This directory contains the source code of the 8-bit Atari game Fred, created by Mirosław Liminowicz in 1990 and published by LK Avalon.
Original program:
- d1/COMMON.ASM - common labels,
- game implementation:
- d1/SO.ASM - sounds,
- d1/TI.ASM - title screen,
- d2/AMP.ASM - music player,
- d1/SHOWPIC.ASM - optional loader picture display,
- d1/FRED.DOC - original linking instructions,
- d1/MAKEFRED.ASM - prepares executable,
- d1/CSAV.ASM - casette saver,
- d1/DSAV.ASM - disk saver.
Binary files:
- d2/DI.FNT - info font (
), - d2/FAZY.FNT - phases font (
), - d2/FRED.AMC - song (
), - d2/FRED.PIC - loader picture (
), - d2/GRA.DTA - level data (
) - d2/GRA.FNT - (
), - d2/GRA.PLR - player font (
), - d2/GRA.STA - (
), - d2/TITLE.FNT - title screen font (
MADS file linking all the objects and producing executables: