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Gridcoin-qt: Qt5 GUI for Gridcoin

Build instructions


First, make sure that the required packages for Qt5 development of your distribution are installed, for Debian and Ubuntu these are:

apt-get install qt5-default qt5-qmake qtbase5-dev-tools qttools5-dev-tools \
    build-essential libboost-dev libboost-system-dev \
    libboost-filesystem-dev libboost-program-options-dev libboost-thread-dev \
    libssl-dev libdb++-dev libminiupnpc-dev libzip-dev

then execute the following:


Alternatively, install Qt Creator and open the file.

An executable named gridcoinresearch will be built.


Windows build instructions:

  • Download the QT Windows SDK and install it. You don't need the Symbian stuff, just the desktop Qt.
  • Compile openssl, boost and dbcxx.
  • Open the .pro file in QT creator and build as normal (ctrl-B)


  • Download and install the Qt Mac OS X SDK. It is recommended to also install Apple's Xcode with UNIX tools.
  • Download and install MacPorts.
  • Execute the following commands in a terminal to get the dependencies:
sudo port selfupdate
sudo port install boost db48 miniupnpc
  • Open the .pro file in Qt Creator and build as normal (cmd-B)


  • Install Qt Creator and open the file for Auto-Tools to build for your OS.
  • An executable named gridcoinresearch will be built in the /src/Qt directory.
  • If you have used Homebrew to install dependancies earlier, no need to install MacPorts as above.

Build configuration options

UPNnP port forwarding

To use UPnP for port forwarding behind a NAT router (recommended, as more connections overall allow for a faster and more stable gridcoin experience), pass the following argument to qmake:

qmake "USE_UPNP=1"

(in Qt Creator, you can find the setting for additional qmake arguments under "Projects" -> "Build Settings" -> "Build Steps", then click "Details" next to qmake)

This requires miniupnpc for UPnP port mapping. It can be downloaded from UPnP support is not compiled in by default.

Set USE_UPNP to a different value to control this:

USE_UPNP=- no UPnP support, miniupnpc not required;
USE_UPNP=0 (the default) built with UPnP, support turned off by default at runtime;
USE_UPNP=1 build with UPnP support turned on by default at runtime.

Notification support for recent (k)ubuntu versions

To see desktop notifications on (k)ubuntu versions starting from 10.04, enable usage of the FreeDesktop notification interface through DBUS using the following qmake option:

qmake "USE_DBUS=1"

Generation of QR codes

libqrencode may be used to generate QRCode images for payment requests. It can be downloaded from, or installed via your package manager. Pass the USE_QRCODE flag to qmake to control this:

USE_QRCODE=0 (the default) No QRCode support - libarcode not required
USE_QRCODE=1 QRCode support enabled

Berkeley DB version warning

A warning for people using the static binary version of Gridcoin on a Linux/UNIX-ish system (tl;dr: Berkeley DB databases are not forward compatible).

The static binary version of Gridcoin is linked against libdb 5.0 (see also this Debian issue).

Now the nasty thing is that databases from 5.X are not compatible with 4.X.

If the globally installed development package of Berkeley DB installed on your system is 5.X, any source you build yourself will be linked against that. The first time you run with a 5.X version the database will be upgraded, and 4.X cannot open the new format. This means that you cannot go back to the old statically linked version without significant hassle!

Ubuntu 11.10 warning

Ubuntu 11.10 has a package called 'qt-at-spi' installed by default. At the time of writing, having that package installed causes gridcoin-qt to crash intermittently. The issue has been reported as launchpad bug 857790, but isn't yet fixed.

Until the bug is fixed, you can remove the qt-at-spi package to work around the problem, though this will presumably disable screen reader functionality for Qt apps:

sudo apt-get remove qt-at-spi

Disabling the built-in upgrader

If the Gridcoin binary is managed via a distributions package management the built-in upgrader will do more harm than good. Disable it through the following qmake option:

qmake NO_UPGRADE=1