim * [np.unique(r[:, 0])], values=v, xi=trajs[:, j - 1, :]) * args.timestep - # print the iteration info - if j % 100 == 0: print("%6d %12.6f %12.6f %12.6f" % (j, ekin[-1], epot[-1], ekin[-1] + epot[-1])) + # print the iteration info + if j % 100 == 0: print("%6d %12.6f %12.6f %12.6f" % (j, ekin[-1], epot[-1], ekin[-1] + epot[-1])) - # append the optimized wavefunction to the container - if args.imaginary: wfnopt.append(psi.copy()) + # append the optimized wavefunction to the container + if args.imaginary: wfnopt.append(psi.copy()) - # ADIABATIC TRANSFORM AND SPECTRUM =================================================== +# ADIABATIC TRANSFORM AND SPECTRUM =============================================================================================== - # calculate the adiabatic eigenstates - U = [np.linalg.eigh(V[i])[1] for i in range(V.shape[0])] +# calculate the adiabatic eigenstates +U = [np.linalg.eigh(V[i])[1] for i in range(V.shape[0])] - # adiabatize the potential and wavefunctions - V = np.einsum("ijk,ikl,ilm->ijm", U, V, U) if args.adiabatic else np.array(V ) - wfn = np.einsum("ikl,jik->jil", U, wfn ) if args.adiabatic else np.array(wfn) +# adiabatize the potential and wavefunctions +V = np.einsum("ijk,ikl,ilm->ijm", U, V, U) if args.adiabatic else np.array(V ) +wfn = np.einsum("ikl,jik->jil", U, wfn ) if args.adiabatic else np.array(wfn) - # calculate the density matrices and acf - density = np.einsum("jia,jib->jab", wfn, wfn.conj()).real * dr - acf = np.einsum("ij,tij->t", wfn[0].conj(), wfn ) * dr +# calculate the density matrices and acf +density = np.einsum("jia,jib->jab", wfn, wfn.conj()).real * dr +acf = np.einsum("ij,tij->t", wfn[0].conj(), wfn ) * dr - # symmetrize the acf and apply the damping function - acf = np.concatenate((np.flip(acf)[:-1], np.array(acf).conj())) * np.exp(-args.damp * (np.arange(-args.iterations, args.iterations + 1) * args.timestep)**2) +# symmetrize the acf and apply the damping function +acf = np.concatenate((np.flip(acf)[:-1], np.array(acf).conj())) * np.exp(-args.damp * (np.arange(-args.iterations, args.iterations + 1) * args.timestep)**2) - # calculate the spectrum of the zero-padded acf and the corresponding energies - spectrum = np.abs(np.fft.fft(np.pad(acf, 2 * [10 * len(acf)], mode="constant")))**2; omega = 2 * np.pi * np.fft.fftfreq(len(spectrum), args.timestep) +# calculate the spectrum of the zero-padded acf and the corresponding energies +spectrum = np.abs(np.fft.fft(np.pad(acf, 2 * [10 * len(acf)], mode="constant")))**2; omega = 2 * np.pi * np.fft.fftfreq(len(spectrum), args.timestep) - # PRINT AND PLOT THE RESULTS ========================================================= +# PRINT AND PLOT THE RESULTS ===================================================================================================== - # print the final population - print("\nFINAL POPULATION: %s" % np.diag(density[-1])) +# print the final population +print(); print("FINAL POPULATION: %s" % np.diag(density[-1])) - # scale the wavefunction and add the potential to the wavefunction - wfn = args.factor * np.array(wfn); wfn += (1 + 1j) * np.einsum("ijj,k->kij", V, np.ones(args.iterations + 1)) if args.align else 0 +# scale the wavefunction and add the potential to the wavefunction +wfn = args.factor * np.array(wfn); wfn += (1 + 1j) * np.einsum("ijj,k->kij", V, np.ones(args.iterations + 1)) if args.align else 0 - # create the stationary subplots and scale the wavefunction - fig, axs = plt.subplots(2, 3, figsize=(12, 6)) +# create the stationary subplots and scale the wavefunction +fig, axs = plt.subplots(2, 3, figsize=(12, 6)) - # plot the energies - axs[0, 0].plot(np.arange(args.iterations + 1) * args.timestep, ekin, label="Kinetic Energy" ) - axs[0, 0].plot(np.arange(args.iterations + 1) * args.timestep, epot, label="Potential Energy") +# plot the energies +axs[0, 0].plot(np.arange(args.iterations + 1) * args.timestep, ekin, label="Kinetic Energy" ) +axs[0, 0].plot(np.arange(args.iterations + 1) * args.timestep, epot, label="Potential Energy") - # plot the population - axs[0, 1].plot(np.arange(args.iterations + 1) * args.timestep, [np.diag(rho) for rho in density], label=[f"S$_{i}$" for i in range(density.shape[1])]) +# plot the population +axs[0, 1].plot(np.arange(args.iterations + 1) * args.timestep, [np.diag(rho) for rho in density], label=[f"S$_{i}$" for i in range(density.shape[1])]) - # print the acf - axs[1, 0].plot(np.arange(-args.iterations, args.iterations + 1) * args.timestep, np.array(acf).real, label="Re(ACF)") - axs[1, 0].plot(np.arange(-args.iterations, args.iterations + 1) * args.timestep, np.array(acf).imag, label="Im(ACF)") +# print the acf +axs[1, 0].plot(np.arange(-args.iterations, args.iterations + 1) * args.timestep, np.array(acf).real, label="Re(ACF)") +axs[1, 0].plot(np.arange(-args.iterations, args.iterations + 1) * args.timestep, np.array(acf).imag, label="Im(ACF)") - # plot the spectrum - axs[1, 1].plot(omega[np.argsort(omega)], spectrum[np.argsort(omega)] / np.max(spectrum)) +# plot the spectrum +axs[1, 1].plot(omega[np.argsort(omega)], spectrum[np.argsort(omega)] / np.max(spectrum)) - # plot the position and momentum of the Bohmian trajectories - [axs[0, 2].plot(np.arange(args.iterations + 1) * args.timestep, trajs[i, :, 0], alpha=0.05, color="tab:blue") for i in range(args.ntraj)] - [axs[1, 2].plot(np.arange(args.iterations + 1) * args.timestep, np.gradient(trajs[i, :, 0], args.timestep, axis=0) * args.mass, alpha=0.05, color="tab:blue") for i in range(args.ntraj)] +# plot the position and momentum of the Bohmian trajectories +[axs[0, 2].plot(np.arange(args.iterations + 1) * args.timestep, trajs[i, :, 0], alpha=0.05, color="tab:blue") for i in range(args.ntraj)] +[axs[1, 2].plot(np.arange(args.iterations + 1) * args.timestep, np.gradient(trajs[i, :, 0], args.timestep, axis=0) * args.mass, alpha=0.05, color="tab:blue") for i in range(args.ntraj)] - # plot the numerically exact expectation values of position and momentum - axs[0, 2].plot(np.arange(args.iterations + 1) * args.timestep, np.array(position)[:, 0], color="tab:orange", label="$<\Psi|\hat{r_x}|\Psi>$") - axs[1, 2].plot(np.arange(args.iterations + 1) * args.timestep, np.array(momentum)[:, 0], color="tab:orange", label="$<\Psi|\hat{p_x}|\Psi>$") +# plot the numerically exact expectation values of position and momentum +axs[0, 2].plot(np.arange(args.iterations + 1) * args.timestep, np.array(position)[:, 0], color="tab:orange", label="$<\Psi|\hat{r_x}|\Psi>$") +axs[1, 2].plot(np.arange(args.iterations + 1) * args.timestep, np.array(momentum)[:, 0], color="tab:orange", label="$<\Psi|\hat{p_x}|\Psi>$") - # plot the mean of the Bohmian trajectories - axs[0, 2].plot(np.arange(args.iterations + 1) * args.timestep, np.mean(trajs[:, :, 0], axis=0), "--", color="black", label="$$") - axs[1, 2].plot(np.arange(args.iterations + 1) * args.timestep, np.mean(np.gradient(trajs[:, :, 0], args.timestep, axis=1), axis=0) * args.mass, "--", color="black", label="$$") +# plot the mean of the Bohmian trajectories +axs[0, 2].plot(np.arange(args.iterations + 1) * args.timestep, np.mean(trajs[:, :, 0], axis=0), "--", color="black", label="$$") +axs[1, 2].plot(np.arange(args.iterations + 1) * args.timestep, np.mean(np.gradient(trajs[:, :, 0], args.timestep, axis=1), axis=0) * args.mass, "--", color="black", label="$$") - # set the labels for the stationary plot - axs[0, 0].set_xlabel("Time (a.u.)" ); axs[0, 0].set_ylabel("Energy (a.u.)" ) - axs[0, 1].set_xlabel("Time (a.u.)" ); axs[0, 1].set_ylabel("Population" ) - axs[0, 2].set_xlabel("Time (a.u.)" ); axs[0, 2].set_ylabel("Position (a.u.)" ) - axs[1, 0].set_xlabel("Time (a.u.)" ); axs[1, 0].set_ylabel("Autocorrelation Function") - axs[1, 1].set_xlabel("Energy (a.u.)" ); axs[1, 1].set_ylabel("Normalized Intensity" ) - axs[1, 2].set_xlabel("Time (a.u.)" ); axs[1, 2].set_ylabel("Momentum (a.u.)" ) +# set the labels for the stationary plot +axs[0, 0].set_xlabel("Time (a.u.)" ); axs[0, 0].set_ylabel("Energy (a.u.)" ) +axs[0, 1].set_xlabel("Time (a.u.)" ); axs[0, 1].set_ylabel("Population" ) +axs[0, 2].set_xlabel("Time (a.u.)" ); axs[0, 2].set_ylabel("Position (a.u.)" ) +axs[1, 0].set_xlabel("Time (a.u.)" ); axs[1, 0].set_ylabel("Autocorrelation Function") +axs[1, 1].set_xlabel("Energy (a.u.)" ); axs[1, 1].set_ylabel("Normalized Intensity" ) +axs[1, 2].set_xlabel("Time (a.u.)" ); axs[1, 2].set_ylabel("Momentum (a.u.)" ) - # set the domain for the spectrum plot, the end will be as last element from the end less than some value - axs[1, 1].set_xlim(0, omega[np.argsort(omega)][np.where(spectrum[np.argsort(omega)] / np.max(spectrum) > 1e-6)][-1]) +# set the domain for the spectrum plot, the end will be as last element from the end less than some value +axs[1, 1].set_xlim(0, omega[np.argsort(omega)][np.where(spectrum[np.argsort(omega)] / np.max(spectrum) > 1e-6)][-1]) - # enable legends - axs[0, 0].legend(); axs[0, 1].legend(); axs[1, 0].legend(); axs[0, 2].legend(); axs[1, 2].legend() +# enable legends +axs[0, 0].legend(); axs[0, 1].legend(); axs[1, 0].legend(); axs[0, 2].legend(); axs[1, 2].legend() - # only for 1D - if ndim == 1: - - # creace the wavefunction plot - wfig, wax = plt.subplots(1, 1) +# only for 1D +if ndim == 1: + + # creace the wavefunction plot + wfig, wax = plt.subplots(1, 1) - # plot the wavefunction - wfnplot = np.array([[wax.plot(r, wfn[0][:, i].real, label="Re($\Psi$)")[0], wax.plot(r, wfn[0][:, i].imag, label="Im($\Psi$)")[0]] for i in range(psi.shape[1])]).flatten() + # plot the wavefunction + wfnplot = np.array([[wax.plot(r, wfn[0][:, i].real, label="Re($\Psi$)")[0], wax.plot(r, wfn[0][:, i].imag, label="Im($\Psi$)")[0]] for i in range(psi.shape[1])]).flatten() - # set the labels for the wavefunction plot and enable legend - wax.set_xlabel("Position (a.u.)"); wax.set_ylabel("Wavefunction"); wax.legend() + # set the labels for the wavefunction plot and enable legend + wax.set_xlabel("Position (a.u.)"); wax.set_ylabel("Wavefunction"); wax.legend() - # extract the wfn min and max - minwfn, maxwfn = min(np.array(wfn).real.min(), np.array(wfn).imag.min()), max(np.array(wfn).real.max(), np.array(wfn).imag.max()) + # extract the wfn min and max + minwfn, maxwfn = min(np.array(wfn).real.min(), np.array(wfn).imag.min()), max(np.array(wfn).real.max(), np.array(wfn).imag.max()) - # set the limits for the wavefunction animation - wax.set_ylim(minwfn - 0.1 * (maxwfn - minwfn), maxwfn + 0.1 * (maxwfn - minwfn)) + # set the limits for the wavefunction animation + wax.set_ylim(minwfn - 0.1 * (maxwfn - minwfn), maxwfn + 0.1 * (maxwfn - minwfn)) - # define the update function for the wavefunction animation - update = lambda i: [wfnplot[j].set_ydata(wfn[i][:, j // 2].real if j % 2 == 0 else wfn[i][:, j // 2].imag) for j in range(2 * psi.shape[1])] + # define the update function for the wavefunction animation + update = lambda i: [wfnplot[j].set_ydata(wfn[i][:, j // 2].real if j % 2 == 0 else wfn[i][:, j // 2].imag) for j in range(2 * psi.shape[1])] - # make the wavefunction plot animation and set the layout - ani = anm.FuncAnimation(wfig, update, frames=range(len(wfn)), repeat=True, interval=30); wfig.tight_layout() + # make the wavefunction plot animation and set the layout + ani = anm.FuncAnimation(wfig, update, frames=range(len(wfn)), repeat=True, interval=30); wfig.tight_layout() - # show the plot - fig.tight_layout(); +# show the plot +fig.tight_layout(); diff --git a/education/python/ b/education/python/ index bc894f3..14ce373 100755 --- a/education/python/ +++ b/education/python/ @@ -5,385 +5,371 @@ np.set_printoptions(edgeitems=30, linewidth=100000, formatter=dict(float=lambda x: "%20.14f" % x)) ATOM = { - "H" : 1, "He": 2, - "Li": 3, "Be": 4, "B" : 5, "C" : 6, "N" : 7, "O" : 8, "F" : 9, "Ne": 10, - "Na": 11, "Mg": 12, "Al": 13, "Si": 14, "P" : 15, "S" : 16, "Cl": 17, "Ar": 18, - "K" : 19, "Ca": 20, "Sc": 21, "Ti": 22, "V" : 23, "Cr": 24, "Mn": 25, "Fe": 26, "Co": 27, "Ni": 28, "Cu": 29, "Zn": 30, "Ga": 31, "Ge": 32, "As": 33, "Se": 34, "Br": 35, "Kr": 36, - "Rb": 37, "Sr": 38, "Y" : 39, "Zr": 40, "Nb": 41, "Mo": 42, "Tc": 43, "Ru": 44, "Rh": 45, "Pd": 46, "Ag": 47, "Cd": 48, "In": 49, "Sn": 50, "Sb": 51, "Te": 52, "I" : 53, "Xe": 54, - "Cs": 55, "Ba": 56, "La": 57, "Hf": 72, "Ta": 73, "W" : 74, "Re": 75, "Os": 76, "Ir": 77, "Pt": 78, "Au": 79, "Hg": 80, "Tl": 81, "Pb": 82, "Bi": 83, "Po": 84, "At": 85, "Rn": 86, - "Fr": 87, "Ra": 88, "Ac": 89, "Rf":104, "Db":105, "Sg":106, "Bh":107, "Hs":108, "Mt":109, "Ds":110, "Rg":111, "Cn":112, "Nh":113, "Fl":114, "Mc":115, "Lv":116, "Ts":117, "Og":118, - - "Ce": 58, "Pr": 59, "Nd": 60, "Pm": 61, "Sm": 62, "Eu": 63, "Gd": 64, "Tb": 65, "Dy": 66, "Ho": 67, "Er": 68, "Tm": 69, "Yb": 70, "Lu": 71, - "Th": 90, "Pa": 91, "U" : 92, "Np": 93, "Pu": 94, "Am": 95, "Cm": 96, "Bk": 97, "Cf": 98, "Es": 99, "Fm":100, "Md":101, "No":102, "Lr":103, + "H" : 1, "He": 2, + "Li": 3, "Be": 4, "B" : 5, "C" : 6, "N" : 7, "O" : 8, "F" : 9, "Ne": 10, + "Na": 11, "Mg": 12, "Al": 13, "Si": 14, "P" : 15, "S" : 16, "Cl": 17, "Ar": 18, + "K" : 19, "Ca": 20, "Ga": 31, "Ge": 32, "As": 33, "Se": 34, "Br": 35, "Kr": 36, + "Rb": 37, "Sr": 38, "In": 49, "Sn": 50, "Sb": 51, "Te": 52, "I" : 53, "Xe": 54, } -if __name__ == "__main__": - # SECTION FOR PARSING COMMAND LINE ARGUMENTS ========================================= +# SECTION FOR PARSING COMMAND LINE ARGUMENTS ===================================================================================== - # create the parser - parser = ap.ArgumentParser( - prog="", description="Restricted Electronic Structure Methods Educational Toolkit", - formatter_class=lambda prog: ap.HelpFormatter(prog, max_help_position=128), - add_help=False, allow_abbrev=False - ) +# create the parser +parser = ap.ArgumentParser( + prog="", description="Restricted Electronic Structure Methods Educational Toolkit", + formatter_class=lambda prog: ap.HelpFormatter(prog, max_help_position=128), + add_help=False, allow_abbrev=False +) - # add the arguments - parser.add_argument("-m", "--molecule", help="Molecule file in the .xyz format. (default: %(default)s)", type=str, default="") - parser.add_argument("-t", "--threshold", help="Convergence threshold for SCF loop. (default: %(default)s)", type=float, default=1e-12) - parser.add_argument("-h", "--help", help="Print this help message.", action=ap.BooleanOptionalAction) +# add the arguments +parser.add_argument("-m", "--molecule", help="Molecule file in the .xyz format. (default: %(default)s)", default="") +parser.add_argument("-t", "--threshold", help="Convergence threshold. (default: %(default)s)", type=float, default=1e-12) +parser.add_argument("-h", "--help", help="This help message.", action=ap.BooleanOptionalAction) - # add integral options - parser.add_argument("--int", help="Filenames of the integral files. (default: %(default)s)", nargs=4, type=str, default=["T_AO.mat", "V_AO.mat", "S_AO.mat", "J_AO.mat"]) +# add integral options +parser.add_argument("--int", help="Integral files. (default: %(default)s)", default=["T_AO.mat", "V_AO.mat", "S_AO.mat", "J_AO.mat"]) - # optional flags - parser.add_argument("--diis", help="Enable the DIIS convergence accelerator.", action=ap.BooleanOptionalAction) +# optional flags +parser.add_argument("--diis", help="Flag ofor the DIIS convergence accelerator.", action=ap.BooleanOptionalAction) - # method switches - parser.add_argument("--fci", help="Perform the full configuration interaction calculation.", action=ap.BooleanOptionalAction) - parser.add_argument("--ccd", help="Perform the doubles coupled clusters calculation.", action=ap.BooleanOptionalAction) - parser.add_argument("--ccsd", help="Perform the singles/doubles coupled clusters calculation.", action=ap.BooleanOptionalAction) - parser.add_argument("--mp2", help="Perform the second order Moller-Plesset calculation.", action=ap.BooleanOptionalAction) - parser.add_argument("--mp3", help="Perform the third order Moller-Plesset calculation.", action=ap.BooleanOptionalAction) +# method switches +parser.add_argument("--fci", help="Perform the full configuration interaction calculation.", action=ap.BooleanOptionalAction) +parser.add_argument("--ccd", help="Perform the doubles coupled clusters calculation.", action=ap.BooleanOptionalAction) +parser.add_argument("--ccsd", help="Perform the singles/doubles coupled clusters calculation.", action=ap.BooleanOptionalAction) +parser.add_argument("--mp2", help="Perform the second order Moller-Plesset calculation.", action=ap.BooleanOptionalAction) +parser.add_argument("--mp3", help="Perform the third order Moller-Plesset calculation.", action=ap.BooleanOptionalAction) - # parse the arguments - args = parser.parse_args() +# parse the arguments +args = parser.parse_args() - # print the help message if the flag is set - if parser.print_help(); exit() +# print the help message if the flag is set +if parser.print_help(); exit() - # forward declaration of integrals and energies in MS basis (just to avoid NameError in linting) - Hms, Fms, Jms, Jmsa, Emss, Emsd = np.zeros(2 * [0]), np.zeros(2 * [0]), np.zeros(4 * [0]), np.zeros(4 * [0]), np.array([[]]), np.array([[[[]]]]) +# forward declaration of integrals and energies in MS basis (just to avoid NameError in linting) +Hms, Fms, Jms, Jmsa, Emss, Emsd = np.zeros([0]), np.zeros([0]), np.zeros([0]), np.zeros([0]), np.zeros([0]), np.zeros([0]) - # OBTAIN THE MOLECULE AND ATOMIC INTEGRALS =========================================== +# OBTAIN THE MOLECULE AND ATOMIC INTEGRALS ======================================================================================= - # get the atomic numbers and coordinates of all atoms - atoms = np.array([ATOM[line.split()[0]] for line in open(args.molecule).readlines()[2:]], dtype=int ) - coords = np.array([line.split()[1:] for line in open(args.molecule).readlines()[2:]], dtype=float) +# get the atomic numbers and coordinates of all atoms +atoms = np.array([ATOM[line.split()[0]] for line in open(args.molecule).readlines()[2:]], dtype=int ) +coords = np.array([line.split()[1:] for line in open(args.molecule).readlines()[2:]], dtype=float) - # convert coordinates to bohrs and forward declare orbital slices and atom count - coords *= 1.8897261254578281; o, v = slice(0, 0), slice(0, 0); natoms = len(atoms) +# convert coordinates to bohrs and forward declare orbital slices and atom count +coords *= 1.8897261254578281; o, v = slice(0, 0), slice(0, 0); natoms = len(atoms) - # load the integrals from the files - H, S = np.loadtxt([0], skiprows=1) + np.loadtxt([1], skiprows=1), np.loadtxt([2], skiprows=1); J = np.loadtxt([3], skiprows=1).reshape(4 * [S.shape[1]]) +# load the one-electron integrals from the files +H, S = np.loadtxt([0], skiprows=1) + np.loadtxt([1], skiprows=1), np.loadtxt([2], skiprows=1); - # HARTREE-FOCK METHOD ================================================================ +# load the two-electron integrals from files +J = np.loadtxt([3], skiprows=1).reshape(4 * [S.shape[1]]) - # energies, iteration counter, number of basis functions and number of occupied/virtual orbitals - E_HF, E_HF_P, VNN, iter, nbf, nocc = 0, 1, 0, 0, S.shape[0], sum(atoms) // 2; nvirt = nbf - nocc +# HARTREE-FOCK METHOD ============================================================================================================ - # exchange integrals and the guess density matrix - K, D = J.transpose(0, 3, 2, 1), np.zeros((nbf, nbf)) +# energies, iteration counter, number of basis functions and number of occupied/virtual orbitals +E_HF, E_HF_P, VNN, iter, nbf, nocc = 0, 1, 0, 0, S.shape[0], sum(atoms) // 2; nvirt = nbf - nocc - # Fock matrix, coefficient matrix and orbital energies initialized to zero - F, C, eps = np.zeros((nbf, nbf)), np.zeros((nbf, nbf)), np.zeros((nbf)) +# exchange integrals and the guess density matrix +K, D = J.transpose(0, 3, 2, 1), np.zeros((nbf, nbf)) - # DIIS containers - DIIS_F, DIIS_E = [], [] +# Fock matrix, coefficient matrix and orbital energies initialized to zero +F, C, eps = np.zeros((nbf, nbf)), np.zeros((nbf, nbf)), np.zeros((nbf)) - # the X matrix which is the inverse of the square root of the overlap matrix - SEP = np.linalg.eigh(S); X = SEP[1] @ np.diag(1 / np.sqrt(SEP[0])) @ SEP[1].T +# DIIS containers +DIIS_F, DIIS_E = [], [] - # the scf loop - while abs(E_HF - E_HF_P) > args.threshold: +# the X matrix which is the inverse of the square root of the overlap matrix +SEP = np.linalg.eigh(S); X = SEP[1] @ np.diag(1 / np.sqrt(SEP[0])) @ SEP[1].T - # build the Fock matrix and increment the iteration counter - F = H + np.einsum("ijkl,ij->kl", J - 0.5 * K, D, optimize=True); iter += 1 +# the scf loop +while abs(E_HF - E_HF_P) > args.threshold: - # DIIS extrapolation - if args.diis and iter > 1: + # build the Fock matrix and increment the iteration counter + F = H + np.einsum("ijkl,ij->kl", J - 0.5 * K, D, optimize=True); iter += 1 - # append the DIIS matrices - DIIS_F.append(F); DIIS_E.append(S @ D @ F - F @ D @ S); + # DIIS extrapolation + if args.diis and iter > 1: - # truncate the DIIS subspace - if len(DIIS_F) > 5: DIIS_F.pop(0), DIIS_E.pop(0) + # append the DIIS matrices + DIIS_F.append(F); DIIS_E.append(S @ D @ F - F @ D @ S); - # build the DIIS system - A = np.ones ((len(DIIS_F) + 1, len(DIIS_F) + 1)); A[-1, -1] = 0 - b = np.zeros((len(DIIS_F) + 1 )); b[-1] = 1 + # truncate the DIIS subspace + if len(DIIS_F) > 5: DIIS_F.pop(0), DIIS_E.pop(0) - # fill the DIIS matrix - for i, j in it.product(range(len(DIIS_F)), range(len(DIIS_F))): - A[i, j] = A[j, i] = np.einsum("ij,ij", DIIS_E[i], DIIS_E[j]) + # build the DIIS system + A = np.ones ((len(DIIS_F) + 1, len(DIIS_F) + 1)); A[-1, -1] = 0 + b = np.zeros((len(DIIS_F) + 1 )); b[-1] = 1 - # solve the DIIS equations and extrapolate the Fock matrix - c = np.linalg.solve(A, b); F = np.einsum("i,ijk->jk", c[:-1], DIIS_F) + # fill the DIIS matrix + for i, j in it.product(range(len(DIIS_F)), range(len(DIIS_F))): + A[i, j] = A[j, i] = np.einsum("ij,ij", DIIS_E[i], DIIS_E[j]) - # solve the Fock equations - eps, C = np.linalg.eigh(X @ F @ X); C = X @ C + # solve the DIIS equations and extrapolate the Fock matrix + c = np.linalg.solve(A, b); F = np.einsum("i,ijk->jk", c[:-1], DIIS_F) - # build the density from coefficients - D = 2 * np.einsum("ij,kj->ik", C[:, :nocc], C[:, :nocc]) + # solve the Fock equations + eps, C = np.linalg.eigh(X @ F @ X); C = X @ C - # save the previous energy and calculate the current electron energy - E_HF_P, E_HF = E_HF, 0.5 * np.einsum("ij,ij", D, H + F, optimize=True) + # build the density from coefficients + D = 2 * np.einsum("ij,kj->ik", C[:, :nocc], C[:, :nocc]) - # calculate nuclear-nuclear repulsion - for i, j in ((i, j) for i, j in it.product(range(natoms), range(natoms)) if i != j): - VNN += 0.5 * atoms[i] * atoms[j] / np.linalg.norm(coords[i, :] - coords[j, :]) + # save the previous energy and calculate the current electron energy + E_HF_P, E_HF = E_HF, 0.5 * np.einsum("ij,ij", D, H + F, optimize=True) - # print the results - print(" RHF ENERGY: {:.8f} ({} ITERATIONS)".format(E_HF + VNN, iter)) +# calculate nuclear-nuclear repulsion +for i, j in ((i, j) for i, j in it.product(range(natoms), range(natoms)) if i != j): + VNN += 0.5 * atoms[i] * atoms[j] / np.linalg.norm(coords[i, :] - coords[j, :]) + +# print the results +print(" RHF ENERGY: {:.8f} ({} ITERATIONS)".format(E_HF + VNN, iter)) + +# INTEGRAL TRANSFORMS FOR POST-HARTREE-FOCK METHODS ============================================================================== +if args.mp2 or args.mp3 or args.ccd or args.ccsd or args.fci: - # INTEGRAL TRANSFORMS FOR POST-HARTREE-FOCK METHODS ================================== - if args.mp2 or args.mp3 or args.ccd or args.ccsd or args.fci: + # define the occ and virt spinorbital slices shorthand + o, v = slice(0, 2 * nocc), slice(2 * nocc, 2 * nbf) - # define the occ and virt spinorbital slices shorthand - o, v = slice(0, 2 * nocc), slice(2 * nocc, 2 * nbf) + # define the tiling matrix for the Jmsa coefficients and energy placeholders + P = np.array([np.eye(nbf)[:, i // 2] for i in range(2 * nbf)]).T - # define the tiling matrix for the Jmsa coefficients and energy placeholders - P = np.array([np.eye(nbf)[:, i // 2] for i in range(2 * nbf)]).T + # define the spin masks + M = np.repeat([1 - np.arange(2 * nbf, dtype=int) % 2], nbf, axis=0) + N = np.repeat([ np.arange(2 * nbf, dtype=int) % 2], nbf, axis=0) - # define the spin masks - M = np.repeat([1 - np.arange(2 * nbf, dtype=int) % 2], nbf, axis=0) - N = np.repeat([ np.arange(2 * nbf, dtype=int) % 2], nbf, axis=0) + # tile the coefficient matrix, apply the spin mask and tile the orbital energies + Cms, epsms = np.block([[C @ P], [C @ P]]) * np.block([[M], [N]]), np.repeat(eps, 2) - # tile the coefficient matrix, apply the spin mask and tile the orbital energies - Cms, epsms = np.block([[C @ P], [C @ P]]) * np.block([[M], [N]]), np.repeat(eps, 2) + # transform the core Hamiltonian and Fock matrix to the molecular spinorbital basis + Hms = np.einsum("ip,ij,jq->pq", Cms, np.kron(np.eye(2), H), Cms, optimize=True) + Fms = np.einsum("ip,ij,jq->pq", Cms, np.kron(np.eye(2), F), Cms, optimize=True) - # transform the core Hamiltonian and Fock matrix to the molecular spinorbital basis - Hms = np.einsum("ip,ij,jq->pq", Cms, np.kron(np.eye(2), H), Cms, optimize=True) - Fms = np.einsum("ip,ij,jq->pq", Cms, np.kron(np.eye(2), F), Cms, optimize=True) + # transform the coulomb integrals to the MS basis in chemists' notation + Jms = np.einsum("ip,jq,ijkl,kr,ls->pqrs", + Cms, Cms, np.kron(np.eye(2), np.kron(np.eye(2), J).T), Cms, Cms, optimize=True + ); - # transform the coulomb integrals to the MS basis in chemists' notation - Jms = np.einsum("ip,jq,ijkl,kr,ls->pqrs", - Cms, Cms, np.kron(np.eye(2), np.kron(np.eye(2), J).T), Cms, Cms, optimize=True - ); + # antisymmetrized two-electron integrals in physicists' notation + Jmsa = (Jms - Jms.swapaxes(1, 3)).transpose(0, 2, 1, 3) - # antisymmetrized two-electron integrals in physicists' notation - Jmsa = (Jms - Jms.swapaxes(1, 3)).transpose(0, 2, 1, 3) + # tensor epsilon_i^a + Emss = epsms[o] - epsms[v, None] - # tensor epsilon_i^a - Emss = epsms[o] - epsms[v, None] + # tensor epsilon_ij^ab + Emsd = epsms[o] + epsms[o, None] - epsms[v, None, None] - epsms[v, None, None, None] - # tensor epsilon_ij^ab - Emsd = epsms[o] + epsms[o, None] - epsms[v, None, None] - epsms[v, None, None, None] +# MOLLER-PLESSET PERTURBATION THEORY ============================================================================================= +if args.mp2 or args.mp3: - # MOLLER-PLESSET PERTURBATION THEORY ================================================= + # energy containers + E_MP2, E_MP3 = 0, 0 + + # calculate the MP2 correlation energy if args.mp2 or args.mp3: + E_MP2 += 0.25 * np.einsum("abij,ijab,abij", + Jmsa[v, v, o, o], Jmsa[o, o, v, v], Emsd**-1, optimize=True + ) + print(" MP2 ENERGY: {:.8f}".format(E_HF + E_MP2 + VNN)) - # energy containers - E_MP2, E_MP3 = 0, 0 - - # calculate the MP2 correlation energy - if args.mp2 or args.mp3: - E_MP2 += 0.25 * np.einsum("abij,ijab,abij", - Jmsa[v, v, o, o], Jmsa[o, o, v, v], Emsd**-1, optimize=True - ) - print(" MP2 ENERGY: {:.8f}".format(E_HF + E_MP2 + VNN)) - - # calculate the MP3 correlation energy - if args.mp3: - E_MP3 += 0.125 * np.einsum("abij,cdab,ijcd,abij,cdij", - Jmsa[v, v, o, o], Jmsa[v, v, v, v], Jmsa[o, o, v, v], Emsd**-1, Emsd**-1, - optimize=True - ) - E_MP3 += 0.125 * np.einsum("abij,ijkl,klab,abij,abkl", - Jmsa[v, v, o, o], Jmsa[o, o, o, o], Jmsa[o, o, v, v], Emsd**-1, Emsd**-1, - optimize=True - ) - E_MP3 += 1.000 * np.einsum("abij,cjkb,ikac,abij,acik", - Jmsa[v, v, o, o], Jmsa[v, o, o, v], Jmsa[o, o, v, v], Emsd**-1, Emsd**-1, - optimize=True - ) - print(" MP3 ENERGY: {:.8f}".format(E_HF + E_MP2 + E_MP3 + VNN)) - - # COUPLED CLUSTER METHOD ============================================================= - if args.ccd or args.ccsd: - - # energy containers for all the CC methods - E_CCD, E_CCD_P, E_CCSD, E_CCSD_P = 0, 1, 0, 1 - - # initialize the first guess for the t-amplitudes as zeros - t1, t2 = np.zeros((2 * nvirt, 2 * nocc)), np.zeros(2 * [2 * nvirt] + 2 * [2 * nocc]) - - # CCD loop - if args.ccd: - while abs(E_CCD - E_CCD_P) > args.threshold: - - # collect all the distinct LCCD terms - lccd1 = 0.5 * np.einsum("abcd,cdij->abij", Jmsa[v, v, v, v], t2, optimize=True) - lccd2 = 0.5 * np.einsum("klij,abkl->abij", Jmsa[o, o, o, o], t2, optimize=True) - lccd3 = 1.0 * np.einsum("akic,bcjk->abij", Jmsa[v, o, o, v], t2, optimize=True) - - # apply the permuation operator and add it to the corresponding LCCD terms - lccd3 += lccd3.transpose(1, 0, 3, 2) - lccd3.swapaxes(0, 1) - lccd3.swapaxes(2, 3) - - # collect all the remaining CCD terms - ccd1 = -0.50 * np.einsum("klcd,acij,bdkl->abij", - Jmsa[o, o, v, v], t2, t2, optimize=True - ) - ccd2 = -0.50 * np.einsum("klcd,abik,cdjl->abij", - Jmsa[o, o, v, v], t2, t2, optimize=True - ) - ccd3 = +0.25 * np.einsum("klcd,cdij,abkl->abij", - Jmsa[o, o, v, v], t2, t2, optimize=True - ) - ccd4 = +1.00 * np.einsum("klcd,acik,bdjl->abij", - Jmsa[o, o, v, v], t2, t2, optimize=True - ) - - # permutation operators - ccd1 -= ccd1.swapaxes(0, 1); - ccd2 -= ccd2.swapaxes(2, 3); - ccd4 -= ccd4.swapaxes(2, 3) - - # update the t-amplitudes - t2 = (Jmsa[v, v, o, o] + lccd1 + lccd2 + lccd3 + ccd1 + ccd2 + ccd3 + ccd4) / Emsd - - # evaluate the energy - E_CCD_P, E_CCD = E_CCD, 0.25 * np.einsum("ijab,abij", Jmsa[o, o, v, v], t2) - - # print the CCD energy - print(" CCD ENERGY: {:.8f}".format(E_HF + E_CCD + VNN)) - - # CCSD loop - if args.ccsd: - while abs(E_CCSD - E_CCSD_P) > args.threshold: - - # define taus - tau, ttau = t2.copy(), t2.copy() - - # add contributions to the tilde tau - ttau += 0.5 * np.einsum("ai,bj->abij", t1, t1, optimize=True).swapaxes(0, 0) - ttau -= 0.5 * np.einsum("ai,bj->abij", t1, t1, optimize=True).swapaxes(2, 3) - - # add the contributions to tau - tau += np.einsum("ai,bj->abij", t1, t1, optimize=True).swapaxes(0, 0) - tau -= np.einsum("ai,bj->abij", t1, t1, optimize=True).swapaxes(2, 3) - - # define the deltas for Fae and Fmi - dae, dmi = np.eye(2 * nvirt), np.eye(2 * nocc) - - # define Fae, Fmi and Fme - Fae, Fmi, Fme = (1 - dae) * Fms[v, v], (1 - dmi) * Fms[o, o], Fms[o, v].copy() - - # add the contributions to Fae - Fae -= 0.5 * np.einsum("me,am->ae", Fms[o, v], t1, optimize=True) - Fae += 1.0 * np.einsum("mafe,fm->ae", Jmsa[o, v, v, v], t1, optimize=True) - Fae -= 0.5 * np.einsum("mnef,afmn->ae", Jmsa[o, o, v, v], ttau, optimize=True) - - # add the contributions to Fmi - Fmi += 0.5 * np.einsum("me,ei->mi", Fms[o, v], t1, optimize=True) - Fmi += 1.0 * np.einsum("mnie,en->mi", Jmsa[o, o, o, v], t1, optimize=True) - Fmi += 0.5 * np.einsum("mnef,efin->mi", Jmsa[o, o, v, v], ttau, optimize=True) - - # add the contributions to Fme - Fme += np.einsum("mnef,fn->me", Jmsa[o, o, v, v], t1, optimize=True) - - # define Wmnij, Wabef and Wmbej - Wmnij = Jmsa[o, o, o, o].copy() - Wabef = Jmsa[v, v, v, v].copy() - Wmbej = Jmsa[o, v, v, o].copy() - - # define some complementary variables used in the Wmbej intermediate - t12 = 0.5 * t2 + np.einsum("fj,bn->fbjn", t1, t1, optimize=True) - - # add contributions to Wmnij - Wmnij += 0.25 * np.einsum("efij,mnef->mnij", tau, Jmsa[o, o, v, v], optimize=True) - Wabef += 0.25 * np.einsum("abmn,mnef->abef", tau, Jmsa[o, o, v, v], optimize=True) - Wmbej += 1.00 * np.einsum("fj,mbef->mbej", t1, Jmsa[o, v, v, v], optimize=True) - Wmbej -= 1.00 * np.einsum("bn,mnej->mbej", t1, Jmsa[o, o, v, o], optimize=True) - Wmbej -= 1.00 * np.einsum("fbjn,mnef->mbej", t12, Jmsa[o, o, v, v], optimize=True) - - # define the permutation arguments for Wmnij and Wabef and add them - PWmnij = np.einsum("ej,mnie->mnij", t1, Jmsa[o, o, o, v], optimize=True) - PWabef = np.einsum("bm,amef->abef", t1, Jmsa[v, o, v, v], optimize=True) - - # add the permutations to Wmnij and Wabef - Wmnij += PWmnij - PWmnij.swapaxes(2, 3) - Wabef += PWabef.swapaxes(0, 1) - PWabef - - # define the right hand side of the T1 and T2 amplitude equations - rhs_T1, rhs_T2 = Fms[v, o].copy(), Jmsa[v, v, o, o].copy() - - # calculate the right hand side of the CCSD equation for T1 - rhs_T1 += 1.0 * np.einsum("ei,ae->ai", t1, Fae, optimize=True) - rhs_T1 -= 1.0 * np.einsum("am,mi->ai", t1, Fmi, optimize=True) - rhs_T1 += 1.0 * np.einsum("aeim,me->ai", t2, Fme, optimize=True) - rhs_T1 -= 1.0 * np.einsum("fn,naif->ai", t1, Jmsa[o, v, o, v], optimize=True) - rhs_T1 -= 0.5 * np.einsum("efim,maef->ai", t2, Jmsa[o, v, v, v], optimize=True) - rhs_T1 -= 0.5 * np.einsum("aemn,nmei->ai", t2, Jmsa[o, o, v, o], optimize=True) - - # contracted F matrices that used in the T2 equations - Faet = np.einsum("bm,me->be", t1, Fme, optimize=True) - Fmet = np.einsum("ej,me->mj", t1, Fme, optimize=True) - - # define the permutation arguments for all terms in the equation for T2 - P1 = np.einsum("aeij,be->abij", t2, Fae - 0.5 * Faet, optimize=True) - P2 = np.einsum("abim,mj->abij", t2, Fmi + 0.5 * Fmet, optimize=True) - P3 = np.einsum("aeim,mbej->abij", t2, Wmbej, optimize=True) - P3 -= np.einsum("ei,am,mbej->abij", t1, t1, Jmsa[o, v, v, o], optimize=True) - P4 = np.einsum("ei,abej->abij", t1, Jmsa[v, v, v, o], optimize=True) - P5 = np.einsum("am,mbij->abij", t1, Jmsa[o, v, o, o], optimize=True) - - # calculate the right hand side of the CCSD equation for T2 - rhs_T2 += 0.5 * np.einsum("abmn,mnij->abij", tau, Wmnij, optimize=True) - rhs_T2 += 0.5 * np.einsum("efij,abef->abij", tau, Wabef, optimize=True) - rhs_T2 += P1.transpose(0, 1, 2, 3) - P1.transpose(1, 0, 2, 3) - rhs_T2 -= P2.transpose(0, 1, 2, 3) - P2.transpose(0, 1, 3, 2) - rhs_T2 += P3.transpose(0, 1, 2, 3) - P3.transpose(0, 1, 3, 2) - rhs_T2 -= P3.transpose(1, 0, 2, 3) - P3.transpose(1, 0, 3, 2) - rhs_T2 += P4.transpose(0, 1, 2, 3) - P4.transpose(0, 1, 3, 2) - rhs_T2 -= P5.transpose(0, 1, 2, 3) - P5.transpose(1, 0, 2, 3) - - # Update T1 and T2 amplitudes and save the previous iteration - t1, t2 = rhs_T1 / Emss, rhs_T2 / Emsd; E_CCSD_P = E_CCSD - - # evaluate the energy - E_CCSD = 1.00 * np.einsum("ia,ai", Fms[o, v], t1 ) - E_CCSD += 0.25 * np.einsum("ijab,abij", Jmsa[o, o, v, v], t2 ) - E_CCSD += 0.50 * np.einsum("ijab,ai,bj", Jmsa[o, o, v, v], t1, t1) - - # print the CCSD energy - print(" CCSD ENERGY: {:.8f}".format(E_HF + E_CCSD + VNN)) - - # CONFIGURATION INTERACTION ========================================================== - if args.fci: - - # generate the determiants - dets = [np.array(det) for det in it.combinations(range(2 * nbf), 2 * nocc)] - - # define the CI Hamiltonian - Hci = np.zeros([len(dets), len(dets)]) - - # define the Slater-Condon rules, "so" is an array of unique and common spinorbitals - slater0 = lambda so: ( - sum(np.diag(Hms)[so]) + sum([0.5 * Jmsa[m, n, m, n] for m, n in it.product(so, so)]) + # calculate the MP3 correlation energy + if args.mp3: + E_MP3 += 0.125 * np.einsum("abij,cdab,ijcd,abij,cdij", + Jmsa[v, v, o, o], Jmsa[v, v, v, v], Jmsa[o, o, v, v], Emsd**-1, Emsd**-1, optimize=True ) - slater1 = lambda so: ( - Hms[so[0], so[1]] + sum([Jmsa[so[0], m, so[1], m] for m in so[2:]]) + E_MP3 += 0.125 * np.einsum("abij,ijkl,klab,abij,abkl", + Jmsa[v, v, o, o], Jmsa[o, o, o, o], Jmsa[o, o, v, v], Emsd**-1, Emsd**-1, optimize=True ) - slater2 = lambda so: ( - Jmsa[so[0], so[1], so[2], so[3]] + E_MP3 += 1.000 * np.einsum("abij,cjkb,ikac,abij,acik", + Jmsa[v, v, o, o], Jmsa[v, o, o, v], Jmsa[o, o, v, v], Emsd**-1, Emsd**-1, optimize=True ) + print(" MP3 ENERGY: {:.8f}".format(E_HF + E_MP2 + E_MP3 + VNN)) + +# COUPLED CLUSTER METHOD ========================================================================================================= +if args.ccd or args.ccsd: + + # energy containers for all the CC methods + E_CCD, E_CCD_P, E_CCSD, E_CCSD_P = 0, 1, 0, 1 - # filling of the CI Hamiltonian - for i in range(0, Hci.shape[0]): - for j in range(i, Hci.shape[1]): + # initialize the first guess for the t-amplitudes as zeros + t1, t2 = np.zeros((2 * nvirt, 2 * nocc)), np.zeros(2 * [2 * nvirt] + 2 * [2 * nocc]) - # aligned determinant and the sign - aligned, sign = dets[j].copy(), 1 + # CCD loop + if args.ccd: + while abs(E_CCD - E_CCD_P) > args.threshold: - # align the determinant "j" to "i" and calculate the sign - for k in (k for k in range(len(aligned)) if aligned[k] != dets[i][k]): - while len(l := np.where(dets[i] == aligned[k])[0]) and l[0] != k: - aligned[[k, l[0]]] = aligned[[l[0], k]]; sign *= -1 + # collect all the distinct LCCD terms + lccd1 = 0.5 * np.einsum("abcd,cdij->abij", Jmsa[v, v, v, v], t2, optimize=True) + lccd2 = 0.5 * np.einsum("klij,abkl->abij", Jmsa[o, o, o, o], t2, optimize=True) + lccd3 = 1.0 * np.einsum("akic,bcjk->abij", Jmsa[v, o, o, v], t2, optimize=True) + + # apply the permuation operator and add it to the corresponding LCCD terms + lccd3 += lccd3.transpose(1, 0, 3, 2) - lccd3.swapaxes(0, 1) - lccd3.swapaxes(2, 3) - # find the unique and common spinorbitals - so = np.block(list(map(lambda l: np.array(l), [ - [aligned[k] for k in range(len(aligned)) if aligned[k] not in dets[i]], - [dets[i][k] for k in range(len(dets[j])) if dets[i][k] not in aligned], - [aligned[k] for k in range(len(aligned)) if aligned[k] in dets[i]] - ]))).astype(int) + # collect all the remaining CCD terms + ccd1 = -0.50 * np.einsum("klcd,acij,bdkl->abij", Jmsa[o, o, v, v], t2, t2, optimize=True) + ccd2 = -0.50 * np.einsum("klcd,abik,cdjl->abij", Jmsa[o, o, v, v], t2, t2, optimize=True) + ccd3 = +0.25 * np.einsum("klcd,cdij,abkl->abij", Jmsa[o, o, v, v], t2, t2, optimize=True) + ccd4 = +1.00 * np.einsum("klcd,acik,bdjl->abij", Jmsa[o, o, v, v], t2, t2, optimize=True) + + # permutation operators + ccd1 -= ccd1.swapaxes(0, 1) + ccd2 -= ccd2.swapaxes(2, 3) + ccd4 -= ccd4.swapaxes(2, 3) + + # update the t-amplitudes + t2 = (Jmsa[v, v, o, o] + lccd1 + lccd2 + lccd3 + ccd1 + ccd2 + ccd3 + ccd4) / Emsd + + # evaluate the energy + E_CCD_P, E_CCD = E_CCD, 0.25 * np.einsum("ijab,abij", Jmsa[o, o, v, v], t2) + + # print the CCD energy + print(" CCD ENERGY: {:.8f}".format(E_HF + E_CCD + VNN)) + + # CCSD loop + if args.ccsd: + while abs(E_CCSD - E_CCSD_P) > args.threshold: + + # define taus + tau, ttau = t2.copy(), t2.copy() + + # add contributions to the tilde tau + ttau += 0.5 * np.einsum("ai,bj->abij", t1, t1, optimize=True).swapaxes(0, 0) + ttau -= 0.5 * np.einsum("ai,bj->abij", t1, t1, optimize=True).swapaxes(2, 3) + + # add the contributions to tau + tau += np.einsum("ai,bj->abij", t1, t1, optimize=True).swapaxes(0, 0) + tau -= np.einsum("ai,bj->abij", t1, t1, optimize=True).swapaxes(2, 3) + + # define the deltas for Fae and Fmi + dae, dmi = np.eye(2 * nvirt), np.eye(2 * nocc) + + # define Fae, Fmi and Fme + Fae, Fmi, Fme = (1 - dae) * Fms[v, v], (1 - dmi) * Fms[o, o], Fms[o, v].copy() + + # add the contributions to Fae + Fae -= 0.5 * np.einsum("me,am->ae", Fms[o, v], t1, optimize=True) + Fae += 1.0 * np.einsum("mafe,fm->ae", Jmsa[o, v, v, v], t1, optimize=True) + Fae -= 0.5 * np.einsum("mnef,afmn->ae", Jmsa[o, o, v, v], ttau, optimize=True) + + # add the contributions to Fmi + Fmi += 0.5 * np.einsum("me,ei->mi", Fms[o, v], t1, optimize=True) + Fmi += 1.0 * np.einsum("mnie,en->mi", Jmsa[o, o, o, v], t1, optimize=True) + Fmi += 0.5 * np.einsum("mnef,efin->mi", Jmsa[o, o, v, v], ttau, optimize=True) + + # add the contributions to Fme + Fme += np.einsum("mnef,fn->me", Jmsa[o, o, v, v], t1, optimize=True) + + # define Wmnij, Wabef and Wmbej + Wmnij = Jmsa[o, o, o, o].copy() + Wabef = Jmsa[v, v, v, v].copy() + Wmbej = Jmsa[o, v, v, o].copy() + + # define some complementary variables used in the Wmbej intermediate + t12 = 0.5 * t2 + np.einsum("fj,bn->fbjn", t1, t1, optimize=True) + + # add contributions to Wmnij + Wmnij += 0.25 * np.einsum("efij,mnef->mnij", tau, Jmsa[o, o, v, v], optimize=True) + Wabef += 0.25 * np.einsum("abmn,mnef->abef", tau, Jmsa[o, o, v, v], optimize=True) + Wmbej += 1.00 * np.einsum("fj,mbef->mbej", t1, Jmsa[o, v, v, v], optimize=True) + Wmbej -= 1.00 * np.einsum("bn,mnej->mbej", t1, Jmsa[o, o, v, o], optimize=True) + Wmbej -= 1.00 * np.einsum("fbjn,mnef->mbej", t12, Jmsa[o, o, v, v], optimize=True) + + # define the permutation arguments for Wmnij and Wabef and add them + PWmnij = np.einsum("ej,mnie->mnij", t1, Jmsa[o, o, o, v], optimize=True) + PWabef = np.einsum("bm,amef->abef", t1, Jmsa[v, o, v, v], optimize=True) + + # add the permutations to Wmnij and Wabef + Wmnij += PWmnij - PWmnij.swapaxes(2, 3) + Wabef += PWabef.swapaxes(0, 1) - PWabef + + # define the right hand side of the T1 and T2 amplitude equations + rhs_T1, rhs_T2 = Fms[v, o].copy(), Jmsa[v, v, o, o].copy() + + # calculate the right hand side of the CCSD equation for T1 + rhs_T1 += 1.0 * np.einsum("ei,ae->ai", t1, Fae, optimize=True) + rhs_T1 -= 1.0 * np.einsum("am,mi->ai", t1, Fmi, optimize=True) + rhs_T1 += 1.0 * np.einsum("aeim,me->ai", t2, Fme, optimize=True) + rhs_T1 -= 1.0 * np.einsum("fn,naif->ai", t1, Jmsa[o, v, o, v], optimize=True) + rhs_T1 -= 0.5 * np.einsum("efim,maef->ai", t2, Jmsa[o, v, v, v], optimize=True) + rhs_T1 -= 0.5 * np.einsum("aemn,nmei->ai", t2, Jmsa[o, o, v, o], optimize=True) + + # contracted F matrices that used in the T2 equations + Faet = np.einsum("bm,me->be", t1, Fme, optimize=True) + Fmet = np.einsum("ej,me->mj", t1, Fme, optimize=True) + + # define the permutation arguments for all terms in the equation for T2 + P1 = np.einsum("aeij,be->abij", t2, Fae - 0.5 * Faet, optimize=True) + P2 = np.einsum("abim,mj->abij", t2, Fmi + 0.5 * Fmet, optimize=True) + P3 = np.einsum("aeim,mbej->abij", t2, Wmbej, optimize=True) + P3 -= np.einsum("ei,am,mbej->abij", t1, t1, Jmsa[o, v, v, o], optimize=True) + P4 = np.einsum("ei,abej->abij", t1, Jmsa[v, v, v, o], optimize=True) + P5 = np.einsum("am,mbij->abij", t1, Jmsa[o, v, o, o], optimize=True) + + # calculate the right hand side of the CCSD equation for T2 + rhs_T2 += 0.5 * np.einsum("abmn,mnij->abij", tau, Wmnij, optimize=True) + rhs_T2 += 0.5 * np.einsum("efij,abef->abij", tau, Wabef, optimize=True) + rhs_T2 += P1.transpose(0, 1, 2, 3) - P1.transpose(1, 0, 2, 3) + rhs_T2 -= P2.transpose(0, 1, 2, 3) - P2.transpose(0, 1, 3, 2) + rhs_T2 += P3.transpose(0, 1, 2, 3) - P3.transpose(0, 1, 3, 2) + rhs_T2 -= P3.transpose(1, 0, 2, 3) - P3.transpose(1, 0, 3, 2) + rhs_T2 += P4.transpose(0, 1, 2, 3) - P4.transpose(0, 1, 3, 2) + rhs_T2 -= P5.transpose(0, 1, 2, 3) - P5.transpose(1, 0, 2, 3) + + # Update T1 and T2 amplitudes and save the previous iteration + t1, t2 = rhs_T1 / Emss, rhs_T2 / Emsd; E_CCSD_P = E_CCSD + + # evaluate the energy + E_CCSD = 1.00 * np.einsum("ia,ai", Fms[o, v], t1 ) + E_CCSD += 0.25 * np.einsum("ijab,abij", Jmsa[o, o, v, v], t2 ) + E_CCSD += 0.50 * np.einsum("ijab,ai,bj", Jmsa[o, o, v, v], t1, t1) + + # print the CCSD energy + print(" CCSD ENERGY: {:.8f}".format(E_HF + E_CCSD + VNN)) + +# CONFIGURATION INTERACTION ====================================================================================================== +if args.fci: + + # generate the determiants + dets = [np.array(det) for det in it.combinations(range(2 * nbf), 2 * nocc)] + + # define the CI Hamiltonian + Hci = np.zeros([len(dets), len(dets)]) + + # define the Slater-Condon rules, "so" is an array of unique and common spinorbitals + slater0 = lambda so: ( + sum(np.diag(Hms)[so]) + sum([0.5 * Jmsa[m, n, m, n] for m, n in it.product(so, so)]) + ) + slater1 = lambda so: ( + Hms[so[0], so[1]] + sum([Jmsa[so[0], m, so[1], m] for m in so[2:]]) + ) + slater2 = lambda so: ( + Jmsa[so[0], so[1], so[2], so[3]] + ) + + # filling of the CI Hamiltonian + for i in range(0, Hci.shape[0]): + for j in range(i, Hci.shape[1]): - # apply the Slater-Condon rules and multiply by the sign - if ((aligned - dets[i]) != 0).sum() == 0: Hci[i, j] = Hci[j, i] = slater0(so) * sign - if ((aligned - dets[i]) != 0).sum() == 1: Hci[i, j] = Hci[j, i] = slater1(so) * sign - if ((aligned - dets[i]) != 0).sum() == 2: Hci[i, j] = Hci[j, i] = slater2(so) * sign + # aligned determinant and the sign + aligned, sign = dets[j].copy(), 1 - # solve the eigensystem and assign energy - eci, Cci = np.linalg.eigh(Hci); E_FCI = eci[0] - E_HF + # align the determinant "j" to "i" and calculate the sign + for k in (k for k in range(len(aligned)) if aligned[k] != dets[i][k]): + while len(l := np.where(dets[i] == aligned[k])[0]) and l[0] != k: + aligned[[k, l[0]]] = aligned[[l[0], k]]; sign *= -1 - # print the results - print(" FCI ENERGY: {:.8f}".format(E_HF + E_FCI + VNN)) + # find the unique and common spinorbitals + so = np.block(list(map(lambda l: np.array(l), [ + [aligned[k] for k in range(len(aligned)) if aligned[k] not in dets[i]], + [dets[i][k] for k in range(len(dets[j])) if dets[i][k] not in aligned], + [aligned[k] for k in range(len(aligned)) if aligned[k] in dets[i]] + ]))).astype(int) + + # apply the Slater-Condon rules and multiply by the sign + if ((aligned - dets[i]) != 0).sum() == 0: Hci[i, j] = Hci[j, i] = slater0(so) * sign + if ((aligned - dets[i]) != 0).sum() == 1: Hci[i, j] = Hci[j, i] = slater1(so) * sign + if ((aligned - dets[i]) != 0).sum() == 2: Hci[i, j] = Hci[j, i] = slater2(so) * sign + + # solve the eigensystem and assign energy + eci, Cci = np.linalg.eigh(Hci); E_FCI = eci[0] - E_HF + + # print the results + print(" FCI ENERGY: {:.8f}".format(E_HF + E_FCI + VNN)) diff --git a/education/python/ b/education/python/ index 52acb8f..9ba3763 100755 --- a/education/python/ +++ b/education/python/ @@ -2,150 +2,151 @@ import argparse as ap, itertools as it, matplotlib.animation as anm, matplotlib.pyplot as plt, numpy as np, scipy as sp, scipy.linalg +np.set_printoptions(edgeitems=30, linewidth=100000, formatter=dict(float=lambda x: "%20.14f" % x)); np.random.seed(0) + # EXAMPLES # ./ -p 10 1 -r -10 0.5 -s 1 -m 2000 -t 1 -i 5000 -v "[[0.01*np.tanh(0.6*r1),0.001*np.exp(-r1**2)],[0.001*np.exp(-r1**2),-0.01*np.tanh(0.6*r1)]]" --adiabatic -n 1000 --lzsh -if __name__ == "__main__": - # SECTION FOR PARSING COMMAND LINE ARGUMENTS ========================================= +# SECTION FOR PARSING COMMAND LINE ARGUMENTS =========================================================================== - # create the parser - parser = ap.ArgumentParser( - prog="", description="Surface Hopping Classical Dynamics Educational Toolkit", - formatter_class=lambda prog: ap.HelpFormatter(prog, max_help_position=128), - add_help=False, allow_abbrev=False - ) +# create the parser +parser = ap.ArgumentParser( + prog="", description="Surface Hopping Classical Dynamics Educational Toolkit", + formatter_class=lambda prog: ap.HelpFormatter(prog, max_help_position=128), + add_help=False, allow_abbrev=False +) - # add the arguments - parser.add_argument("-h", "--help", help="Print this help message.", action=ap.BooleanOptionalAction) - parser.add_argument("-i", "--iterations", help="Number of iterations. (default: %(default)s)", type=int, default=5000) - parser.add_argument("-m", "--mass", help="Mass of the particle. (default: %(default)s)", type=float, default=1) - parser.add_argument("-n", "--trajectories", help="Number of classical trajectories in the simulation. (default: %(default)s)", type=int, default=1000) - parser.add_argument("-s", "--state", help="Initial state of the trajectories. (default: %(default)s)", type=int, default=0) - parser.add_argument("-t", "--timestep", help="Time step of the simulation. (default: %(default)s)", type=float, default=0.1) - parser.add_argument("-p", "--momentum", help="Mean and standard deviation of momentum for each dimension. (default: %(default)s)", type=float, nargs= "+", default=[0, 1]) - parser.add_argument("-r", "--position", help="Mean and standard deviation of position for each dimension. (default: %(default)s)", type=float, nargs= "+", default=[1, 0.5]) - parser.add_argument("-u", "--adiabatic", help="Transform the results to the adiabatic basis. (default: %(default)s)", action=ap.BooleanOptionalAction) - parser.add_argument("-v", "--potential", help="Potential matrix. (default: %(default)s)", type=str, default="[[0.5*r1**2]]") +# add the arguments +parser.add_argument("-h", "--help", help="Print this help message.", action=ap.BooleanOptionalAction) +parser.add_argument("-i", "--iterations", help="Number of iterations. (default: %(default)s)", type=int, default=5000) +parser.add_argument("-m", "--mass", help="Mass of the particle. (default: %(default)s)", type=float, default=1) +parser.add_argument("-n", "--trajectories", help="Number of classical trajectories. (default: %(default)s)", type=int, default=1000) +parser.add_argument("-s", "--state", help="Initial state of the trajectories. (default: %(default)s)", type=int, default=0) +parser.add_argument("-t", "--timestep", help="Time step of the simulation. (default: %(default)s)", type=float, default=0.1) +parser.add_argument("-p", "--momentum", help="Momentum distribution. (default: %(default)s)", type=float, nargs= "+", default=[0, 1]) +parser.add_argument("-r", "--position", help="Coord distribution. (default: %(default)s)", type=float, nargs= "+", default=[1, 0.5]) +parser.add_argument("-u", "--adiabatic", help="Adiabatic transform. (default: %(default)s)", action=ap.BooleanOptionalAction) +parser.add_argument("-v", "--potential", help="Potential matrix. (default: %(default)s)", type=str, default="[[0.5*r1**2]]") - # surface hopping arguments - parser.add_argument("--lzsh", help="Enable LZSH algorithm. (default: %(default)s)", action=ap.BooleanOptionalAction) +# surface hopping arguments +parser.add_argument("--lzsh", help="Enable LZSH algorithm. (default: %(default)s)", action=ap.BooleanOptionalAction) - # parse the arguments - args = parser.parse_args() +# parse the arguments +args = parser.parse_args() - # replace the variables in the string expressions - for i in range(1, 10): args.potential = args.potential.replace(f"r{i}", f"r[:, {i - 1}]") +# replace the variables in the string expressions +for i in range(1, 10): args.potential = args.potential.replace(f"r{i}", f"r[:, {i - 1}]") - # print the help message if the flag is set - if parser.print_help(); exit() +# print the help message if the flag is set +if parser.print_help(); exit() - # SURFACE HOPPING ALGORITHMS ========================================================= +# SURFACE HOPPING ALGORITHMS ===================================================================================================== - # define the state vector and containers for the potential and transformation matrices - s = np.zeros((args.trajectories, args.iterations + 1), dtype=int) + args.state; Vs, Us = [], [] +# define the state vector and containers for the potential and transformation matrices +s = np.zeros((args.trajectories, args.iterations + 1), dtype=int) + args.state; Vs, Us = [], [] - # define the Landau-Zener Surface Hopping algorithm - def lzsh(i, rn): +# define the Landau-Zener Surface Hopping algorithm +def lzsh(i, rn): - # loop over the trajectories and states - for (j, k) in it.product(range(args.trajectories), range(V.shape[1])): + # loop over the trajectories and states + for (j, k) in it.product(range(args.trajectories), range(V.shape[1])): - # calculate the first derivatives of the new state - dk0 = (Vs[-1][j, k, k] - Vs[-2][j, k, k]) / args.timestep - dk1 = (Vs[-2][j, k, k] - Vs[-3][j, k, k]) / args.timestep + # calculate the first derivatives of the new state + dk0 = (Vs[-1][j, k, k] - Vs[-2][j, k, k]) / args.timestep + dk1 = (Vs[-2][j, k, k] - Vs[-3][j, k, k]) / args.timestep - # calculate the first derivatives of the current state - ds0 = (Vs[-1][j, s[j, i], s[j, i]] - Vs[-2][j, s[j, i], s[j, i]]) / args.timestep - ds1 = (Vs[-2][j, s[j, i], s[j, i]] - Vs[-3][j, s[j, i], s[j, i]]) / args.timestep + # calculate the first derivatives of the current state + ds0 = (Vs[-1][j, s[j, i], s[j, i]] - Vs[-2][j, s[j, i], s[j, i]]) / args.timestep + ds1 = (Vs[-2][j, s[j, i], s[j, i]] - Vs[-3][j, s[j, i], s[j, i]]) / args.timestep - # calculate the second derivatives of the new and current states - ddk = (dk0 - dk1) / args.timestep; dds = (ds0 - ds1) / args.timestep + # calculate the second derivatives of the new and current states + ddk = (dk0 - dk1) / args.timestep; dds = (ds0 - ds1) / args.timestep - # check if the trajectory is in the place for a hop - if (k == s[j, i - 1] or (dk0 - ds0) * (dk1 - ds1) > 0 or ddk * dds > 0 or ddk - dds == 0): continue + # check if the trajectory is in the place for a hop + if (k == s[j, i - 1] or (dk0 - ds0) * (dk1 - ds1) > 0 or ddk * dds > 0 or ddk - dds == 0): continue - # calculate the hopping probability - p = np.exp(-0.5 * np.pi * np.sqrt(sqrtarg)) if ((sqrtarg := (V[j, k, k] - V[j, s[j, i], s[j, i]])**3 / (ddk - dds)) > 0) else 0 + # calculate the hopping probability + p = np.exp(-0.5 * np.pi * np.sqrt(sqrtarg)) if ((sqrtarg := (V[j, k, k] - V[j, s[j, i], s[j, i]])**3 / (ddk - dds)) > 0) else 0 - # hop to another state if accepted - if (not np.isnan(p) and rn < p): s[j, i:] = k + # hop to another state if accepted + if (not np.isnan(p) and rn < p): s[j, i:] = k - # PERFORM THE CLASSICAL DYNAMICS ===================================================== +# PERFORM THE CLASSICAL DYNAMICS ================================================================================================= - # create the initial conditions for the trajectories - r = np.column_stack([np.random.normal(loc=mu, scale=sigma, size=args.trajectories) for mu, sigma in zip(args.position[0::2], args.position[1::2])]) - v = np.column_stack([np.random.normal(loc=mu, scale=sigma, size=args.trajectories) for mu, sigma in zip(args.momentum[0::2], args.momentum[1::2])]) +# create the initial conditions for the trajectories +r = np.column_stack([np.random.normal(loc=mu, scale=sigma, size=args.trajectories) for mu, sigma in zip(args.position[0::2], args.position[1::2])]) +v = np.column_stack([np.random.normal(loc=mu, scale=sigma, size=args.trajectories) for mu, sigma in zip(args.momentum[0::2], args.momentum[1::2])]) - # divide momentum by mass and define acceleration - v /= args.mass; a = np.zeros_like(r); diff = 0.0001; +# divide momentum by mass and define acceleration +v /= args.mass; a = np.zeros_like(r); diff = 0.0001; - # print the propagation header - print("%6s %12s %12s %12s" % ("ITER", "EKIN", "EPOT", "ETOT", )) +# print the propagation header +print("%6s %12s %12s %12s" % ("ITER", "EKIN", "EPOT", "ETOT", )) - # loop over the iterations - for i in range(args.iterations + 1): +# loop over the iterations +for i in range(args.iterations + 1): - # save the previous values - rp = r.copy(); vp = v.copy(); ap = a.copy() + # save the previous values + rp = r.copy(); vp = v.copy(); ap = a.copy() - # loop over the dimensions and propagate - for j in (j for j in range(r.shape[1]) if i): + # loop over the dimensions and propagate + for j in (j for j in range(r.shape[1]) if i): - # calculate offsets - rplus = r.copy(); rplus[:, j] += diff - rmins = r.copy(); rmins[:, j] -= diff + # calculate offsets + rplus = r.copy(); rplus[:, j] += diff + rmins = r.copy(); rmins[:, j] -= diff - # calculate the potential energy at the offsetted positions - Vplus = np.array(eval(args.potential.replace("r", "rplus"))).transpose(2, 0, 1) - Vmins = np.array(eval(args.potential.replace("r", "rmins"))).transpose(2, 0, 1) + # calculate the potential energy at the offsetted positions + Vplus = np.array(eval(args.potential.replace("r", "rplus"))).transpose(2, 0, 1) + Vmins = np.array(eval(args.potential.replace("r", "rmins"))).transpose(2, 0, 1) - # transform the potential energy to the adiabatic basis - if args.adiabatic: Vplus = np.einsum("ij,jk->ijk", np.linalg.eigvalsh(Vplus), np.eye(V.shape[1])) - if args.adiabatic: Vmins = np.einsum("ij,jk->ijk", np.linalg.eigvalsh(Vmins), np.eye(V.shape[1])) + # transform the potential energy to the adiabatic basis + if args.adiabatic: Vplus = np.einsum("ij,jk->ijk", np.linalg.eigvalsh(Vplus), np.eye(V.shape[1])) + if args.adiabatic: Vmins = np.einsum("ij,jk->ijk", np.linalg.eigvalsh(Vmins), np.eye(V.shape[1])) - # calculate the acceleration - a[:, j] = 0.5 * (np.einsum("ijj->ij", Vmins)[np.arange(args.trajectories), s[:, i]] - np.einsum("ijj->ij", Vplus)[np.arange(args.trajectories), s[:, i]]) / (diff * args.mass) + # calculate the acceleration + a[:, j] = 0.5 * (np.einsum("ijj->ij", Vmins)[np.arange(args.trajectories), s[:, i]] - np.einsum("ijj->ij", Vplus)[np.arange(args.trajectories), s[:, i]]) / (diff * args.mass) - # update the positions and velocities - v[:, j] += 0.5 * (a[:, j] + ap[:, j]) * args.timestep; r[:, j] += (v[:, j] + 0.5 * a[:, j] * args.timestep) * args.timestep + # update the positions and velocities + v[:, j] += 0.5 * (a[:, j] + ap[:, j]) * args.timestep; r[:, j] += (v[:, j] + 0.5 * a[:, j] * args.timestep) * args.timestep - # calculate the diabatic potential - V = np.array(eval(args.potential)).transpose(2, 0, 1) + # calculate the diabatic potential + V = np.array(eval(args.potential)).transpose(2, 0, 1) - # adiabatize the potential - E, U = np.linalg.eigh(V); V = np.einsum("ij,jk->ijk", E, np.eye(V.shape[1])); Vs.append(V); Us.append(U) + # adiabatize the potential + E, U = np.linalg.eigh(V); V = np.einsum("ij,jk->ijk", E, np.eye(V.shape[1])); Vs.append(V); Us.append(U) - # surface hopping algorithm - if (args.lzsh and i > 1): lzsh(i, np.random.rand()) + # surface hopping algorithm + if (args.lzsh and i > 1): lzsh(i, np.random.rand()) - # calculate the potential and kinetic energy for each trajectory - Epot = V[np.arange(args.trajectories), s[:, i], s[:, i]]; Ekin = 0.5 * args.mass * np.sum(v**2, axis=1) + # calculate the potential and kinetic energy for each trajectory + Epot = V[np.arange(args.trajectories), s[:, i], s[:, i]]; Ekin = 0.5 * args.mass * np.sum(v**2, axis=1) - # get the mask for trajectories that hopped to another state - mask = (s[:, i] != s[:, i - bool(i)]) & (Ekin > (Epot - V[np.arange(args.trajectories), s[:, i - bool(i)], s[:, i - bool(i)]])) + # get the mask for trajectories that hopped to another state + mask = (s[:, i] != s[:, i - bool(i)]) & (Ekin > (Epot - V[np.arange(args.trajectories), s[:, i - bool(i)], s[:, i - bool(i)]])) - # rescale the velocities of the trajectories that hopped to another state - if mask.any(): v[mask] *= np.sqrt((Ekin - Epot + V[np.arange(args.trajectories), s[:, i - 1], s[:, i - 1]]) / Ekin)[mask, None] + # rescale the velocities of the trajectories that hopped to another state + if mask.any(): v[mask] *= np.sqrt((Ekin - Epot + V[np.arange(args.trajectories), s[:, i - 1], s[:, i - 1]]) / Ekin)[mask, None] - # recalculate the kinetic energy if the velocities were rescaled - if mask.any(): Ekin = 0.5 * args.mass * np.sum(v**2, axis=1) + # recalculate the kinetic energy if the velocities were rescaled + if mask.any(): Ekin = 0.5 * args.mass * np.sum(v**2, axis=1) - # print the iteration - if i % 1000 == 0: print("%6d %12.6f %12.6f %12.6f" % (i, np.mean(Ekin), np.mean(Epot), np.mean(Ekin + Epot))) + # print the iteration + if i % 1000 == 0: print("%6d %12.6f %12.6f %12.6f" % (i, np.mean(Ekin), np.mean(Epot), np.mean(Ekin + Epot))) - # PRINT AND PLOT THE RESULTS ========================================================= +# PRINT AND PLOT THE RESULTS ===================================================================================================== - # print the final populations - print("\nFINAL POPULATION: %s" % (np.bincount(s[:, -1]) / s.shape[0])) +# print the final populations +print(); print("FINAL POPULATION: %s" % (np.bincount(s[:, -1]) / s.shape[0])) - # create the subplots - fig, axs = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(8, 6)); +# create the subplots +fig, axs = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(8, 6)); - # plot the population - axs.plot(np.arange(args.iterations + 1) * args.timestep, [np.bincount(s[:, i]) / s.shape[0] for i in range(s.shape[1])]) +# plot the population +axs.plot(np.arange(args.iterations + 1) * args.timestep, [np.bincount(s[:, i]) / s.shape[0] for i in range(s.shape[1])]) - # set the labels - axs.set_xlabel("Time (a.u.)"); axs.set_ylabel("Population") +# set the labels +axs.set_xlabel("Time (a.u.)"); axs.set_ylabel("Population") - # show the plot - plt.tight_layout(); +# show the plot +plt.tight_layout(); diff --git a/script/ b/script/ index a46cd20..52f3308 100755 --- a/script/ +++ b/script/ @@ -259,13 +259,12 @@ water/RHF/STO-3G/-74.965901192180 numberstyle=\tiny\color[rgb]{0.50,0.50,0.50}, rulecolor=\color[rgb]{0.00,0.00,0.00}, stringstyle=\color[rgb]{0.50,0.00,0.50}, - basicstyle=\ttfamily\footnotesize, + basicstyle=\ttfamily\tiny, breaklines=true, numbers=none, frame=single, showstringspaces=false, - captionpos=b, - literate={\ \ }{{\ }}1 + captionpos=b } \lstset{style=code}