Releases: tloncorp/landscape
Over-the-air update (OTA) for Landscape. This release adds Lure support for Groups and updates a few app paths in the "Get Urbit Apps" dialog. It also fixes a few issues with notifications, including a crashing bug when a notification contained an emph
- apps: update Goals path in suggestions by @tomholford in #128
- landscape: add lure integration by @midsum-salrux in #67
- landscape: fix Quorum app link by @jamesacklin in #129
- Always show invite link settings by @midsum-salrux in #130
- Add trailing slash to bait server automatically by @midsum-salrux in #131
- Add trailing slash to bait server automatically by @midsum-salrux in #131
- notifications: fix duplicate notification issue by @patosullivan in #135
- Update metadata on bait change by @midsum-salrux in #132
- app-search: allow distros longer than a planet by @arthyn in #141
- Fix for 'emph' issue in notification by @patosullivan in #143
New Contributors
- @midsum-salrux made their first contribution in #67
Full Changelog: v1.7.0...v1.8.0
Over-the-air (OTA) update for %garden. This release adds a curated list of apps for newcomers to install, declares compatibility with Kelvin 414, and addresses a few UX issues.
Desk hash:
What's new
- Adds a curated list of apps to install for Landscape newcomers.
- Adds Kelvin compatibility with 414.
- Fixes an issue where installing apps would show the app tile as "Suspended."
- Fixes an issue where typing the full path of a desk (~sampel/desk-name) would fail to resolve.
- Fixes placement issues with the "?" wayfinding button.
- tile-menu: portal menu and fix resume option by @arthyn in #106
- bring back browser notifications by @patosullivan in #105
- app discovery by @patosullivan in #109
- routes: retain old route for compat by @arthyn in #110
- ops: removing embedded deps and upgrading kelvin by @arthyn in #115
- hood: keeping compat with both 415 and 414 by @arthyn in #116
- Create add-to-project.yml by @jamesacklin in #117
- dialog: fixing usage across stacking dialogs by @arthyn in #118
- wayfinding: placement by @arthyn in #119
- landscape: place and size wayfinding bug by @jamesacklin in #120
- landscape: kill left-margin on wayfinding button by @jamesacklin in #121
- landscape: duplicative wayfinding button, form verbiage by @jamesacklin in #122
Full Changelog: v1.6.0...v1.7.0
Over-the-air update to %garden. This release adds a persistent Help & Support wayfinding module (and a corresponding setting to re-enable it once disabled), switches to the new Urbit OS auth method, and addresses several UX pain points.
- Adds a wayfinding menu to the Landscape home screen
- Adds a corresponding setting to disable/re-enable the wayfinding menu
- Adds compatibility with the new Urbit OS auth method
- Fixes an issue where setting a profile color with a 0-prefixed hex code would display incorrectly
- Fixes an issue where clicking "App Info" in an app tile menu would open the app instead
- hark: expects ud in quilt scry by @arthyn in #74
- Add wayfinding to Landscape, clean up Help & Support by @patosullivan in #76
- Update uses of Dropdown and Dialog from radix to conform with upgrade by @patosullivan in #77
- Add ci workflow by @patosullivan in #79
- various: remove trailing whitespace and empty lines by @Fang- in #80
- auth: switch to new compatibility method by @arthyn in #83
- tile-menu: fix app info and make targets bigger by @arthyn in #89
- landscape: fix normalizeUrbitColor by @jamesacklin in #101
New Contributors
Full Changelog: v1.5.0...v1.6.0
Over-the-air update for %garden. This release refurbishes Notifications and sets upstream sources for Tlon apps on new ships.
Base hash:
What's new
- Improves readability and display of notifications
- Fixes an issue where new ships did not have an update source set for %talk and %groups
- garden: new notifications by @jamesacklin in #52
- docket: fixup %talk and %groups sources by @philipcmonk in #58
- ops: create new glob action and replace janeway by @arthyn in #63
- ops: debugging glob by @arthyn in #65
- ops: fixing deploy action by @arthyn in #66
- ops: debugging back with old cmd for output by @arthyn in #69
- notifications: fix mix-blend mode for dark mode by @jamesacklin in #71
Full Changelog: v1.4.1...v1.5.0
Over-the-air (OTA) update for %garden.
What's new
- Adds support for 415K
- garden: support kelvin 415 by @jamesacklin in #55
Full Changelog: v1.4.0...v1.4.1
Over-the-air (OTA) update for %garden.
Base hash: 0v1u.fsdra.9n2di.puri3.2tol2.k3gu1.9gpvf.ea46q.4cipu.ukcbd.efib0
What's new
- Fixes an issue where clicking on the sigil/avatar would not close the System Preferences menu.
- Fixes an issue where focusing on Leap while the System Preferences menu was open would zoom and shift the viewport.
- Fixes an issue where tapping an app tile menu on mobile and selecting any ancillary action would open the app instead of performing the action.
- Fixes an issue where the "Log Out" action would reset the state of the System Preferences menu beneath it.
- Fixes an issue where suspended apps' tiles would not appear to be inactive.
- Adds a "Mark All as Read" button on the Notifications modal.
- Adds support for Kelvin version 416.
- ops: fix version bump action by @arthyn in #42
- kelvin: declare support for 416 by @philipcmonk in #44
- garden: mark notification read button by @rcrdlbl in #40
- garden: close system preferences menu by @jamesacklin in #45
- garden: 16px font size for leap on mobile by @jamesacklin in #46
- garden: various maladies by @jamesacklin in #47
Full Changelog: v1.3.1...v1.4.0
What's Changed
- Remove outdated deploy information by @zalberico in #35
- preferences: rename grid to landscape in sidebar and update copy by @zalberico in #37
- preferences: for system, give base hash instead of garden hash by @philipcmonk in #36
- meta: version bump by @jamesacklin in #38
Full Changelog: v1.3.0...v1.3.1
What's Changed
- Fix npm instructions by @zalberico in #32
- notifications: clear notifications on pressing button by @rcrdlbl in #30
- ops: adding github flows by @arthyn in #33
- meta: version bump by @jamesacklin in #34
New Contributors
- @zalberico made their first contribution in #32
Full Changelog: v0.0.1...v1.3.0