Reed Black, Peter Chun, Jacob Hinkston, Michael Lavin, Jose Trujillo
A show scheduling page for venues to post upcoming shows for attendees to view, list openings for artists to request a spot for, and a page for the venue to approve requested spots to add to the guest view.
Scheduling shows at local venues has been traditionally difficult. Both in keeping organized internally between booking staff, and finding artists to fill slots. This tool will help alleviate the pressure on both the artists and the venue in this process. There are many tools out there to display upcoming shows to attendees, but few answers for internal venue scheduling and for venue to artist communication.
The venue will be able to display open show slots and send them to artists, or artists can navigate to the page themselves to see what slots are open and request to be added to the bill.
Three users: Attendee: Can view the upcoming shows at the venue, as well as navigate to the open upcoming slots to request being added to the bill.
Artist: Can view upcoming shows just as the attendees, but also can navigate to upcoming shows/slots. From there they can click on an upcoming date and enter their info through a form to be added to the bill.
Venue: Can view the upcoming shows like the first two users, manually add/seed approved shows, add upcoming shows to the pending list, and also approve artist requests to be added to the upcoming show list.
Vue Knex Express Postgres Cypress AWS (stretch goal) Some sort of auth (stretch goal)