#Git Pivotal
##Prelude You might want to have this song running in the background while you read this.
##Let's Git Pivotal Inspired by Hashrocket's blend of git and Pivotal Tracker and a popular article on effective git workflows, I set off to create a set of utilities to simplify the workflow between the two.
###Git Feature/Bug/Chore
The Git Pivotal utility provides three tools to integrate with your Pivotal Tracker project -- git feature
, git bug
and git chore
. These commands collect the top-most available feature, bug or chore (respectively) from your Pivotal Tracker and creates a unique feature branch for it.
1 git-pivotal:master % git feature
Collecting latest stories from Pivotal Tracker...
Story: Test git pivotal
URL: http://www.pivotaltracker.com/story/show/1234567
Updating story status in Pivotal Tracker...
Enter branch name (will be prepended by 1234567) [feature]: testing
Creating 1234567-testing branch...
2 git-pivotal:1234567-testing %
###Git Finish
When on a feature branch, this command will close the associated story in Pivotal Tracker, merge the branch into your integration branch (master
by default) and remove the feature branch.
3 git-pivotal:1234567-testing % git finish
Marking Story 1234567 as finished...
Merging 1234567-testing into master
Removing 1234567-testing branch
4 git-pivotal:master %
###Git Info When on a feature/bug/chore branch, this command will display the story information as recorded in Pivotal Tracker.
5 git-pivotal:1234567-testing % git info
Story: Test git pivotal
URL: http://www.pivotaltracker.com/story/show/1234567
Description: The awesome story description
6 git-pivotal:1234567-testing %
##Installation To install git-pivotal, simply run
[sudo] gem install git-pivotal
git config --global pivotal.api-token 9a9a9a9a9a9a9a9a9a9a
git config --global pivotal.full-name "Jeff Tucker"
If you prefer to merge back to a branch other than master when you've finished a story, you can configure that:
git config --global pivotal.integration-branch develop
If you only want to pick up bugs/features/chores that are already assigned to you, set:
git config --global pivotal.only-mine true
The project id is best placed within your project's git config:
git config -f .git/config pivotal.project-id 88888
If you would rather have the story id appended to the branch name (feature-123456) instead of prepending (123456-feature), you can configue that:
git config -f .git/config pivotal.append-name true
If you're not interested in storing these options in git, you can pass them into git pivotal as command line arguments. See the usage guides for more details.
##TODO This is beta software. Several things on the ol' todo list:
Create a general Pivotal::Base#update_attributes methodgit pick
doesn't update the story to indicate who claimed itAdd command to close/finish currently 'picked' featureReduce verbosity ofgit pick
Allow users to define their development branch name forgit finish
- Add option to install git commit hooks which add commit messages to story comments
- Drop custom Pivotal API in favor of pivotal-tracker gem
- More that I can't recall at the moment