Time Required | 30 Minutes |
Difficulty | Low |
In this example, we're going to massage the LinuxServer.io's Ombi image to match our best practices, per below
Open your GitHub repo and enter the docker-compose folder
Click on 'Add file' > 'Create new file'
Name the file 'ombi.yml', and copy the compose file from here
It should look something like this: -
Refer to the best practices and tips documentation below and edit the file
Hit 'Commit changes...'
hit 'Commit changes'
Oh, you want me to give you the answer to step 4?
As of writing, here is the ombi.yml compose file
version: "2.1"
image: lscr.io/linuxserver/ombi:latest
container_name: ombi
- PUID=1000
- PGID=1000
- TZ=Etc/UTC
- BASE_URL=/ombi #optional
- /path/to/appdata/config:/config
- 3579:3579
restart: unless-stopped
Here is my tweaked file
version: "2.1"
image: ghcr.io/linuxserver/ombi:4.39.1
#container_name: ombi
- PUID=1000
- PGID=1000
- TZ=$TZ
- BASE_URL=/$BASE_URL #optional
- config:/config
- $PORT_HTTP:3579
restart: unless-stopped
To keep your compose files as system agnostic as possible, its best to use variables where you can. Some suggestions are
- Ports (eg $HTTP_PORT, $DB_PORT, $API_PORT)
- Mounted volumes (eg $CONFIG, $DATA)
- Timezones (eg $TZ)
These variables can then be set in Portainer when creating the stack
Some compose files may name a database 'db', which will then block you from using that name anywhere else. Its best to let Portainer manage names of containers.
Do not use the 'latest' tag, as it does not allow Renovate to update the compose file
When versioning your compose files, locate the 'latest' tag on the DockerHub, GitHub etc and use the relevant version number.
This is harder to do on DockerHub. Per the screenshot below, we've located the 'tatest' tag and used the Digest to locate the correct version.
Take note of the OS/ARCH as well - you can see that tag 2.12.5 contains both AMD64 and ARM64 containers, meaning this compose file can be used on both ARM and x86 machines.
As Docker has now started rate limiting non-paying users, a lot of container creators are putting their containers on GitHub or other services
Its quite easy to figure out if a container exists on GitHub;