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To install and use Amidst, follow these steps:

  1. Install Java 8 or higher
  2. Install Minecraft
  3. Create an unmodded profile in the Minecraft launcher with the Minecraft version you want to use with Amidst.
  4. Start the profile, so you see at least the Minecraft title screen.
  5. Download Amidst
  6. Execute Amidst
  7. Select the profile you just created
  8. You can now display a Minecraft world

What Minecraft versions are supported?

You can use Amidst with:

  • any Minecraft version since Minecraft beta 1.8

You cannot use Amidst with:

  • any Minecraft version before Minecraft beta 1.8
  • any modded Minecraft version
  • the Console Edition (Xbox, Playstation, WiiU) and Pocket/Windows 10 Edition of Minecraft

How can I use Amidst with different Minecraft versions?

Over the different versions of Minecraft, the game changed its biome generator multiple times. You can choose which version of Minecraft is used by Amidst to display the world. To do so, Amidst relies on the profiles that are managed by the Minecraft launcher. You can learn the basics here. After you created an unmodded Minecraft profile with the corresponding Minecraft version, you need to start this Minecraft profile at least once to ensure that all required files are downloaded by the Minecraft launcher. Afterwards, you can select the Minecraft profile when Amidst is started.

Why can I not use Amidst with a modded Minecraft version?

In general, Amidst is not designed to support modded Minecraft versions. However, when a modded Minecraft profile is selected, Amidst will try to load the underlying vanilla Minecraft version instead. This is especially useful for a mod like Optifine, which does not alter the biome generation. However, if the modded Minecraft profile uses a different biome generator than the corresponding vanilla Minecraft version, Amidst will still show you the vanilla map, which is different from the actually generated world.

Why are there multiple different files?

We provide three different file: A jar, exe and zip file. They should all behave exactly the same. The difference is the target platform: The jar file works for all operating systems, the exe file is for Windows users and the zip file is for Mac OS X users.

Why do I need to install Minecraft?

Amidst uses the local Minecraft installation to display the world. To be more precise, it uses the biome generator from the Minecraft jar file. Thus, without a local Minecraft installation, Amidst cannot use the biome generator and thus it cannot display the world.

Do I need to integrate Amidst into the Minecraft jar file?

No. Unlike some mods, Amidst is a standalone program. Just execute the Amidst jar, exe or zip file.

Does Amidst have a Command Line Interface?

Yes. If you need more control over how to start Amidst, you can use the Command Line Interface.

What are the System Requirements?

  • Operating System: Linux, Windows or Mac OS X
  • Java Version: Java 8 or higher

On Linux, when using a non-parenting window manager such as dwm or swaywm, it may be necessary to inform the java toolkit about that, by:export _JAVA_AWT_WM_NONREPARENTING=1