diff --git a/src/solvers/dgsem/basis_lobatto_legendre.jl b/src/solvers/dgsem/basis_lobatto_legendre.jl index 6a92fd1c066..9e21b88dfa1 100644 --- a/src/solvers/dgsem/basis_lobatto_legendre.jl +++ b/src/solvers/dgsem/basis_lobatto_legendre.jl @@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ Create a nodal Lobatto-Legendre basis for polynomials of degree `polydeg`. For the special case `polydeg=0` the DG method reduces to a finite volume method. Therefore, this function sets the center point of the cell as single node. +This exceptional case is currently only supported for TreeMesh! """ struct LobattoLegendreBasis{RealT <: Real, NNODES, VectorT <: AbstractVector{RealT},