A construction of QC-LDPC codes using Integer Linear Programming. It is an exercise mainly attempting to reproduce the work in [1] and [2]
Work to be done (latest update: 30 Nov., 2021) -> Cycle Candidates Searching, and MILP based decision of all circulant shift values over nonzero elements of the considered base graph)
- A BFS-like searching to generate Cycle Generating Tree for each base graph column [1].
- To summarise the Cycle Generating Trees to a) 3-tuple formed tables and b) cycle cnadidate-pairs matrices.
- To create the weighting coefficents matrices, i.e., A_{l} for all l <= g/2 and even.
Work to be done (latest update: 1 Dec., 2021) -> Implementation of QC-LDPC decoder based on layered decoding strategy using C++ with openMP+openMPI
- Implementation of node process units, e.g., min, sum and soft-information product.
- Implementation of layered decoding scheduling schmeme.
- Evluation of base graph based on the C1 in [3], only Sum-Product decoding is taken into account -> to compare the BERs of girth-4, girth-6, girth-8 and girth-10
- Evaluation of base graph based on the MacKay[4] and [6]. The (N=504,R=0.5, P=84) and (N=1008, R=0.5, P=84) are targeted.
- Evaluation of IEEE-802.16e (WiMax) standard code based on the [5]. The code structure is: (N=2304, R=0.5, Z=96) of G=V_a union V_b where |V_a|=12 and |V_b|=24.
[1] Bocharova, Irina E., Boris D. Kudryashov, and Rolf Johannesson. "Searching for binary and nonbinary block and convolutional LDPC codes." IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 62.1 (2015): 163-183.
[2] Sułek, Wojciech. "Protograph based low-density parity-check codes design with mixed integer linear programming." IEEE Access 7 (2018): 1424-1438.
[3] Mohr, Philipp, et al. "Coarsely Quantized Layered Decoding Using the Information Bottleneck Method." ICC 2021-IEEE International Conference on Communications. IEEE, 2021.
[4] D. MacKay, “Online database of low-density parity-check codes,” Available from wol.ra.phy.cam.ac.uk/mackay/codes/data.html
[5] Zhang, Kai, Xinming Huang, and Zhongfeng Wang. "High-throughput layered decoder implementation for quasi-cyclic LDPC codes." IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 27.6 (2009): 985-994.
[6] Bonello, Nicholas, Sheng Chen, and Lajos Hanzo. "Construction of regular quasi-cyclic protograph LDPC codes based on Vandermonde matrices." IEEE transactions on vehicular technology 57.4 (2008): 2583-2588.\
Folder: trapping-sets-enumeration
- Enumerate trapping sets
- Convert .alist file into .sparse file
- Convert .qc file into sparse file
- Convert .sparse file into graph file
Misc. a) .sparse file simply enumerate all nonzero element over the given H matrix in a (x, y) presentation b) .qc file is the file we need to analyse the girth and cycle counts using the toolset in the Folder "EMD-Spectrum-LDPC"