- don't call the onClomplete hook when you manually stop the audio
- fix for dart 2 (thanks to @efortuna)
- improves Android performance by not calling
on the main thread
- fix
for iOS
- volume controls
- working on iOS (thanks @feroult <3)
- adding disable log option
- support for multiple audios simultaneously
- support for local files
- update to the current Plugin API
- move to https://github.com/rxlabz/audioplayer
Separated handlers for position, duration, completion and errors
setDurationHandler(TimeChangeHandler handler)
setPositionHandler(TimeChangeHandler handler)
setCompletionHandler(VoidCallback callback)
setErrorHandler(ErrorHandler handler)
new typedef
typedef void TimeChangeHandler(Duration duration);
typedef void ErrorHandler(String message);
- first POC :
- methods : play, pause, stop
- a globalHandler for position, duration, completion and errors