- Write README.md for github repo with gameplay instructions
- Write the Arduboy community topic
- Add to http://www.bloggingadeadhorse.com/cart/Cart.html
- Can I submit to ? https://arduboy.ried.cl/
- Video demo
- Disabled brake, enabled dual acceleration
- Could turn around in the pause menu
- Max level was still locked at 10 when I was playing through
Play game through on Arduboy making times for every level
- Once without car mods, best time
- Set 3rd place time, okay time, no mods, no shortcuts
- Set better first place times
Run in online emulator
Github action
- Build app
- Build release
Fix zoom offset for tile zoomer
Arduino CLI compile works
- Removed bootscreen for a couple hundred bytes
- Used base for a bunch of space savings!
- arduino-cli compile -e --fqbn=arduboy-homemade:avr:arduboy-homemade:based_on=leonardo,boot=cathy3k,core=arduino-core ArduRacerFx.ino
Play game through on Arduboy making times for every level
- First place, car tuning, everything goes, best possible time
Save data fails to save first time in Ardens (not an issue on device)
- FX Busy error
- Save file at startup if it's not found
Simplify any levels too hard to get 99.99 sec
Reset maxlevel to 1
Integrate into a FX image with multiple games
Music and SFX
- Music repeats on level select change
- Music for Zoom needs work
- Add Win music
Add points to the main screen (levels 1st = 5 points, 2nd = 3 points, 3rd = 1, haven't finished = 0)
- 20 levels = 100 points
Work out why flashing text causes slow downs (Text is just slow, but fine for perf)
Car is too fast at high frame rates
Update trophy screen for 20 levels
Increase max time to 99.99 seconds (overflow, change to 16-bit save and 32-bit gameplay to match millis)
Issues with saving 32 bit indexed int, changed to uint16t
Configure car performance
- Max Speed
- Accelerate
- Turn
Increase level size
Add more levels
Add an ingame map screen with current location
Move level times into FX
Rewrite Number Zoom to use FX
Rewrite Stage Zoom to use FX
Move levels into FX
- Single level var to store current level layout
- Max level size increase 30x30 ?
Use FX Save
Resolved performance issues
Change ArdBitmap to another effect
- scroll the number tiles across the screen
- Grayscale race starter
Remove ArdBitmap
- Number zoom, create tiles and stream
Use fewer loads
- Smaller tiles for maps
- Add missing tiles to minimize rendering (game logic changes)
- Make newline detection optional (minimal benefit)
- Use FX Arduboy Font (my impl is simpler)
- Update all graphics to grayscale (not fast enough)
- Add a win video (waste of space)
- Add new car models (not without grayscale)
- Use Grayscale (not rendering fast enough)
- Move screen back when car is going faster
- Last lap isn't clear for changing lanes (just gonna do it)
- Locked 60 fps gameplay
- More levels
- Bigger levels, 60% bigger and 3x for some.
- Modify car stats for each race
- Save data on FX, no more overrites
- Double the frames for car direction
- Map display
- Better sounds
- Music
- Beat the Dev (my best times are the best times)
- First place, any method, any car
- 2nd place, follow the track, default car
- 3rd place, a few seconds off the pace to allow easier progress.
- 99% Arduboy Memory used.
50kb of Arduboy FX Data!
- Levels on FX
- Tile sets on FX
- Updated Draw routines for FX
- ArduBitmap ported to FX for 1 use case
- MipMap zooming using FX draw
- Doing the offset for the tile differences
- Dynamic tilemap caching and windowing
- Adding ArduTonesFX
- Debugging
- Performance Tuning Display Routine, finding map issue
- Arderns
- Undoing my cross platform code
- Getting framerate sufficient for grayscale
- Map explorer - Right press on level select
- Up down left right to pan
- A change zoom level 4x ?
- B exit back to level select
- Custom map builder