- If the vulnerability is NOT already public, please contact security/at/friendsofpresta.org
- Don't publish a Pull Request as long as you received your CVE-ID
- Just follow the Friends of Presta's security advisories steps
- NB: for Severity score and Vector string you can refer to CVSS calculator
- Go to the CVE request form
- Select a request type:
Report Vulnerability/Request CVE ID
- Fill your email
- Enter a PGP Key (to encrypt): (optional)
- Number of vulnerabilities reported or IDs requested (1-10):
- Accept conditions
- Vulnerability type: (choose the type closest to your request)
- Vendor of the product(s): (author of the module)
- Affected product(s)/code base:
- (module folder name)
- (affected versions)
- Has vendor confirmed or acknowledged the vulnerability?: (If you contacted the vendor about the vulnerability does he responded to you ? )
- {règles à définir en délai d'attente + nb de relances ?}
- Attack type: (in most cases
. If XSS preferPhysical
) - Impact: (XSS,SQL Injection in most cases
Code Excecution
andEscalation of Privileges
. Other caseInformation Disclosure
) - Affected components: (list all sensitive files)
- Attack vector(s): (example
curl -v 'https://preprod.XXX/modules/impactedmodule/ajax.php?token=\'.die("22")'
) - Suggested description of the vulnerability for use in the CVE info: (you can fill it with text and description of your advisory file)
- Discoverer(s)/Credits: (keep empty)
- Reference(s): (Links about the module. Module page would be the best but the domain of creator's module website could be good too)
- Additional information: (optional)
- Submit
- You can publish an article/post on your own website (optional)
- After you received your CVE-ID go to the CVE request form
- Select a request type:
Notify CVE about a publication
- Fill your email
- Enter a PGP Key (to encrypt): (optional)
- Link to the advisory: (the fop page url about your CVE or your own website article/post)
- CVE IDs of vulnerabilities to be published: (list of associated CVE-ID)
- Additional information and CVE ID description updates: (explain why you do this update)
- Date published (e.g., mm/dd/yyyy): (optional)
- Submit