All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See standard-version for commit guidelines.
2.0.7 (2025-02-23)
2.0.6 (2024-11-15)
- Ensures Docker build uses matching npm package versions from package.json (4fef1a9)
- Resolves broken Docker build due to croner package version mismatch. (aeed1f8), closes #247
- Resolves broken Proxy Scraper functionality. (649f412), closes #248
- Resolves Google Ads search volume data loading issue. (12eac2b)
2.0.5 (2024-11-12)
- Fixes broken scrape result issue for keywords with special characters. (d9d7c63), closes #221
- Fixes misaligned Keywords table UI content. (faa3519)
- Resolves "Add Domain" UI confusion. (17fb2c4)
- Resolves broken Scrapingrobot scraper on new installs. (bc02c92), closes #243
2.0.4 (2024-11-10)
- Fixes Docker build issue. (1bef758)
2.0.3 (2024-11-10)
- Ability to keywords for both mobile and desktop at once. (3786438), closes #60 #66 #199
- Adds ability to set Notification Email From name. (b35d333), closes #222
- Adds the ability to show hide columns in tracked keywords table. (d3e3760), closes #224
- auto filter keywords if they already exist instead of throwing error. (a09eb62), closes #244
- Displays Best position on mobile layout as well. (a74338f)
- Displays keyword's best position in email notification. (4c2f900)
- Keywords Country filter now only shows relevant countries. (a050536)
- Makes Content width a little wider. (42c5e2b)
- Correct CTR calculation in InsightStats component (232507e)
- Fixes incorrect position display in keyword detail view when position is above 100 (01b1b7b)
- Fixes missing keyword city value in exported csv file. (f482884), closes #194
- Fixes missing Search Console data in Email notification when its integrated through App settings. (040dab1)
- Resolves incorrect search trend graph in Ideas section. (7597210), closes #219
- Resolves notification email's incorrect image size in some email clients. (bc96dc7), closes #201
- update scraping robot typo in README (c24b630)
2.0.2 (2024-03-13)
2.0.1 (2024-03-06)
- Resolves broken doc links (d48ae76)
- Resolves keyword loading issue in Docker instances. (4a87d22), closes #178
2.0.0 (2024-03-05)
- Adds a Keyword Research Section. (4d15989)
- Adds ability to pick existing tags when applying keyword tags. (407ab8d), closes #171
- Adds Google Adwords Integration to allow generating Keyword Ideas. (5650645)
- Adds keyword search volume data feature for tracked keywords. (2a1fc0e)
- Adds the ability to view the changelog and displays the latest version number. (bb4a684)
1.0.3 (2024-02-22)
- Resolves App not reloading on Scraper setup. (56ffbf5)
- Resolves large keywords breaking the keywords table ui (724d3c8)
- Resolves scraper not able to scrape some keywords correctly. (9a7a43f)
1.0.2 (2024-02-15)
1.0.1 (2024-02-13)
1.0.0 (2024-02-09)
- Adds integration (b4ad69b), closes #138
- Adds the ability for city level scraping for scapers that allow it. (3719f21), closes #139 #151
- adds the ability to add url as a domain. (3c2a1b8), closes #53 #90 #119
- Adds the Ability to set Search Console Property type via Domain Settings. (b2e97b2), closes #50
- Adds the ability to setup Search Console through the UI. (f04b10c), closes #59 #146
- Adds ValueSerp Integration. (1041cb3), closes #105 #106
- Resolves Keywords filter crashing issue. (633ab2c)
- Resolves missing Keyword Loading Spinner issue. (dbf540c)
0.3.4 (2024-01-15)
- adds ability to add multiple domains at once. (faa88c9)
- Adds the ability to show/hide Keys & Passwords in Settings Panel (c897a52)
- fixes local SC data not being removed on deleting domain. (cca9f95)
- Resolves incorrect keyword average SC data values in Tracker (e166b58)
- resolves newly added Domain's Update time rendering issue (df3a738)
0.3.3 (2023-11-12)
- Adds ability to visit pages from Insight tab (60c68bd)
- Domains now show their favicon. (2339e31), closes #130
- Shows total keywords count in domains page (fbd23ed)
0.3.2 (2023-11-09)
0.3.1 (2023-11-04)
0.3.0 (2023-11-03)
- Adds ability to disable/clear retry queue for failed keywords (dc3c7a7)
- Adds ability to search w/o case sensitivity (4748ffc), closes #115
- Displays the Best position of the keywords (fc183d2), closes #89
- Refresh All feature now shows update real-time (1d6b2be)
- Remembers last selected coutry (d3d336f), closes #101
- Resolves missing keyword scrape spinner issue (f57bca2)
- Cron stopped on failing to parse failed queue (8a949ce), closes #116
- Fixes import order error in some instances. (be80ed7), closes #114
- Fixes issue with adding hyphenated subdomains. (c0470cf)
- Fixes the weekly cron day issue. (392122a), closes #118
- Fxies special character keyword scrape issue. (9feff13), closes #113 #122
0.2.6 (2023-03-29)
- components: fix typo "Goolge" -> "Google" (dce7c41)
- Fixes first Keryword Error cut off issue. (d950515)
- Fixes lags when tracking thousands of keywords (9757fde), closes #88
0.2.5 (2023-03-07)
- Adds current App version Number in Footer. (b83df5f)
- Adds Keyword Scraping Interval Settings. (3b6d034), closes #81 #76
- Fixes Broken Image thumbnail loading issue. (5dd366b)
- Settings Update Toast was not showing up. (b9d58a7)
0.2.4 (2023-02-15)
- Keyword ranking pages can now be clicked. (c5af94a)
0.2.3 (2023-01-12)
- Ability to tag multiple keywords at once (9e9dad7), closes #54
- Set USERNAME as well as USER variable (b50733d)
- Fixes Position and View Sort. (8139e39), closes #46
- Fixes wrong CTR value for Search Console Data (cb24696), closes #48
- Mobile Keyword Scraping not working. (a1108d2), closes #58
- ScrapingAnt Mobile Keyword Scrape not working (acc0b39)
0.2.2 (2022-12-25)
0.2.1 (2022-12-24)
0.2.0 (2022-12-21)
- Adds better error logging for debugging issues (9b71f84)
- Highlights tracked keywords in Discovery tab (ee32435)
- Integrate SerpApi (ad6a354)
- integrates Google Search Console. (49b4769)
- Ability to add SMTP without user/pass. (671f89e), closes #30
- backend error on addind new domain (c2b6328)
- Backend error on loading the domains page. (e3bd5b9)
- Email Notification was not being sent. (0fdb43c)
- Fixes Docker Deployment failure after the SC integration. (b0bfba4)
- hides Search Console Stats if its not connected (b740ef3)
- Keyword Detail View's broken Search Result (6a1f1d4)
- Minor UI Issues. (89824ec)
0.1.7 (2022-12-08)
- Email notifcations now sent everyday at 3am (f000063)
- shortens hours and minutes in notif emails (480767d)
- Throws better error logs in cron for debugging (a6af9d3)
0.1.6 (2022-12-05)
- CSS Linter issues. (a599035)
- invalid json markup (e9d7730)
- Sort was buggy for keyword with >100 position (d22992b), closes #23
- UI: Adds tooltip for Domain action icons. (b450540)
0.1.5 (2022-12-03)
- keyword not in first 100 now shows >100 (e1799fb)
- domains with - were not loading the keywords. (efb565b), closes #11
- failed scrape messes up lastResult data in db (dd6a801)
- First search result items were being skipped. (d6da18f), closes #13
- removes empty spaces when adding domain. (a11b0f2)
0.1.4 (2022-12-01)
- Failed scrape now shows error details in UI. (8c8064f)
- Domains with www weren't loading keywords. (3d1c690), closes #8
- Emails were sending serps of previous day. (6910558)
- Fixes Broken ScrapingRobot Integration. (1ed298f)
- scraper fails if matched domain has www (38dc164), closes #6 #7
- scraper fails when result has domain w/o www (6d7cfec)