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Implementation Details

This document provides a comprehensive overview of the implementation details for both RNG variants, including code structure, design decisions, and internal mechanisms.

Code Architecture

Project Structure

├── common/          # Shared utilities and constants
├── game_rng/        # Fast game-oriented RNG
└── crypto_rng/      # Secure cryptographic RNG

Common Components

  1. Constants and Configurations
// src/common/constants.h
#define BIGINT_WORDS 8
#define MIN_PRIME_BITS 32
  1. Shared Types
typedef struct {
    uint64_t words[BIGINT_WORDS];
    size_t used_words;
} BigInt;

Game RNG Implementation

State Management

  1. RNG State Structure
typedef struct {
    uint64_t state[4];        // Current state vector
    FastBigInt pi;           // Pi digits for mixing
    FastBigInt e;            // e digits for mixing
    uint64_t rotation_primes[8]; // Prime numbers for rotation
} GameRNG;
  1. Initialization Process
void init_game_rng(GameRNG* rng) {
    // Initialize state vector with entropy sources
    for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
        rng->state[i] = get_system_entropy();
    // Initialize mathematical constants
    bigint_init(&rng->pi, PI_DIGITS);
    bigint_init(&rng->e, E_DIGITS);
    // Set up rotation primes

Core Generation Algorithm

  1. Next Random Value
uint64_t next_random(GameRNG* rng) {
    // Apply rotation mixing
    for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
        rng->state[i] = rotate_left(
    // Mix with mathematical constants
    // Combine state elements
    return combine_state(rng->state);
  1. Mixing Function
static void mix_with_constants(GameRNG* rng) {
    // XOR with pi digits
    for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
        rng->state[i] ^= rng->pi.digits[i];
    // Rotate based on e digits
    for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
        uint8_t rotation = rng->e.digits[i] & 0x3F;
        rng->state[i] = rotate_left(rng->state[i], rotation);

Crypto RNG Implementation

Entropy Management

  1. Entropy Pool
typedef struct {
    uint64_t counter;
    uint64_t timestamp;
    uint64_t mixer[4];
} EntropyState;

static void update_entropy_pool(EntropyState* state) {
    // Mix in new system entropy
    state->mixer[0] ^= get_cpu_entropy();
    state->mixer[1] ^= get_timer_entropy();
    state->mixer[2] ^= get_system_entropy();
    state->mixer[3] ^= ++state->counter;
    // Update timestamp
    state->timestamp = get_high_precision_time();
  1. Entropy Collection
static uint64_t collect_entropy(void) {
    uint64_t entropy = 0;
    // Collect from multiple sources
    entropy ^= read_cpu_timestamp();
    entropy ^= get_system_entropy();
    entropy ^= get_process_metrics();
    return entropy;

Secure Random Generation

  1. Main Generation Function
uint64_t secure_random(uint64_t prime_lower, 
                      uint64_t prime_upper, 
                      int rounds) {
    uint64_t result = 0;
    EntropyState state;
    // Initialize state
    // Apply mixing rounds
    for (int i = 0; i < rounds; i++) {
        // Mix entropy
        // Generate intermediate value
        result ^= generate_intermediate(&state);
        // Apply cryptographic transformation
        result = apply_crypto_transform(result);
    // Ensure output is within range
    return scale_to_range(result, prime_lower, prime_upper);
  1. Prime Number Generation
uint64_t generate_random_prime(uint64_t lower_bound, 
                             uint64_t upper_bound, 
                             int rounds) {
    uint64_t candidate;
    do {
        // Generate random number in range
        candidate = secure_random(lower_bound, upper_bound, rounds);
        // Ensure it's odd
        candidate |= 1;
        // Test primality
    } while (!is_prime(candidate, PRIME_TEST_ROUNDS));
    return candidate;

Optimization Techniques

SIMD Optimizations

  1. Vector Operations
#ifdef __AVX2__
static void vector_mix_states(__m256i* state_vec) {
    // Load rotation constants
    __m256i rot_vec = _mm256_load_si256(rotation_primes);
    // Perform vectorized rotation
    __m256i rotated = _mm256_sllv_epi64(*state_vec, rot_vec);
    // Store result
    _mm256_store_si256(state_vec, rotated);
  1. Cache Alignment
typedef struct __attribute__((aligned(64))) {
    uint64_t state[4];
    // ... other members
} GameRNG;

Memory Management

  1. Stack Usage
// Avoid heap allocations in critical paths
static inline uint64_t generate_intermediate(const uint64_t* state) {
    uint64_t temp[4];  // Stack allocation
    // Perform operations using stack memory
    for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
        temp[i] = rotate_left(state[i], i + 1);
    return combine_values(temp);
  1. Cache-Friendly Access
// Ensure sequential memory access
static void update_state(uint64_t* state) {
    for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
        // Sequential access pattern
        state[i] = transform_value(state[i]);

Testing Infrastructure

Unit Tests

  1. Test Framework
// tests/test_game_rng.c
void test_distribution(void) {
    GameRNG rng;
    // Generate large sample
    for (int i = 0; i < SAMPLE_SIZE; i++) {
        uint64_t value = next_random(&rng);
    // Verify distribution properties
  1. Statistical Tests
// tests/test_utils/statistical_tests.c
void run_full_test_suite(RNGInterface* rng) {
    TestResults results;
    // Run all tests
    test_distribution(&results, rng);
    test_bit_patterns(&results, rng);
    test_sequences(&results, rng);
    // Output results


  1. "Efficient Implementation of Random Number Generators" - Cryptography Research Journal
  2. Intel® 64 and IA-32 Architectures Software Developer's Manual
  3. "Fast and Reliable Random Number Generation in C++" - ACM Computing Surveys
  4. NIST Special Publication 800-90A Rev. 1