Two stage rocket: Platform and stack
Platform! ** Cloud agnostic (Not if we use az pgsql!) *** Thin "cloud" layer *** Stack which will run on az, aws, etc. ** Leading in tech - Embrace the cloud *** Lets not host pgsql, mysql, rabbit etc. There are people out there specializing in that... Azure, AWS, GCE *** CI/CD **** Kill the bureaucracy - Tech supports it! **** Selenium!!! No manual (human) testing **** Fits within our existing process!!! ** Automated... Auto ad, auto cluster, auto stack, auto test and auto update! *** tls/ssl at cluster level... Not configured for each app - https://akomljen.com/get-automatic-https-with-lets-encrypt-and-kubernetes-ingress/
Open source ** Well this cloud already is! And more should follow... Especially tools and frameworks!
Developer friendly ** Build for alpine (or whatever... But not debian! Security and not for containers) - Sure alpine is free too... But scans on quay has shown it to be well updated ** Build with docker... That's the docker way! ** docker-compose - We don't really need a readme anymore... (Besides one pointing to docker-compose and explaining .env) ** docker in app repo *** Generic helm chart ** devs build for dev (and test) - Currently devs can't run the helm chart. WTF? *** No duplication of values... Just list the ones we override!
Admin friendly ** Integrate with existing tools (AAD) ** UI, not command line - Azure ui, Azure postgresql, Kubernetes UI *** Grafan, kibana - Alerts
Doesn't work/Disclaimer ** Not my work ** Plenty of other stuff... Three sp's, lots of IDK's
Nice!!! ** Auto create service principal, unknown password ** Revisions control... Everything is in git ** AKS... MS handles managers nodes... less work, security updates ** No (in cluster) tiller ** Standard tools *** Terraform. "Easily" ported to AWS or GCP *** Helmfile
helm-2.7.2 --kube-context ml-test delete --purge ml-arp ;and helm-2.7.2 --kube-context ml-test install --name ml-arp --namespace ml erst/ml-arp