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Florian Loitsch edited this page Nov 8, 2023 · 12 revisions

Tips and tricks on how to debug code related to the Toit framework.

Running Specific Tests

One can run individual test using the ctest command:

cd build/host
ctest --verbose -R test_name

ctest does some matching, so the test name doesn't need to be complete.

The --verbose flag also gives the full command line that was used to run the command. Note that some tests require to be run from specific locations. Generally, we only have two important locations, though: the root of the checkout, or the directory the test is in.

Tests are discovered by CMake with a glob. New tests are only discovered if cmake is rerun. You can force a cmake regeneration with make rebuild-cmake (but a lot of other make targets will automatically do that too).


Compile the Toit executable with -O0 and in debug mode:

rm -rf build

By default the compiler is run with fork (to release its memory when it's done). You can avoid that by running with the -Xno_fork flag:

gdb --args build/host/sdk/bin/ -Xno_fork hello.toit


Valgrind is great at detecting some of the typical C++ mistakes (uninitialized memory and such). It can also detect memory leaks.

It is recommended to compile the Toit executables in debug mode (see the GDB section).

Since the compiler does not release memory (it is a short-running process and relies on fork to clean everything up), that can introduce a lot of false positives. When looking for memory leaks, it is recommend to start from snapshots so that the compiler isn't invoked.

build/host/sdk/bin/toit.compiler -w out.snapshot hello.toit
valgrind build/host/sdk/bin/ out.snapshot


We will use an FT2232H (or FT2232HL, where "L" stands for "lead free") together with OpenOCD. The FT232H should also work. It's the same chip as the FT2232H but has only one channel.

The FT2232H boards are relatively cheap (~$15 on aliexpress), and the FT232H boards are usually below $10.


  • AD0 - GPIO13 (TCK)
  • AD1 - GPIO12 (TD1)
  • AD2 - GPIO15 (TD2)
  • AD3 - GPIO14 (TMS)
  • GND - GND

Paste the following content into a ft2232hl.cfg (or ft232h.cfg):

# See
# for an explanation of these configuration entries.
interface ftdi
# Update these numbers with the ones given by lsusb.
ftdi_vid_pid 0x0403 0x6010
ftdi_channel 0
# just TCK TDI TDO TMS, no reset
# This line and comment comes from
ftdi_layout_init 0x0038 0x003b
# ESP only supports jtag.
transport select jtag
adapter_khz 200

Start openocd:

# The 'target/esp32.cfg' is part of openocd and on its "configuration-path".
openocd -f ft2232hl.cfg -f target/esp32.cfg

If the wiring is correct you should see:

Info : JTAG tap: esp32.cpu0 tap/device found: 0x120034e5 (mfg: 0x272 (Tensilica), part: 0x2003, ver: 0x1)
Info : JTAG tap: esp32.cpu1 tap/device found: 0x120034e5 (mfg: 0x272 (Tensilica), part: 0x2003, ver: 0x1)

If not, check your wiring.

Run the xtensa-esp32-elf-gdb (in the 'toit' checkout so that the sources are mapped).

(gdb) file build/esp32/toit.elf
(gdb) target extended-remote localhost:3333
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