Penalization helps in a variety of ways for regularizing parameter estimates. We'll focus on linear models. Penalization is performed by adding a penalty into the loss function. For least squares we have (written as code)
sum( (y - beta0 - x %*% beta) ^ 2) + P
where P
is the penalty, y
is the outcome, x
is a matrix of predictors, beta0
is the intercept and \beta
is a
vector of slope parameters. x %*% beta
is matrix multiplication equal to x[,1] * beta[1] + x[,2] * beta[2] +
and so on.
Some choices for P
- Lasso
P = lambda * sum( abs(beta) )
- Ridge regression
P = lambda * sum( beta ^ 2)
- Elastic net
P = lambda * (alpha * sum( abs(beta) ) / 2 + (1 - alpha) * sum(beta ^ 2)
Here lambda
is a tuning parameter and alpha
in the elastic next chooses a balance between the lasso and ridge penalties.
Looking at the oasis dataset.
dat = read_csv("oasis.csv")
x = dat %>% select(-PD, -PD_10, -PD_20, -GOLD_Lesions) %>% as.matrix()
## look at a prediction and classification tasks
y1 = dat$PD
## fit with our selected lambda
fitL = glmnet(x, y1, alpha = 1)
fitR = glmnet(x, y1, alpha = 0)
## Note default is alpha = 1
fitEL = glmnet(x, y1, alpha = .2)
## pick the lasso parameter using cv
cvL = cv.glmnet(x, y1, alpha = 1,
lambda = seq(0, exp(-3), length = 100))
newx = x[1 : 5,]
predict(cvL, newx = newx, lambda = "lambda.1se")
Here's an example with scatterplot smoothing
## showing example using scatterplot smoothing
x = seq(0, 6 * pi, length = 100)
y = cos(x) + rnorm(100, 0, .5)
plot(x, y)
df = 80
knots = seq(0, 6 * pi, length = df + 2)
knots = knots[-c(1, df + 2)]
splineTerms = sapply(knots,
(x - k) ^ 2 * (x >= k)
## unpenalized fit
fit0 = lm(y ~ splineTerms)
plot(x, y, frame = FALSE)
lines(x, predict(fit0), col = "blue", lwd = 3)
lines(x, cos(x), col = "red")
fit1= glmnet(splineTerms, y,
alpha = 0,
lambda = 0.05,
standardize = FALSE)
plot(x, y, frame = FALSE)
lines(x, predict(fit1, newx = splineTerms), lwd = 3, col = "darkgreen")
lines(x, cos(x), col = "red", lwd = 3)
## GLMNET seems really finicky,
## There's a package dedicated specifically to
## spline fits for scatterplot smoothing called mgcv
fitGam = gam(y ~ s(x))
plot(x, y, frame = FALSE)
lines(x, predict(fitGam), col = "blue")
lines(x, cos(x), col = "red")