7 | 7 |
8 | 8 | mutable struct P4estMPIInterfaceContainer{NDIMS, uEltype <: Real, NDIMSP2} <:
9 | 9 | AbstractContainer
10 |
| - u::Array{uEltype, NDIMSP2} # [primary/secondary, variable, i, j, interface] |
11 |
| - local_neighbor_ids::Vector{Int} # [interface] |
| 10 | + u::Array{uEltype, NDIMSP2} # [primary/secondary, variable, i, j, interface] |
| 11 | + local_neighbor_ids::Vector{Int} # [interface] |
12 | 12 | node_indices::Vector{NTuple{NDIMS, Symbol}} # [interface]
13 |
| - local_sides::Vector{Int} # [interface] |
| 13 | + local_sides::Vector{Int} # [interface] |
14 | 14 |
15 | 15 | # internal `resize!`able storage
16 | 16 | _u::Vector{uEltype}
89 | 89 | # the normal vectors on the surface of the small elements for each mortar.
90 | 90 | mutable struct P4estMPIMortarContainer{NDIMS, uEltype <: Real, RealT <: Real, NDIMSP1,
91 | 91 | NDIMSP2, NDIMSP3} <: AbstractContainer
92 |
| - u::Array{uEltype, NDIMSP3} # [small/large side, variable, position, i, j, mortar] |
93 |
| - local_neighbor_ids::Vector{Vector{Int}} # [mortar] |
94 |
| - local_neighbor_positions::Vector{Vector{Int}} # [mortar] |
95 |
| - node_indices::Matrix{NTuple{NDIMS, Symbol}} # [small/large, mortar] |
96 |
| - normal_directions::Array{RealT, NDIMSP2} # [dimension, i, j, position, mortar] |
| 92 | + u::Array{uEltype, NDIMSP3} # [small/large side, variable, position, i, j, mortar] |
| 93 | + local_neighbor_ids::Vector{Vector{Int}} # [mortar][ids] |
| 94 | + local_neighbor_positions::Vector{Vector{Int}} # [mortar][positions] |
| 95 | + node_indices::Matrix{NTuple{NDIMS, Symbol}} # [small/large, mortar] |
| 96 | + normal_directions::Array{RealT, NDIMSP2} # [dimension, i, j, position, mortar] |
97 | 97 | # internal `resize!`able storage
98 | 98 | _u::Vector{uEltype}
99 | 99 | _node_indices::Vector{NTuple{NDIMS, Symbol}}
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