From 06a93526f4f02a437d90131cfff2bc9e9c490fa0 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Erik Faulhaber <>
Date: Wed, 20 Nov 2024 17:47:14 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] Add tutorial for setting up a simulation (#514)
* Add tutorial for setting up a simulation
* Add section about custom smoothing kernels
* Implement suggestions
* Add kernel plot
* Try to remove warnings
* Implement suggestions
* Make example a dam break and plot initial condition
* Fix rendering
* Fix tank size
* Fix range for kernel plot
* Fix descriptions after changing the example
* Add equation for kernel
* Fix minor errors
docs/make.jl | 5 +
docs/src/ | 21 +-
docs/src/systems/ | 2 +-
docs/src/tutorials_template/ | 317 +++++++++++++++++-
.../density_diffusion.jl | 2 +-
5 files changed, 330 insertions(+), 17 deletions(-)
diff --git a/docs/make.jl b/docs/make.jl
index ac541b0a1..1fb16e935 100644
--- a/docs/make.jl
+++ b/docs/make.jl
@@ -100,6 +100,11 @@ copy_file("")
# Define module-wide setups such that the respective modules are available in doctests
DocMeta.setdocmeta!(TrixiParticles, :DocTestSetup, :(using TrixiParticles); recursive=true)
+# Define environment variables to create plots without warnings
+ENV["PLOTS_TEST"] = "true"
+ENV["GKSwstype"] = "100"
bib = CitationBibliography(joinpath(@__DIR__, "src", "refs.bib"))
diff --git a/docs/src/ b/docs/src/
index 57ac2eb7c..f19e623e9 100644
--- a/docs/src/
+++ b/docs/src/
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-# Examples
+# [Examples](@id examples)
## Fluid
@@ -11,17 +11,17 @@
```@raw html
### Dam Break 3D (`fluid/dam_break_3d.jl`)
```@raw html
### Falling Water Column (`fluid/falling_water_column_2d.jl`)
```@raw html
### Hydrostatic Water Column (`fluid/hydrostatic_water_column_*.jl`)
```@raw html
@@ -31,38 +31,37 @@
```@raw html
### Oscillating Drop (`fluid/oscillating_drop_2d.jl`)
```@raw html
### Periodic Channel (`fluid/periodic_channel_2d.jl`)
```@raw html
## Fluid Structure Interaction
### Dam Break with Elastic Plate (`fsi/dam_break_plate_2d.jl`)
```@raw html
### Falling Sphere 2D (`fsi/falling_sphere_2d.jl`)
```@raw html
### Falling Spheres 2D (`fsi/falling_spheres_2d.jl`)
```@raw html
## Structure Mechanics
### Oscillating Beam (`solid/oscillating_beam_2d.jl`)
```@raw html
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/docs/src/systems/ b/docs/src/systems/
index b4968211a..e561d2cb9 100644
--- a/docs/src/systems/
+++ b/docs/src/systems/
@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ Modules = [TrixiParticles]
Pages = [joinpath("schemes", "fluid", "viscosity.jl")]
-## Density Diffusion
+## [Density Diffusion](@id density_diffusion)
Density diffusion can be used with [`ContinuityDensity`](@ref) to remove the noise in the
pressure field. It is highly recommended to use density diffusion when using WCSPH.
diff --git a/docs/src/tutorials_template/ b/docs/src/tutorials_template/
index 0edb01d82..99873dcdf 100644
--- a/docs/src/tutorials_template/
+++ b/docs/src/tutorials_template/
@@ -1,13 +1,322 @@
# Setting up your simulation from scratch
-## Hydrostatic tank
+In this tutorial, we will guide you through the general structure of simulation files.
+We will set up a simulation similar to the example simulation
+which is one of our simplest example simulations.
+In the second part of this tutorial, we will show how to replace components
+of TrixiParticles.jl by custom implementations from within a simulation file,
+without ever cloning the repository.
+For different setups and physics, have a look at [our other example files](@ref examples).
+First, we import TrixiParticles.jl and
+[OrdinaryDiffEq.jl](, which we will
+use at the very end for the time integration.
+```@example tut_setup
+using TrixiParticles
+using OrdinaryDiffEq
+## Resolution
+Now, we define the particle spacing, which is our numerical resolution.
+For a fluid, we usually call the variable `fluid_particle_spacing`, so that we can easily change
+the resolution of an example file by overwriting this variable with [`trixi_include`](@ref).
+In 2D, the number of particles will grow quadratically, in 3D cubically with the spacing.
+We also set the number of boundary layers, which need to be sufficiently
+large, depending on the smoothing kernel and smoothing length, so that
+the compact support of the smoothing kernel is fully sampled with particles
+for a fluid particle close to a boundary.
+In particular, we require the boundary thickness `boundary_layers * fluid_particle_spacing`
+to be larger than the compact support of the kernel. The compact support of each kernel
+can be found [in the smoothing kernel overview](@ref smoothing_kernel).
+```@example tut_setup
+fluid_particle_spacing = 0.02
+boundary_layers = 3
+nothing # hide
+## Experiment setup
+We want to simulate a small dam break problem inside a rectangular tank.
+![Experiment Setup](
+First, we define physical parameters like gravitational acceleration, simulation time,
+initial fluid size, tank size and fluid density.
+```@example tut_setup
+gravity = 9.81
+tspan = (0.0, 1.0)
+initial_fluid_size = (1.0, 0.5)
+tank_size = (2.0, 1.0)
+fluid_density = 1000.0
+nothing # hide
+In order to have the initial particle mass and density correspond to the
+hydrostatic pressure gradient, we need to define a [state equation](@ref equation_of_state),
+which relates the fluid density to pressure.
+Note that we could also skip this part here and define the state equation
+later when we define the fluid system, but then the fluid would be initialized
+with constant density, which would cause it to oscillate under gravity.
+```@example tut_setup
+sound_speed = 10.0
+state_equation = StateEquationCole(; sound_speed, reference_density=fluid_density,
+ exponent=7)
+nothing # hide
+The speed of sound here is numerical and not physical.
+We artificially lower the speed of sound, since the physical speed of sound
+in water would lead to prohibitively small time steps.
+The speed of sound in Weakly Compressible SPH should be chosen as small as
+possible for numerical efficiency, but large enough to limit density fluctuations
+to about 1%.
+TrixiParticles.jl requires the initial particle positions and quantities in
+form of an [`InitialCondition`](@ref).
+Instead of manually defining particle positions, you can work with our
+pre-defined setups.
+Among others, we provide setups for rectangular shapes, circles, and spheres.
+Initial conditions can also be combined with common set operations.
+See [this page](@ref initial_condition) for a list of pre-defined setups
+and details on set operations on initial conditions.
+Here, we use the [`RectangularTank`](@ref) setup, which generates a rectangular
+fluid inside a rectangular tank, and supports a hydrostatic pressure gradient
+by passing a gravitational acceleration and a state equation (see above).
+```@example tut_setup
+tank = RectangularTank(fluid_particle_spacing, initial_fluid_size, tank_size,
+ fluid_density, n_layers=boundary_layers,
+ acceleration=(0.0, -gravity), state_equation=state_equation)
+nothing # hide
+A `RectangularTank` consists of two [`InitialCondition`](@ref)s, `tank.fluid` and `tank.boundary`.
+We can plot these initial conditions to visualize the initial setup.
+```@example tut_setup
+using Plots
+plot(tank.fluid, tank.boundary, labels=["fluid" "boundary"])
+plot!(dpi=200); savefig("tut_setup_plot_tank.png"); nothing # hide
+![plot tank](tut_setup_plot_tank.png)
+## Fluid system
+To model the water column, we use the [Weakly Compressible Smoothed Particle
+Hydrodynamics (WCSPH) method](@ref wcsph).
+This method requires a smoothing kernel and a corresponding smoothing length,
+which should be chosen in relation to the particle spacing.
+```@example tut_setup
+smoothing_length = 1.2 * fluid_particle_spacing
+smoothing_kernel = SchoenbergCubicSplineKernel{2}()
+nothing # hide
+You can find an overview over smoothing kernels and corresponding smoothing
+lengths [here](@ref smoothing_kernel).
+For stability, we need numerical dissipation in form of an artificial viscosity term.
+[Other viscosity models](@ref viscosity_wcsph) offer a physical approach
+based on the kinematic viscosity of the fluid.
+```@example tut_setup
+viscosity = ArtificialViscosityMonaghan(alpha=0.02, beta=0.0)
+nothing # hide
+We choose the parameters as small as possible to avoid non-physical behavior,
+but as large as possible to stabilize the simulation.
+The WCSPH method can either compute the particle density directly with a kernel summation
+over all neighboring particles (see [`SummationDensity`](@ref)) or by making
+the particle density a variable in the ODE system and integrating its change over time.
+We choose the latter approach here by using the density calculator
+[`ContinuityDensity`](@ref), which is more efficient and handles free surfaces
+without the need for additional correction terms.
+The simulation quality greatly benefits from using [density diffusion](@ref density_diffusion).
+```@example tut_setup
+fluid_density_calculator = ContinuityDensity()
+density_diffusion = DensityDiffusionMolteniColagrossi(delta=0.1)
+fluid_system = WeaklyCompressibleSPHSystem(tank.fluid, fluid_density_calculator,
+ state_equation, smoothing_kernel,
+ smoothing_length, viscosity=viscosity,
+ density_diffusion=density_diffusion,
+ acceleration=(0.0, -gravity))
+nothing # hide
+## Boundary system
+To model the boundary, we use particle-based boundary conditions, in which particles
+are sampled in the boundary that interact with the fluid particles to avoid penetration.
+In order to define a boundary system, we first have to choose a boundary model,
+which defines how the fluid interacts with boundary particles.
+We will use the [`BoundaryModelDummyParticles`](@ref) with [`AdamiPressureExtrapolation`](@ref).
+See [here](@ref boundary_models) for a comprehensive overview over boundary models.
+```@example tut_setup
+boundary_model = BoundaryModelDummyParticles(tank.boundary.density, tank.boundary.mass,
+ state_equation=state_equation,
+ AdamiPressureExtrapolation(),
+ smoothing_kernel, smoothing_length)
+boundary_system = BoundarySPHSystem(tank.boundary, boundary_model)
+nothing # hide
+## Semidiscretization
+The key component of every simulation is the [`Semidiscretization`](@ref),
+which couples all systems of the simulation.
+All simulation methods in TrixiParticles.jl are semidiscretizations, which discretize
+the equations in space to provide an ordinary differential equation that still
+has to be solved in time.
+By providing a simulation time span, we can call [`semidiscretize`](@ref),
+which returns an `ODEProblem` that can be solved with a time integration method.
+```@example tut_setup
+semi = Semidiscretization(fluid_system, boundary_system)
+ode = semidiscretize(semi, tspan)
+nothing # hide
+## Time integration
-# Example file
+We use the methods provided by
+but note that other packages or custom implementations can also be used.
+OrdinaryDiffEq.jl supports callbacks, which are executed during the simulation.
+For this simulation, we use the [`InfoCallback`](@ref), which prints
+information about the simulation setup at the beginning of the simulation,
+information about the current simulation time and runtime during the simulation,
+and a performance summary at the end of the simulation.
+We also want to save the current solution in regular intervals in terms of
+simulation time as VTK, so that we can [look at the solution in ParaView](@ref Visualization).
+The [`SolutionSavingCallback`](@ref) provides this functionality.
+To pass the callbacks to OrdinaryDiffEq.jl, we have to bundle them into a
+```@example tut_setup
+info_callback = InfoCallback(interval=50)
+saving_callback = SolutionSavingCallback(dt=0.02)
+callbacks = CallbackSet(info_callback, saving_callback)
+nothing # hide
+Finally, we can start the simulation by solving the `ODEProblem`.
+We use the method `RDPK3SpFSAL35` of OrdinaryDiffEq.jl, which is a Runge-Kutta
+method with automatic (error based) time step size control.
+This method is usually a good choice for prototyping, since we do not have to
+worry about choosing a stable step size and can just run the simulation.
+For better performance, it might be beneficial to tweak the tolerances
+of this method or choose a different method that is more efficient for the
+respective simulation.
+You can find both approaches in our [example files](@ref examples).
+Here, we just use the method with the default parameters, and only disable
+`save_everystep` to avoid expensive saving of the solution in every time step.
+```@example tut_setup
+sol = solve(ode, RDPK3SpFSAL35(), save_everystep=false, callback=callbacks);
+nothing # hide
+See [Visualization](@ref) for how to visualize the final solution.
+For the simplest visualization, we can use [Plots.jl](
+```@example tut_setup
+using Plots
+plot!(dpi=200); savefig("tut_setup_plot.png"); nothing # hide
+## Replacing components with custom implementations
+If we would like to use an implementation of a component that is not available
+in TrixiParticles.jl, we can implement it ourselves within the simulation file,
+without ever cloning the TrixiParticles.jl repository.
+A good starting point is to check out the available implementations in
+TrixiParticles.jl, then copy the relevant functions to the simulation file
+and modify them as needed.
+### Custom smoothing kernel
+To implement a custom smoothing kernel, we define a struct extending
+This abstract struct has a type parameter for the number of dimensions,
+which we set to 2 in this case.
+```@example tut_setup
+struct MyGaussianKernel <: TrixiParticles.SmoothingKernel{2} end
+This kernel is going to be an implementation of the Gaussian kernel with
+a cutoff for compact support, which reads
+W(r, h) =
+\frac{1}{\pi h^2} \exp(-(r/h)^2) & \text{for } r < 2h\\
+0 & \text{for } r \geq 2h.
+Note that the same kernel in a more optimized version and with a cutoff at ``3``
+is already implemented in TrixiParticles.jl as [`GaussianKernel`](@ref).
+In order to use our new kernel, we have to define three functions.
+`TrixiParticles.kernel`, which is the kernel function itself,
+`TrixiParticles.kernel_deriv`, which is the derivative of the kernel function,
+and `TrixiParticles.compact_support`, which defines the compact support of the
+kernel in relation to the smoothing length.
+The latter is relevant for determining the search radius of the neighborhood search.
+```@example tut_setup
+function TrixiParticles.kernel(kernel::MyGaussianKernel, r, h)
+ q = r / h
+ if q < 2
+ return 1 / (pi * h^2) * exp(-q^2)
+ end
+ return 0.0
+function TrixiParticles.kernel_deriv(kernel::MyGaussianKernel, r, h)
+ q = r / h
+ if q < 2
+ return 1 / (pi * h^2) * (-2 * q) * exp(-q^2) / h
+ end
+ return 0.0
+TrixiParticles.compact_support(::MyGaussianKernel, h) = 2 * h
+For this kernel, we use a different smoothing length, which yields a similar kernel
+to the `SchoenbergCubicSplineKernel` that we used earlier.
+```@example tut_setup
+smoothing_length_gauss = 1.0 * fluid_particle_spacing
+nothing # hide
+We can compare these kernels in a plot.
+```@example tut_setup
+using Plots
+x = range(-0.05, 0.05, length=500)
+plot(x, r -> TrixiParticles.kernel(SchoenbergCubicSplineKernel{2}(), abs(r), smoothing_length),
+ label="SchoenbergCubicSplineKernel", xlabel="r")
+plot!(x, r -> TrixiParticles.kernel(MyGaussianKernel(), abs(r), smoothing_length_gauss),
+ label="MyGaussianKernel")
+plot!(dpi=200); savefig("tut_setup_plot2.png"); nothing # hide
+This is all we need to use our custom kernel implementation in a simulation.
+We only need to replace the definition above by
+```@example tut_setup
+smoothing_kernel = MyGaussianKernel()
+nothing # hide
+and run the simulation file again.
+In order to use our kernel in a pre-defined example file, we can use the function
+[`trixi_include`](@ref) to replace the definition of the variable `smoothing_kernel`.
+The following will run the example simulation
+`examples/fluid/hydrostatic_water_column_2d.jl` with our custom kernel and the corresponding
+smoothing length.
+```@example tut_setup
+trixi_include(joinpath(examples_dir(), "fluid", "hydrostatic_water_column_2d.jl"),
+ smoothing_kernel=MyGaussianKernel(), smoothing_length=smoothing_length_gauss);
+nothing # hide
diff --git a/src/schemes/fluid/weakly_compressible_sph/density_diffusion.jl b/src/schemes/fluid/weakly_compressible_sph/density_diffusion.jl
index c10740ab8..8a04c88bf 100644
--- a/src/schemes/fluid/weakly_compressible_sph/density_diffusion.jl
+++ b/src/schemes/fluid/weakly_compressible_sph/density_diffusion.jl
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ Currently, the following formulations are available:
| [`DensityDiffusionFerrari`](@ref) | ❌ | ✅ |
| [`DensityDiffusionAntuono`](@ref) | ✅ | ❌ |
-See [Density Diffusion](@ref) for a comparison and more details.
+See [Density Diffusion](@ref density_diffusion) for a comparison and more details.
abstract type DensityDiffusion end