start Kafka server, start informix database(Make sure you have already executed docker-ifx/update.sql
script to insert test data), start mock api server and start the processor
start kafka-console-producer to write messages to
topic:bin/ --broker-list localhost:9092 --topic submission.notification.aggregate
write message:
{ "topic": "submission.notification.aggregate","originator": "submission-api","timestamp": "2019-10-08T00:00:00.000Z","mime-type": "application/json","payload": { "id": "cfdbc0cf-6445-433e-8af1-c56f317f2eed", "originalTopic": "submission.notification.create", "challengeId": 30005521, "memberId": 124916, "resource": "submission", "url": "", "type": "Contest Submission", "submissionPhaseId": 95245, "created": "2018-02-16T00:00:00" } }
Check the app console, it will show the success message.
check the database using following sql script:
database tcs_catalog; select * from resource_submission; select * from submission; select * from upload;
write message:
{ "topic": "submission.notification.aggregate","originator": "submission-api","timestamp": "2019-10-08T00:00:00.000Z","mime-type": "application/json","payload": { "id": "cfdbc0cf-6440-433e-8af1-c56f317f2afd", "originalTopic": "submission.notification.create", "challengeId": 30005530, "memberId": 124764, "resource": "submission", "url": "", "type": "Contest Submission", "submissionPhaseId": 95284, "created": "2018-02-16T00:00:00" } }
check the app console, it will show success message.
repeat step 4 verify the database.
write message:
{ "topic": "submission.notification.aggregate","originator": "submission-api","timestamp": "2019-10-08T00:00:00.000Z","mime-type": "application/json","payload": { "id": "cfdbc0cf-6441-433e-8af1-c56f317f2afd", "originalTopic": "submission.notification.create", "challengeId": 30005540, "memberId": 132458, "resource": "submission", "url": "", "type": "Contest Submission", "submissionPhaseId": 95308, "created": "2018-02-16T00:00:00" } }
check the app console, it will show success message.
repeat step 4 to verify the database(Only upload table has an additional record after step 8)
write message:
{ "topic": "submission.notification.aggregate","originator": "submission-api","timestamp": "2019-10-08T00:00:00.000Z","mime-type": "application/json","payload": { "id": "cfdbc0cf-6442-433e-8af1-c56f317f2afd", "originalTopic": "submission.notification.create", "challengeId": 30005530, "memberId": 132458, "resource": "submission", "url": "", "type": "Contest Submission", "submissionPhaseId": 95308, "created": "2018-02-16T00:00:00" } }
check the app console, it will show failure message.
connect to the database tcs_catalog and execute the following statement :
select url from upload where upload_id = 3000;
note the down the url value.
write the the following message:
{ "topic": "submission.notification.aggregate","originator": "submission-api","timestamp": "2019-10-08T00:00:00.000Z","mime-type": "application/json","payload": { "id": "cfdbc0cf-6445-433e-8af1-c56f317f2afd", "originalTopic": "submission.notification.update", "challengeId": 30005521, "legacySubmissionId": 2000 , "memberId": 124916, "resource": "submission", "url": "", "type": "Contest Submission", "submissionPhaseId": 95245, "created": "2018-02-16T00:00:00" } }
The processor console will show a skipped message
Skipped message for resource submission and originalTopic submission.notification.update
write the following message:
{ "topic": "submission.notification.aggregate","originator": "submission-api","timestamp": "2019-10-08T00:00:00.000Z","mime-type": "application/json","payload": { "id": "cfdbc0cf-6443-433e-8af1-c56f317f2afd", "originalTopic": "submission.notification.update", "challengeId": 30005521, "memberId": 124916, "resource": "submission", "url": "", "type": "Contest Submission", "submissionPhaseId": 95245, "created": "2018-02-16T00:00:00" } }
The following message will be shown on the processor console:
debug: legacy submission id not found / payload url not available, no update performed
Write the following message:
{ "topic": "submission.notification.aggregate","originator": "submission-api","timestamp": "2019-10-08T00:00:00.000Z","mime-type": "application/json","payload": { "id": "cfdbc0cf-6445-433e-8af1-c56f317f2afd", "originalTopic": "submission.notification.update", "challengeId": 30005521, "memberId": 124916, "resource": "submission", "url": "", "type": "Contest Submission", "submissionPhaseId": 95245, "created": "2018-02-16T00:00:00" } }
The following success message will be shown on the processor console :
debug: Updated submission : id cfdbc0cf-6445-433e-8af1-c56f317f2afd, url, legacySubmissionId 2001
Check the upload table in tcs_catalog by executing the following statement:
select url from upload where upload_id = 3001;
The url value should be updated to the one sent on the previous message.
Write the following message:
This message testType is not 'provisional', then it should be skipped by the processor and show the following message in the console:
debug: Skipped non provisional test type: final
Write an Antivirus scan review, it should be skipped as well :
Write a message for provisional review, but the submission does not have the legacySubmissionId:
The following error should be shown on the console:
Error: legacySubmissionId not found for submission: cfdbc0cf-6443-433e-8af1-c56f317f2afd
Write message for provisional review with all needed fields provided : Check first the database by executing the following statements:
select initial_score from submission where submission_id = 2000; select submission_points from informixoltp:long_submission where long_component_state_id=7000 and submission_number=1 and example=0; select points from informixoltp:long_component_state where long_component_state_id=7000;
success message should be shown on the console
debug: Update provisional score for submission: 2000
And the database should be updated, check it by executing the SQL statements above. -
Write message for review summation with no legacy submission id
The following error should be shown:
Error: legacySubmissionId not found for submission: cfdbc0cf-6443-433e-8af1-c56f317f2afd
Write valid review summation message. First, check the database with the following SQL statements:
select final_score, initial_score from submission where submission_id = 2000; select * from informixoltp:long_comp_result;
There should be a success message and the database should be updated, double-check the database using the SQL statements above.