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-**StableSpectralElements.jl** is a Julia framework for the numerical solution of hyperbolic and mixed hyperbolic-parabolic conservation laws on general unstructured grids using provably stable discontinuous spectral-element methods of arbitrary order, with an emphasis on dispatched strategies for the evaluation of a broad class of discretization operators. StableSpectralElements.jl supports shared-memory parallelization through multithreading.
+**StableSpectralElements.jl** is a Julia framework for the numerical solution of hyperbolic and mixed hyperbolic-parabolic conservation laws on general unstructured grids using [provably stable discontinuous spectral-element methods with the summation-by-parts property](https://tjbmontoya.com/papers/MontoyaPhDThesis24.pdf), with an emphasis on dispatched strategies for the evaluation of a broad class of discretization operators. StableSpectralElements.jl supports shared-memory parallelization through multithreading.
## Installation