- Have an account? If not register one.
- Register with your personal email, if possible. You will surely have a Github account beyond your stay at Tobii.
- Go to https://github.com/settings/profile and fill in some info and upload a picture.
- Go to https://github.com/settings/emails and register your @tobii.com email address.
- Keep the personal one as the primary one.
- Go to https://github.com/settings/security and enable Two-factor.
- Follow the instructions below and setup Github notifications.
Notifications are nice, and even necessary to have, but they need to come in the right amount and on proper channels.
The right amount can be fixed by going to https://github.com/settings/notifications
and turning off Automatically watch repositories
The proper channels can be fixed by going to https://github.com/settings/emails and registering your @tobii.com email address, if you haven't done so already. Once that is done, go to https://github.com/settings/notifications#organization_routing and select the @tobii.com email address for the Tobii organizations.
We access repositories via SSH (not HTTPS), so you need to
- set up an SSH key, if you don't have one already
- and add it to your Github account
You also need to click "Enable SSO" at https://github.com/settings/keys for your SSH key.
We assume that you keep all firecloud-related git
repositories under ~/git/firecloud
Failing to do so, hell won't break loose, but you are on your own.
As long as you store the firecloud-related git
repositories in one folder e.g. ~/Documents/Firecloud
you can easily create a symlink ln -s ~/Documents/Firecloud ~/git/firecloud
and keep everyone happy.
cd # make sure that you are at home dir (~)
git clone [email protected]:tobiipro/support-firecloud.git ~/git/firecloud/support-firecloud
ln -s {~/git/firecloud/support-firecloud/generic/dot,}.gitignore_global
ln -s {~/git/firecloud/support-firecloud/generic/dot,}.gitattributes_global
If you have git
2.13+ and you'd like to restrict the git
config to firecloud-related repos,
in your ~/.gitconfig
prepend AT THE TOP
[includeIf "gitdir:~/git/firecloud/"]
path = ~/git/firecloud/support-firecloud/generic/dot.gitconfig
Alternatively, either for earlier git
versions or if you'd like to use the git
config globally,
in your ~/.gitconfig
prepend AT THE TOP
path = ~/git/firecloud/support-firecloud/generic/dot.gitconfig
We support Darwin (OSX) and Linux (Ubuntu) architectures. The former is the main development architecture, while the latter is the main CI/CD architecture.
We do NOT support Windows Subshell for Linux, but we do know that it is possible to successfully bootstrap Ubuntu 16.04/18.04 distributions under it. If you feel adventurous, read and improve our experimental notes on working with WSL.
NOTE In order to simplify our scripts lives,
we expect GNU binaries (even on Darwin).
All common system-wide dependencies can be installed by running
You can also try to bootstrap without using sudo
Run SUDO=sf_nosudo ~/git/firecloud/support-firecloud/dev/bootstrap
NOTE If the bootstrap script above didn't finish by printing Restart your shell, and you're good to go.
then you know the script has failed while executing.
is to append to your ~/.bashrc
(or ~/.bash_profile
), ~/.zshrc
, etc.:
# keep the next line as the last line in your shell rc/profile file
source ~/git/firecloud/support-firecloud/sh/dev.inc.sh
Restart your shell, and you're good to go.
NOTE You can test that everything is fine by checking that running echo $SF_DEV_INC_SH
prints true
NOTE If you use zsh
(default in Mac OS since Catalina), you might want to also use oh-my-zsh which, apart from being useful in itself, should fix a shell error message complete:13: command not found: compdef
otherwise appearing after this bootstrap.
NOTE Repositories might require more system-wide dependencies.
These are defined in a file called Brewfile.inc.sh
within each repository.
To install them, run make bootstrap
inside the repository.
You can also run make bootstrap/scratch
to (re)install both common and repository-specific ones.
Next, bootstrap your editor.