This project implements a server-side HUD.
- Supports auto-generating resource pack.
- Supports display image(include png sequence), text, head.
- Supports animation.
- Bukkit(with Folia) 1.19-1.21.4
- Velocity 3.3-3.4
- Fabric server 1.21.2-1.21.4
- kotlin stdlib: Implements better functional programming.
- adventure: Implements multi-platform component.
- bstats: Implements metrics.
- exp4j: Implements equation.
- snakeyaml: Implements yaml parser.
- gson: Implements json parser/writer.
- better command: Implements multi-platform supporting command.
- expiring map: Implements cache map.
- HikariCP: Implements comfortable DB handling.
- mysql-connector-j: Implements MySQL connector.
- Bukkit: No
- Velocity: No
- Fabric server: Fabric API
Requires Java 21 Eclipse Adoptium.
- Build all available jar: ./gradlew build
- Build Bukkit plugin: ./gradlew pluginJar
- Build Velocity plugin: ./gradlew velocityJar
- Build Fabric server side mod: ./gradlew fabricJar
- Build source code jar: ./gradlew sourcesJar
- Build dokka-based docs jar: ./gradlew javadocJar
Get from maven central
Bukkit example plugin
(BetterHud for Bukkit)
repositories {
dependencies {
compileOnly("io.github.toxicity188:BetterHud-standard-api:VERSION") //Standard api
compileOnly("io.github.toxicity188:BetterHud-bukkit-api:VERSION") //Platform api
compileOnly("io.github.toxicity188:BetterCommand:VERSION") //BetterCommand library
Fabric example mod
(BetterHud for Fabric)
repositories {
dependencies {
compileOnly("io.github.toxicity188:BetterHud-standard-api:VERSION") //Standard api
modCompileOnly("io.github.toxicity188:BetterHud-fabric-api:VERSION") //Platform api
compileOnly("io.github.toxicity188:BetterCommand:VERSION") //BetterCommand library
repositories {
dependencies {
compileOnly("net.kyori:adventure-api:VERSION") //Adventure api
compileOnly("com.github.toxicity188:BetterHud:VERSION") //BetterHud
compileOnly("com.github.toxicity188:BetterCommand:VERSION") //BetterCommand library
command /pointadd:
#compass marker add
point add location at 0, 0, 0 in world "world" named "test1" to player
point add location at 10, 0, 0 in world "world" named "test2" with icon "other" to player
command /pointremove:
#compass marker remove
point remove "test1" to player
point remove "test2" to player
command /popup:
#show popup with custom event
set {_o::rand} to random integer between 1 to 100
show popup "test_popup" to player with variable of {_o::*}