All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- Bug preventing from connecting to RPC if URL had a path
- Add custom sync parameters: emitMissedBlocks & skipFirstBlock
- Use workspace pollingInterval
- Allow custom polling interval
- Handle Basic auth
- Always skip first block
- Deactivate eventMissed flag
- Activate eventMissed flag
- Use correct transport
- Use emitOnBeginFlag
- Reduce polling interval
- Send integer to redis
- Build with yarn and node 18
- Use Viem instead of ethers.js
- Use npm
- Downgrade bullmq to make priority work
- Priority
- Typo
- Add priority for jobs
- Upgrade ethers.js
- Provider selection
- Publish step
- Build command
- Empty .npmignore
- Install with CI flag
- Workflow
- Workflow
- Workflow
- First version of Ethernal CLI Light