diff --git a/cmake/tribits/ci_support/CDashAnalyzeReportRandomFailures.py b/cmake/tribits/ci_support/CDashAnalyzeReportRandomFailures.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..4973bec16ed4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cmake/tribits/ci_support/CDashAnalyzeReportRandomFailures.py
@@ -0,0 +1,339 @@
+import os
+import argparse
+import datetime
+from FindGeneralScriptSupport import *
+import CDashQueryAnalyzeReport as CDQAR
+import cdash_build_testing_date as CBTD
+class CDashAnalyzeReportRandomFailuresDriver:
+ def __init__(self, versionInfoStrategy, extractBuildNameStrategy,
+ usageHelp=""):
+ self.versionInfoStrategy = versionInfoStrategy
+ self.extractBuildNameStrategy = extractBuildNameStrategy
+ self.args = None
+ self.usageHelp = usageHelp
+ def runDriver(self):
+ self.getCmndLineArgs()
+ cdashProjectTestingDayStartTime = self.args.cdash_testing_day_start_time
+ cdashSiteUrl = self.args.cdash_site_url
+ cdashProjectName = self.args.cdash_project_name
+ initialNonpassingTestFilters = self.args.initial_nonpassing_test_filters
+ date = self.args.reference_date
+ groupName = self.args.group_name
+ daysOfHistory = self.args.days_of_history
+ printUrlMode = self.args.print_url_mode
+ writeEmailToFile = self.args.write_email_to_file
+ sendEmailFrom = self.args.send_email_from
+ sendEmailTo = self.args.send_email_to
+ randomFailureSummaries = []
+ # A.1) Set up date range and directories
+ # Construct date range for queryTests filter string
+ referenceDateDT = CDQAR.convertInputDateArgToYYYYMMDD(
+ cdashProjectTestingDayStartTime, date)
+ dateRangeStart, dateRangeEnd = self.getDateRangeTuple(referenceDateDT, daysOfHistory)
+ dateUrlField = "begin="+dateRangeStart+"&end="+dateRangeEnd
+ dateRangeStr = dateRangeStart+" to "+dateRangeEnd
+ testQueriesCacheDir = os.getcwd()+"/test_queries_cache"
+ testHistoryCacheDir = testQueriesCacheDir+"/test_history_cache"
+ createDirsFromPath(testQueriesCacheDir)
+ createDirsFromPath(testHistoryCacheDir)
+ # Construct queryTest.php filter for a date range
+ initialNonpassingTestQueryFilters = \
+ dateUrlField+"&"+initialNonpassingTestFilters
+ # A.2) Create starting email body and html string aggregation var
+ cdashReportData = CDQAR.CDashReportData()
+ cdashReportData.htmlEmailBodyTop += \
+ "
Random test failure scan results for "+cdashProjectName\
+ +" from "+dateRangeStr+"
+ # B.1) Get all failing test result for past daysOfHistory
+ # Beginning of scanned details and links paragraph
+ cdashReportData.htmlEmailBodyTop +="\n"
+ print("\nGetting list of initial nonpassing tests from CDash from "+dateRangeStr)
+ initialNonpassingTestsQueryUrl = CDQAR.getCDashQueryTestsQueryUrl(
+ cdashSiteUrl, cdashProjectName, None, initialNonpassingTestQueryFilters)
+ initialNonpassingTestBrowserUrl = CDQAR.getCDashQueryTestsBrowserUrl(
+ cdashSiteUrl, cdashProjectName, None, initialNonpassingTestQueryFilters)
+ if printUrlMode == 'initial' or printUrlMode == 'all':
+ print("\nCDash nonpassing tests browser URL:\n\n"+\
+ " "+initialNonpassingTestBrowserUrl+"\n")
+ print("\nCDash nonpassing tests query URL:\n\n"+\
+ " "+initialNonpassingTestsQueryUrl+"\n")
+ initialNonpassingTestsQueryCacheFile = testQueriesCacheDir +\
+ "/initialCDashNonPassingTests_"+dateRangeStart+"_"+dateRangeEnd+".json"
+ # List of dictionaries containing the cdash results in rows
+ initialNonpassingTestsLOD = CDQAR.downloadTestsOffCDashQueryTestsAndFlatten(
+ initialNonpassingTestsQueryUrl, initialNonpassingTestsQueryCacheFile,\
+ alwaysUseCacheFileIfExists=True)
+ cdashReportData.htmlEmailBodyTop += \
+ "" +\
+ "Nonpassing tests scanned on CDash=" +\
+ str(len(initialNonpassingTestsLOD))+"
+ # Ending of scanned details and links paragraph
+ # and start of scanning summaries and table
+ cdashReportData.htmlEmailBodyTop +="
+ # B.2) Get each nonpassing test's testing history
+ for nonpassingTest in initialNonpassingTestsLOD:
+ # Remove unique jenkins run ID from build name
+ correctedBuildName = self.extractBuildNameStrategy.getCoreBuildName(nonpassingTest['buildName'])
+ testNameBuildName = nonpassingTest['testname']+"_"+nonpassingTest['buildName']
+ testNameBuildName = CDQAR.getCompressedFileNameIfTooLong(testNameBuildName)
+ print("\n Getting history from "+dateRangeStr+" for\n"+\
+ " Test name: "+nonpassingTest['testname']+"\n"+\
+ " Build name: "+correctedBuildName)
+ groupNameNormUrl, = CDQAR.normalizeUrlStrings(groupName)
+ testHistoryFilters = \
+ "filtercount=3&showfilters=1&filtercombine=and"+\
+ "&field1=testname&compare1=63&value1="+nonpassingTest['testname']+\
+ "&field2=groupname&compare2=63&value2="+groupNameNormUrl+\
+ "&field3=buildname&compare3=63&value3="+correctedBuildName
+ testHistoryQueryFilters = dateUrlField+"&"+testHistoryFilters
+ testHistoryCacheFile = testHistoryCacheDir+"/"+\
+ CDQAR.getCompressedFileNameIfTooLong(testNameBuildName+".json", ext=".json")
+ print("\n Creating file to write test history:\n "+testHistoryCacheFile)
+ testHistoryQueryUrl = CDQAR.getCDashQueryTestsQueryUrl(
+ cdashSiteUrl, cdashProjectName, None, testHistoryQueryFilters)
+ testHistoryBrowserUrl = CDQAR.getCDashQueryTestsBrowserUrl(
+ cdashSiteUrl, cdashProjectName, None, testHistoryQueryFilters)
+ testHistoryLOD = CDQAR.downloadTestsOffCDashQueryTestsAndFlatten(
+ testHistoryQueryUrl, testHistoryCacheFile, alwaysUseCacheFileIfExists=True)
+ print("\n Size of test history: "+str(len(testHistoryLOD)))
+ if printUrlMode == 'all':
+ print("\n CDash test history browser URL for "+nonpassingTest['testname']+" "+\
+ correctedBuildName+":\n\n"+" "+testHistoryBrowserUrl)
+ print("\n CDash test history query URL for "+nonpassingTest['testname']+" "+\
+ correctedBuildName+":\n\n"+" "+testHistoryQueryUrl)
+ if len(testHistoryLOD) < 2:
+ print("\n Size of test history too small for any comparisons, skipping ...\n")
+ continue
+ # B.3) Split full testing history to passed and nonpassed lists of dicts
+ passingTestHistoryLOD = [test for test in testHistoryLOD if test.get("status") == "Passed"]
+ nonpassingTestHistoryLOD = [test for test in testHistoryLOD if test.get("status") == "Failed"]
+ nonpassingSha1Pairs = set()
+ print("\n Num of passing tests in test history: "+str(len(passingTestHistoryLOD)))
+ print("\n Num of nonpassing tests in test history: "+str(len(nonpassingTestHistoryLOD)))
+ buildSummaryCacheDir = testQueriesCacheDir+"/build_summary_cache/"+testNameBuildName
+ createDirsFromPath(buildSummaryCacheDir)
+ # NOTE: There is an argument to be made that test histories should get their own directory
+ # instead of build summaries and that build summaries should live inside of there
+ # C.1) Get all nonpassing tests' sha1s into a set
+ for test in nonpassingTestHistoryLOD:
+ buildId = self.getBuildIdFromTest(test)
+ buildSummaryCacheFile = buildSummaryCacheDir+"/"+buildId
+ buildSummaryQueryUrl = CDQAR.getCDashBuildSummaryQueryUrl(cdashSiteUrl, buildId)
+ buildConfigOutput = self.downloadBuildSummaryOffCDash(
+ buildSummaryQueryUrl, buildSummaryCacheFile, verbose=printUrlMode =='all',
+ alwaysUseCacheFileIfExists=True)['configure']['output']
+ nonpassingSha1Pairs.add(
+ self.versionInfoStrategy.getTargetTopicSha1s(buildConfigOutput))
+ print("\n Test history failing sha1s: "+str(nonpassingSha1Pairs))
+ # C.2) Check if passing tests' sha1s exist in nonpassing sha1s set
+ for test in passingTestHistoryLOD:
+ buildId = self.getBuildIdFromTest(test)
+ buildSummaryCacheFile = buildSummaryCacheDir+"/"+buildId
+ buildSummaryQueryUrl = CDQAR.getCDashBuildSummaryQueryUrl(cdashSiteUrl, buildId)
+ buildConfigOutput = self.downloadBuildSummaryOffCDash(
+ buildSummaryQueryUrl, buildSummaryCacheFile, verbose=printUrlMode =='all',
+ alwaysUseCacheFileIfExists=True)['configure']['output']
+ passingSha1Pair = \
+ self.versionInfoStrategy.getTargetTopicSha1s(buildConfigOutput)
+ if self.versionInfoStrategy.checkTargetTopicRandomFailure(passingSha1Pair, nonpassingSha1Pairs):
+ print("\n Found passing sha1 pair, " + str(passingSha1Pair)+\
+ " in set of nonpassing sha1 pairs: \n"+str(nonpassingSha1Pairs))
+ randomFailureSummaries.append(
+ RandomFailureSummary(test['buildName'], test['testname'],
+ testHistoryBrowserUrl, passingSha1Pair))
+ print("\n*** CDash random failure analysis for " +\
+ cdashProjectName+" "+groupName+" from " +dateRangeStr)
+ print("Total number of initial failing tests: "+str(len(initialNonpassingTestsLOD))+"\n")
+ print("Found random failing tests: "+str(len(randomFailureSummaries))+"\n")
+ cdashReportData.htmlEmailBodyTop += \
+ "Found random failing tests: "+str(len(randomFailureSummaries))+"
+ if len(randomFailureSummaries) > 0:
+ cdashReportData.globalPass = False
+ # Add number of random failing tests 'rft' found to summary data list
+ cdashReportData.summaryLineDataNumbersList.append(
+ "rft="+str(len(randomFailureSummaries)))
+ # Add number of initial failing tests 'ift' scanned to summary
+ # data list
+ cdashReportData.summaryLineDataNumbersList.append(
+ "ift="+str(len(initialNonpassingTestsLOD)))
+ for summary in randomFailureSummaries:
+ print(str(summary))
+ summary.singleSummaryReporter(cdashReportData)
+ summaryLine = CDQAR.getOverallCDashReportSummaryLine(
+ cdashReportData, cdashProjectName+" "+groupName, dateRangeStr)
+ print("\n"+summaryLine)
+ # Finish HTML body paragraph
+ cdashReportData.htmlEmailBodyTop += "\n
+ defaultPageStyle = CDQAR.getDefaultHtmlPageStyleStr()
+ if writeEmailToFile:
+ print("\nWriting HTML to file: "+writeEmailToFile+" ...")
+ htmlStr = CDQAR.getFullCDashHtmlReportPageStr(cdashReportData,
+ pageTitle=summaryLine, pageStyle=defaultPageStyle)
+ # print(htmlStr)
+ with open(writeEmailToFile, 'w') as outFile:
+ outFile.write(htmlStr)
+ if sendEmailTo:
+ htmlStr = CDQAR.getFullCDashHtmlReportPageStr(cdashReportData,
+ pageStyle=defaultPageStyle)
+ for emailAddress in sendEmailTo.split(','):
+ emailAddress = emailAddress.strip()
+ print("\nSending email to '"+emailAddress+"' ...")
+ msg=CDQAR.createHtmlMimeEmail(
+ sendEmailFrom, emailAddress, summaryLine, "", htmlStr)
+ CDQAR.sendMineEmail(msg)
+ def getCmndLineArgs(self):
+ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=self.usageHelp)
+ parser.add_argument("--cdash-site-url", default="", required=True,
+ help="Base CDash site (e.g. 'https://testing.sandia.gov/cdash')."+\
+ " [REQUIRED]")
+ parser.add_argument("--cdash-project-name", default="", required=True,
+ help="CDash project name (e.g. TriBITS)."+\
+ " [REQUIRED]")
+ parser.add_argument("--initial-nonpassing-test-filters", default="", required=True,
+ help="Partial URL fragment containing CDash filters for the initial set"+\
+ " of nonpassing tests (e.g. 'filtercount=2&showfilters=1&filtercombine=and&field1=status&compare1=63&"+\
+ "value1=Failed&field2=groupname&compare2=63&value2=Pull%%20Request')."+\
+ " [REQUIRED]")
+ parser.add_argument("--group-name", default="", required=True,
+ help="Name of the build group index for filtering a set of test (e.g. 'Pull Request')."+\
+ " [REQUIRED]")
+ parser.add_argument("--cdash-testing-day-start-time", default="00:00",
+ help="CDash project's testing day start time in UTC format ':'."+\
+ " [default='00:00']")
+ parser.add_argument("--reference-date", default="yesterday",
+ help="Starting reference date for querying failing tests as or"+\
+ " special values 'today' or 'yesterday.'"+\
+ " [default='yesterday']")
+ parser.add_argument("--days-of-history", default=1, type=int,
+ help="Number of days of testing history to query starting from the reference and going"+\
+ " backwards in time."+\
+ " [default=1]")
+ parser.add_argument("--print-url-mode", choices=['none','initial','all'], default='none',
+ help="Mode of url printing."+\
+ " [default=none]")
+ parser.add_argument("--write-email-to-file", default="",
+ help="Name of file to write built email HTML to."+\
+ " [default='']")
+ parser.add_argument("--send-email-to", default="",
+ help="Target email address to send script summary results to."+\
+ " [default='']")
+ parser.add_argument("--send-email-from", default="random-failure-script@noreply.org",
+ help="Addressed sender of the script summary results email."+\
+ " [default='random-failure-script@noreply.org']")
+ self.args = parser.parse_args()
+ def getDateRangeTuple(self, referenceDateTime, dayTimeDelta):
+ beginDateTime = referenceDateTime - datetime.timedelta(days=(dayTimeDelta-1))
+ beginDateTimeStr = CBTD.getDateStrFromDateTime(beginDateTime)
+ endDateTimeStr = CBTD.getDateStrFromDateTime(referenceDateTime)
+ return (beginDateTimeStr, endDateTimeStr)
+ def getBuildIdFromTest(self, test):
+ return test['buildSummaryLink'].split("/")[-1]
+ def downloadBuildSummaryOffCDash(self,
+ cdashBuildSummaryQueryUrl, buildSummaryCacheFile=None,
+ useCachedCDashData=False, alwaysUseCacheFileIfExists=False,
+ verbose='False'
+ ):
+ verbose = verbose == 'all'
+ buildSummaryJson = CDQAR.getAndCacheCDashQueryDataOrReadFromCache(
+ cdashBuildSummaryQueryUrl, buildSummaryCacheFile, useCachedCDashData,
+ alwaysUseCacheFileIfExists, verbose)
+ return buildSummaryJson
+class RandomFailureSummary(object):
+ def __init__(self, buildName, testName, testHistoryUrl, sha1Pair):
+ self.buildName = buildName
+ self.testName = testName
+ self.testHistoryUrl = testHistoryUrl
+ self.sha1Pair = sha1Pair
+ def __str__(self):
+ myStr = "Test name: "+self.testName +\
+ "\nBuild name: "+self.buildName +\
+ "\nIdentical sha1 pairs: "+str(self.sha1Pair) +\
+ "\nTest history browser URL: " +\
+ "\n "+self.testHistoryUrl+"\n"
+ return myStr
+ def singleSummaryReporter(self, cdashReportData):
+ cdashReportData.htmlEmailBodyTop += \
+ "\n
Build name: "+ self.buildName +\
+ "\n
Test name: "+ self.testName +\
+ "\n
Test history URL: "+ self.testHistoryUrl +\
+ "\n
Sha1 Pair : "+ str(self.sha1Pair)
diff --git a/cmake/tribits/ci_support/CDashQueryAnalyzeReport.py b/cmake/tribits/ci_support/CDashQueryAnalyzeReport.py
index d8bc310cc676..804b8b97a5e7 100644
--- a/cmake/tribits/ci_support/CDashQueryAnalyzeReport.py
+++ b/cmake/tribits/ci_support/CDashQueryAnalyzeReport.py
@@ -769,6 +769,16 @@ def getCDashQueryTestsBrowserUrl(cdashUrl, projectName, date, filterFields):
return cdashUrl+"/queryTests.php?project="+projectName+dateArg+"&"+filterFields
+# Construct full cdash/api/v1/buildSummary.php query URL given the buildId
+def getCDashBuildSummaryQueryUrl(cdashUrl, buildId):
+ return cdashUrl+"/api/v1/buildSummary.php?buildid="+buildId
+# Construct full cdash/build browser URL given the buildId
+def getCDashBuildSummaryBrowserUrl(cdashUrl, buildId):
+ return cdashUrl+"/build/"+buildId
# Copy a key/value pair from one dict to another if it eixsts
def copyKeyDictIfExists(sourceDict_in, keyName_in, dict_inout):
value = sourceDict_in.get(keyName_in, None)
diff --git a/cmake/tribits/core/package_arch/TribitsPackageDefineDependencies.cmake b/cmake/tribits/core/package_arch/TribitsPackageDefineDependencies.cmake
index a5584fb85a08..5f916c10e931 100644
--- a/cmake/tribits/core/package_arch/TribitsPackageDefineDependencies.cmake
+++ b/cmake/tribits/core/package_arch/TribitsPackageDefineDependencies.cmake
@@ -128,9 +128,9 @@ include(TribitsGeneralMacros)
# additional testing of some type. (Add these to
-# NOTE: The ``XXX_TPLS`` arguments/lists are **deprecated**. At the package
-# level, there is no distinction between upstream internal and external
-# packages (i.e. TPLs) so all upstream package dependencies can (and should)
+# NOTE: The above ``XXX_TPLS`` arguments/lists are **deprecated**. At the
+# package level, there is no distinction between upstream internal and
+# external packages/TPLs, so all upstream package dependencies can (and should)
# be listed in the ``XXX_PACKAGES`` arguments/lists. (There is no change in
# behavior listing upstream packages in ``XXX_PACKAGES`` or the ``XXX_TPLS``
# arguments/lists.)
@@ -155,8 +155,8 @@ include(TribitsGeneralMacros)
# The upstream dependencies within a single list do not need to be listed in
-# any order. For example if ``PKG2`` depends on ``PKG1``, and this given
-# package depends on both, then one can list::
+# any particular order. For example, if ``PKG2`` depends on ``PKG1``, and
+# this given package depends on both, then one can list the dependencies as::
diff --git a/cmake/tribits/doc/guides/TribitsGuidesBody.rst b/cmake/tribits/doc/guides/TribitsGuidesBody.rst
index 210e4cc80583..c978a2d103ce 100644
--- a/cmake/tribits/doc/guides/TribitsGuidesBody.rst
+++ b/cmake/tribits/doc/guides/TribitsGuidesBody.rst
@@ -1589,13 +1589,13 @@ are defined before a Package's ``CMakeLists.txt`` file is processed:
imply that all of the required subpackages will be enabled, only that the
parent package will be processed).
Set to ``ON`` if support for the optional `upstream`_ dependent package
- ``${OPTIONAL_DEP_PACKAGE_NAME}`` is enabled in package
- ``${PACKAGE_NAME}``. Here ``${OPTIONAL_DEP_PACKAGE_NAME}`` corresponds to
+ ``${UPSTREAM_PACKAGE_NAME}`` is enabled in package
+ ``${PACKAGE_NAME}``. Here ``${UPSTREAM_PACKAGE_NAME}`` corresponds to
each optional upstream package listed in the ``LIB_OPTIONAL_PACKAGES``
and ``TEST_OPTIONAL_PACKAGES`` arguments to the
`tribits_package_define_dependencies()`_ macro.
@@ -1603,11 +1603,11 @@ are defined before a Package's ``CMakeLists.txt`` file is processed:
**NOTE:** It is important that the CMake code in the package's
``CMakeLists.txt`` files key off of this variable and **not** the
project-level variable
package-level variable
turned off by the user even through the packages ``${PACKAGE_NAME}`` and
- ``${OPTIONAL_DEP_PACKAGE_NAME}`` are both enabled at the project level!
+ ``${UPSTREAM_PACKAGE_NAME}`` are both enabled at the project level!
See `Support for optional package can be explicitly disabled`_.
**NOTE:** This variable will also be set for required dependencies as well
@@ -1648,12 +1648,12 @@ are defined in the top-level project scope before a Package's
Set to ``ON`` if support for optional upstream package
- ``${OPTIONAL_DEP_PACKAGE}`` is enabled in downstream package
+ ``${UPSTREAM_PACKAGE_NAME`` is enabled in downstream package
- is set to ``FALSE`` otherwise. Here, ```` and
+ set to ``FALSE`` otherwise. Here, ```` and
```` are the upper-case names for the packages
- ``${PACKAGE_NAME}`` and ``${OPTIONAL_DEP_PACKAGE_NAME}``, respectively.
+ ``${PACKAGE_NAME}`` and ``${UPSTREAM_PACKAGE_NAME}``, respectively.
For example, if optional support for upstream package ``Triutils`` is
enabled in downstream package ``EpetraExt`` in `ReducedMockTrilinos`_,
then ``EpetraExt_ENABLE_TriUtils=ON`` and ``HAVE_EPETRAEXT_TRIUTILS=ON``.
@@ -1668,7 +1668,7 @@ are defined in the top-level project scope before a Package's
NOTE: TriBITS automatically sets this variable depending on the value of
"Adjust package and TPLs enables and disables" in `Full Processing of
TriBITS Project Files`_. And tweaking this variable after that must be
done carefully as described in `How to tweak downstream TriBITS "ENABLE"