From a user perspective, if you were onboarded by an admin/ops,
you may want to setup your AWS console and maybe even your shell via aws-cli.
This would allow you to select a role in AWS console,
or to run aws-iam-login <profile-name>
in your terminal
in order to assume the credentials for a certain AWS role.
To set this up run the following from within
a repository that supports aws-iam-bootstrap
e.g. aws*-dev-prod
~/git/firecloud/support-firecloud/bin/aws-iam-boostrap \
--user <your-aws-username> \
--access-key-id <your-aws-access-key-id> \
--secret-access-key <your-aws-secret-access-key>
and follow the instructions in the terminal to
- setup your AWS console
- role shortcuts
- setup your aws-cli
- set credentials
- set config